Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 7 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
* $ * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , Loudon , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
The consecration of a new lodge—the Beaudesert ( Ho . 10 S 7 ) , Leighton Buzzard—is announced to take place at 3 p . m . on the 12 th inst . at tho Assembly Room , Corn Exchange . The officers named in the warrant are Bros . F . Gotto , P . M . 9-18 , as W . 3 J . J W . Lean , S . D . 901 , S . W .,- A . Whyler , J . D . 948 , as J . W . The ceremony is to be performed by the E . W . Bro . AS . J . M'Intyre , Grand Registrar , assisted by Bro . W . Watson , P . G . S .
EGYPTIAN LODO-I . ( NO . 2 I ) . —The anniversary meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , on the 1 st inst . The lodge was opened by Bro . J ) . G . Berri , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Tomlinson , S . W . ; Coutts , J . W . ; Todd , P . M . and Treas . ; Buss , P . M . and Sec ; Tins , S . D . ; J . May , J . D . ; Libbis , I . G . ; Hoare , Jacobs , Payne , P . M . ' s , and a very large muster of members and visitors . Three brethren were afterwards raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., viz .,
E . W . Pratt , T . G . Davis , and G . P . Chase , and Sir . Albany H . Cogger was duly initiated . The installation of the W . M . elect being the next business , the chair of tho lodge was assumed by Bro . John Savage , P . S . G . D ., as Installing Master , who nominated as his Wardens Bros . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec , and J . Smith , P . G . Purst . Bro . Tomlinson , W . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . Berri , and the Installing Master proceeded with the ceremony in tho F . C . degree . The lodge was opened
in the third degree , and , the brethren below the chair having retired , a Board of fifteen Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Tomlinson installed as W . M . according to ancient custom . On the readmission of the brethren , the usual honours wero paid to the new Master , after which the following brethren wero appointed to office for the ensuing year : —J . Coutts , S . W . ; Capt . T . H . Tims , J . W . ; B . P . Todd , P . M ., Treas . ; II . G . Buss , P . M . Sec ; C . 15 . PayneP . M . Dir . of Cers . ; J . MaySD
, , , , .. ; W . H . Libbis , J . D . ; Cooper , I . G . ; and Poole , Steward . The addresses to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren -wove then delivered by Bro . Savage in the masterly and perfect style for which that distinguished brother is so deservedly renowned . Two propositions were handed to the Secretary , and the lodge
was closed , when the brethren adjourned to a magnificent repast provided by the Bros . Cleniow . After the cloth was drawn , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given and duly honoured , and the health of Bro . Savage , P . G . D ., who had kindly attended year after year to instal the Master of the Egyptian Lodge , having also been drank amidst much applause , Bro . Todd , P . M ., then , by permission of the chair , proposed the health of Bros . John Mnnro and D . G . Main , of tho Lodgo
Victoria ( Iso . G 5 S ) , two of the survivors of the wreck of the London , offering them the sincere congratulations of the brethren on their providential escape from a watery grave , and wishing them a safe return to the land of their adoption . We need hardly say that this toast was duly honoured , and Bros . Muuro and Mam tendered their acknowledgements to the brethren present , stilting that since their arrival in London they had met with every kindness from Masons and also from
non-Masons , who , Bro . Main remarked , he hoped " would soon be gathered into the fold , and meet upon the square , " they being already good men and true ; and , in conclusion , both brothers expressed their gratitude to Bro . Todd in particular for his kindness in introducing them to the brethren . "The Visitors" followed , and Bro . Sutton , W . M . 55 , returned thanks . The Master ' s health was proposed bBro . Savageand suitabl
y , y acknowledged by Bro . Tomlinson , W . M . " The Past Masters , " acknowledged by Bro . Buss , to whom high compliments were paid by Bro . Todd , who proposed the toast . " The Wardens , " by Bro . Coiitt" , S . \ V ., a hard-working and much-esteemed brother ; "The Deacons , " by Bro . J . May , S . D . Bvo . Cooper , I . G ., made a first-rate speech in response to tho wishes of the
brethren . The arrangements at tho banquet reflected the greatest credit on Bros . Buss and Todd , by whom tbey were carried out , and the occasion will be long remembered by tbe visitors as a most brilliant and successful Masonic gathering . Amongst the visitors , besides those already alluded to , we noticed tho following well-known members of the Craft , viz ., Bros . W . Winn , W . M . 657 ; W . Moutrie , P . M . 11 ; L . Laurence , P . M . 73 ; AV . Piatt , P . M . 144 ; R . W . Little , P . M . 975 , 907 ;
T . L . Fox . P . M . 19 ; T . Westcombe , S . W . 905 ; G . H . Oliver , S . W . 975 ; A . A . Pendlebury , S . W . 105 G ; W . M . Brown , 658 ; R . J . Deeley , 41 ; Thomas , 419 , & c We had almost forgotten to add that a handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented by Bro . Todd , in the name of the lodge , to Bro . D . G . Berri , the I . P . M ., who presided over the Egyptians during tbe past year with a bonhomie and good feeling which have won for him golden opinions from the members without a single exception .
