Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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joined the lodge that evening . Song " Long may the oak and ivy . " Bro . AVhite responded , and said , for over five years he had been a hard-working Mason , and he was very proud that bis name had been enrolled under the wide spreading banner of the Craft . He was glad he had joined that Lodge of Instruction , because be was assured he should much profit by what he should learn , aud lie only regretted that more brethren did not
join Instruction Lodges than already belonged to them . Bro . Worthington who occupied the position of I . P . M ., said , the duty fell to him , and a very pleasing duty it was , to propose the health of their W . M ., Bro . John Thomas , who bad a great many initials after his name . That he was one of the dearest members of Order everyone knew . He was their Preceptor and a better or more kind hearted man , than Bro . J . Thomas , did not existFor between 20 and 30 yearsBro . Thomas had belonged
. , to the Craft , —he was initiated on a Wednesday , and on the Friday following , he became a member of a lodge of Instruction and since that time he had scarcely missed one attendance . He had attended lodges and lodges of Instruction over 5000 times . Although he required no thanks for what instruction he could give , yet he ( Bro . Worthington , ) thought it was their duty to thank him . Look be would say at what he had done for the charities , —look how he had supported the asylum for aged
Freemasons and their widows . The way in which their W . M . bad supported the charities , generally reflected the greatest lustre and credit upon him . He concluded by asking them to drink the toast in bumpers , ( much enthusiasm ensued . ) Bro . Lawler , who accompanied himself sang , " My boyhood ' s native home .. ' Bro . Thomas who was loudly cheered , said for their great kindness he thanked them . He could assure them he felt great pleasure in presiding over them that niht—it would have
g been an honour to any man to preside over such an assembly . It was true that for many years be bad been a Freemason—it was one of his "hobbies" and if he did not pass four or five evenings a week amongst Freemasons—although his time might more lucratively be spent elsewhere , he did not feel satisfied with himself . He trusted the Great Architect of the Universe ,
might spare him for many years to meet so brilliant an assembly as was present at that moment . He thanked them very kindly for the great honour they bad done him . Bro . Driver sang with excellent taste "The stirrup cup . " Bro . Thomas proposed the health of Bro . Worthington , P . M ., to which he suitably replied . Bro . Thomas proposed the health of the stewards , and particularly alluded to the indefatigable exertions of Bro .
Horatio Wright , of the Royal Jubilee Lodge ; and said , without such men as he , they would not have had anything like so successful a meeting . To the stewards was all the praise due for their arrangements had given perfect satisf ' actiou . The toast it need scarcely be said was well received . Bro . Wright responded , and said he was glad their labours had been crowned with success , and that their efforts had been so thoroughly appreciated . " Success to our charities " and the " tyler's "
toast brought a most agreeable evening to a close . METROPOLITAN LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . —A numerous meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , Aldernianbury , on Friday , the 2 nd inst . There were present , Bros . Taylor , W . M . ; R . Tanner , S . W . ; Casey , J . W . ; Washby , S . D . ; Mayo , J . D . ; Stevens , I . G . The initiation was worked by the W . M . and brethren , also the first five sections , the whole of which
reflected the greatest credit on these young Masons , who under their able preceptor , Bro . J . Brett , can , in a very creditable manner , give the questions and answers to all the sections ; while some who have received but a period of a few months instruction from that chief , are enabled to deliver the lectures on the first , second and third tracing boards , demonstrating also to those who hear them , their oratorical tuition has not beeu neglected . We may here observe those services are rendered b
y Bro . J . Brett gratuitously , and the greatest reward that can be returned for the same to this worthy Chief in Cratt aud Royal Arch Masonry , is for the brethren to give proofs of the proficiency in the correct rendering of all the ceremonies . The lodge meetings are held at the George Hotel , Alderinanbury , every Friday evening , at seven p . m .
