Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CHOLERA. Page 1 of 1
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He can hardly mean , although he seems to insinuate it , that the Lodge La Cesaree have the laws of the Order in the French language . I know for a certainty that such is not the case . The laws by which they are ^ governed are written in English , a language unknown to the majority of the membei'S of Lodge
Les Amis de l'Avenir . Then , again , it was not an attempt to introduce bylaws not in accordance with the English constitutions that led to the secession of the members of Les Amis de l'Avenir , inasmuch as they never seceded—they did not wish to leave their English nor their Irish
lodge . Had they really been desirous of seceding , they would have given their resignation , and the Grand Lodge would have been spared the trouble and annoyance of a Masonic investigation which has led to no possible good . In conclusion , I would have " P . M . " know that
although I am as loyal as he may he to our constitutions , I cannot , without deep-felt regret , nay , without shame , see an act of intolerance and injustice perpetrated without sympathising with the oppressed , and tendering them the true hand of fellowship , and that in doingif I do not obtain ( do 1 court it ) the
so , nor admiration of ' ¦ P . M ., " I have that which I prize a great deal more—a conscientious satisfaction of having done my duty . Yours fraternally , Jersey , Nov . 30 . J . "W .
TO THE EDITOH Or IK ? . rEEF . 5 IASO . VS MAGAZINE AST ) ItASOXIC snitr . oit . DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , — While due preparations are made by the authorities how to prevent , next spring , the possible dangers arising from the reappearance of the cholera , allow me , in true Masonic good spirit , to suggest an idea how , by very simple means , courts , lanes , and corners , which proved by past experience the propagators and conservatories of the miasma , could be cleansed , and thus made
. We know that the atmospheric envelope of the air , which in concentric layers , parallel globes within globes ( strictly mathematically -J R TT - y < *¦) , surrounds the earth , is from layer to layer of different thermal character . Be the lowest the warmest at times ( midday and evening ) or the hiher ( at
mid-, g night and morn ) , the two are never of the same temperature . Thus , by the law of the reconstruction of the thermal equilibrium , a continual operation is going on , which tries to equalise throughout the air the homogeneity of atmospheric temperature . This process of equalisationhowevercan be
-, , pro duced more violently and effectually , by connecting the highest and the lowest layers by a simple tube ( the paper tubes of Colonel Szerehney ' s would be the cheapest ) , and thus the accumulated miasmatic foul air , which , localised and inhaled , would form seed fungi of microscopic visibility , themselves easily
decomposed by heat within the body , and decomposing the blood lungs themselves , would be by the artificial draught produced by the paper tubes far above the dwellings , and by the seaward winds swept towards and into the sea . Daring to know and to advise the application of natural laws , whose chapter astute selfishness stole , and transformed into patents , I now and again draw
my brethren ' s attention to the immense power that exists in magnetism ( the continual effumation of the earth magnet , or the central loadstone ) , and in electricity , the radient heat of the sun ( whose ancient appellation was Electros ) , whose burning and decoraposing power sulphur , amber ( hence called electron ) ,
pitch , tar , petroleum easiest absorbs , which is the cause why grass , turf , straw , wood , coal ignite and burn , while earth , stone incapable to hold electricity , cannot , except impregnated with the above or similar chemical elements . Magnetism ( loadstone is the essence of it ) radiating a cold sensation , prevents the
miasmatic tubers to develope into ripeness , and the electricity ( mechanical , while galvanism represents chemical electricity—a clumsy distinction , both being chemical ) , if applied in large quantity locally—prevention localising the corrupt material—electricity clevelopes , ripens , and brings to decay the mass within short time , and thus makes it ever after
. Charcoal , the finer the more effectual , strewed on a heap , or over the contents of a sewer or cesspool , forms such a medium , preventing the nauseous and dangerous effluvia , and if electricity , or cheaper , a more effectual galvanism , is brought to act by a'rainification of its poles beneath the carbon , the decomposition is accelerated . Quicklime does both .
Electro-magnetism is the vital fluid—death the conquest of magnetism over electricity . If , then , the hospitals are hermetically closed against electrical air , ( sunny atmosphere ) , such a magnetic conquest is assisted instead of prevented . Cholera patients ought to be exposed to the early sun of spring in the public
parks , only to prevent the wet of the ground to give them rheumatic diseases . The patients ought to be laid on endless gutta percha rugs . When the atmosphere is more equally heated in the warmer season , in case the cholera continued into mid-summer , the cure ought to he just the reverse : cold-water washings ,
lying in the shade , and even the use of magnetised water , inwardly , and of ice-water , would prevent the further development of the disease , and give the organism time to overcome the crisis . Any food which grew in the sun is a conveyor of electricity , while food grown in shade , and in or near the ground , contains more magnetism , as seen in the crystalline
texture of such food . Salt and every acid contains magnetism . Thus , in early spring , fruit will be recommendable , in the heat of summer it becomes dangerous . Besides , it was found that all produce grown and matured hi the cholera season propagates the disease . Let our professors of chemistry , repeating and
confirming , or refuting the Viennese Professor Reichenbach ' s confused researches of the magnetic ( crystalliform ) , or electric ( amorph ) , character of the elements of chemistry , and some drugs for the further elucidation of the question say what chemical elements and what food is magnetic or electric , so as
to find its application as preventative , medicine , or food for the benefit of our brethren at large . Hoping you will find a space for this , my new , and I hope not last , work of love , I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , JULIUS ALBERT ROOELITZ . 3 , Guilford-place , Russell-square , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
He can hardly mean , although he seems to insinuate it , that the Lodge La Cesaree have the laws of the Order in the French language . I know for a certainty that such is not the case . The laws by which they are ^ governed are written in English , a language unknown to the majority of the membei'S of Lodge
Les Amis de l'Avenir . Then , again , it was not an attempt to introduce bylaws not in accordance with the English constitutions that led to the secession of the members of Les Amis de l'Avenir , inasmuch as they never seceded—they did not wish to leave their English nor their Irish
lodge . Had they really been desirous of seceding , they would have given their resignation , and the Grand Lodge would have been spared the trouble and annoyance of a Masonic investigation which has led to no possible good . In conclusion , I would have " P . M . " know that
although I am as loyal as he may he to our constitutions , I cannot , without deep-felt regret , nay , without shame , see an act of intolerance and injustice perpetrated without sympathising with the oppressed , and tendering them the true hand of fellowship , and that in doingif I do not obtain ( do 1 court it ) the
so , nor admiration of ' ¦ P . M ., " I have that which I prize a great deal more—a conscientious satisfaction of having done my duty . Yours fraternally , Jersey , Nov . 30 . J . "W .
