Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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The toast was received with Masonic honours , accompanied by the warmest demonstrations of respect and attachment . The AV . MASTEE briefly and suitably acknowledged the toast , promising the members of the lodge that no effort should be wanting on bis part to carry out successfully their expectations . "The Health of the Ei ght Entered Apprentices" was then drunk , and very happily responded to by Bro . Edmund Coates . Bro . THOMPSON next proposed " The Health of the Visiting
Brethren , " remarking at the same time on the value of visiting between lodges , which he regarded as true Masonic policy , inasmuch as lodges learned to adopt from others such details of practice as appeared superior to their own . The toast also having been drunk , Bro . HOFFMAN returned thanks , expressing himself highly gratified b y his visit to the Abbey Lodge , and observing that
although he bad visited hundreds of lodges in various parts of the world , and observed tbe working of them , not one had afforded him greater pleasure than the Abbey Lodge . Bro . SMITH next gave " The Past Master Anderson and his Predecessors , " which was very heartily drank and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Anderson , P . M . Bro . DENTON proposed " The Officers of the Abbey Lodge , "
which also was fully honoured , and happily responded to by Bro . Bindley , S . W . The Tylers' toast was then drunk , and the very agreeable proceedings of the evening reached their termination .
SUFFOLK . OPENING- AND CONSECRATION OT NEW MASONIC HAEL AT IPSWICH . The new ball which has been erected in Burk-street , by members of tho Prince of Wales Lodge , ( 959 ) , solely for tho purposes of Freemasonrv , was opened and consecrated on the 22 nd ult . bthe ProvGMof SuffolkBroColonel RAS .
y . .. , . . . Adair , a special Provincial Grand Lodge having been summoned for that purpose . The arrangement of the lodge room was very beautiful : the elegant and costly furniture belonging to the lodge was here seen to advantage . Over the chair , under the apse , was a beautifully wrought purple banner , on which was emblazoned the arms of the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Adair . In other parts of
the room were hung those of the late Prov . G . Masters , Bros , the Ri ght Hon . Lord Rendlesham and Sir Edward Gooch , Bart . ; also that of the late D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . tho Rev . F . AV . Freeman . The elegant banners of the various lodges in the town ancl country ornamented the walls of the room . The north and south walls were decorated with crimson , blue , and white silk banneretsbearing afasonic devicesand we must not omit to
, , mention the cleverly arranged devices of various kinds known iu the Craft , in flowers and evergreens . In addition to tho decorations we have mentioned , numerous valuable portraits of eminent Masons added not a little to the appearance of the room ; amongst them were that of the present Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Adair ; thoso of the late Bros . Lord Rendlesham and Sir
Edward Gooch . There was also a very interesting portrait of Bro . Anthony Sayer , who was G . M . of Masons in the year 1700 ; his late Majesty King George IA . ; the Duke of Sussex ; the Earl of Moria , all of whom had been G . Sl . ' s of England ; the Earl of Durham , Prov . G . M . of Durham ; the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland . Tracing boards , valuable lodge documents , photographic portraits of the founders of Lodge Prince of AVales , by Cobband lastbut not leastthe letter of his Royal
Hih-; , , g ness the Prince of AA ales , in reply to a congratulatory address from the Lodge Prince of AVales , on the birth of the infant Prince , completed the decorations of the walls . Over the chimney piece was placed an elegant mirror , ornamented with Masonic devices , and beneath it the silver trowel with which the foundation stone was laid , enclosed with a glass dome , on an ebony stand .
The brethren commenced to assemble in the lodge room at half past twelve , and the Prov . G . AI . and tho Prov-. G . Officers in the committee room , which was used as a reception room for the occasion . The Prov . G . M . shortly after proceeded to the lodge room , accompanied by tho officers of the province , in procession , marshalled by the Prov . Dir . of Cers ., and took his seat in the chair of K . S ., supported by Bro . II . Thomas , as Prov .
