Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
* * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury , street , Strand , London , W . C .
Grand Lodge.
The quarterly communication of tho United Grand Lodge of England , as announced in our issue of last week , took place on AVednesday evening , tbe * Ith inst ., in Freemasons ' Hall . The Eight Honourable tiie Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , on the throne , Bro . Victor Williamson , S . G . AV ., and Bro . Algernon Perkins , P . G . W ., officiating as J . G . AV . On
ihe dais we observed the following brethren : —Bros . Augustus Saaith , Prov . G . M . Cornwall ; Young , P . G . S . B . ; Colonel Lowry Cole , P . G . AV . ; Hopwood , P . G . D ., and President of the Colonial Board ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Gregory , P . G . D . ; Udall , P . G . D . ; Rev . diaries Davy , G . Chap . ; Mutt , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Crombie , P . G . D . ; Farmer , P . G . Purst . ; Pullen , G . D . ; Patten , P . G . D .,
and Secretary of the Girls' School ; AValmesley , P . G . D . ; Emmens , G . Purst . ; Lewis , Assist . & . Pursfc . ; Fenn , Assist . G . Mr . of Cers . ; Francis Dundas , P . G . W . ; Hervey , P . G . D . ; Roxburgh , P . G . Reg . ; Evans , P . G . W ., and President of the Board of General Purposes ; JEneas J . Mclntyre , G . Reg . ; Bradford , P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Symons , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Havers ,
P . G . W . ; Jennings , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Coward , G . Org . ; Creaton , P . G . D . ; Le Veau , P . G . S . B . ; Clarke , ¦ G . Sec ; Farnfield , Assist . G-. Sec ; Head , P . G . D . ; Spiers , P . 0 . S . B ., and D . Prov . G . M . Oxfordshire ; G . Cox , P . G . D . ; J . Savage , P . G . D . ; Maudslay , P . G . D . ; Cockerel ! , G . Supt . of Yfoi-ks , & c .
The Grand Master having taken his seat on the throne , Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer . BEOTJLATIOKS JOB THE GOVEENMENT ou GBAND LODCffi . The G . SECiiErAEr , according to annual custom , read the iregulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the & ne of public business .
MINUTES 01 ? THE QUAETEBI " V COMMUNICATION . The G . SECEETAEY read the minutes of the quarterly communication of the Gth of December ; and on the G . MASEEH putting the question that they be confirmed , THE PBESIDENT OE THE BOAED OE GENEEAL PUEEOSES said there was a matter arising out of the minutes to which
he wished to draw the attention of Grand Lodge . At the last Quarterly communication the Board reported that as the following lodges had failed to make returns to Grand Lodge in disregard of repeated summonses to attend the quarterly communication of Grand Lodge in March , 1866 , to show cause why they should not be respectively erased , and their warrants
cJeelared forfeited . Lodge of Loyalty , 86 , Prescot ; Derbyshire lodge , 122 , Longnor ; All Saints' Lodge , 138 , AA ooler ; St . David's Lodge , 366 , Milfovd ; Foresters' Lodge , 436 , Httoxeter ; Cambrian Lodge , 46-1 , Haverfordwest ; Lodge La Tolerance , 532 , Freemasons'Hall , London ; Samares Lodge , 559 , Jersey ; Dalhousie Lodge , 865 , Hounslow . After the agenda paper was
printed , the Lodge of Loyalty , 86 ; St . David ' s , 366 ; and Samares , 559 , made the required returns and then were restored to their Masonic privileges . Since then four other lodges hid made the necessary returns , but from two no returns whatever had been received . It therefore became his duty to move Unit the Derbyshire Lodge , 122 , and the All Saints' Lodge , 138 , be erased and their warrants declared to be forfeited .
The G . Master put the motion , which was carried unanimously . The minutes were then confirmed . ELECTION OE GEAND MASTEE . Bro . CLAEON , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , said , having at tho last Grand Lodge nominated the SLAV , the Grand Master , for the ensuing year , it then became
his privilege to move that his Lordship be re-elected as Grand Master for , he believed , the twenty-second time . The brethren all knew the ability , courtesy , and impartiality with which he presided over them , but they did not know the labours he performed in their service in the closet . He was sure that all Masons would join with him in the wish that he might be many
times re-elected , trusting that the Great Architect of the Universe would for many years spare him to preside over the Craft , and see the temple of Masonry completed and inaugurated , which was now rising around them . ( Cheers . ) Bro . BAGSHAAV ( Prov . G . M . for Essex ) put the motion , which was carried unanimously amidst loud cheering .
