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the Earl Be Grey and Ripon , " and he had very great pleasure in coupling the name of a brother who was not only beloved by tho Masons , but respected by all classes of tho citizens of Chester : this brother was the Immediate P . M ., Bro . Lord R . Grosvenor , P . S . G . AV . The noble brother in returning thanks observed , that lie had , while serving the office of Senior Grand Warden , many opportunities of knowing that there did not exist a more zealous Mason than the Earl of Zetland , and with
respect to the Deputy Grand Blaster , Earl de Grey and Ripon , those brethren who bad attended the provincial meeting at Knutsford must have been highly pleased with him , and the noble brother was quite sure that tbe Deputy Graiid Master evinced great interest in all appertaining to the welfare of the Craft . The Provincial Grand Master , Lord de Tably , his Deputy , Viscount Combermere , and the past and present Provincial Grand'Officer , Bro . Button , P . Prov . S . G . D ., responded .
The toasts that followed were : —The Provincial Grand Master of North Wales and Salop , Sir W . W . AVynne ; the Provincial Grand Master of East and AVest Lancashire , coupling tbe names of Bros . Woods , Lodge of Lights , AVarrington , and Titmus , P . M . and Treas , 317 , who responded , giving some valuable information as to the mode of relief to distressed brethren in Lancashire . The I . P . M ., Lord Richard Grosvenor , then proposed "The Worshipful Master and Officers of No .
721 . " Bro . Bainbridge , W . M ., thanked the brethren for the manner in which they had received the toast proposed by the noble Bro ., and begged to assure the brethren that he felt highly honoured in being installed their AA . M . It would be his constant study to discharge the important duties of the
office with fervency and zeal , and should ho meet with the support which be fully expected from the officers he had chosen , he hoped to have a prosperous year of office . The toast was then given of " The AVorshipful Master and Brethren of the Cestrian Lodge . " Dr . Hunt , the W . M ., responded , stating that be and the brethren of his lodge were much pleased to see both lodges work in harmony . Bro . AVilcock then asked permission to propose the next toastwhich was the
, health of a brother who first enabled him to see the Masonic light—it was "The Health and long life to Bro . Brown , Past Masiev , the Director of Ceremonies . Bro . Brown returned thanks in a feeling manner for this mark of respect . He stated ho was seventy-five years of age , and fifty years a Mason ; he was the father of both lodges , and for twenty years never absent or late upon any occasionaud trusted bo miht
, g yet be spared to attend the lodge , as some of the happiest moments of his life had been spent amongst the brethren of both loclges , and concluded by adding that he hoped alasonry might still survive and stand before tho world confessed with every blessing and for ever blessed . The Tyler's toast having been given , the lodge was closed in ancient form . Tho W . M ., Bro . Bainbridgewho has attended every meeting since his
, initiation , and discharged the duties of the several offices from I . G . to the satisfaction of each Master , is a member of the Concord Lodge , Preston , also of tho Royal Architect Chapter ( No . 314 ) , was very warmly congratulated by the brethren , who expressed themselves highly gratified with the day ' s proceedings , which had been much enlivened by the capital singing of Bros . AA ood , Savage , and Lancaster .
ESSEX . BniflHTii ^ aSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 433 ) . —The regular meeting of this old and prosperous lodge was held on the " 29 th ult ., at the Swan Inn . Tho lodge was duly opened by tho WM ., Bro . Lake , assisted by his AVardens , Bros . Riches and York-, the following officers and brethren also being present , viz .: —Bros . ClareyP . M . ancl Treas . ; BlythP . M . ; AmesPMFrancis
, , , .. ; , S . B . ; Bragg , J . B . ; Minter , I . G . ; Wiseman , Hon . See . ; and Ling , R . and J . Salmon , Golf , Angler , Smith , Medcalf , Wellam , Dove , Rodger , and Hamer , Tyler . The minutes of the previous lodge meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . Goff , of the Royal Arch Ayr Lodge ( No . 1 G 5 ) , Scotland , as a joining member , and was declared to be unanimous in his favour . Bro . Francis afterwards proposed , and Bro .
