Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article BOOKS RECEIVED. Page 1 of 1
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Knights Templar.
Order , as also of his zeal in the discharge of the important duties devolving upon him . The toast was drank with all the honours . E . Sir Knt . HAREIS responded . The CHAIEMAN next gave " The Health of Sir Knt . Charles Magill , M . P . P ., and Mayor of the City . " Received and drank with all honours . Sir Knt . MAGILL in rising said : —Eminent Sir Knights and
Sir Knights generally , I feel very grateful and much pleased at the kindly manner in which my name has been mentioned , and at the enthusiastic reception which you have been pleased to accord to it . My fellow-citizens have placed me in many positions of trust ancl honour , of which any man might well be proud ; but none of them have given me greater gratification than the recollection of the compliments conferred upon me from time to time by tbe members of the Masonic fraternit .
y You , Eminent Sir Knight , have been pleased to refer to my having been one of the chartered members in the Sir Godfrey de Bouillon Encampment . I had also the honour of being appointed by my brethren as Chairman of the first Masonic Convention for the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1856 , when I had also the honour of holding the position of Mayor of this city . That Grand Lodge , has attained a position
of which all Masons may well feel proud . During the past few months I have to acknowledge that my attendance at the meetings of our beloved Order have not been as regular as I should have desired , but I will in the future try and make
amends for what may have appeared a carelessness in matters connected with the Craft . Again thanking you for your kindness on this as on other occasions , I would express the hope that our beloved Order in its several branches may go ou and prosper in the future as it has done iu the past . Sir Knt . MUETON proposed " The Health of our newly admitted Sir Knights , " which was drunk with honours . Sir Knts . F . J . RASTRICK , B . E . CHARLTON , and B . GILLIES
returned thanks . " The Poor and Bistressed , wheresoever dispersed , " " The Press , " and the truly Masonic toast of " Happy in parting and happy to meet again , " closed the proceedings . The following is the list of officers for the ensuing year : — E . Sir Knt . T . B . Harris , Eminent Commander . „ Thomas MeCracken , Past Eminent Commander . Charles Magill , M . P . P ., Prelate .
„ John W . Mnrton , First Capt . Com . Column . „ Bavid Curtis , Second Capt . Com . Column . „ AA m . Edgar , Registrar ancl Treasurer . „ S . B . Campbell , Almoner . „ Benj . E . Charlton , Expert . „ Jas . McKay , First Standard Bearer . „ Henry Robertson , Second Standard Bearer . „ David Gillies , Captain of Lines . „ F . J . Rastrick , First Herald . „ Isaac P . AA illsoi ) , Second Herald . „ W . W . Summers , Equerrv .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . HAYLE . — Cornubian Lodge ( No . 87 E . G . )—On Friday ; the 19 th Jan ., the members of this lodge met for the first time at their lodge rooms in Hayle . The warrant was granted on 21 st December . in last year . Since then the brethren have spared no efforts to render their first meeting a grand success , for such it was ; and the handsome manner in which they treated their visitors was a theme on which none seemed tired of thanking
them for during the day . At 1 p . m . Bro . William James Hughan , AV . M . ( No . 7 S ) , took the chair , and assisted by Bros . Samuel Chappel ! , P . M ., P . G . Reg ., P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Horace B . Kent , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B ., Grand S . B . ; Vincent Bird , S . AV . ( No . 64 ) ; and Thomas Chirgwin , S . AV . ( No . 78 ); opened the Cornnbian Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 87 ) . ' A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , when Bro . Frank Harvey ( of No . 78 Truro ) was installed as the AV . M . for the year
, , ensuing . The members then re-entered , and balloted for nearly twenty candidates . Seven Master Masons , present in the anteroom , were then duly prepared , introduced , and subsequently advanced , byBro . AA . J . Hughan , AV . M . ( No . 78 ) . Bro . F . Harvey , AV . M . ( No . 87 ) , afterwards appointed the following and others as his officers : Bros . N . J . Easterbrook , S . AV . ; J . Coombe ,
Mark Masonry.
J . W . ; J . H . Burall , M . O . ; J . Mudgo , S . O . ; AA . J . Crotch , J . O .,- ancl John P . Smith , Treas . and Sec . Bro . AA . J . Hughan , W . M . ( No . 78 ) , then read an interesting paper on the History of the Mark Begree , which he had prepared by desire of the newly elected AV . M . ancl the promoters of the lodge . In consequence of the paper being so highly approved of hy the members , a vote of thanks was proposed and seconded , and ordered to be recorded in the minute-book , to the AV . M . of
No . 7 S for his consenting to prepare and read the same , and also the honorary membership of the lodge was formally presented to him . The lodge being closed by Bro . S . Chappie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg ., P . G . Dir . of Cers ., the brethren adjourned to a most recherche banquet , which reflected much credit on the host , Bro . AA . J . Crotch , who spared no exertion on his part to make tbo banquet of a first-class nature . AA e do not remember spending a moro agreeable day in our Masonic
experience ; and the subsequent toasts and responses proved that tho brethren had made a good selection in Bro . Harvey as their first Master , and the Master must have been pleased to witness the unity and brotherly love manifested by all present . CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Cumhcrland Lodge ( So . 60 ) . —A meeting of this
lodge was held at one o ' clock on the 17 th Jan ., at the Private Masonic Rooms , Bro . Murray , AA . M ., in the chair , and assisted by bis officers and others present . Bro . W . Dodd , of Lodge 1074 , was advanced to this degree . None of the other candidates appearing , the lodge was duly closed .