The GUAND MASTEB said : Bro . Deputy Grand Master and brethren , —I assure you that it is with no ordinary feeling that I rise to return my sincere thanks for the honour you have conferred upon me for the twenty-second time in re-electing me
to the office of Grand Master . I can assure you I feel mcompetent to fulfil the orders entrusted to me as I could wish , and if I have failed in performing them as I ought to have done , it has not been from any want of an anxious desire to do so , but from the want of ability , and I am deeply grateful to you for excusing my imperfections when I require your indulgence . I
feel it a high honour to be elected to this post , and an anxious desire to do my duty to tho Craft , but I feel also the infirmities of age coining upon me , and although I am willing to devote my services to the Craft as long as lam able , when you see me incapable of performing my duties to your satisfaction I hope you will not fail to give me a hint , and then I shall most
willingly resign my office in other hands . I thank you sincerely at this time , for as you know from a late affliction I have heen unable to devote all my energies to your service , but I feel grateful for the manner in which I have been supported , and for the kindness always shown to me , and as long as I hold this office I hope to perforin my duties to your satisfaction . ( Cheers . ) The M . AY . G . Master was now saluted in the usual manner .
EIECIION or GBAND TEEASUKEE . A Brother , whose name we were unable to learn , said all the brethren knew how efficiently Bro . Tomkins had hitherto performed tiie duties of Grand Treasurer , and ho had great pleasure in moving that he be re-elected for the ensuing year . Bro . BEACKSTONE BAKEE seconded the motion , and said the
brethren would remember , on a late occasion , when the sum of £ 1 , 000 was voted to the Lancashire Relief Fund , how Bro . Tomkins in the most liberal manner expressed his willingness to pay the money at once , and took upon himself the responsibility of doing so without waiting for the confirmation of the minutes , which would have caused a delay of three
months-The house to which Bro . Tomkins belonged had always been connected with the Grand Treasurer , ancl without going into the merits of Bro . Tomkins , he thought he must be descended from the Treasurers of Grand Lodge of the pre-Adamite period , ( Loud laughter ) . The GBAND MASTEB put the motion , which was carried unanimously . Bro . TOMKINS ( who on rising was received with general and hearty cheering ) said , he thanked the brethren for re-electing
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
* * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury , street , Strand , London , W . C .
Grand Lodge.
The quarterly communication of tho United Grand Lodge of England , as announced in our issue of last week , took place on AVednesday evening , tbe * Ith inst ., in Freemasons ' Hall . The Eight Honourable tiie Earl of Zetland , Grand Master , on the throne , Bro . Victor Williamson , S . G . AV ., and Bro . Algernon Perkins , P . G . W ., officiating as J . G . AV . On
ihe dais we observed the following brethren : —Bros . Augustus Saaith , Prov . G . M . Cornwall ; Young , P . G . S . B . ; Colonel Lowry Cole , P . G . AV . ; Hopwood , P . G . D ., and President of the Colonial Board ; Potter , P . G . D . ; Gregory , P . G . D . ; Udall , P . G . D . ; Rev . diaries Davy , G . Chap . ; Mutt , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Crombie , P . G . D . ; Farmer , P . G . Purst . ; Pullen , G . D . ; Patten , P . G . D .,
and Secretary of the Girls' School ; AValmesley , P . G . D . ; Emmens , G . Purst . ; Lewis , Assist . & . Pursfc . ; Fenn , Assist . G . Mr . of Cers . ; Francis Dundas , P . G . W . ; Hervey , P . G . D . ; Roxburgh , P . G . Reg . ; Evans , P . G . W ., and President of the Board of General Purposes ; JEneas J . Mclntyre , G . Reg . ; Bradford , P . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; Symons , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Havers ,
P . G . W . ; Jennings , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Coward , G . Org . ; Creaton , P . G . D . ; Le Veau , P . G . S . B . ; Clarke , ¦ G . Sec ; Farnfield , Assist . G-. Sec ; Head , P . G . D . ; Spiers , P . 0 . S . B ., and D . Prov . G . M . Oxfordshire ; G . Cox , P . G . D . ; J . Savage , P . G . D . ; Maudslay , P . G . D . ; Cockerel ! , G . Supt . of Yfoi-ks , & c .
The Grand Master having taken his seat on the throne , Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayer . BEOTJLATIOKS JOB THE GOVEENMENT ou GBAND LODCffi . The G . SECiiErAEr , according to annual custom , read the iregulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the & ne of public business .
