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Royal Freemasons' School For Female Children.
At a Quarterly General Court , held on Thursday last , the following children were elected : — JNO . on list . Name Votes polled . U Agjileton , Sophia 99 o 33 Ciemencf , Lucy Kate 0 S 4 a Upton , Jane Robson 7-16 1 BarrettICate I-abe ! la G 9 S
, 4 Hind in , Clari Rnsina A 600 3 Storry Elizabeth 593 20 Thorp , Maria Louisa , 5 SS 7 MoUueux , Alice Ititson 5 GG 25 Earle , Miry Eliza 5 Gi ' 6 Wicks , Clara Mercedes 559 irues 559
29 B , Mary Emma 13 .... .. Baker , Edith Sarah 551 9 Holland , Eliza Allen 516 28 Clark , Frances Clara 509 2 Kohert-, Frances Jane 504 21 Sherry , Mnlilda Maria 480 15 Claissu , M-. u-y Theresa 437
The following is the list of the unsuccessful candidates , with the number of votes polled , which will be carried forward to the next election : — So . on list . Name . Votes pilled . 27 Harvey , Emma Louisa 418 17 Lawrence , Fanny Jane 402 23 ' . Gilchrist , Kate 250
8 Palmer , Mary Cornwall 196 24 Bush , Florence Jane 192 11 Stone , Martha 176 12 Kelly , Ada Kate 102 16 Belcher , Florence Kate 0-1 10 Chapman , Ada Gertrude 77 31 Williams , Mary Elizabeth 73 26 DavidsonJanet Sarah 27
, 30 Tyler , Maria 13 33 Jelley , Mnvy Jane 6 19 Dawson , Aiin Sarah 3 18 Titus , Amelia Charlotte — 22 Martin , Henrietta Allithea —
EGYPTIAN L ODGE ( NO . 27 ) . —This well-known and prosperous lodge met at Auderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . Bro . W . II . Libbis , W . M ., having taken the chair at live o'clock precisely , the mmutes of the previous lodge were read and continued . The W . M . then raised Bros . Knig ht and Sutherland to the sublime degree of M . M ., in a manner creditable to the lodge . No other business being before the lodge it was duly closed , and the brethren then sat down to an
excellent banquet provided by Bros . Clemow , and superintended by Bro . Smith , their oxccllons manager . The usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were -riven . "The'Health of the W . M . " was responded to by that brother in a very appropriate manner . Bro , John Coutts returned thanks for the Past Masters , in a very eloquent manner . The visiting brethren scvov . illy retwvned thanks , these were Bros . Fox , P . M . 19 ; M . Coultman , 123 ; J . Jarwood 200 J . LinsdellI . G . 211 ; J . TerryP . M . 22 S . The
, ; , , W . M . then proposed ' Success to the Masonic Charities , " and called the attention of the brethren to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , coupling with it the name of Bro . D . II . Jacobs , P . M ., who had consented to become a Steward , who in returning thanks , stated the pleasure he had in supporting so noble anhistituti ' on , and thanked the brethren for the liberal support they had accorded him for the forthcoming festival . A very
delightful evening was spent , and enhanced by some excellent singing by Bios . G . Tedder , Newton , Coultman , Hepburn , Skidmore , T . Fox , & c . Tho brethren then separated at an early hour . ROYAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . 72 ) . —This celebrated lodge , so well known for its excellent working , met on Monday , cue 5 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . Geo . Oxford , in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting having been read and confirmed ,
Bros . Manning and Foster having answered the necessary questions retired , and on their admission into the lodge , were duly passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M . in a very excellent manner . Bro . James Constable , P . M ., ISt . John ' s Lodge ( Ireland ) , having been proposed by Bro . Durkin as a joining member , he was unanimously elected . Several notices of moti-m were given by the W . M ., and carried , in matters relaHve _ to tho well working of the lodge , one more particularly that live iven for the
per cent , on the amount of subscriptions should be g purpose of subscribing to the Masonic charities , Bro . Webb , P . M . and Trea ? ., speaking very much to the purpose on so excellent a subject . The brethren then separated at a . very early
hour . LODGE OJ ? JOPPA ( NO . 18 S ) . —The above lodge met on Mondav , the 5 th inst . Bra . Clias . Relp h having taken tho chair , passed Bros . C . Nathan and Diore to the degree of F . C . in a very excellent manner . Bro . Lewis Heinemann having satisfactorily answered the usual questions , was raised ( by special desire ) bv Bvo . M . Van Diepen ' neim in his usual perfect maimer . An election for Trustee of the Benevolent Fund attached to this
lod « -e thon took [ dace , when Bro . II . F . Isaacs was unanimously elect-d . The brethren then adjourned to a slig ht repast , when the usual toasts were given . Tne toast of the visitors was very ably responded to by Bro . Grieve . Some very excellent singing emanated from Bros . Ncwmark , C . Nathan , and Aaronson , and . a very p leasant evening was spent . The visitors were , Blum , No . 1 , 067 ; Grieve , Lodge of Gibralt ir ; and Diore .