Channel Islands.
CESAREE LODGE ( NO . 590 ) . —A competent AA . M . of this numerous and influential lodge , who relies ou his own powers for the performance of all the duties of his office , and the effective administration of all the ceremonies , iu such a manner as to obtain the approval of those over whom he rules—combining industry , correctness , and impressiveness—ought to be considered a model Master , especially when his powers are severely taxed by the performance of at least two ceremonies on every night of
meeting . Such does Bro . C Le Sueur appear to be , for he is not only prepared personally to perform the ordinary duties of the chair , but to be ready for every ease of difficulty , of which several have lately arisen . The AV . M . opened the lodge at a quarter past seven , on the 28 th ult ., assisted by his AVardens , Bros . Chevalier and Oatley , Bro . Dr . Hopkins acting as I . P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro . Capt .
Pironet was examined as to his proficiency , and entrusted . During his absence from the lodge for preparation , it was opened in the third degree . The candidate was then re-admitted , and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge having been resumed in the first degree , several matters of business ivere transacted , and it was determined to take in the new periodical commenced under tbe auspices of Bro . Matthew Cooke , The Masonic Press , in addition to THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , and
The Monde Mac . onniqiie . Bro . De A eulle was brought up for examination , and having passed this in a very satisfactory manner , was dismissed for preparation . The lodge was then resumed in the second degree . On the re-admission of the candidate , he was duly passed to the degree of F . C . by the AV . M . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , and the only remaining business was a proposition by Bro . E . B . Le Couteur of two gentlemen for initiation . The lodge was closed in the usual form , soon after nine o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room for refreshment .
Books Received.
"Papal Teachings in Freemasonry : being a rectification of the errors ancl misrepresentations contained in a recent allocution promulgated from the secret consistory at Eome by Pope Pius IX . " By the Eev . Geo . Oliver , D . D ., P . Dep . G . M . G . L . of Mass . ( U . S . ) , P . Dep . Prov . G . M . Lincoln , and author of many Masonic works . London .- Bro . E . Spencer , Great Queen-street , opposite Freemasons' Hall .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
Order , as also of his zeal in the discharge of the important duties devolving upon him . The toast was drank with all the honours . E . Sir Knt . HAREIS responded . The CHAIEMAN next gave " The Health of Sir Knt . Charles Magill , M . P . P ., and Mayor of the City . " Received and drank with all honours . Sir Knt . MAGILL in rising said : —Eminent Sir Knights and
Sir Knights generally , I feel very grateful and much pleased at the kindly manner in which my name has been mentioned , and at the enthusiastic reception which you have been pleased to accord to it . My fellow-citizens have placed me in many positions of trust ancl honour , of which any man might well be proud ; but none of them have given me greater gratification than the recollection of the compliments conferred upon me from time to time by tbe members of the Masonic fraternit .
y You , Eminent Sir Knight , have been pleased to refer to my having been one of the chartered members in the Sir Godfrey de Bouillon Encampment . I had also the honour of being appointed by my brethren as Chairman of the first Masonic Convention for the establishment of the Grand Lodge of Canada in 1856 , when I had also the honour of holding the position of Mayor of this city . That Grand Lodge , has attained a position
of which all Masons may well feel proud . During the past few months I have to acknowledge that my attendance at the meetings of our beloved Order have not been as regular as I should have desired , but I will in the future try and make
amends for what may have appeared a carelessness in matters connected with the Craft . Again thanking you for your kindness on this as on other occasions , I would express the hope that our beloved Order in its several branches may go ou and prosper in the future as it has done iu the past . Sir Knt . MUETON proposed " The Health of our newly admitted Sir Knights , " which was drunk with honours . Sir Knts . F . J . RASTRICK , B . E . CHARLTON , and B . GILLIES
returned thanks . " The Poor and Bistressed , wheresoever dispersed , " " The Press , " and the truly Masonic toast of " Happy in parting and happy to meet again , " closed the proceedings . The following is the list of officers for the ensuing year : — E . Sir Knt . T . B . Harris , Eminent Commander . „ Thomas MeCracken , Past Eminent Commander . Charles Magill , M . P . P ., Prelate .
