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¦ during the two years of its formation , proposed "The Health , Prosperity , and Long Life of their valued Bro . P . M . Mason . " Bro . Mason said that he could not lay claim to the flattering -manner in which the last toast had been proposed by their W . M ., anci so gratefully accepted by all present . That lie ¦ quitted the chair with no little degree of regret he must acknowledge ; and if during the period the government and well-being of this newhappyand lod ( numbering
, , prosperous ge -about thirty members , most of whom he had had the honour to initiate ) , had been entrusted to his keeping had met with the full concurrence of its members , he was amply repaid for the little personal trouble it had cost him in raising a superstructure ¦ so perfect in all its parts , and honourable to himself as tbe buiider . He must , liowever , be permitted to add that in their newly-installed W . M . they had selected one who perfectly
understood his various duties , and he had no doubt but that they would be carried out in tho most satisfactory manner . As to Bro . Gidney , tbe S . AV ., it was very pleasing to him to ^ remark that for so young a member of tbe Craft he was in possession of all the required information which would entitle Mm . to fill the chair when called upon him to do so . His thanks were especially due to those two brethren , and be could ¦
not speak of them in terms too commendatory for the praiseworthy manner in which they had so meritoriously assisted him in carrying through the business of the lodge . He begged -also to thank every other brother officer for the faithful disc harge of their respective duties . After thanking the brethren in terms of the warmest sincerity , ancl hoping the lodge would rfor many years retain the proud position it had gained in the
province , resumed his seat amidst great applause . The conviviality was continued to a late period , when the brethren separated in peace and harmony , after passing a most agreeable evening .
NOBTH AVALSHAK . —Lodge of Unanimity ( No . 102 ) . —The ¦ brethren of this prosperous lodge held their annual festival on the 39 th ult . at the lodge-rooms , King ' s Arm's Hotel , when tbe . ceremony of installing the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . AV . H . Scott , -was admirably performed by Bro . the Rev . Robert Paul Bent , -Vicar of Melchbourne , Bedfordshire , Prov . G . Chap , for Norfolk . The AV . M . appointed the following brethren as his officersviz : —BrosJHWarnesSAV ' RSBakerJW
, . . . . , .. ; . . , .. ; B ,. AVortley , S . D . ; J . W . Saunders , I . G . ; and G . Smith , Sec . The ceremony of installation was made most interesting and instructive from the impressive and feeling manner in which it was performed , and the whole proceedings of the evening were characterised by the true Masonic feeling and harmony which always distinguish the Craft , and is never found . wanting in this lodge .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . BEECOK . —BRECKNOCK LODOE ( No . 651 ) . —REIN - STALEATIOK - OI ? THE AV . M ., BEO . JOSEPH DENSTOX PEEBOTT . The brethren of the Brecknock Lodge met in the lodge-room at the Town Hall on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., for the purpose of reinstalling Bro . Joseph Denston Perrott , W . M . 1072 , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , as AV . M . of this lodge for the ensuing year .
At five p . m . tbe AV . M . opened the lodge , when the following : brethren , were present : —Bros . J . D . Perrott , AV . M . ; IT . C . Eich , Prov . G . Steward , S . AV . ^) -o tern . ; Richard Webb , J . VA . ; Captain AV . R . Brereton , P . M . ; John Davies , M . D ., P . M . ; Richard Eve , P . M . 395 and 651 ; J . AV . Hallam , P . M . ; Revs . T . B . Hosken and AA . P . Jones , Chaps . ; J . Williams , Treas . ; Evan Jones , Hon . Sec ; J . R . Frater , S . D . ; R . W . Price , J . D . ; AVilliam FarrIGJohn MorganSteward . AlsoBrosthe
, .. ; , , , Earl of Brecknock , G . Causick , C . Boniface , Capt . G . S . Hughes , X Prater , J . Morris , Rev . D . Price , Capt . P . Lloyd , Ed . AVebb , J . Benjamin , Capt . T . A . Frater , F . Watkins , W . Williams , E . Prothero , J . A . Jebb , David Thomas , Capt . T . C . Lloyd , Dr . Talfourd Jones , D . Pugh , and Adam Scott , Tyler . Bro . T . Mansel Talbot , the Prov . G . M ., having been pleased -to signify bis intention of conducting the installing ceremony
ou this occasion , he arrived at the lodge about half-past five , ancl was received in form and conducted to the chair . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , he in very complimentary manner alluded to the selection the brethren had made in re-eleeting their W . M ., and it afforded him considerable pleasure to find the Brecknock Lodge in such a prosperous state , and he had no doubt the brethren would feel equally pleased , at the . expiration of another year , with the services of tbe AV . M . elect .