DURHAM . GAEESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The tirethreu of this ancient and flourishing lodge held their annual
festival on Monday , the 22 nd ult ., to celebrate the installation of their popular W . M ., Bro . John Stokoe , and also the inauguration of their new hall—a handsome and commodious building situate in one of the principal steeets of the borough . Tho Lodge of Industry justly ranks as one of the oldest lodges in the kingdom ( older by many years than other lodges which stand hiher in precedence in of possessing lower
g consequence numbers ) . From a ' minute book in the possession of the lodge , wo gather that it existed in 1725 as a purely operative lodge , although not enrolled upon the books of Grand Lodge until 1735 . Nearly fifty brethren assembled in the hall at the appointed time , including amongst their numbers many of the most eminent Masons of this and the neighbouring province—Bros . W . I-I . Crookes , Prov .-G . Sec . Durham , P . M . SO ; A .
Clapham , P . Prov . J . G . W . Northumberland , P . M . 24 and 48 -, H . Hotham , P . Prov . S . G . W . Northumberland , P . M . 24 ; T . Y . Strachan , P . M . 406 , P . Prov . S . G . D . Northumberland ; R . J . Bauniii ? , P . M . 48 , P . Prov . J . G . W . Durham ; W . Foulsbam , P . M . 24 and 406 ; J . H . Thomson , P . M . 48 and 4 S 1 ; W . G . Laws , W . M . 541 , W . Brignall , jun ., S . D . 124 , & c . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . Jensen , the W . M ., who , after the usual routine , resigned the chair in favour of Bro . R . J . Banning , Installing Master , by whom the installation ceremony was performed in an able and impressive manner ,
and Bro . Stokoe duly placed in the chair as the first installed W . M . in the new Hall . The lodge room is about 42 feet long by 25 feet wide , and when all completed—which we understand will be done before the next meetings—will form one of the finest Halls for Masonic purposes in the north of England , indeed its appearance on this occasion spoke volumes in favout of the industry and energy displayed by the brethren to whose hands the preparation had been intrusted . The W . M . then
proceeded to the investiture of officers as follows : — Bros . Jensen , I . P . M . ; R . B . Reed , S . W . ; R . F . Cook , 31 . 3 ., J . W ; G . L . Dunn , Treas . ; W . Garbutt , Sec . ; J . Potts , S . D . ; Chas . Bass , J . D . ; J . H . Kendal ; , I . G . ; W . Cook , and A . Donnison , Stewards ; Curry , Tyler . The report of the finance committee , and the election of Organist , were deferred until the next regular meeting . Bro . Ernest Burnup of lodge No . 685 , Newcastle , was proposed as a subscribing member and the lodge ,
duly closed . The brethren then adjourned to Mrs . Nielson ' s Grey Horse Inn , to hold the festival , and above forty brethren sat down to a sumptuous repast under the presidency of the new W . M . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . and the pleasures and enjoyments of the evening were greatly enhanced by the vocal displays of several of the brethren . Toast and glee followed each other in quick succession , until the Tyler ; s toast brought another of the pleasant festivals of " old forty eight" to a successful close .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) STOKESLEY . — Cleveland Lodge ( So . 243 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge-room , at the Golden Lion Hotel , on Monday evening , the 2 Sth ult ., Bro . J . H . Handyside , P . M ., in the absence from home of Bros . Stephen Hunter , as W . M . ; Henry Fawcett , B . A ., S . W .,-George Tweddell , jun .. J . W . ; George Hodgson , S . D . j John Rontree , as J . D . ; and William Weatherill , as I . G . The lodge
being duly opened , and the . minutes of the preceding lodge having been confirmed , three candidates who had been proposed the former lodge-night were balloted for and unanimously approved . Bro . the Rev . Spenser Cubifct , was then called to the master ' s pedestal , and passed his examination for the second degree , and retired ; when the lodge having been opened in the F . C . degree , he was again admitted , and duly passed to the degree of a F . C—the wardens going very creditablthrough
, y their duties on their first night of office . The lodge was then closed in the second degree , when tli 3 sum of £ 5 was unanimously voted on the motion of Bro . George Markmam Tweddell , F . S . A .. Scot ., to the Zetland Testimonial Fund ; after which the meeting was adjourned to the Monday nearest the next full moon .