Riches seconded , that tho contributions raised for the Girls' and Boys' Schools , and for the . Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons ami their Widows , be sent to the Secretaries of these several Institutions . Bro . Clarey then proposed , and Bro . Riches seconded , that Bro . Stammers , of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , be proposed for the ballot as a joining member of this lodge . Carried unanimously . It was ' proposed by Bro . Riches , seconded by Bro . Ames , P . M ., and carried unanimously ,
that a lodge of instruction be held at the Freemasons' Tavern on the following AA ednesday fortnight . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form according to ancient custom , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given and honoured . The harmony of tbe evening was greatly promoted by the excellent singing of Bros . Francis , Bragg , Rodger , Salmon , Goff , Medcalf , Angier , and York . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings of this happy evening to a close , and the brethren separated at a timely hour in the utmost good feeling and brotherly love .
. HERTFORDSHIRE . WATPOTID . —Watford Lodge . —( So . 404 ) . —There was a veryfull attendance of the members of this lodge on the 2 nd inst . Bro . 11 . G . Mai-tin , P . M ., officiated iu the chair in consequence of the absence , through illness , of Bro . the Rev . IX . T . Branson , the W . M . Bro . Stevenson was passed ,-as was Bro . Thomas , as a serving brother . Messrs . Gledhill and Mnmhaw were balloted
for , and elected for initiation . Mr . Gledhill being in attendance was introduced ancl duly initiated . The mode in which the ceremony of passing and initiation was performed by Bro . Martin , P . M ., elicited the marked approbation of the brethren present , amongst whom were the following P . M . ' s of the lodge : Bros . Stuart , Prov . G . M . ; Francis , D . Prov . G . M . ; Colonel Stuart , M . P . ; Burchcll-Heme , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Sedgwick , G . S . ; Br .
Brett Rogers , G . Treas . ; Humbert and Finch , and Bros , the Rev . G . Finch , Chap . ; Wilson lies , S . W . ; Camp , J . W . ; Halsey , S . D . ; Copeland , J . D . ; Rumbalt , I . G ., and others . Bro . the Alsoonnt Maiden , late of tbe Zetland Lodge ( No . 789 ) , Toronto , Canada , was proposed as a joining member , and Captain Stewart Fellows , Indian Army , Bombay Presidency , for initiation . Bro . Francis , D . Prov . G . M ., referring to the very serious illness of
the AV . M ., moved that a resolution be entered on the minutes expressive of the very great regret all the brethren felt at his absence , and more particularly for the cause of it , and their ardent wish that he might be speedily restored to health , and assume the duties of his office , in the- fulfilment of which the lodge had anticipated the greatest gratification . Seconded by Bro . Stuart , ancl agreed to unanimously . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
NORFOLK . EAST D-EKEILLNI . —Sondes Lodge ( No . 996 ) . —A meeting of the members of this flourishing lodge was held on AVednesday , tbe 31 st ult ., at the King ' s Head Hotel . The appointed hour for assembling was two o ' clock p . m ., at which time several of the members ancl visitors were present . The lodge having been opened bBro . H . J . MasonW . M . and the minutes of the
y , , previous meeting read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when the installation of Bro . Harwell , S . W ., who had been unanimously elected to fill the chair for the ensuing twelve months , commenced , and , when the preliminary proceedings had terminated , the lodge was opened iu the third degree . The brethren below the chair were then requested to retire , and a Board of Installed Masters was duly formed . Bro . '
IT . J . Mason , the retiring AV . M ., assisted byBro . A . M . F . Morgan , P . G . S . ( who kindly undertook tho duties of Dir . of Cers . ) , proceeded with the installation . Tho very able , perfect , and impressive manner in which lie delivered every part of tbe ritual , more particularly the charges to the several officers then appointed , was most effective . His concluding remarks to all present were delivered with such truly Masonic feelings and
sentiments as must make a lasting impression on all who bad the pleasure to hear them . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the warmest congratulations were awarded to Bro . Mason by the several Past Masters and members , as they all agreed they had never before seen the business done so admirably atid efficiently . The W . M . having appointed all his officers , the lodge was closed until the last Wednesday in the ensuing month . After a short interval , upwards of thirty brethren sat clown to
a dinner of the most recherche description , consisting of every variety the season would produce , and which reflected great credit upon Bro . Parke , the worthy host . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given with the accustomed honours , the W . M . rose to give , as he truly said , the toast ofthe evening , ancl , after alluding to the invaluable assistance rendered and pains taken in the formation of the lodge by their I . P . M ., and expressing to him , not only his own thanks but also those of every member of the lodge , for the very efficient , zealous , and courteous manner in which the duties hud been carried out
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the Earl Be Grey and Ripon , " and he had very great pleasure in coupling the name of a brother who was not only beloved by tho Masons , but respected by all classes of tho citizens of Chester : this brother was the Immediate P . M ., Bro . Lord R . Grosvenor , P . S . G . AV . The noble brother in returning thanks observed , that lie had , while serving the office of Senior Grand Warden , many opportunities of knowing that there did not exist a more zealous Mason than the Earl of Zetland , and with
respect to the Deputy Grand Blaster , Earl de Grey and Ripon , those brethren who bad attended the provincial meeting at Knutsford must have been highly pleased with him , and the noble brother was quite sure that tbe Deputy Graiid Master evinced great interest in all appertaining to the welfare of the Craft . The Provincial Grand Master , Lord de Tably , his Deputy , Viscount Combermere , and the past and present Provincial Grand'Officer , Bro . Button , P . Prov . S . G . D ., responded .
