Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1
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THEMASONICIIMOR. : V All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , Vv . C .
Masonic Mems.
'IlIE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DlAttV , AND POCKET BOOK roa 1 S 69 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication lias been just issued . It can be obtained afc the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburysti'eet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —We avo requested to mention ¦ that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of the fund , and the Secretary will be glad to receive the numes of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will bo published .
BRETHREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . GRAND LODGE or IRELAND ORGAN "FUND . —A subscription list for this fund is opened at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . Bros . . Francis Quiii , Davenport , Crosthwaite , and Humphrey Minehin
will be happy to receive subscriptions . His Grace the Duke of Leiucester , G . M ., has headed the list with the magnificent donation of £ 100 . £ ' 100 is the amount required
THE "Freemasons' Calendar for the Province of Durham " is now published , and may be obtained on application to Bro . William Brignall , jun ., or Bro . K . Cooke , S , Silver-street , Durham . THE Most Worshipful Grand Master has fixed the 14-th jnsfc ., for the inauguration of the new buildings , in Great
Queen-street , and has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to commemorate the occasion , which will be worn by the Stewards ¦ onl y . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about £ 6 6 s .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE or BERKS AND BUCKS . —The next meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge will , it is understood , be held at Windsor , on Friday , the 21 sfc of May next , ¦ when the B . W . Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., ill . P ., will be invested and installed as the new Prov . G . Master . We need scarcely add that there is now hope for this province , so long
in the Slough of Despond . MASONIC IMPOSTORS , —We have been requested to caution the Masters , Treasurers , Almoners , and other officers of lodges , and members , of our Order , against a person travelling under the name of Dr . J . B . Smith , claiming to be a member of the Howard Lodge , iS o . 35 , Washington D . C ., in the United States
of America , and representing himself as the assistant director of the Uuited States Mint at Washington , at present in this country on the business of the Government of the U . S . The individual in question has recently ; visited Crewe , and has levied contributions . Now as we ' ni-a not aware that there is a Mint in Washington , and moreover as there are several circumstances
connected with Dr . J . B . Smith ' s statements that are suspicious , wo feel it to be our duty to comply with our correspondent ' s request to at once insert this caution ; and we hope to be in a position by next week to complete our inquiries , aud to publish the results —if they be such as our correspondent states that he has reason to believe will be sure to crop up ; mean time , "forewarned , forearmed . "
Masonic Mems.
PORTRAITS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . S ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . Gd . each . A few copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large si / . o paper , can be had , price 10 s . 6 d . WjlirriNGtrON LODGE OX INSTRUCTION . —We are requested
to state that this lodge of instruction has removed from tho Thatched House Tavern , lied Lion-street , to the Crown Hotel , 41 , Holborn . It meets at 8 p . m ., instead oft as formerly , 7 . 30 . GIRLS' Scrroor . —The following case has been recommended to us as deserving the support of those brethren not pledged to any particular candidate , for the next October election . The
candidate , Martha Stone , aged nine years , is a daughter of our late Bro . John Crunch Stone , master mariner , of Brixham , Ho died at sea on the 27 th day of January , 1 SGS , off Cardiff , while on a voyage from St . Michael ' s , suddenly , leaving a widow and five little children , the eldost being only eleven years old , and quite unprovided for . Bro . Stone was initiated in Lodge True
Love and Unity ( So . 21-8 ) , Brixham , on the 20 th August , 1802 , of which lodge he continued a subscribing member until the time of his death . His widow is left entirely destitute , without any means of support ; for , although our late brother was a very steady , industrious man , great losses through sickness and want of emploj'inent , prevented him from making that provision for
his family which lie was anxious to do . The ages of the children are : —three girls , eleven , nine , and eight years ; two boys , six and two years . Proxies will be received by Bros . Henry Browse , 32 , Craven-street , Strand , London ; Kev . JR . Bowden , Stoke Gabriel , Totnes ; Eev . X E . Greer , Churston , Brixham ; and T . S . Stevens , Sec . Lodge 248 , Brixham .
BOYS' Scnooi / . —APRIL ELECTION . —Votes are respectfully solicited on behalf of John Lane , aged eight years . The candidate ' s father was until recently in a large way of business as a lithographer , but from sudden extensive losses in trade and great affliction , he , with the mother and seven children , of whom the candidate is tho eldest , became reduced to a state of
entire dependence upon relatives and friends for the means of subsistence : subsequently be was placed in -Coluey Hatch Lunatic Asylum , and died there on the 14 th February , 186 S . The father was initiated in the St . Luke ' s Lodge ( So . 144 ) , in December , 1856 ; joined the Lodge of Industry ( . No . 186 ) , in November , 1 S 57 , and continued a subscribing member to December , 1867- The case is strongly recommended by several influential and well-known brethren .
EOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION von BOYS . —The April election takes place on Monday , at Freemason's Hall . Fifteen boys will be elected . MASONIC QUIDNUNCS . —The next meeting of this society will take place on Monday , May 3 rd , when a proposition for altering the day of meeting , and other important matters , will
be considered . SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL . —Tho meeting of the Supreme Grand Council will not take place in April , as hitherto , but a meeting of the 30 ° will be held on Tuesday , May 12 th . MASONIC AECILEOMGICAL INSTITUTE . —The fourth meeting of this Institute will be held at Freemason ' s Hall , on Friday ,
the 30 th iust ., when a paper will he read by Bro . Gospetius , and subjects connected with Mason ' s Marks will be brought before the meeting . UNIVERSAL CALENDAR TOR 1 S 70 . —Brethren , both at home and abroad , are fraternally requested to forward to our care any change of places of meeting of lodges , chapters , & c , and also to notify to us of any new ones that may be consecrated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEMASONICIIMOR. : V All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , Vv . C .
