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Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending February 17th, 1866.
Monday , February 12 . EOYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . Tuesday , February 13 . INSTITUTION or CIVIL ENGINEERS , at 8 . Wednesday , February 7 . SOCIETY OP AUTS , at 8 . — " On the Gas Supply of Paris . " By George E . Burnell , Esq . Thursday , February 15 . CHEMICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . Friday , February 16 . GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP LONDON , at 8 . Anniversary Meetins ? .
The Week.
THE COUET . —Divine service was performed on Sunday morning at Osborne by the Eev . G . Prothero before her Majesty , their Eoyal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Prince Leopold , and their Serene Highnesses Princess Hohenlohe , and Prince Christian . The Queen , with their Eoyal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and his Serene Highness Prince Christian of
Schleswig-Holstein , left Osborne at half-past two p . m ., and arrived at AA'indsor Castle at five minutes past six o ' clock . The Prince and Princess of AA'ales , with Prince Albert Alctor ancl Prince George , and attended by the Countess of Macclesfield , Lieut .-General Knollys , Major Teesdale , Mr . Fisher , and Mr . Holzmann , arrived at Marlborough House on Monday afternoon ,
from the residence at Sandringham . The Prince of AVales went to the House of Lords very shortly after his arrival . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and his Serene Highness Prince Christian of Schleswig-ilolstein , left AYindsor Castle at half-past ten o ' clock on Tuesday morning for
Buckingham Palace . The Prince of Wales went to the House of Lords in the afternoon . Her Majesty the Queen , with their Eoyal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and his Serene Highness Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein , arrived at AA indsoi Castle on AVednesday afternoon ,
at half-past five o ' clock , from Buckingham Palace , and left for Osborne at two o'clock on Wednesday . IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —Tho Queen opened Parliament in person on Tuesday . Her Majesty came from AVindsor early in the morning to Buckingham Palace . From thence she started a few minutes before two o'clock , ancl passing through dense crowds of people , entered the House of Lords by the Peers '
entrance . In the House her Majesty did not wear the Royal robes , which were placed upon the throne . The Lord Chancellor read the Royal speech from the woolsack . It was longer than usual . Allusion is ' made to the approaching marriage of the Princess Helena with Prince Christian , to the death of the King of the Belgians , to foreign relations , which are declared
to be satisfactory , to the meeting of the French and English fleets , to the abolition of slavery in the United Stales , and the compression of AVest Indian slavery into smaller limits . Then the correspondence with America on the Alabama claims , the renewal of diplomatic relations with Brazil , the war between Spain ancl Chili , the ratification of treaties
with Japan , and the treaty of commerce with Austria have each a paragraph . The outbreak ia Jamaica is spoken of , and the subsequent proceedings . A bill for a new government of Jamaica is promised , and full papers in reference to the whole business . Papers are to be given as to New Zealand , from whence the greater portion of the home troops are to be
withdrawn . There is a brief mention of the North American Colonies , and then two paragraphs are given to the cattle plague , as to which a hope is expressed that it will be arrested . There is the usual paragraphs about the estimates . Then allusion is made to Fenianism ; ancl bills are premised in reference to capital punishment , to bankruptcy , and to the
financial departments of tiie State , and to the oaths taken by members of Parliament . Then two paragraphs assure us that inquiries are being made as to the right of voting at elections , and when those inquiries are completed , the attention of Parliament will be called to the result with a view to the improvement of the law . On the re-assembling of the HOUSE OS
LOEDS , Lord Chelmsford gave notice of questions concerningthe Abyssinian captives . The Marquis of Normandy moved ,, and the Earl of Morley seconded , the Address to the Queen .. They simply went over the topics in the Royal Speech , and , commented briefly and favourably on the conduct of the Government . After them , however , came a storm of indignant
oratory . The Duke of Rutland , the Duke of Richmond , and numerous other peers , denounced the Government for what they had left undone about the cattle plague . Lord Granville sought to stem the torrent , and Earl Grey made some allusion to Reform , deprecating any hasty measure on the subject . The cattle plague was , however , the staple of the debate . In the HOUSE OE COMMONS numerous notices of
new bills by the Government were given , chiefly relating to matters touched upon in the Speech . Lord F . Cavendishmoved the Address , which was seconded by Mr . Graham in a speech above the ordinary level of such occasions . Then , as . in the Lords , began a debate for the most part relating to the cattle plague , and this continued for several hours . Eventually it wan adjourned to Thursday . On Wednesday , election
petitions were presented from Cambridge , Bridgewater , Barnstaple , and Nottingham . Several notices of motion were given ; the members of the Kitchen Committee were appointed ; and Mr . Potter ' s motion for copies of correspondence relative to the removal of the late Mr . Gordon from the magistracy was agreed to .
