Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Grand Lodge.
. a to tbe office of Grand Treasurer , ancl he hoped always to i ) rve their confidence . THE BOAED OE BENEVOEENCE . Tho report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter was presented , and it contained recommendations for the following grants by Grand Lodge : —
The widow of Bro . James J . AV , of the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . '/ . London ... £ 30 Bro . Samuel J , of the St . Andrew's Lodge , „ . Wo . 222 , London £ 30
Bro . HERVEY , P . G . D ., moved the confirmation of the recommendation of £ 30 to the widow of Bro . J . J . AV ., of the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance . Bro . ADLAED seconded the motion , which was unanimously agreed to . Bro . TJDAEI , moved the confirmation of the grant of £ 30 to Bro . S . J ., of the St . Andrew's Lodge ( No . 222 ) . Bro . NUTT seconded the motion , which was aiso unanimously agreed to .
AUDIT COMMITTEE OE THE GEAND LODGE ACCOUNTS . The report of the Annual Audit Committee of the Grand Lodge Accounts for 1865 was presented . Bro . WAEEEN , P . G . S ., said he found in the paper that the report of Bro . Harding , Auditor of the Grand Lodge Accounts , was to be presented , and he thought that if it was brought
forward at the same time as this report it would be more satisfactory , instead of having the two reports presented at different times in the same evening . The G . SECRETAEY said that what was done was strictly iu accordance with the practice of the Grand Lodge . The report was then received and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
THE BOAED OE GENERAE PURPOSES . The PBESIDENT OF THE BOAED OE GENEEAI PURPOSES said as the report of the Board had for some time been in the hands of every member of Grand Lodge he should move that it be taken as read , which was agreed to . As it will be necessary to explain the discussion which
afterafter wards followed , the principal recommendations were as follows : — Tho Board of General Purposes beg to report that there has been brought under their consideration the propriety of making an increase to the salaries of the brethren employed as Clerks in the Grand Secretary ' s Office , by reason of the great increase of work
in the Office . The brethren referred to comprise Bros . Buss , Little , and Pendlebury , ancl also , Bro . Payne , the Grand Tyler , many of whose duties are those of a Clerk . Bro . Buss was appointed Clerk in May , 1855 , at a salary of £ 115 . This was increased to £ 150 in January , 1859 .
Bro . Little was appointed Clerk in October , 1 S 62 , at a . salary £ 2 2 s . a week , being £ 109 4 s . a year , at which amount it remains . Bro Pendlebury was appointed Clerk in April , 1 S 64 , at a salary of £ 100 a year , at which amount it remains . Bro . Payne was appointed Grand Tyler in November , 185 G , at
a salary of £ 84 , at which amount it remains . The appointment of two additional clerks ( Bros . Little ancl Pendlebury ) was rendered necessary by the large increase of work consequent on the progressive increase of income , involving a very much larger correspondence , more book keeping , and general office business . The Board are of opinion that , not-¦ withstanding such appointments , the labours of the other clerks
have been considerably augmented , ancl are increasing with the growing prosperity of the Grand Lodge funds . Grand Lodge will not fail to notice that the increase , since the appointment of Bro . Pendlebury as an additional clerk in 1864 , is very large , and the labours of all the clerks are therefore constantly becoming greater . The Board believe that the services of the several clerks are
efficiently performed . Under the above circumstances the Board are of opinion that an increase in the salaries of the brethren employed as clerks in the Grand Secretary ' s office may fairly be agreed to , and they recommend to Grand Lodge as follows -. — That tho salary of Bro . Buss bo increased from £ 150 to £ 200
a-year . That the salary of Bro . Little be increased from £ 109 4 s . to £ 135 a-year . That the salary of Bro . Pendlebury he increased from £ 100 to £ 115 a-year . That the salary of Bro . Payne be increased from £ 84 to £ 100
a-year . The PBESIDENT OE THE BOAED moved that the report be received . Bro . HATBES , P . G . W . said he felt it to be his duty to take tho somewhat unusual course of moving an amendment to the report proposed by the President of the Board of General Purposes ;
ancl having stated his reasons he thought the Grand Lodge would come to the conclusion to agree with him in the course he had taken . He was sure that all who knew him and how earnestly he had laboured for the good of Freemasonry would give him credit when having heard his reasons he asked them to send this report back to the Board of General Purposes . He felt it was only due to his colleagues and officers to say that the course he was
about to take , met with the full approbation of the President and Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , ancl most of its members , but he regretted to say that some one or two of them were not disposed to agree with him . He hoped , however , that when he had stated his reasons that he should still obtain their support . They had seen the great progress of Freemasonry in the past year , and they knew the battles they
had gone through in former times , but they had now reason to rejoice in the harmony aud good feeling which existed amongst their . Tho merits of individuals met with a calm and deliberate judgment , in no instance did they descend to personalities , which was strictly excluded , and they now did things in the best ancl most appropriate manner . The principal things
referred to in the report of the Board of General Purposes , was a recommendation for an increase in tho salaries of the subordinate officers in the Grand Secretary ' s office , and at the outset he might say at once that he was in favour of that increase . He wholly ancl entirely agreed with that when he considered the high price of provision ancl the increased prices
of house rent , which they had seen within a few years , and therefore he said it would be judicious to increase the salaries of these officers . He wished to do so , that the family of every man who did his work well should reap the advantage of an increased salary , hut beforo he did that he wished to be prepared to deal well with the future , and not to do anything hastily at
the present . He proposed to guard himself , and he hoped others who might follow him would guard themselves also against going into any details , as he only proposed to take up and deal with a general principle . Some of those who were in favour of an increase would tell their family that before they did bestow such increase there ought to be more deliberation Before he proceeded further he would read the report of the amendment he should propose : —" That it he referred to th
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge.