CHESHIRE . CHESTER . —Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) . —On Tuesday ,. January 30 th , tho brethren of this flourishing lodge celebrated their annual festival of St . John in their spacious and elegant rooms at the Bars Hotel , in this city . The lodge was opened by Bro . A . F . Watts , P . M ., of Pensarn , Abergele , North Wales , in the absence of the W . M ., Lord R . Grosvenor , JH . P ., assisted
by Bros . Bainbridge as S . W ., Ellis , J . W ., when the usual charges were delivered to the W . M . elect , Bro . W . R . Bain--bridge . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and a Board of Installed Masters being constituted , the solemn ceremony of installing the new Master was ably performed by Bro . J . Lyon , P . M . and See . The W . M . having been duly invested , he was proclaimed according to ancient custom , followed by the honours in each degree , Bro . S . Brown , P . M .,
being Director of Ceremonies . The W . M . was then pleased toappoinb the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . V . Williams , S . W . ; AV . Brown , J . W . ; Allsop , S . D . ; McAvoy , J . D . ; W . B . A . Bainbridge , I . G . ; J . Lyon , See . ; Gerrard , Treas . ; Duke , Tyler ; each receiving a charge from , the very efficient Installing Master , Bro . Lyon , P . M .- At thispart of the proceedings the P . M ., Lord R . Grosvenor , M . P .,. P . G . W . of Englandarrivedwhen the AV . M . vacated the
, , chair , while his Lordship presented an address and a Past Master's jewel to Bro . A . F . Watts , P . M . The address , which was beautifully engrossed and elaborately illuminated on vellum with various Masonic emblems and the armorial bearings of Bro . AVntts , with appropriate mottoes , was executed in first-rate style by Bro . S . Brown , Heraldic Artist and Deputy Herald of Chester . The jewel with which the worthy brother was presented is that of the modern P . M . ; it is made of pure gold , elegantly
chased , ancl was much admired by all present . After reading the address , his lordship observed that it gave him pleasure to be able to bear testimony to the zeal and attention Bro . AVatts had at all times shown during his year of office as W . M ., also during the last -two vears , when his lordship held the office of AV . M . Bro . Watts thanked the W . M ., the I . P . M ., and brethren in eloquent and feeling terms for their symbol of regard and esteem . The lodge being called to refreshment , adjourned to
tho banquet-room , when about forty brethren sat down to the banquet , prepared by Bro . Tasker , regardless of cost . The AV . M ., Bro . Bainbridge , occupied the chair , supported by the I . P . M ., Bro . Lord R . Grosvenor , P . S . G . AV ., and tho following P . AI . ' s , viz ., Bros . AVatts , S . Brown , Lyon , Button , Sheriff of Chester ; Butt , Gerrard , and W . Hunt , W . M . No . 425 , the AV . M . being also honoured with the presence of the following brethren . —Bros . AV . EllisCapt . J . DavisR . G . ParryT ..
, , , Davis , Dodd , J . McEvoy , A . G . Brereton , Venable Williams ,. H . Allsop , J . Holt , W . B . A . Bainbridge , E . ' Lancaster , AV . AVildig , C . Thornton , AV . Brown , Booth Mason , Dr . Sellers , E .. Tasker , C . Button , Hunt , F . Butt , S . Titmus , P . M . and Treas . 317 ; J . Hands , 254 ; Savage , 148 ; Cottingham , W . Woods ,. Lodge of Lights , Warrington ; T . Wood , S . D . 425 ; Glasspool , and others . The cloth having been removed , the followingloyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to :-.