GESEEAL HOME NEWS . —The public health still continues at a fair average . In the principal towns of tho kingdom the deaths were 3 , 351 which was at tho rate of 29 in every thousand persons living . Of those towns London is again the lowest , standing at 2-1 , and there is no other town approaching it except Hull , which stands at 27 . The rate ot mortality in Liverpool is not given , -probably through an oversight ; we trust it is not
because the authorities there are so alarmed at its extent that they are ashamed to send it up . In London alone the deaths were 1 ,-117 , which was 132 less than the average ofthe last ten years . The total number of births was 4 , 400 , of which 2 , 171 belong to Loudon , which is slightly below tbe average . Mr . Peabody has added another £ 100 , 000 to his previous munificent
gift for the benefit of the poor of London . A curious application was made to the magistrate at the Thames police-court last week . A soldier named Thompson said he got a furlough for a month from his regiment at ShomclifFe , and drew £ 27 to pay for Aiis AioAiday . He came to London , got drunk , and in that state paid away all his money to some emigration agents
on Tower-hill for passages to New York for himself and a woman with whom he had formed a connection . AVhen he became sober he repented of his bargain , and wanted his money back . The agents , however , and their principals , the National Steam Navigation Company , refused to return tbe money . Tbe magistrate expressed a strong opinion that they ought to return it , and advised tbe soldier to consult with Captain Lean , the emigration agent of the Board of Trade , ou the subject . A
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending February 17th, 1866.
Monday , February 12 . EOYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . Tuesday , February 13 . INSTITUTION or CIVIL ENGINEERS , at 8 . Wednesday , February 7 . SOCIETY OP AUTS , at 8 . — " On the Gas Supply of Paris . " By George E . Burnell , Esq . Thursday , February 15 . CHEMICAL SOCIETY , at 8 . Friday , February 16 . GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OP LONDON , at 8 . Anniversary Meetins ? .
The Week.
THE COUET . —Divine service was performed on Sunday morning at Osborne by the Eev . G . Prothero before her Majesty , their Eoyal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Prince Leopold , and their Serene Highnesses Princess Hohenlohe , and Prince Christian . The Queen , with their Eoyal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and his Serene Highness Prince Christian of
Schleswig-Holstein , left Osborne at half-past two p . m ., and arrived at AA'indsor Castle at five minutes past six o ' clock . The Prince and Princess of AA'ales , with Prince Albert Alctor ancl Prince George , and attended by the Countess of Macclesfield , Lieut .-General Knollys , Major Teesdale , Mr . Fisher , and Mr . Holzmann , arrived at Marlborough House on Monday afternoon ,
from the residence at Sandringham . The Prince of AVales went to the House of Lords very shortly after his arrival . The Queen , accompanied by their Royal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and his Serene Highness Prince Christian of Schleswig-ilolstein , left AYindsor Castle at half-past ten o ' clock on Tuesday morning for
Buckingham Palace . The Prince of Wales went to the House of Lords in the afternoon . Her Majesty the Queen , with their Eoyal Highnesses Princess Helena , Princess Louise , Princess Beatrice , and his Serene Highness Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein , arrived at AA indsoi Castle on AVednesday afternoon ,
at half-past five o ' clock , from Buckingham Palace , and left for Osborne at two o'clock on Wednesday . IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT . —Tho Queen opened Parliament in person on Tuesday . Her Majesty came from AVindsor early in the morning to Buckingham Palace . From thence she started a few minutes before two o'clock , ancl passing through dense crowds of people , entered the House of Lords by the Peers '
entrance . In the House her Majesty did not wear the Royal robes , which were placed upon the throne . The Lord Chancellor read the Royal speech from the woolsack . It was longer than usual . Allusion is ' made to the approaching marriage of the Princess Helena with Prince Christian , to the death of the King of the Belgians , to foreign relations , which are declared