„ John W . Mnrton , First Capt . Com . Column . „ Bavid Curtis , Second Capt . Com . Column . „ AA m . Edgar , Registrar ancl Treasurer . „ S . B . Campbell , Almoner . „ Benj . E . Charlton , Expert . „ Jas . McKay , First Standard Bearer . „ Henry Robertson , Second Standard Bearer . „ David Gillies , Captain of Lines . „ F . J . Rastrick , First Herald . „ Isaac P . AA illsoi ) , Second Herald . „ W . W . Summers , Equerrv .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . HAYLE . — Cornubian Lodge ( No . 87 E . G . )—On Friday ; the 19 th Jan ., the members of this lodge met for the first time at their lodge rooms in Hayle . The warrant was granted on 21 st December . in last year . Since then the brethren have spared no efforts to render their first meeting a grand success , for such it was ; and the handsome manner in which they treated their visitors was a theme on which none seemed tired of thanking
them for during the day . At 1 p . m . Bro . William James Hughan , AV . M . ( No . 7 S ) , took the chair , and assisted by Bros . Samuel Chappel ! , P . M ., P . G . Reg ., P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Horace B . Kent , P . M ., Prov . G . S . B ., Grand S . B . ; Vincent Bird , S . AV . ( No . 64 ) ; and Thomas Chirgwin , S . AV . ( No . 78 ); opened the Cornnbian Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 87 ) . ' A Board of Installed Masters was then formed , when Bro . Frank Harvey ( of No . 78 Truro ) was installed as the AV . M . for the year
, , ensuing . The members then re-entered , and balloted for nearly twenty candidates . Seven Master Masons , present in the anteroom , were then duly prepared , introduced , and subsequently advanced , byBro . AA . J . Hughan , AV . M . ( No . 78 ) . Bro . F . Harvey , AV . M . ( No . 87 ) , afterwards appointed the following and others as his officers : Bros . N . J . Easterbrook , S . AV . ; J . Coombe ,
Mark Masonry.
J . W . ; J . H . Burall , M . O . ; J . Mudgo , S . O . ; AA . J . Crotch , J . O .,- ancl John P . Smith , Treas . and Sec . Bro . AA . J . Hughan , W . M . ( No . 78 ) , then read an interesting paper on the History of the Mark Begree , which he had prepared by desire of the newly elected AV . M . ancl the promoters of the lodge . In consequence of the paper being so highly approved of hy the members , a vote of thanks was proposed and seconded , and ordered to be recorded in the minute-book , to the AV . M . of
No . 7 S for his consenting to prepare and read the same , and also the honorary membership of the lodge was formally presented to him . The lodge being closed by Bro . S . Chappie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Reg ., P . G . Dir . of Cers ., the brethren adjourned to a most recherche banquet , which reflected much credit on the host , Bro . AA . J . Crotch , who spared no exertion on his part to make tbo banquet of a first-class nature . AA e do not remember spending a moro agreeable day in our Masonic
experience ; and the subsequent toasts and responses proved that tho brethren had made a good selection in Bro . Harvey as their first Master , and the Master must have been pleased to witness the unity and brotherly love manifested by all present . CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Cumhcrland Lodge ( So . 60 ) . —A meeting of this
lodge was held at one o ' clock on the 17 th Jan ., at the Private Masonic Rooms , Bro . Murray , AA . M ., in the chair , and assisted by bis officers and others present . Bro . W . Dodd , of Lodge 1074 , was advanced to this degree . None of the other candidates appearing , the lodge was duly closed .
Channel Islands.
CESAREE LODGE ( NO . 590 ) . —A competent AA . M . of this numerous and influential lodge , who relies ou his own powers for the performance of all the duties of his office , and the effective administration of all the ceremonies , iu such a manner as to obtain the approval of those over whom he rules—combining industry , correctness , and impressiveness—ought to be considered a model Master , especially when his powers are severely taxed by the performance of at least two ceremonies on every night of
meeting . Such does Bro . C Le Sueur appear to be , for he is not only prepared personally to perform the ordinary duties of the chair , but to be ready for every ease of difficulty , of which several have lately arisen . The AV . M . opened the lodge at a quarter past seven , on the 28 th ult ., assisted by his AVardens , Bros . Chevalier and Oatley , Bro . Dr . Hopkins acting as I . P . M . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodge having been opened in the second degree , Bro . Capt .
Pironet was examined as to his proficiency , and entrusted . During his absence from the lodge for preparation , it was opened in the third degree . The candidate was then re-admitted , and raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge having been resumed in the first degree , several matters of business ivere transacted , and it was determined to take in the new periodical commenced under tbe auspices of Bro . Matthew Cooke , The Masonic Press , in addition to THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , and
The Monde Mac . onniqiie . Bro . De A eulle was brought up for examination , and having passed this in a very satisfactory manner , was dismissed for preparation . The lodge was then resumed in the second degree . On the re-admission of the candidate , he was duly passed to the degree of F . C . by the AV . M . The lodge was resumed in the first degree , and the only remaining business was a proposition by Bro . E . B . Le Couteur of two gentlemen for initiation . The lodge was closed in the usual form , soon after nine o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned to the banqueting room for refreshment .
Books Received.
"Papal Teachings in Freemasonry : being a rectification of the errors ancl misrepresentations contained in a recent allocution promulgated from the secret consistory at Eome by Pope Pius IX . " By the Eev . Geo . Oliver , D . D ., P . Dep . G . M . G . L . of Mass . ( U . S . ) , P . Dep . Prov . G . M . Lincoln , and author of many Masonic works . London .- Bro . E . Spencer , Great Queen-street , opposite Freemasons' Hall .