Article THE PEN-AND-INK SKETCHES OF ONE FANG. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Pen-And-Ink Sketches Of One Fang.
( Continued from page 452 . ) No . 7 .
The ~ E < litor is not responsible for t ? ie opinions expressed ly Correspondent ^ . FREEMASONRY IN JERSEY . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FKEEJIASOXS' MAGAZINE AXD 5 IASOHIO JIIREOR . DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , —In your number of the-Hth insfc ., "P . M . " has again kindly favoured
uswith a missive . I am very sorry indeed if I have wounded his-( P . M . ' s ) vanity . If I have done so it was unintentionally , and if he wishes me to apologise I may doss-Perhaps it is wrong in a junior warden to rebuke > although ever so gently , a P . M . ; but I cannot well '
refrain from it . It is not becoming in a P . M . to wax ' so wrath at trifles , to feel so indignant , to use suels harsh language . These measures are only resorted torn defence of a bad and hopeless cause . Is not "P . M . " unkind when he taxes me witis
insubordination , defiance , disobedience , inconsistency * , misapprehension of facts , & c , and when he so unceremoniously drags into the discussion , and tu rns isto ridicule , Anglican clergymen holding Romish opinions , and weak-minded po | 3 es , & c , is he not here , more than ever , Masouieally at fault , and had I not some
gronndsfor saying , as I now repeat , that " P . M . " se ems dissatisfied with everything and with everybody ? Again , why make , or attempt to make , a personal affair of what is only a question of principle ? For my part , I must confess that I have not run throttghthe list of P . P . M . M . in order to ascertain
whetheryour correspondents "P . M ., " " P . Z ., " and "H . H ., " ~ were one and the same person ; it was quite immaterial to me . " P . M . " issues several decrees , which he calls propositions , and in which he would lay clown the law .. Will you . allow me to recall the firstwhich embodies
, all the others ? It runs thus : — " That there is no absolute agreement between thevarious grand lodges throughout the world . Siatt Masonic custom and courtesy forbid the invasion of a country where a Grand Lodge exists by the issue of warrants on the part of the authorities of another
country . ''' Then there is no law forbidding it ; there is no agreement hindering it ; common sense and common justice ( as in this case ) would often imperatively command it , as for as precedents are concerned . The French rifc & sp have lodges in English and many other foreign colonies )
and dependencies ; the English have lodges ic-French , Spanish , German , Chinese , Brazilian , Turkish ; , and other territories , the better to prove the universality of Freemasonry . Still , in this solitary case of . Jersey , it must be considered a dangerous precedent , a want of courtesey , and several Masons , from 2 io > other crime than an involuntary breach of etifrueifce-, must remain suspended , perhaps during the time of their natural lives .
" P . M . ' s" running observations ran so fast that 1 could hardly catch their meaning . He attributes his own words to me in order to prove me illogical . It is hardly fair .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Pen-And-Ink Sketches Of One Fang.
( Continued from page 452 . ) No . 7 .
The ~ E < litor is not responsible for t ? ie opinions expressed ly Correspondent ^ . FREEMASONRY IN JERSEY . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FKEEJIASOXS' MAGAZINE AXD 5 IASOHIO JIIREOR . DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , —In your number of the-Hth insfc ., "P . M . " has again kindly favoured
uswith a missive . I am very sorry indeed if I have wounded his-( P . M . ' s ) vanity . If I have done so it was unintentionally , and if he wishes me to apologise I may doss-Perhaps it is wrong in a junior warden to rebuke > although ever so gently , a P . M . ; but I cannot well '
refrain from it . It is not becoming in a P . M . to wax ' so wrath at trifles , to feel so indignant , to use suels harsh language . These measures are only resorted torn defence of a bad and hopeless cause . Is not "P . M . " unkind when he taxes me witis
insubordination , defiance , disobedience , inconsistency * , misapprehension of facts , & c , and when he so unceremoniously drags into the discussion , and tu rns isto ridicule , Anglican clergymen holding Romish opinions , and weak-minded po | 3 es , & c , is he not here , more than ever , Masouieally at fault , and had I not some
gronndsfor saying , as I now repeat , that " P . M . " se ems dissatisfied with everything and with everybody ? Again , why make , or attempt to make , a personal affair of what is only a question of principle ? For my part , I must confess that I have not run throttghthe list of P . P . M . M . in order to ascertain
whetheryour correspondents "P . M ., " " P . Z ., " and "H . H ., " ~ were one and the same person ; it was quite immaterial to me . " P . M . " issues several decrees , which he calls propositions , and in which he would lay clown the law .. Will you . allow me to recall the firstwhich embodies
, all the others ? It runs thus : — " That there is no absolute agreement between thevarious grand lodges throughout the world . Siatt Masonic custom and courtesy forbid the invasion of a country where a Grand Lodge exists by the issue of warrants on the part of the authorities of another
country . ''' Then there is no law forbidding it ; there is no agreement hindering it ; common sense and common justice ( as in this case ) would often imperatively command it , as for as precedents are concerned . The French rifc & sp have lodges in English and many other foreign colonies )
and dependencies ; the English have lodges ic-French , Spanish , German , Chinese , Brazilian , Turkish ; , and other territories , the better to prove the universality of Freemasonry . Still , in this solitary case of . Jersey , it must be considered a dangerous precedent , a want of courtesey , and several Masons , from 2 io > other crime than an involuntary breach of etifrueifce-, must remain suspended , perhaps during the time of their natural lives .
" P . M . ' s" running observations ran so fast that 1 could hardly catch their meaning . He attributes his own words to me in order to prove me illogical . It is hardly fair .