LONDONDERRY AND DONEGAL . LONDONDERRY . —Provincial Grand Master's Lodge ( No . 53 . ) —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Temporary Rooms , Strand Road , on Wednesday the 24 th ult ., at four
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
joined the lodge that evening . Song " Long may the oak and ivy . " Bro . AVhite responded , and said , for over five years he had been a hard-working Mason , and he was very proud that bis name had been enrolled under the wide spreading banner of the Craft . He was glad he had joined that Lodge of Instruction , because be was assured he should much profit by what he should learn , aud lie only regretted that more brethren did not
join Instruction Lodges than already belonged to them . Bro . Worthington who occupied the position of I . P . M ., said , the duty fell to him , and a very pleasing duty it was , to propose the health of their W . M ., Bro . John Thomas , who bad a great many initials after his name . That he was one of the dearest members of Order everyone knew . He was their Preceptor and a better or more kind hearted man , than Bro . J . Thomas , did not existFor between 20 and 30 yearsBro . Thomas had belonged
. , to the Craft , —he was initiated on a Wednesday , and on the Friday following , he became a member of a lodge of Instruction and since that time he had scarcely missed one attendance . He had attended lodges and lodges of Instruction over 5000 times . Although he required no thanks for what instruction he could give , yet he ( Bro . Worthington , ) thought it was their duty to thank him . Look be would say at what he had done for the charities , —look how he had supported the asylum for aged
Freemasons and their widows . The way in which their W . M . bad supported the charities , generally reflected the greatest lustre and credit upon him . He concluded by asking them to drink the toast in bumpers , ( much enthusiasm ensued . ) Bro . Lawler , who accompanied himself sang , " My boyhood ' s native home .. ' Bro . Thomas who was loudly cheered , said for their great kindness he thanked them . He could assure them he felt great pleasure in presiding over them that niht—it would have
g been an honour to any man to preside over such an assembly . It was true that for many years be bad been a Freemason—it was one of his "hobbies" and if he did not pass four or five evenings a week amongst Freemasons—although his time might more lucratively be spent elsewhere , he did not feel satisfied with himself . He trusted the Great Architect of the Universe ,
might spare him for many years to meet so brilliant an assembly as was present at that moment . He thanked them very kindly for the great honour they bad done him . Bro . Driver sang with excellent taste "The stirrup cup . " Bro . Thomas proposed the health of Bro . Worthington , P . M ., to which he suitably replied . Bro . Thomas proposed the health of the stewards , and particularly alluded to the indefatigable exertions of Bro .
Horatio Wright , of the Royal Jubilee Lodge ; and said , without such men as he , they would not have had anything like so successful a meeting . To the stewards was all the praise due for their arrangements had given perfect satisf ' actiou . The toast it need scarcely be said was well received . Bro . Wright responded , and said he was glad their labours had been crowned with success , and that their efforts had been so thoroughly appreciated . " Success to our charities " and the " tyler's "
toast brought a most agreeable evening to a close . METROPOLITAN LODGE OP INSTRUCTION . —A numerous meeting of this lodge was held at the George Hotel , Aldernianbury , on Friday , the 2 nd inst . There were present , Bros . Taylor , W . M . ; R . Tanner , S . W . ; Casey , J . W . ; Washby , S . D . ; Mayo , J . D . ; Stevens , I . G . The initiation was worked by the W . M . and brethren , also the first five sections , the whole of which
reflected the greatest credit on these young Masons , who under their able preceptor , Bro . J . Brett , can , in a very creditable manner , give the questions and answers to all the sections ; while some who have received but a period of a few months instruction from that chief , are enabled to deliver the lectures on the first , second and third tracing boards , demonstrating also to those who hear them , their oratorical tuition has not beeu neglected . We may here observe those services are rendered b
y Bro . J . Brett gratuitously , and the greatest reward that can be returned for the same to this worthy Chief in Cratt aud Royal Arch Masonry , is for the brethren to give proofs of the proficiency in the correct rendering of all the ceremonies . The lodge meetings are held at the George Hotel , Alderinanbury , every Friday evening , at seven p . m .