Masonic Mems.
'IlIE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAR , DlAttV , AND POCKET BOOK roa 1 S 69 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication lias been just issued . It can be obtained afc the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburysti'eet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —We avo requested to mention ¦ that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the purposes of the fund , and the Secretary will be glad to receive the numes of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will bo published .
BRETHREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . GRAND LODGE or IRELAND ORGAN "FUND . —A subscription list for this fund is opened at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin . Bros . . Francis Quiii , Davenport , Crosthwaite , and Humphrey Minehin
will be happy to receive subscriptions . His Grace the Duke of Leiucester , G . M ., has headed the list with the magnificent donation of £ 100 . £ ' 100 is the amount required
THE "Freemasons' Calendar for the Province of Durham " is now published , and may be obtained on application to Bro . William Brignall , jun ., or Bro . K . Cooke , S , Silver-street , Durham . THE Most Worshipful Grand Master has fixed the 14-th jnsfc ., for the inauguration of the new buildings , in Great
Queen-street , and has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to commemorate the occasion , which will be worn by the Stewards ¦ onl y . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about £ 6 6 s .
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE or BERKS AND BUCKS . —The next meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge will , it is understood , be held at Windsor , on Friday , the 21 sfc of May next , ¦ when the B . W . Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., ill . P ., will be invested and installed as the new Prov . G . Master . We need scarcely add that there is now hope for this province , so long
in the Slough of Despond . MASONIC IMPOSTORS , —We have been requested to caution the Masters , Treasurers , Almoners , and other officers of lodges , and members , of our Order , against a person travelling under the name of Dr . J . B . Smith , claiming to be a member of the Howard Lodge , iS o . 35 , Washington D . C ., in the United States
of America , and representing himself as the assistant director of the Uuited States Mint at Washington , at present in this country on the business of the Government of the U . S . The individual in question has recently ; visited Crewe , and has levied contributions . Now as we ' ni-a not aware that there is a Mint in Washington , and moreover as there are several circumstances
connected with Dr . J . B . Smith ' s statements that are suspicious , wo feel it to be our duty to comply with our correspondent ' s request to at once insert this caution ; and we hope to be in a position by next week to complete our inquiries , aud to publish the results —if they be such as our correspondent states that he has reason to believe will be sure to crop up ; mean time , "forewarned , forearmed . "
Masonic Mems.
PORTRAITS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . S ., M . W . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . Gd . each . A few copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large si / . o paper , can be had , price 10 s . 6 d . WjlirriNGtrON LODGE OX INSTRUCTION . —We are requested
to state that this lodge of instruction has removed from tho Thatched House Tavern , lied Lion-street , to the Crown Hotel , 41 , Holborn . It meets at 8 p . m ., instead oft as formerly , 7 . 30 . GIRLS' Scrroor . —The following case has been recommended to us as deserving the support of those brethren not pledged to any particular candidate , for the next October election . The
candidate , Martha Stone , aged nine years , is a daughter of our late Bro . John Crunch Stone , master mariner , of Brixham , Ho died at sea on the 27 th day of January , 1 SGS , off Cardiff , while on a voyage from St . Michael ' s , suddenly , leaving a widow and five little children , the eldost being only eleven years old , and quite unprovided for . Bro . Stone was initiated in Lodge True
Love and Unity ( So . 21-8 ) , Brixham , on the 20 th August , 1802 , of which lodge he continued a subscribing member until the time of his death . His widow is left entirely destitute , without any means of support ; for , although our late brother was a very steady , industrious man , great losses through sickness and want of emploj'inent , prevented him from making that provision for
his family which lie was anxious to do . The ages of the children are : —three girls , eleven , nine , and eight years ; two boys , six and two years . Proxies will be received by Bros . Henry Browse , 32 , Craven-street , Strand , London ; Kev . JR . Bowden , Stoke Gabriel , Totnes ; Eev . X E . Greer , Churston , Brixham ; and T . S . Stevens , Sec . Lodge 248 , Brixham .
BOYS' Scnooi / . —APRIL ELECTION . —Votes are respectfully solicited on behalf of John Lane , aged eight years . The candidate ' s father was until recently in a large way of business as a lithographer , but from sudden extensive losses in trade and great affliction , he , with the mother and seven children , of whom the candidate is tho eldest , became reduced to a state of
entire dependence upon relatives and friends for the means of subsistence : subsequently be was placed in -Coluey Hatch Lunatic Asylum , and died there on the 14 th February , 186 S . The father was initiated in the St . Luke ' s Lodge ( So . 144 ) , in December , 1856 ; joined the Lodge of Industry ( . No . 186 ) , in November , 1 S 57 , and continued a subscribing member to December , 1867- The case is strongly recommended by several influential and well-known brethren .
EOYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION von BOYS . —The April election takes place on Monday , at Freemason's Hall . Fifteen boys will be elected . MASONIC QUIDNUNCS . —The next meeting of this society will take place on Monday , May 3 rd , when a proposition for altering the day of meeting , and other important matters , will
be considered . SUPREME GRAND COUNCIL . —Tho meeting of the Supreme Grand Council will not take place in April , as hitherto , but a meeting of the 30 ° will be held on Tuesday , May 12 th . MASONIC AECILEOMGICAL INSTITUTE . —The fourth meeting of this Institute will be held at Freemason ' s Hall , on Friday ,
the 30 th iust ., when a paper will he read by Bro . Gospetius , and subjects connected with Mason ' s Marks will be brought before the meeting . UNIVERSAL CALENDAR TOR 1 S 70 . —Brethren , both at home and abroad , are fraternally requested to forward to our care any change of places of meeting of lodges , chapters , & c , and also to notify to us of any new ones that may be consecrated .