. a to tbe office of Grand Treasurer , ancl he hoped always to i ) rve their confidence . THE BOAED OE BENEVOEENCE . Tho report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter was presented , and it contained recommendations for the following grants by Grand Lodge : —
The widow of Bro . James J . AV , of the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance , No . '/ . London ... £ 30 Bro . Samuel J , of the St . Andrew's Lodge , „ . Wo . 222 , London £ 30
Bro . HERVEY , P . G . D ., moved the confirmation of the recommendation of £ 30 to the widow of Bro . J . J . AV ., of the Royal York Lodge of Perseverance . Bro . ADLAED seconded the motion , which was unanimously agreed to . Bro . TJDAEI , moved the confirmation of the grant of £ 30 to Bro . S . J ., of the St . Andrew's Lodge ( No . 222 ) . Bro . NUTT seconded the motion , which was aiso unanimously agreed to .
AUDIT COMMITTEE OE THE GEAND LODGE ACCOUNTS . The report of the Annual Audit Committee of the Grand Lodge Accounts for 1865 was presented . Bro . WAEEEN , P . G . S ., said he found in the paper that the report of Bro . Harding , Auditor of the Grand Lodge Accounts , was to be presented , and he thought that if it was brought
forward at the same time as this report it would be more satisfactory , instead of having the two reports presented at different times in the same evening . The G . SECRETAEY said that what was done was strictly iu accordance with the practice of the Grand Lodge . The report was then received and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
THE BOAED OE GENERAE PURPOSES . The PBESIDENT OF THE BOAED OE GENEEAI PURPOSES said as the report of the Board had for some time been in the hands of every member of Grand Lodge he should move that it be taken as read , which was agreed to . As it will be necessary to explain the discussion which
afterafter wards followed , the principal recommendations were as follows : — Tho Board of General Purposes beg to report that there has been brought under their consideration the propriety of making an increase to the salaries of the brethren employed as Clerks in the Grand Secretary ' s Office , by reason of the great increase of work
in the Office . The brethren referred to comprise Bros . Buss , Little , and Pendlebury , ancl also , Bro . Payne , the Grand Tyler , many of whose duties are those of a Clerk . Bro . Buss was appointed Clerk in May , 1855 , at a salary of £ 115 . This was increased to £ 150 in January , 1859 .
Bro . Little was appointed Clerk in October , 1 S 62 , at a . salary £ 2 2 s . a week , being £ 109 4 s . a year , at which amount it remains . Bro Pendlebury was appointed Clerk in April , 1 S 64 , at a salary of £ 100 a year , at which amount it remains . Bro . Payne was appointed Grand Tyler in November , 185 G , at
a salary of £ 84 , at which amount it remains . The appointment of two additional clerks ( Bros . Little ancl Pendlebury ) was rendered necessary by the large increase of work consequent on the progressive increase of income , involving a very much larger correspondence , more book keeping , and general office business . The Board are of opinion that , not-¦ withstanding such appointments , the labours of the other clerks
have been considerably augmented , ancl are increasing with the growing prosperity of the Grand Lodge funds . Grand Lodge will not fail to notice that the increase , since the appointment of Bro . Pendlebury as an additional clerk in 1864 , is very large , and the labours of all the clerks are therefore constantly becoming greater . The Board believe that the services of the several clerks are
efficiently performed . Under the above circumstances the Board are of opinion that an increase in the salaries of the brethren employed as clerks in the Grand Secretary ' s office may fairly be agreed to , and they recommend to Grand Lodge as follows -. — That tho salary of Bro . Buss bo increased from £ 150 to £ 200
a-year . That the salary of Bro . Little be increased from £ 109 4 s . to £ 135 a-year . That the salary of Bro . Pendlebury he increased from £ 100 to £ 115 a-year . That the salary of Bro . Payne be increased from £ 84 to £ 100
a-year . The PBESIDENT OE THE BOAED moved that the report be received . Bro . HATBES , P . G . W . said he felt it to be his duty to take tho somewhat unusual course of moving an amendment to the report proposed by the President of the Board of General Purposes ;
ancl having stated his reasons he thought the Grand Lodge would come to the conclusion to agree with him in the course he had taken . He was sure that all who knew him and how earnestly he had laboured for the good of Freemasonry would give him credit when having heard his reasons he asked them to send this report back to the Board of General Purposes . He felt it was only due to his colleagues and officers to say that the course he was
about to take , met with the full approbation of the President and Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , ancl most of its members , but he regretted to say that some one or two of them were not disposed to agree with him . He hoped , however , that when he had stated his reasons that he should still obtain their support . They had seen the great progress of Freemasonry in the past year , and they knew the battles they
had gone through in former times , but they had now reason to rejoice in the harmony aud good feeling which existed amongst their . Tho merits of individuals met with a calm and deliberate judgment , in no instance did they descend to personalities , which was strictly excluded , and they now did things in the best ancl most appropriate manner . The principal things
referred to in the report of the Board of General Purposes , was a recommendation for an increase in tho salaries of the subordinate officers in the Grand Secretary ' s office , and at the outset he might say at once that he was in favour of that increase . He wholly ancl entirely agreed with that when he considered the high price of provision ancl the increased prices
of house rent , which they had seen within a few years , and therefore he said it would be judicious to increase the salaries of these officers . He wished to do so , that the family of every man who did his work well should reap the advantage of an increased salary , hut beforo he did that he wished to be prepared to deal well with the future , and not to do anything hastily at
the present . He proposed to guard himself , and he hoped others who might follow him would guard themselves also against going into any details , as he only proposed to take up and deal with a general principle . Some of those who were in favour of an increase would tell their family that before they did bestow such increase there ought to be more deliberation Before he proceeded further he would read the report of the amendment he should propose : —" That it he referred to th