S . G . AV . ; Bro . AVilliam Lucia , as Prov . J . G . W . ; Bro . S . H . AA right , Prov . S . G . D . Chairs were provided for 150 . Scats for the principal officers wore arranged on the temporary dais , right ancl left of the Prov . G . M . Durins the time the lo ' dare was
assembling , an appropriate composition was performed on the organ by Bro . AVilliam Norman . The brethren having taken their places , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due and solemn form . The Prov . G . M . then proceeded to ratify the appointment of the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Rev . E . J . Lockwood , who was duly invested with the collar and jewel of his office . Other Prov . G . officers were then duly invested . The AV . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge , Bro . E . Dorling ,
then requested the Prov . G . M . to dedicate the new buildings to Masonry , agreeably to ancient form . The Prov . G . Masterhaving given his assent , directed the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , to proceed with the ceremony . Tbe Rev . Bro . then offered up solemn prayer , invoking the blessing of the Most High upon the buildings , " the whole of the brethren kneeling . At the conclusion of the prayer the Prov . G . Chaplain read a passage of Scrituretaken from 1 Kings viii .
22—p , 30 . The following anthem was then sung by the brethren : Hail 1 Universal Lord , By Heaven and earth ador'd , All hail ! great God ! Before Thy name we bend , To us Thy grace extend ,
And to our pray'r attend , All hail ! great God ! The builder ( Bro . J . A . Pettit ) ancl clerk of the works ( Bro . Chinnock ) then delivered to the Prov . G . M . the implements of their profession entrusted to them for the erection of the building , and announced that they had completed the work according to the plans and specifications which had been agreed to by the brethren .
The Prov . G . Master having expressed his approval of the builder's conduct , Psalm exxxiii . was chanted : " Behold , how good ancl joyful a thing it is , brethren , to dwell together in unity , " & c . The Prov . G . Officers , past and present , formed procession , the remainder of the brethren standing , the Chaplains taking their laces in the centre of the lod . The consecrating vessels were
p ge carried by Bros . H . Thomas , C . T . Townsoud , and Gissing , P . Prov . S . G . W . 's . During the procession solemn music was played ou the organ , except at the intervals of dedication . The circuit of the lodge having been made , and the Prov . G . AI . having reached the east , Bro . H . Thomas presented the vessel containing corn to tho Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with corn , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Psalm lxxii . v .
16—19 . The Prov . G . Master then solemnly dedicated the hall to Masonry . Musical response— " Glory be to God on high . " The second circuit of the lodge being made . Bro . C . T . Townsend presented tbe chalice of wine to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with wine , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Prov . ix . 1—6 .
The Prov . G . M . then solemnly dedicated the hall to virtue . Musical response —• " Glory bo to God on high . " After the third circuit of the lodge , Bro . S . Freeman _ presented the vessel containing oil to the Prov . G . M ., who anointed the lodge with oil , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Psalm xxiii . 5 , 6 . The Prov . G . M . then solemnly dedicated tiie hall to universal
benevolence . Musical response— " Glory bo to God on high . " Tho Prov . G . Chaplain offered up the consecration prayer , the brethren all standing . Musical response— " So mote it be . " The Prov . G . M . then seasoned the lodge with salt , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Leviticus ii . 13 . The Prov . G . M . declared the hall duly consecrated and dedicated according to ancient form . The exxxii . Psalm was then chanted— "Lord remember David ,
and all his trouble . The costly gold consecration vessels , kindly lent by the Grand Lodge of England , were used in the performance of the ceremony . Tho imposing ceremony having been concluded , the prov . G . Chaplain delivered an eloquent and appropriate oration . After the delivery of tho oration , which was listened to with great attention by the brethren , the following hymn , composed