The toasts that followed were : —The Provincial Grand Master of North Wales and Salop , Sir W . W . AVynne ; the Provincial Grand Master of East and AVest Lancashire , coupling tbe names of Bros . Woods , Lodge of Lights , AVarrington , and Titmus , P . M . and Treas , 317 , who responded , giving some valuable information as to the mode of relief to distressed brethren in Lancashire . The I . P . M ., Lord Richard Grosvenor , then proposed "The Worshipful Master and Officers of No .
721 . " Bro . Bainbridge , W . M ., thanked the brethren for the manner in which they had received the toast proposed by the noble Bro ., and begged to assure the brethren that he felt highly honoured in being installed their AA . M . It would be his constant study to discharge the important duties of the
office with fervency and zeal , and should ho meet with the support which be fully expected from the officers he had chosen , he hoped to have a prosperous year of office . The toast was then given of " The AVorshipful Master and Brethren of the Cestrian Lodge . " Dr . Hunt , the W . M ., responded , stating that be and the brethren of his lodge were much pleased to see both lodges work in harmony . Bro . AVilcock then asked permission to propose the next toastwhich was the
, health of a brother who first enabled him to see the Masonic light—it was "The Health and long life to Bro . Brown , Past Masiev , the Director of Ceremonies . Bro . Brown returned thanks in a feeling manner for this mark of respect . He stated ho was seventy-five years of age , and fifty years a Mason ; he was the father of both lodges , and for twenty years never absent or late upon any occasionaud trusted bo miht
, g yet be spared to attend the lodge , as some of the happiest moments of his life had been spent amongst the brethren of both loclges , and concluded by adding that he hoped alasonry might still survive and stand before tho world confessed with every blessing and for ever blessed . The Tyler's toast having been given , the lodge was closed in ancient form . Tho W . M ., Bro . Bainbridgewho has attended every meeting since his
, initiation , and discharged the duties of the several offices from I . G . to the satisfaction of each Master , is a member of the Concord Lodge , Preston , also of tho Royal Architect Chapter ( No . 314 ) , was very warmly congratulated by the brethren , who expressed themselves highly gratified with the day ' s proceedings , which had been much enlivened by the capital singing of Bros . AA ood , Savage , and Lancaster .
ESSEX . BniflHTii ^ aSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 433 ) . —The regular meeting of this old and prosperous lodge was held on the " 29 th ult ., at the Swan Inn . Tho lodge was duly opened by tho WM ., Bro . Lake , assisted by his AVardens , Bros . Riches and York-, the following officers and brethren also being present , viz .: —Bros . ClareyP . M . ancl Treas . ; BlythP . M . ; AmesPMFrancis
, , , .. ; , S . B . ; Bragg , J . B . ; Minter , I . G . ; Wiseman , Hon . See . ; and Ling , R . and J . Salmon , Golf , Angler , Smith , Medcalf , Wellam , Dove , Rodger , and Hamer , Tyler . The minutes of the previous lodge meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . Goff , of the Royal Arch Ayr Lodge ( No . 1 G 5 ) , Scotland , as a joining member , and was declared to be unanimous in his favour . Bro . Francis afterwards proposed , and Bro .