INSTRUCTION . THE UNITED PILG-RM ' LODGE OF I NSTRUCTION . Anniversary Festival . Under very favourable auspices the Anniversary Festival of this numerously attended lodge of instruction , was on Friday tbe nd instheld in the lod of the Horns HotelKennington
' ., ge , Park . There were nearly 100 brethren present , amongst whom were Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor P . G . officer , —and we might say « . Prince in Masonry , —P . M . ' s Warthington , J . Stevens , Harvey Bowles , White , Alexander , 167 , Ring , and Bros . Welsfbrl 51 S , Pain , Nowney , Malley , Wolpert , Bouts , 177 ,-Dawson , Jaeger . S . W ., 548 , Niblett , Duckett , 587 , Driver , 905 , Salmon , Smith , D . AUatfc , -H . J . Wright , ( of the Royal Skinner 699 loorc
Jubilee ) J . Melless , Dawna , C . E ., , , , 720 Lar « -e , 83 S , Way , 104 : 1 , Howk-k , 10-14 , Sending , Su 2 , Wilson , 144 , J- P- Poneiono , 72 , G . Smith , 548 , Farthing ,. 1210 T H . Lavers , 211 , Boildv , 1044 , Salmon , Gibbs , W . M ., 15 F H . Sif ' ee , 2-1-5 , Huddleston , 975 , Cooper , 742 , Chudleigh , 177 , Turner , 902 , Ball , Karris , Chas . E . Thompson , S . D . and of the Southern Star Lod and of 177 Domatic & c .
Sec , ge , , Shortly alter six o ' clock the lodge was opened in due form and witii sMemn prayer , the brethren appearing in full masonic costume . After the routine business had been disposed of , Bro . P . M . Worthinn-ton , in an excellent manner installed Bro . J . Thomas , in the chair of K . S ., and the usual addresses and induetiii " - of officers took place . . .
All the brethren were highly pleased at the masonic treat afforded them . Business being concluded , the lodge was closed , and the company sat down to an excellent dinner at which Bro . Thomas presided , after which the t . msts oi ' -Tne Earl of Zetland W . M . U . M ., " " The Earl de Gray and Ripon , and the rest of fchoG . officers , " were given with full masonic honours . The W . M . said , ho did not that evening intend to detun them with long speeches and would shortly propose the health
, of the visitors . He was sure the United Pilgrims nudge ot Instruction , must be very p leased to receive s . > many visitors as were present that evening , visitors who held such high positions in the Craft , he had therefore very much p leasure in asking them to join with him in drinking to their g-. icd health , and he hoped to see them often amongst them . Whenever they came , tUev miht be they would meet with a welcome . The
g sure toast wis drunk and a very good fire given . Bro . 1- iw . Worthiiig ton sang ' ¦ The Village Blacksmith" in very good stvle . Bro . Gibbs , W . M ., 15 , returned thanks for the visitors , and said , he felt that the duty devolved upon him as master of one o f tin ! oldo-t lodges in London , and on their behalf he felt bound to sav they had been much gratified at the way in which the work laid been done . Every one he thought must admire worked the
the way in which Bro . Worthingfcon had ceremony that evening . He trusted the visitors mig ht be spared to visit the lodge at its next anniversary . Bro . Thomas had great pleasure in proposing the health of those brethren who had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Freemasons' School For Female Children.