expressly for the occasion by the Prov . G . Chaplain , was sung to the tune of "Jerusalem , the golden , etc . " : — 0 first and sole foundation , 0 hidden corner-stone ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The toast was received with Masonic honours , accompanied by the warmest demonstrations of respect and attachment . The AV . MASTEE briefly and suitably acknowledged the toast , promising the members of the lodge that no effort should be wanting on bis part to carry out successfully their expectations . "The Health of the Ei ght Entered Apprentices" was then drunk , and very happily responded to by Bro . Edmund Coates . Bro . THOMPSON next proposed " The Health of the Visiting
Brethren , " remarking at the same time on the value of visiting between lodges , which he regarded as true Masonic policy , inasmuch as lodges learned to adopt from others such details of practice as appeared superior to their own . The toast also having been drunk , Bro . HOFFMAN returned thanks , expressing himself highly gratified b y his visit to the Abbey Lodge , and observing that
although he bad visited hundreds of lodges in various parts of the world , and observed tbe working of them , not one had afforded him greater pleasure than the Abbey Lodge . Bro . SMITH next gave " The Past Master Anderson and his Predecessors , " which was very heartily drank and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Anderson , P . M . Bro . DENTON proposed " The Officers of the Abbey Lodge , "
which also was fully honoured , and happily responded to by Bro . Bindley , S . W . The Tylers' toast was then drunk , and the very agreeable proceedings of the evening reached their termination .
SUFFOLK . OPENING- AND CONSECRATION OT NEW MASONIC HAEL AT IPSWICH . The new ball which has been erected in Burk-street , by members of tho Prince of Wales Lodge , ( 959 ) , solely for tho purposes of Freemasonrv , was opened and consecrated on the 22 nd ult . bthe ProvGMof SuffolkBroColonel RAS .
y . .. , . . . Adair , a special Provincial Grand Lodge having been summoned for that purpose . The arrangement of the lodge room was very beautiful : the elegant and costly furniture belonging to the lodge was here seen to advantage . Over the chair , under the apse , was a beautifully wrought purple banner , on which was emblazoned the arms of the Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Adair . In other parts of
the room were hung those of the late Prov . G . Masters , Bros , the Ri ght Hon . Lord Rendlesham and Sir Edward Gooch , Bart . ; also that of the late D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . tho Rev . F . AV . Freeman . The elegant banners of the various lodges in the town ancl country ornamented the walls of the room . The north and south walls were decorated with crimson , blue , and white silk banneretsbearing afasonic devicesand we must not omit to
, , mention the cleverly arranged devices of various kinds known iu the Craft , in flowers and evergreens . In addition to tho decorations we have mentioned , numerous valuable portraits of eminent Masons added not a little to the appearance of the room ; amongst them were that of the present Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Adair ; thoso of the late Bros . Lord Rendlesham and Sir
Edward Gooch . There was also a very interesting portrait of Bro . Anthony Sayer , who was G . M . of Masons in the year 1700 ; his late Majesty King George IA . ; the Duke of Sussex ; the Earl of Moria , all of whom had been G . Sl . ' s of England ; the Earl of Durham , Prov . G . M . of Durham ; the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland . Tracing boards , valuable lodge documents , photographic portraits of the founders of Lodge Prince of AVales , by Cobband lastbut not leastthe letter of his Royal
Hih-; , , g ness the Prince of AA ales , in reply to a congratulatory address from the Lodge Prince of AVales , on the birth of the infant Prince , completed the decorations of the walls . Over the chimney piece was placed an elegant mirror , ornamented with Masonic devices , and beneath it the silver trowel with which the foundation stone was laid , enclosed with a glass dome , on an ebony stand .
The brethren commenced to assemble in the lodge room at half past twelve , and the Prov . G . AI . and tho Prov-. G . Officers in the committee room , which was used as a reception room for the occasion . The Prov . G . M . shortly after proceeded to the lodge room , accompanied by tho officers of the province , in procession , marshalled by the Prov . Dir . of Cers ., and took his seat in the chair of K . S ., supported by Bro . II . Thomas , as Prov .