DURHAM . GAEESHEAD-ON-TYNE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —The tirethreu of this ancient and flourishing lodge held their annual
festival on Monday , the 22 nd ult ., to celebrate the installation of their popular W . M ., Bro . John Stokoe , and also the inauguration of their new hall—a handsome and commodious building situate in one of the principal steeets of the borough . Tho Lodge of Industry justly ranks as one of the oldest lodges in the kingdom ( older by many years than other lodges which stand hiher in precedence in of possessing lower
g consequence numbers ) . From a ' minute book in the possession of the lodge , wo gather that it existed in 1725 as a purely operative lodge , although not enrolled upon the books of Grand Lodge until 1735 . Nearly fifty brethren assembled in the hall at the appointed time , including amongst their numbers many of the most eminent Masons of this and the neighbouring province—Bros . W . I-I . Crookes , Prov .-G . Sec . Durham , P . M . SO ; A .
Clapham , P . Prov . J . G . W . Northumberland , P . M . 24 and 48 -, H . Hotham , P . Prov . S . G . W . Northumberland , P . M . 24 ; T . Y . Strachan , P . M . 406 , P . Prov . S . G . D . Northumberland ; R . J . Bauniii ? , P . M . 48 , P . Prov . J . G . W . Durham ; W . Foulsbam , P . M . 24 and 406 ; J . H . Thomson , P . M . 48 and 4 S 1 ; W . G . Laws , W . M . 541 , W . Brignall , jun ., S . D . 124 , & c . The lodge was duly opened by Bro . Jensen , the W . M ., who , after the usual routine , resigned the chair in favour of Bro . R . J . Banning , Installing Master , by whom the installation ceremony was performed in an able and impressive manner ,
and Bro . Stokoe duly placed in the chair as the first installed W . M . in the new Hall . The lodge room is about 42 feet long by 25 feet wide , and when all completed—which we understand will be done before the next meetings—will form one of the finest Halls for Masonic purposes in the north of England , indeed its appearance on this occasion spoke volumes in favout of the industry and energy displayed by the brethren to whose hands the preparation had been intrusted . The W . M . then
proceeded to the investiture of officers as follows : — Bros . Jensen , I . P . M . ; R . B . Reed , S . W . ; R . F . Cook , 31 . 3 ., J . W ; G . L . Dunn , Treas . ; W . Garbutt , Sec . ; J . Potts , S . D . ; Chas . Bass , J . D . ; J . H . Kendal ; , I . G . ; W . Cook , and A . Donnison , Stewards ; Curry , Tyler . The report of the finance committee , and the election of Organist , were deferred until the next regular meeting . Bro . Ernest Burnup of lodge No . 685 , Newcastle , was proposed as a subscribing member and the lodge ,
duly closed . The brethren then adjourned to Mrs . Nielson ' s Grey Horse Inn , to hold the festival , and above forty brethren sat down to a sumptuous repast under the presidency of the new W . M . The usual Masonic toasts were given and responded to . and the pleasures and enjoyments of the evening were greatly enhanced by the vocal displays of several of the brethren . Toast and glee followed each other in quick succession , until the Tyler ; s toast brought another of the pleasant festivals of " old forty eight" to a successful close .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) STOKESLEY . — Cleveland Lodge ( So . 243 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the lodge-room , at the Golden Lion Hotel , on Monday evening , the 2 Sth ult ., Bro . J . H . Handyside , P . M ., in the absence from home of Bros . Stephen Hunter , as W . M . ; Henry Fawcett , B . A ., S . W .,-George Tweddell , jun .. J . W . ; George Hodgson , S . D . j John Rontree , as J . D . ; and William Weatherill , as I . G . The lodge
being duly opened , and the . minutes of the preceding lodge having been confirmed , three candidates who had been proposed the former lodge-night were balloted for and unanimously approved . Bro . the Rev . Spenser Cubifct , was then called to the master ' s pedestal , and passed his examination for the second degree , and retired ; when the lodge having been opened in the F . C . degree , he was again admitted , and duly passed to the degree of a F . C—the wardens going very creditablthrough
, y their duties on their first night of office . The lodge was then closed in the second degree , when tli 3 sum of £ 5 was unanimously voted on the motion of Bro . George Markmam Tweddell , F . S . A .. Scot ., to the Zetland Testimonial Fund ; after which the meeting was adjourned to the Monday nearest the next full moon .
LONDONDERRY AND DONEGAL . LONDONDERRY . —Provincial Grand Master's Lodge ( No . 53 . ) —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held in the Temporary Rooms , Strand Road , on Wednesday the 24 th ult ., at four