TO THE EDITOH Or IK ? . rEEF . 5 IASO . VS MAGAZINE AST ) ItASOXIC snitr . oit . DEAR SIR AXD BROTHER , — While due preparations are made by the authorities how to prevent , next spring , the possible dangers arising from the reappearance of the cholera , allow me , in true Masonic good spirit , to suggest an idea how , by very simple means , courts , lanes , and corners , which proved by past experience the propagators and conservatories of the miasma , could be cleansed , and thus made
. We know that the atmospheric envelope of the air , which in concentric layers , parallel globes within globes ( strictly mathematically -J R TT - y < *¦) , surrounds the earth , is from layer to layer of different thermal character . Be the lowest the warmest at times ( midday and evening ) or the hiher ( at
mid-, g night and morn ) , the two are never of the same temperature . Thus , by the law of the reconstruction of the thermal equilibrium , a continual operation is going on , which tries to equalise throughout the air the homogeneity of atmospheric temperature . This process of equalisationhowevercan be
-, , pro duced more violently and effectually , by connecting the highest and the lowest layers by a simple tube ( the paper tubes of Colonel Szerehney ' s would be the cheapest ) , and thus the accumulated miasmatic foul air , which , localised and inhaled , would form seed fungi of microscopic visibility , themselves easily
decomposed by heat within the body , and decomposing the blood lungs themselves , would be by the artificial draught produced by the paper tubes far above the dwellings , and by the seaward winds swept towards and into the sea . Daring to know and to advise the application of natural laws , whose chapter astute selfishness stole , and transformed into patents , I now and again draw
my brethren ' s attention to the immense power that exists in magnetism ( the continual effumation of the earth magnet , or the central loadstone ) , and in electricity , the radient heat of the sun ( whose ancient appellation was Electros ) , whose burning and decoraposing power sulphur , amber ( hence called electron ) ,
pitch , tar , petroleum easiest absorbs , which is the cause why grass , turf , straw , wood , coal ignite and burn , while earth , stone incapable to hold electricity , cannot , except impregnated with the above or similar chemical elements . Magnetism ( loadstone is the essence of it ) radiating a cold sensation , prevents the
miasmatic tubers to develope into ripeness , and the electricity ( mechanical , while galvanism represents chemical electricity—a clumsy distinction , both being chemical ) , if applied in large quantity locally—prevention localising the corrupt material—electricity clevelopes , ripens , and brings to decay the mass within short time , and thus makes it ever after
. Charcoal , the finer the more effectual , strewed on a heap , or over the contents of a sewer or cesspool , forms such a medium , preventing the nauseous and dangerous effluvia , and if electricity , or cheaper , a more effectual galvanism , is brought to act by a'rainification of its poles beneath the carbon , the decomposition is accelerated . Quicklime does both .
Electro-magnetism is the vital fluid—death the conquest of magnetism over electricity . If , then , the hospitals are hermetically closed against electrical air , ( sunny atmosphere ) , such a magnetic conquest is assisted instead of prevented . Cholera patients ought to be exposed to the early sun of spring in the public
parks , only to prevent the wet of the ground to give them rheumatic diseases . The patients ought to be laid on endless gutta percha rugs . When the atmosphere is more equally heated in the warmer season , in case the cholera continued into mid-summer , the cure ought to he just the reverse : cold-water washings ,
lying in the shade , and even the use of magnetised water , inwardly , and of ice-water , would prevent the further development of the disease , and give the organism time to overcome the crisis . Any food which grew in the sun is a conveyor of electricity , while food grown in shade , and in or near the ground , contains more magnetism , as seen in the crystalline
texture of such food . Salt and every acid contains magnetism . Thus , in early spring , fruit will be recommendable , in the heat of summer it becomes dangerous . Besides , it was found that all produce grown and matured hi the cholera season propagates the disease . Let our professors of chemistry , repeating and
confirming , or refuting the Viennese Professor Reichenbach ' s confused researches of the magnetic ( crystalliform ) , or electric ( amorph ) , character of the elements of chemistry , and some drugs for the further elucidation of the question say what chemical elements and what food is magnetic or electric , so as
to find its application as preventative , medicine , or food for the benefit of our brethren at large . Hoping you will find a space for this , my new , and I hope not last , work of love , I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , JULIUS ALBERT ROOELITZ . 3 , Guilford-place , Russell-square , W . C .