S . G . AV . ; Bro . AVilliam Lucia , as Prov . J . G . W . ; Bro . S . H . AA right , Prov . S . G . D . Chairs were provided for 150 . Scats for the principal officers wore arranged on the temporary dais , right ancl left of the Prov . G . M . Durins the time the lo ' dare was
assembling , an appropriate composition was performed on the organ by Bro . AVilliam Norman . The brethren having taken their places , the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due and solemn form . The Prov . G . M . then proceeded to ratify the appointment of the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . the Rev . E . J . Lockwood , who was duly invested with the collar and jewel of his office . Other Prov . G . officers were then duly invested . The AV . M . of the Prince of Wales Lodge , Bro . E . Dorling ,
then requested the Prov . G . M . to dedicate the new buildings to Masonry , agreeably to ancient form . The Prov . G . Masterhaving given his assent , directed the Prov . G . Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , to proceed with the ceremony . Tbe Rev . Bro . then offered up solemn prayer , invoking the blessing of the Most High upon the buildings , " the whole of the brethren kneeling . At the conclusion of the prayer the Prov . G . Chaplain read a passage of Scrituretaken from 1 Kings viii .
22—p , 30 . The following anthem was then sung by the brethren : Hail 1 Universal Lord , By Heaven and earth ador'd , All hail ! great God ! Before Thy name we bend , To us Thy grace extend ,
And to our pray'r attend , All hail ! great God ! The builder ( Bro . J . A . Pettit ) ancl clerk of the works ( Bro . Chinnock ) then delivered to the Prov . G . M . the implements of their profession entrusted to them for the erection of the building , and announced that they had completed the work according to the plans and specifications which had been agreed to by the brethren .
The Prov . G . Master having expressed his approval of the builder's conduct , Psalm exxxiii . was chanted : " Behold , how good ancl joyful a thing it is , brethren , to dwell together in unity , " & c . The Prov . G . Officers , past and present , formed procession , the remainder of the brethren standing , the Chaplains taking their laces in the centre of the lod . The consecrating vessels were
p ge carried by Bros . H . Thomas , C . T . Townsoud , and Gissing , P . Prov . S . G . W . 's . During the procession solemn music was played ou the organ , except at the intervals of dedication . The circuit of the lodge having been made , and the Prov . G . AI . having reached the east , Bro . H . Thomas presented the vessel containing corn to tho Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with corn , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Psalm lxxii . v .
16—19 . The Prov . G . Master then solemnly dedicated the hall to Masonry . Musical response— " Glory be to God on high . " The second circuit of the lodge being made . Bro . C . T . Townsend presented tbe chalice of wine to the Prov . G . M ., who sprinkled the lodge with wine , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Prov . ix . 1—6 .
The Prov . G . M . then solemnly dedicated the hall to virtue . Musical response —• " Glory bo to God on high . " After the third circuit of the lodge , Bro . S . Freeman _ presented the vessel containing oil to the Prov . G . M ., who anointed the lodge with oil , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Psalm xxiii . 5 , 6 . The Prov . G . M . then solemnly dedicated tiie hall to universal
benevolence . Musical response— " Glory bo to God on high . " Tho Prov . G . Chaplain offered up the consecration prayer , the brethren all standing . Musical response— " So mote it be . " The Prov . G . M . then seasoned the lodge with salt , the Prov . G . Chaplain reading Leviticus ii . 13 . The Prov . G . M . declared the hall duly consecrated and dedicated according to ancient form . The exxxii . Psalm was then chanted— "Lord remember David ,
and all his trouble . The costly gold consecration vessels , kindly lent by the Grand Lodge of England , were used in the performance of the ceremony . Tho imposing ceremony having been concluded , the prov . G . Chaplain delivered an eloquent and appropriate oration . After the delivery of tho oration , which was listened to with great attention by the brethren , the following hymn , composed
expressly for the occasion by the Prov . G . Chaplain , was sung to the tune of "Jerusalem , the golden , etc . " : — 0 first and sole foundation , 0 hidden corner-stone ,