At a Quarterly General Court , held on Thursday last , the following children were elected : — JNO . on list . Name Votes polled . U Agjileton , Sophia 99 o 33 Ciemencf , Lucy Kate 0 S 4 a Upton , Jane Robson 7-16 1 BarrettICate I-abe ! la G 9 S
, 4 Hind in , Clari Rnsina A 600 3 Storry Elizabeth 593 20 Thorp , Maria Louisa , 5 SS 7 MoUueux , Alice Ititson 5 GG 25 Earle , Miry Eliza 5 Gi ' 6 Wicks , Clara Mercedes 559 irues 559
29 B , Mary Emma 13 .... .. Baker , Edith Sarah 551 9 Holland , Eliza Allen 516 28 Clark , Frances Clara 509 2 Kohert-, Frances Jane 504 21 Sherry , Mnlilda Maria 480 15 Claissu , M-. u-y Theresa 437
The following is the list of the unsuccessful candidates , with the number of votes polled , which will be carried forward to the next election : — So . on list . Name . Votes pilled . 27 Harvey , Emma Louisa 418 17 Lawrence , Fanny Jane 402 23 ' . Gilchrist , Kate 250
8 Palmer , Mary Cornwall 196 24 Bush , Florence Jane 192 11 Stone , Martha 176 12 Kelly , Ada Kate 102 16 Belcher , Florence Kate 0-1 10 Chapman , Ada Gertrude 77 31 Williams , Mary Elizabeth 73 26 DavidsonJanet Sarah 27
, 30 Tyler , Maria 13 33 Jelley , Mnvy Jane 6 19 Dawson , Aiin Sarah 3 18 Titus , Amelia Charlotte — 22 Martin , Henrietta Allithea —
EGYPTIAN L ODGE ( NO . 27 ) . —This well-known and prosperous lodge met at Auderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . Bro . W . II . Libbis , W . M ., having taken the chair at live o'clock precisely , the mmutes of the previous lodge were read and continued . The W . M . then raised Bros . Knig ht and Sutherland to the sublime degree of M . M ., in a manner creditable to the lodge . No other business being before the lodge it was duly closed , and the brethren then sat down to an
excellent banquet provided by Bros . Clemow , and superintended by Bro . Smith , their oxccllons manager . The usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were -riven . "The'Health of the W . M . " was responded to by that brother in a very appropriate manner . Bro , John Coutts returned thanks for the Past Masters , in a very eloquent manner . The visiting brethren scvov . illy retwvned thanks , these were Bros . Fox , P . M . 19 ; M . Coultman , 123 ; J . Jarwood 200 J . LinsdellI . G . 211 ; J . TerryP . M . 22 S . The
, ; , , W . M . then proposed ' Success to the Masonic Charities , " and called the attention of the brethren to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , coupling with it the name of Bro . D . II . Jacobs , P . M ., who had consented to become a Steward , who in returning thanks , stated the pleasure he had in supporting so noble anhistituti ' on , and thanked the brethren for the liberal support they had accorded him for the forthcoming festival . A very
delightful evening was spent , and enhanced by some excellent singing by Bios . G . Tedder , Newton , Coultman , Hepburn , Skidmore , T . Fox , & c . Tho brethren then separated at an early hour . ROYAL JUBILEE LODGE ( NO . 72 ) . —This celebrated lodge , so well known for its excellent working , met on Monday , cue 5 th inst . The W . M ., Bro . Geo . Oxford , in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting having been read and confirmed ,
Bros . Manning and Foster having answered the necessary questions retired , and on their admission into the lodge , were duly passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M . in a very excellent manner . Bro . James Constable , P . M ., ISt . John ' s Lodge ( Ireland ) , having been proposed by Bro . Durkin as a joining member , he was unanimously elected . Several notices of moti-m were given by the W . M ., and carried , in matters relaHve _ to tho well working of the lodge , one more particularly that live iven for the
per cent , on the amount of subscriptions should be g purpose of subscribing to the Masonic charities , Bro . Webb , P . M . and Trea ? ., speaking very much to the purpose on so excellent a subject . The brethren then separated at a . very early
hour . LODGE OJ ? JOPPA ( NO . 18 S ) . —The above lodge met on Mondav , the 5 th inst . Bra . Clias . Relp h having taken tho chair , passed Bros . C . Nathan and Diore to the degree of F . C . in a very excellent manner . Bro . Lewis Heinemann having satisfactorily answered the usual questions , was raised ( by special desire ) bv Bvo . M . Van Diepen ' neim in his usual perfect maimer . An election for Trustee of the Benevolent Fund attached to this
lod « -e thon took [ dace , when Bro . II . F . Isaacs was unanimously elect-d . The brethren then adjourned to a slig ht repast , when the usual toasts were given . Tne toast of the visitors was very ably responded to by Bro . Grieve . Some very excellent singing emanated from Bros . Ncwmark , C . Nathan , and Aaronson , and . a very p leasant evening was spent . The visitors were , Blum , No . 1 , 067 ; Grieve , Lodge of Gibralt ir ; and Diore .