to be satisfactory , to the meeting of the French and English fleets , to the abolition of slavery in the United Stales , and the compression of AVest Indian slavery into smaller limits . Then the correspondence with America on the Alabama claims , the renewal of diplomatic relations with Brazil , the war between Spain ancl Chili , the ratification of treaties
with Japan , and the treaty of commerce with Austria have each a paragraph . The outbreak ia Jamaica is spoken of , and the subsequent proceedings . A bill for a new government of Jamaica is promised , and full papers in reference to the whole business . Papers are to be given as to New Zealand , from whence the greater portion of the home troops are to be
withdrawn . There is a brief mention of the North American Colonies , and then two paragraphs are given to the cattle plague , as to which a hope is expressed that it will be arrested . There is the usual paragraphs about the estimates . Then allusion is made to Fenianism ; ancl bills are premised in reference to capital punishment , to bankruptcy , and to the
financial departments of tiie State , and to the oaths taken by members of Parliament . Then two paragraphs assure us that inquiries are being made as to the right of voting at elections , and when those inquiries are completed , the attention of Parliament will be called to the result with a view to the improvement of the law . On the re-assembling of the HOUSE OS
LOEDS , Lord Chelmsford gave notice of questions concerningthe Abyssinian captives . The Marquis of Normandy moved ,, and the Earl of Morley seconded , the Address to the Queen .. They simply went over the topics in the Royal Speech , and , commented briefly and favourably on the conduct of the Government . After them , however , came a storm of indignant
oratory . The Duke of Rutland , the Duke of Richmond , and numerous other peers , denounced the Government for what they had left undone about the cattle plague . Lord Granville sought to stem the torrent , and Earl Grey made some allusion to Reform , deprecating any hasty measure on the subject . The cattle plague was , however , the staple of the debate . In the HOUSE OE COMMONS numerous notices of
new bills by the Government were given , chiefly relating to matters touched upon in the Speech . Lord F . Cavendishmoved the Address , which was seconded by Mr . Graham in a speech above the ordinary level of such occasions . Then , as . in the Lords , began a debate for the most part relating to the cattle plague , and this continued for several hours . Eventually it wan adjourned to Thursday . On Wednesday , election
petitions were presented from Cambridge , Bridgewater , Barnstaple , and Nottingham . Several notices of motion were given ; the members of the Kitchen Committee were appointed ; and Mr . Potter ' s motion for copies of correspondence relative to the removal of the late Mr . Gordon from the magistracy was agreed to .
GESEEAL HOME NEWS . —The public health still continues at a fair average . In the principal towns of tho kingdom the deaths were 3 , 351 which was at tho rate of 29 in every thousand persons living . Of those towns London is again the lowest , standing at 2-1 , and there is no other town approaching it except Hull , which stands at 27 . The rate ot mortality in Liverpool is not given , -probably through an oversight ; we trust it is not
because the authorities there are so alarmed at its extent that they are ashamed to send it up . In London alone the deaths were 1 ,-117 , which was 132 less than the average ofthe last ten years . The total number of births was 4 , 400 , of which 2 , 171 belong to Loudon , which is slightly below tbe average . Mr . Peabody has added another £ 100 , 000 to his previous munificent
gift for the benefit of the poor of London . A curious application was made to the magistrate at the Thames police-court last week . A soldier named Thompson said he got a furlough for a month from his regiment at ShomclifFe , and drew £ 27 to pay for Aiis AioAiday . He came to London , got drunk , and in that state paid away all his money to some emigration agents
on Tower-hill for passages to New York for himself and a woman with whom he had formed a connection . AVhen he became sober he repented of his bargain , and wanted his money back . The agents , however , and their principals , the National Steam Navigation Company , refused to return tbe money . Tbe magistrate expressed a strong opinion that they ought to return it , and advised tbe soldier to consult with Captain Lean , the emigration agent of the Board of Trade , ou the subject . A