Riches seconded , that tho contributions raised for the Girls' and Boys' Schools , and for the . Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons ami their Widows , be sent to the Secretaries of these several Institutions . Bro . Clarey then proposed , and Bro . Riches seconded , that Bro . Stammers , of the Angel Lodge , Colchester , be proposed for the ballot as a joining member of this lodge . Carried unanimously . It was ' proposed by Bro . Riches , seconded by Bro . Ames , P . M ., and carried unanimously ,
that a lodge of instruction be held at the Freemasons' Tavern on the following AA ednesday fortnight . There being no further business , the lodge was closed in due form according to ancient custom , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given and honoured . The harmony of tbe evening was greatly promoted by the excellent singing of Bros . Francis , Bragg , Rodger , Salmon , Goff , Medcalf , Angier , and York . The Tyler ' s toast brought the proceedings of this happy evening to a close , and the brethren separated at a timely hour in the utmost good feeling and brotherly love .
. HERTFORDSHIRE . WATPOTID . —Watford Lodge . —( So . 404 ) . —There was a veryfull attendance of the members of this lodge on the 2 nd inst . Bro . 11 . G . Mai-tin , P . M ., officiated iu the chair in consequence of the absence , through illness , of Bro . the Rev . IX . T . Branson , the W . M . Bro . Stevenson was passed ,-as was Bro . Thomas , as a serving brother . Messrs . Gledhill and Mnmhaw were balloted
for , and elected for initiation . Mr . Gledhill being in attendance was introduced ancl duly initiated . The mode in which the ceremony of passing and initiation was performed by Bro . Martin , P . M ., elicited the marked approbation of the brethren present , amongst whom were the following P . M . ' s of the lodge : Bros . Stuart , Prov . G . M . ; Francis , D . Prov . G . M . ; Colonel Stuart , M . P . ; Burchcll-Heme , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Sedgwick , G . S . ; Br .
Brett Rogers , G . Treas . ; Humbert and Finch , and Bros , the Rev . G . Finch , Chap . ; Wilson lies , S . W . ; Camp , J . W . ; Halsey , S . D . ; Copeland , J . D . ; Rumbalt , I . G ., and others . Bro . the Alsoonnt Maiden , late of tbe Zetland Lodge ( No . 789 ) , Toronto , Canada , was proposed as a joining member , and Captain Stewart Fellows , Indian Army , Bombay Presidency , for initiation . Bro . Francis , D . Prov . G . M ., referring to the very serious illness of
the AV . M ., moved that a resolution be entered on the minutes expressive of the very great regret all the brethren felt at his absence , and more particularly for the cause of it , and their ardent wish that he might be speedily restored to health , and assume the duties of his office , in the- fulfilment of which the lodge had anticipated the greatest gratification . Seconded by Bro . Stuart , ancl agreed to unanimously . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
NORFOLK . EAST D-EKEILLNI . —Sondes Lodge ( No . 996 ) . —A meeting of the members of this flourishing lodge was held on AVednesday , tbe 31 st ult ., at the King ' s Head Hotel . The appointed hour for assembling was two o ' clock p . m ., at which time several of the members ancl visitors were present . The lodge having been opened bBro . H . J . MasonW . M . and the minutes of the
y , , previous meeting read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , when the installation of Bro . Harwell , S . W ., who had been unanimously elected to fill the chair for the ensuing twelve months , commenced , and , when the preliminary proceedings had terminated , the lodge was opened iu the third degree . The brethren below the chair were then requested to retire , and a Board of Installed Masters was duly formed . Bro . '
IT . J . Mason , the retiring AV . M ., assisted byBro . A . M . F . Morgan , P . G . S . ( who kindly undertook tho duties of Dir . of Cers . ) , proceeded with the installation . Tho very able , perfect , and impressive manner in which lie delivered every part of tbe ritual , more particularly the charges to the several officers then appointed , was most effective . His concluding remarks to all present were delivered with such truly Masonic feelings and
sentiments as must make a lasting impression on all who bad the pleasure to hear them . At the conclusion of the ceremony , the warmest congratulations were awarded to Bro . Mason by the several Past Masters and members , as they all agreed they had never before seen the business done so admirably atid efficiently . The W . M . having appointed all his officers , the lodge was closed until the last Wednesday in the ensuing month . After a short interval , upwards of thirty brethren sat clown to
a dinner of the most recherche description , consisting of every variety the season would produce , and which reflected great credit upon Bro . Parke , the worthy host . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts having been given with the accustomed honours , the W . M . rose to give , as he truly said , the toast ofthe evening , ancl , after alluding to the invaluable assistance rendered and pains taken in the formation of the lodge by their I . P . M ., and expressing to him , not only his own thanks but also those of every member of the lodge , for the very efficient , zealous , and courteous manner in which the duties hud been carried out