Her Majesty the Queen , coupled with the Craft ; the Prince of AA ales , Earl of Chester , and the rest of the Royal Family ;; the Army , Navy , and Volunteers . Bro . Quartermaster Button responded . Tiie AV . M . then stated the next toast he had to propose was " The Grand Master of Zetland , and his Deputy
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* $ * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , Loudon , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
The consecration of a new lodge—the Beaudesert ( Ho . 10 S 7 ) , Leighton Buzzard—is announced to take place at 3 p . m . on the 12 th inst . at tho Assembly Room , Corn Exchange . The officers named in the warrant are Bros . F . Gotto , P . M . 9-18 , as W . 3 J . J W . Lean , S . D . 901 , S . W .,- A . Whyler , J . D . 948 , as J . W . The ceremony is to be performed by the E . W . Bro . AS . J . M'Intyre , Grand Registrar , assisted by Bro . W . Watson , P . G . S .
EGYPTIAN LODO-I . ( NO . 2 I ) . —The anniversary meeting of this flourishing lodge was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleetstreet , on the 1 st inst . The lodge was opened by Bro . J ) . G . Berri , W . M ., assisted by Bros . Tomlinson , S . W . ; Coutts , J . W . ; Todd , P . M . and Treas . ; Buss , P . M . and Sec ; Tins , S . D . ; J . May , J . D . ; Libbis , I . G . ; Hoare , Jacobs , Payne , P . M . ' s , and a very large muster of members and visitors . Three brethren were afterwards raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., viz .,
E . W . Pratt , T . G . Davis , and G . P . Chase , and Sir . Albany H . Cogger was duly initiated . The installation of the W . M . elect being the next business , the chair of tho lodge was assumed by Bro . John Savage , P . S . G . D ., as Installing Master , who nominated as his Wardens Bros . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec , and J . Smith , P . G . Purst . Bro . Tomlinson , W . M . elect , was then presented by Bro . Berri , and the Installing Master proceeded with the ceremony in tho F . C . degree . The lodge was opened
in the third degree , and , the brethren below the chair having retired , a Board of fifteen Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . Tomlinson installed as W . M . according to ancient custom . On the readmission of the brethren , the usual honours wero paid to the new Master , after which the following brethren wero appointed to office for the ensuing year : —J . Coutts , S . W . ; Capt . T . H . Tims , J . W . ; B . P . Todd , P . M ., Treas . ; II . G . Buss , P . M . Sec ; C . 15 . PayneP . M . Dir . of Cers . ; J . MaySD
, , , , .. ; W . H . Libbis , J . D . ; Cooper , I . G . ; and Poole , Steward . The addresses to the W . M ., Wardens , and brethren -wove then delivered by Bro . Savage in the masterly and perfect style for which that distinguished brother is so deservedly renowned . Two propositions were handed to the Secretary , and the lodge
was closed , when the brethren adjourned to a magnificent repast provided by the Bros . Cleniow . After the cloth was drawn , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been given and duly honoured , and the health of Bro . Savage , P . G . D ., who had kindly attended year after year to instal the Master of the Egyptian Lodge , having also been drank amidst much applause , Bro . Todd , P . M ., then , by permission of the chair , proposed the health of Bros . John Mnnro and D . G . Main , of tho Lodgo
Victoria ( Iso . G 5 S ) , two of the survivors of the wreck of the London , offering them the sincere congratulations of the brethren on their providential escape from a watery grave , and wishing them a safe return to the land of their adoption . We need hardly say that this toast was duly honoured , and Bros . Muuro and Mam tendered their acknowledgements to the brethren present , stilting that since their arrival in London they had met with every kindness from Masons and also from
non-Masons , who , Bro . Main remarked , he hoped " would soon be gathered into the fold , and meet upon the square , " they being already good men and true ; and , in conclusion , both brothers expressed their gratitude to Bro . Todd in particular for his kindness in introducing them to the brethren . "The Visitors" followed , and Bro . Sutton , W . M . 55 , returned thanks . The Master ' s health was proposed bBro . Savageand suitabl
y , y acknowledged by Bro . Tomlinson , W . M . " The Past Masters , " acknowledged by Bro . Buss , to whom high compliments were paid by Bro . Todd , who proposed the toast . " The Wardens , " by Bro . Coiitt" , S . \ V ., a hard-working and much-esteemed brother ; "The Deacons , " by Bro . J . May , S . D . Bvo . Cooper , I . G ., made a first-rate speech in response to tho wishes of the
brethren . The arrangements at tho banquet reflected the greatest credit on Bros . Buss and Todd , by whom tbey were carried out , and the occasion will be long remembered by tbe visitors as a most brilliant and successful Masonic gathering . Amongst the visitors , besides those already alluded to , we noticed tho following well-known members of the Craft , viz ., Bros . W . Winn , W . M . 657 ; W . Moutrie , P . M . 11 ; L . Laurence , P . M . 73 ; AV . Piatt , P . M . 144 ; R . W . Little , P . M . 975 , 907 ;
T . L . Fox . P . M . 19 ; T . Westcombe , S . W . 905 ; G . H . Oliver , S . W . 975 ; A . A . Pendlebury , S . W . 105 G ; W . M . Brown , 658 ; R . J . Deeley , 41 ; Thomas , 419 , & c We had almost forgotten to add that a handsome P . M . ' s jewel was presented by Bro . Todd , in the name of the lodge , to Bro . D . G . Berri , the I . P . M ., who presided over the Egyptians during tbe past year with a bonhomie and good feeling which have won for him golden opinions from the members without a single exception .