INSTRUCTION . THE UNITED PILG-RM ' LODGE OF I NSTRUCTION . Anniversary Festival . Under very favourable auspices the Anniversary Festival of this numerously attended lodge of instruction , was on Friday tbe nd instheld in the lod of the Horns HotelKennington
' ., ge , Park . There were nearly 100 brethren present , amongst whom were Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor P . G . officer , —and we might say « . Prince in Masonry , —P . M . ' s Warthington , J . Stevens , Harvey Bowles , White , Alexander , 167 , Ring , and Bros . Welsfbrl 51 S , Pain , Nowney , Malley , Wolpert , Bouts , 177 ,-Dawson , Jaeger . S . W ., 548 , Niblett , Duckett , 587 , Driver , 905 , Salmon , Smith , D . AUatfc , -H . J . Wright , ( of the Royal Skinner 699 loorc
Jubilee ) J . Melless , Dawna , C . E ., , , , 720 Lar « -e , 83 S , Way , 104 : 1 , Howk-k , 10-14 , Sending , Su 2 , Wilson , 144 , J- P- Poneiono , 72 , G . Smith , 548 , Farthing ,. 1210 T H . Lavers , 211 , Boildv , 1044 , Salmon , Gibbs , W . M ., 15 F H . Sif ' ee , 2-1-5 , Huddleston , 975 , Cooper , 742 , Chudleigh , 177 , Turner , 902 , Ball , Karris , Chas . E . Thompson , S . D . and of the Southern Star Lod and of 177 Domatic & c .
Sec , ge , , Shortly alter six o ' clock the lodge was opened in due form and witii sMemn prayer , the brethren appearing in full masonic costume . After the routine business had been disposed of , Bro . P . M . Worthinn-ton , in an excellent manner installed Bro . J . Thomas , in the chair of K . S ., and the usual addresses and induetiii " - of officers took place . . .
All the brethren were highly pleased at the masonic treat afforded them . Business being concluded , the lodge was closed , and the company sat down to an excellent dinner at which Bro . Thomas presided , after which the t . msts oi ' -Tne Earl of Zetland W . M . U . M ., " " The Earl de Gray and Ripon , and the rest of fchoG . officers , " were given with full masonic honours . The W . M . said , ho did not that evening intend to detun them with long speeches and would shortly propose the health
, of the visitors . He was sure the United Pilgrims nudge ot Instruction , must be very p leased to receive s . > many visitors as were present that evening , visitors who held such high positions in the Craft , he had therefore very much p leasure in asking them to join with him in drinking to their g-. icd health , and he hoped to see them often amongst them . Whenever they came , tUev miht be they would meet with a welcome . The
g sure toast wis drunk and a very good fire given . Bro . 1- iw . Worthiiig ton sang ' ¦ The Village Blacksmith" in very good stvle . Bro . Gibbs , W . M ., 15 , returned thanks for the visitors , and said , he felt that the duty devolved upon him as master of one o f tin ! oldo-t lodges in London , and on their behalf he felt bound to sav they had been much gratified at the way in which the work laid been done . Every one he thought must admire worked the
the way in which Bro . Worthingfcon had ceremony that evening . He trusted the visitors mig ht be spared to visit the lodge at its next anniversary . Bro . Thomas had great pleasure in proposing the health of those brethren who had