MINUTES 01 ? THE QUAETEBI " V COMMUNICATION . The G . SECEETAEY read the minutes of the quarterly communication of the Gth of December ; and on the G . MASEEH putting the question that they be confirmed , THE PBESIDENT OE THE BOAED OE GENEEAL PUEEOSES said there was a matter arising out of the minutes to which
he wished to draw the attention of Grand Lodge . At the last Quarterly communication the Board reported that as the following lodges had failed to make returns to Grand Lodge in disregard of repeated summonses to attend the quarterly communication of Grand Lodge in March , 1866 , to show cause why they should not be respectively erased , and their warrants
cJeelared forfeited . Lodge of Loyalty , 86 , Prescot ; Derbyshire lodge , 122 , Longnor ; All Saints' Lodge , 138 , AA ooler ; St . David's Lodge , 366 , Milfovd ; Foresters' Lodge , 436 , Httoxeter ; Cambrian Lodge , 46-1 , Haverfordwest ; Lodge La Tolerance , 532 , Freemasons'Hall , London ; Samares Lodge , 559 , Jersey ; Dalhousie Lodge , 865 , Hounslow . After the agenda paper was
printed , the Lodge of Loyalty , 86 ; St . David ' s , 366 ; and Samares , 559 , made the required returns and then were restored to their Masonic privileges . Since then four other lodges hid made the necessary returns , but from two no returns whatever had been received . It therefore became his duty to move Unit the Derbyshire Lodge , 122 , and the All Saints' Lodge , 138 , be erased and their warrants declared to be forfeited .
The G . Master put the motion , which was carried unanimously . The minutes were then confirmed . ELECTION OE GEAND MASTEE . Bro . CLAEON , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , said , having at tho last Grand Lodge nominated the SLAV , the Grand Master , for the ensuing year , it then became
his privilege to move that his Lordship be re-elected as Grand Master for , he believed , the twenty-second time . The brethren all knew the ability , courtesy , and impartiality with which he presided over them , but they did not know the labours he performed in their service in the closet . He was sure that all Masons would join with him in the wish that he might be many
times re-elected , trusting that the Great Architect of the Universe would for many years spare him to preside over the Craft , and see the temple of Masonry completed and inaugurated , which was now rising around them . ( Cheers . ) Bro . BAGSHAAV ( Prov . G . M . for Essex ) put the motion , which was carried unanimously amidst loud cheering .
The GUAND MASTEB said : Bro . Deputy Grand Master and brethren , —I assure you that it is with no ordinary feeling that I rise to return my sincere thanks for the honour you have conferred upon me for the twenty-second time in re-electing me
to the office of Grand Master . I can assure you I feel mcompetent to fulfil the orders entrusted to me as I could wish , and if I have failed in performing them as I ought to have done , it has not been from any want of an anxious desire to do so , but from the want of ability , and I am deeply grateful to you for excusing my imperfections when I require your indulgence . I
feel it a high honour to be elected to this post , and an anxious desire to do my duty to tho Craft , but I feel also the infirmities of age coining upon me , and although I am willing to devote my services to the Craft as long as lam able , when you see me incapable of performing my duties to your satisfaction I hope you will not fail to give me a hint , and then I shall most
willingly resign my office in other hands . I thank you sincerely at this time , for as you know from a late affliction I have heen unable to devote all my energies to your service , but I feel grateful for the manner in which I have been supported , and for the kindness always shown to me , and as long as I hold this office I hope to perforin my duties to your satisfaction . ( Cheers . ) The M . AY . G . Master was now saluted in the usual manner .
EIECIION or GBAND TEEASUKEE . A Brother , whose name we were unable to learn , said all the brethren knew how efficiently Bro . Tomkins had hitherto performed tiie duties of Grand Treasurer , and ho had great pleasure in moving that he be re-elected for the ensuing year . Bro . BEACKSTONE BAKEE seconded the motion , and said the
brethren would remember , on a late occasion , when the sum of £ 1 , 000 was voted to the Lancashire Relief Fund , how Bro . Tomkins in the most liberal manner expressed his willingness to pay the money at once , and took upon himself the responsibility of doing so without waiting for the confirmation of the minutes , which would have caused a delay of three
months-The house to which Bro . Tomkins belonged had always been connected with the Grand Treasurer , ancl without going into the merits of Bro . Tomkins , he thought he must be descended from the Treasurers of Grand Lodge of the pre-Adamite period , ( Loud laughter ) . The GBAND MASTEB put the motion , which was carried unanimously . Bro . TOMKINS ( who on rising was received with general and hearty cheering ) said , he thanked the brethren for re-electing