Bro , Capt . Brereton , P . M ., and Bro . Richard Eve , P . M ., pre ' sented Bro . J . D . Perrott for installation . The brethren below the rank of P . M . 's having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Joseph Denston Perrott was installed into the chair of K . S . for the third time , he having the great honour of being AV . M . of two lodges , viz ., the Brecknock and Aberystwith . On the readmission of the brethren , the AV . M . was saluted in
the three degrees , ancl duly proclaimed ., the brother conducting the ceremony most efficiently . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Evan Jones , S . W . ; J . R . Frater , J . AA . ; Capt . VV . R . Brereton , I . P . M . ; Rev . W . Powell Jones , Chap . ; J . Williams ( re-elected ) , Treas . ; R . W . Price , Hon . Sec ; Rev . T . B . Hosken , S . D . ; AV . Farr , J . D . ; H . Davies , I . G . ; R . AA ebb , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Prothero ( Mayor ) and J . BenjaminStewards ;
, Adam Scott , Tyler . Bro . J . D . PEEHOTT proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to the Provincial Grand Master for the great honour he had conferred on this lodge , and for the very able and eloquent manner in which he performed the installing
ceremony . The PROV . G . MASTEE acknowledged the compliment , and said that it afforded him very great pleasure indeed to visit the Brecknock Lodge , ancl he was much gratified with the prosperous state tbey were in . The W . MASTEE said a very pleasing duty devolved upon him that evening , but he sadly felt his inefficiency to do it proper justice . It was that of presenting a very worthy and
excellent Past Master with a token of our high estimation of his great abilities , kindness , and readiness at all times to serve the Brecknock Lodge . Twelve months ago the brethren unanimously elected him an honorary member , but there still exists a . desire to -mark our appreciation of the eminent services rendered , to this lodge , more especially on this occasion , for his kindnessin coming from Aldershot to Aberystwith to consecrate the new LodgeNo . 1072 and instal the Worshiful Master .
, , p Bro . PEEEOTI then affixed on Bro . Eve ' s breast a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription : — "Presented to Bro . Richard Eve , P . M . 395 and 651 , P . Prov . G . P ., hy the brethren of the Brecknock Lodge , as a mark of their esteem , and in appreciation of his services to Masonry . Brecon , 23 rd January , 1866 . " Bro . EVE , P . M ., in very feeling terms thanked the brethren for their great kindness , and assured them if his services were
at any time wanted , he was ready and at their command . The lodge was closed at seven p . m . in ancient form and perfect harmony . Instead of the usual banquet on the installation day , a Masonic hall was held at the Castle Hotel , which was admitted to be one of the most brilliant and successful that has taken place in Brecon . There were nearly two hundred ladies and gentlemen present , which included the elite of the county , and .
several visitors from Hereford , Aberdare , Merthyr , Crickbowel , Carmarthen , and other places . Dancing was kept up with great spirit until au early hour , when , all departed highly delighted .
STAFFORDSHIRE . ABBEY LODOE ( NO . 624 ) , BUBTOI . ' -OIS ' -TEE ' ' T . AKSTTEESAKX MEETING-. On Tuesday , the 30 th ult ., the anniversary of this flourishing lodge was celebrated at the lodge room in High-street . The lodge was opened punctually at one o'clock , when , after the despatch of some formal business , the installation of Bro . J .