CHESHIRE . CHESTER . —Lodge of Independence ( No . 721 ) . —On Tuesday ,. January 30 th , tho brethren of this flourishing lodge celebrated their annual festival of St . John in their spacious and elegant rooms at the Bars Hotel , in this city . The lodge was opened by Bro . A . F . Watts , P . M ., of Pensarn , Abergele , North Wales , in the absence of the W . M ., Lord R . Grosvenor , JH . P ., assisted
by Bros . Bainbridge as S . W ., Ellis , J . W ., when the usual charges were delivered to the W . M . elect , Bro . W . R . Bain--bridge . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and a Board of Installed Masters being constituted , the solemn ceremony of installing the new Master was ably performed by Bro . J . Lyon , P . M . and See . The W . M . having been duly invested , he was proclaimed according to ancient custom , followed by the honours in each degree , Bro . S . Brown , P . M .,
being Director of Ceremonies . The W . M . was then pleased toappoinb the following brethren as officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . V . Williams , S . W . ; AV . Brown , J . W . ; Allsop , S . D . ; McAvoy , J . D . ; W . B . A . Bainbridge , I . G . ; J . Lyon , See . ; Gerrard , Treas . ; Duke , Tyler ; each receiving a charge from , the very efficient Installing Master , Bro . Lyon , P . M .- At thispart of the proceedings the P . M ., Lord R . Grosvenor , M . P .,. P . G . W . of Englandarrivedwhen the AV . M . vacated the
, , chair , while his Lordship presented an address and a Past Master's jewel to Bro . A . F . Watts , P . M . The address , which was beautifully engrossed and elaborately illuminated on vellum with various Masonic emblems and the armorial bearings of Bro . AVntts , with appropriate mottoes , was executed in first-rate style by Bro . S . Brown , Heraldic Artist and Deputy Herald of Chester . The jewel with which the worthy brother was presented is that of the modern P . M . ; it is made of pure gold , elegantly
chased , ancl was much admired by all present . After reading the address , his lordship observed that it gave him pleasure to be able to bear testimony to the zeal and attention Bro . AVatts had at all times shown during his year of office as W . M ., also during the last -two vears , when his lordship held the office of AV . M . Bro . Watts thanked the W . M ., the I . P . M ., and brethren in eloquent and feeling terms for their symbol of regard and esteem . The lodge being called to refreshment , adjourned to
tho banquet-room , when about forty brethren sat down to the banquet , prepared by Bro . Tasker , regardless of cost . The AV . M ., Bro . Bainbridge , occupied the chair , supported by the I . P . M ., Bro . Lord R . Grosvenor , P . S . G . AV ., and tho following P . AI . ' s , viz ., Bros . AVatts , S . Brown , Lyon , Button , Sheriff of Chester ; Butt , Gerrard , and W . Hunt , W . M . No . 425 , the AV . M . being also honoured with the presence of the following brethren . —Bros . AV . EllisCapt . J . DavisR . G . ParryT ..
, , , Davis , Dodd , J . McEvoy , A . G . Brereton , Venable Williams ,. H . Allsop , J . Holt , W . B . A . Bainbridge , E . ' Lancaster , AV . AVildig , C . Thornton , AV . Brown , Booth Mason , Dr . Sellers , E .. Tasker , C . Button , Hunt , F . Butt , S . Titmus , P . M . and Treas . 317 ; J . Hands , 254 ; Savage , 148 ; Cottingham , W . Woods ,. Lodge of Lights , Warrington ; T . Wood , S . D . 425 ; Glasspool , and others . The cloth having been removed , the followingloyal and Masonic toasts were given and heartily responded to :-.
Her Majesty the Queen , coupled with the Craft ; the Prince of AA ales , Earl of Chester , and the rest of the Royal Family ;; the Army , Navy , and Volunteers . Bro . Quartermaster Button responded . Tiie AV . M . then stated the next toast he had to propose was " The Grand Master of Zetland , and his Deputy