Upton as W . M . for the ensuing year , and the appointment of officers , the lodge was closed in due form . Bro . Anderson , P . M ., in a most creditable and efficient maimer , conducted the ceremony of the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . J . Upton , as his successor . At the close of the ceremony Bro . AA . K . Harvey , Prov . G . M ., passed the highest commendation upon Bro . Anderson , P . M ., and the officers of the lodgo generally . The banquetwhich was served up at five o ' clockwas
, , entrusted to Bro . Bowley , of the Derby Inn . The repast was a most sumptuous one , and served up in the most perfect manner , calling forth the encomiums of the brethren present , and reflecting the greatest credit on Bro . Bowley ' s skill as purveyor . The wines , also , were excellent . Amongst the members of the Abbey Lodge present were Bros . J . Upton , AV . M . ; F . Thompson , P . M . ; J . AVhittinghain , P . M . and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
¦ during the two years of its formation , proposed "The Health , Prosperity , and Long Life of their valued Bro . P . M . Mason . " Bro . Mason said that he could not lay claim to the flattering -manner in which the last toast had been proposed by their W . M ., anci so gratefully accepted by all present . That lie ¦ quitted the chair with no little degree of regret he must acknowledge ; and if during the period the government and well-being of this newhappyand lod ( numbering
, , prosperous ge -about thirty members , most of whom he had had the honour to initiate ) , had been entrusted to his keeping had met with the full concurrence of its members , he was amply repaid for the little personal trouble it had cost him in raising a superstructure ¦ so perfect in all its parts , and honourable to himself as tbe buiider . He must , liowever , be permitted to add that in their newly-installed W . M . they had selected one who perfectly
understood his various duties , and he had no doubt but that they would be carried out in tho most satisfactory manner . As to Bro . Gidney , tbe S . AV ., it was very pleasing to him to ^ remark that for so young a member of tbe Craft he was in possession of all the required information which would entitle Mm . to fill the chair when called upon him to do so . His thanks were especially due to those two brethren , and be could ¦
not speak of them in terms too commendatory for the praiseworthy manner in which they had so meritoriously assisted him in carrying through the business of the lodge . He begged -also to thank every other brother officer for the faithful disc harge of their respective duties . After thanking the brethren in terms of the warmest sincerity , ancl hoping the lodge would rfor many years retain the proud position it had gained in the
province , resumed his seat amidst great applause . The conviviality was continued to a late period , when the brethren separated in peace and harmony , after passing a most agreeable evening .
NOBTH AVALSHAK . —Lodge of Unanimity ( No . 102 ) . —The ¦ brethren of this prosperous lodge held their annual festival on the 39 th ult . at the lodge-rooms , King ' s Arm's Hotel , when tbe . ceremony of installing the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . AV . H . Scott , -was admirably performed by Bro . the Rev . Robert Paul Bent , -Vicar of Melchbourne , Bedfordshire , Prov . G . Chap , for Norfolk . The AV . M . appointed the following brethren as his officersviz : —BrosJHWarnesSAV ' RSBakerJW
, . . . . , .. ; . . , .. ; B ,. AVortley , S . D . ; J . W . Saunders , I . G . ; and G . Smith , Sec . The ceremony of installation was made most interesting and instructive from the impressive and feeling manner in which it was performed , and the whole proceedings of the evening were characterised by the true Masonic feeling and harmony which always distinguish the Craft , and is never found . wanting in this lodge .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . BEECOK . —BRECKNOCK LODOE ( No . 651 ) . —REIN - STALEATIOK - OI ? THE AV . M ., BEO . JOSEPH DENSTOX PEEBOTT . The brethren of the Brecknock Lodge met in the lodge-room at the Town Hall on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., for the purpose of reinstalling Bro . Joseph Denston Perrott , W . M . 1072 , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks , as AV . M . of this lodge for the ensuing year .
At five p . m . tbe AV . M . opened the lodge , when the following : brethren , were present : —Bros . J . D . Perrott , AV . M . ; IT . C . Eich , Prov . G . Steward , S . AV . ^) -o tern . ; Richard Webb , J . VA . ; Captain AV . R . Brereton , P . M . ; John Davies , M . D ., P . M . ; Richard Eve , P . M . 395 and 651 ; J . AV . Hallam , P . M . ; Revs . T . B . Hosken and AA . P . Jones , Chaps . ; J . Williams , Treas . ; Evan Jones , Hon . Sec ; J . R . Frater , S . D . ; R . W . Price , J . D . ; AVilliam FarrIGJohn MorganSteward . AlsoBrosthe
, .. ; , , , Earl of Brecknock , G . Causick , C . Boniface , Capt . G . S . Hughes , X Prater , J . Morris , Rev . D . Price , Capt . P . Lloyd , Ed . AVebb , J . Benjamin , Capt . T . A . Frater , F . Watkins , W . Williams , E . Prothero , J . A . Jebb , David Thomas , Capt . T . C . Lloyd , Dr . Talfourd Jones , D . Pugh , and Adam Scott , Tyler . Bro . T . Mansel Talbot , the Prov . G . M ., having been pleased -to signify bis intention of conducting the installing ceremony
ou this occasion , he arrived at the lodge about half-past five , ancl was received in form and conducted to the chair . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , he in very complimentary manner alluded to the selection the brethren had made in re-eleeting their W . M ., and it afforded him considerable pleasure to find the Brecknock Lodge in such a prosperous state , and he had no doubt the brethren would feel equally pleased , at the . expiration of another year , with the services of tbe AV . M . elect .
Bro , Capt . Brereton , P . M ., and Bro . Richard Eve , P . M ., pre ' sented Bro . J . D . Perrott for installation . The brethren below the rank of P . M . 's having withdrawn , a Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Joseph Denston Perrott was installed into the chair of K . S . for the third time , he having the great honour of being AV . M . of two lodges , viz ., the Brecknock and Aberystwith . On the readmission of the brethren , the AV . M . was saluted in
the three degrees , ancl duly proclaimed ., the brother conducting the ceremony most efficiently . The W . M . then appointed and invested his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Evan Jones , S . W . ; J . R . Frater , J . AA . ; Capt . VV . R . Brereton , I . P . M . ; Rev . W . Powell Jones , Chap . ; J . Williams ( re-elected ) , Treas . ; R . W . Price , Hon . Sec ; Rev . T . B . Hosken , S . D . ; AV . Farr , J . D . ; H . Davies , I . G . ; R . AA ebb , Dir . of Cers . ; J . Prothero ( Mayor ) and J . BenjaminStewards ;
, Adam Scott , Tyler . Bro . J . D . PEEHOTT proposed that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to the Provincial Grand Master for the great honour he had conferred on this lodge , and for the very able and eloquent manner in which he performed the installing
ceremony . The PROV . G . MASTEE acknowledged the compliment , and said that it afforded him very great pleasure indeed to visit the Brecknock Lodge , ancl he was much gratified with the prosperous state tbey were in . The W . MASTEE said a very pleasing duty devolved upon him that evening , but he sadly felt his inefficiency to do it proper justice . It was that of presenting a very worthy and
excellent Past Master with a token of our high estimation of his great abilities , kindness , and readiness at all times to serve the Brecknock Lodge . Twelve months ago the brethren unanimously elected him an honorary member , but there still exists a . desire to -mark our appreciation of the eminent services rendered , to this lodge , more especially on this occasion , for his kindnessin coming from Aldershot to Aberystwith to consecrate the new LodgeNo . 1072 and instal the Worshiful Master .
, , p Bro . PEEEOTI then affixed on Bro . Eve ' s breast a very handsome P . M . ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription : — "Presented to Bro . Richard Eve , P . M . 395 and 651 , P . Prov . G . P ., hy the brethren of the Brecknock Lodge , as a mark of their esteem , and in appreciation of his services to Masonry . Brecon , 23 rd January , 1866 . " Bro . EVE , P . M ., in very feeling terms thanked the brethren for their great kindness , and assured them if his services were
at any time wanted , he was ready and at their command . The lodge was closed at seven p . m . in ancient form and perfect harmony . Instead of the usual banquet on the installation day , a Masonic hall was held at the Castle Hotel , which was admitted to be one of the most brilliant and successful that has taken place in Brecon . There were nearly two hundred ladies and gentlemen present , which included the elite of the county , and .
several visitors from Hereford , Aberdare , Merthyr , Crickbowel , Carmarthen , and other places . Dancing was kept up with great spirit until au early hour , when , all departed highly delighted .
STAFFORDSHIRE . ABBEY LODOE ( NO . 624 ) , BUBTOI . ' -OIS ' -TEE ' ' T . AKSTTEESAKX MEETING-. On Tuesday , the 30 th ult ., the anniversary of this flourishing lodge was celebrated at the lodge room in High-street . The lodge was opened punctually at one o'clock , when , after the despatch of some formal business , the installation of Bro . J .
Upton as W . M . for the ensuing year , and the appointment of officers , the lodge was closed in due form . Bro . Anderson , P . M ., in a most creditable and efficient maimer , conducted the ceremony of the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . J . Upton , as his successor . At the close of the ceremony Bro . AA . K . Harvey , Prov . G . M ., passed the highest commendation upon Bro . Anderson , P . M ., and the officers of the lodgo generally . The banquetwhich was served up at five o ' clockwas
, , entrusted to Bro . Bowley , of the Derby Inn . The repast was a most sumptuous one , and served up in the most perfect manner , calling forth the encomiums of the brethren present , and reflecting the greatest credit on Bro . Bowley ' s skill as purveyor . The wines , also , were excellent . Amongst the members of the Abbey Lodge present were Bros . J . Upton , AV . M . ; F . Thompson , P . M . ; J . AVhittinghain , P . M . and