Article IRELAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FUNERAL AT LONGTOWN. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONRY IN SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 2 →
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o ' clock , when there were present , Bros . James Skipton , W . M . ; John J . Haslctt , Treas ., Act . S . W . ; Charles A . Smyth , J . W . ; Conolly Skipton , P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . Percy Robinson , Chap , and S . D . ; Acheson \\\ Smyth , Act . J . D . ; Paul Jacobsou , Act . I . G . ; visitor , James Cairns , P . M ., 164 . The report of the audit committee was read , and alter some conversation as to a change of the hour of meeting , which was postponed until next month , the lodge was then closed .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPERANCE CHAPTER ( NO . 169 ) . —The installation meeting was held on Tuesday , April Gth , at the While Swan Tavern , 217 , High-street Deptford . Com ]) . W . Watson , F . Z ., installed Comp . J . Senile , as Z . ; Oomp . F . Walters , P . Z ., installed Comps . H . Moore , as H ., and N . Wingfield , J . Bros . J . Pereival , S . W ., No . 147 , and J . Roper , 147 , were exalted . Present : —G . Bolton , P . Z ., Treas . ; J . Tibbals , P . Z „ S . E . ; F . Walters , P . Z .,
S . N . ; J . Lightfoot , P . S . ; J . Woodland , 1 st Assist . S . ; J . Payne , 2 nd Assist . S . ; G . Brown , P . Z . ; Pulley , Bartlett , Rosenstock , Smith , Dussek , and many others . Visitors : —W . Ough , P . Z . ; J . Terry , P . Z ., and Belle ' rby .
INSTRUCTION . MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER OS INSTRUCTION . — A meeting of this chapter was held on the 3 rd inst ., at Mrs . Adams ' , Ayrstreet , Regent-street , Comps . J . Mersic , Z . ; S . Foxhall , H . ; R . Tanner , J . ; Cottebrune , E . ; Cox , N ., with the rest of the officers , opened the chapter in due form , and the ceremony of exaltation was then worked by the principals and comps . Comp . J . Brett then worked the R . A . jewel , and explained the twelve
banners borne by the comps . on their staves , in a manner which called forth the encomiums from the comps ., especially that veteran in R . A . Masonry , W . Watson , who stated the working of the R . A . jewel and explanation of the banners was the acme ' of perfection . The chapter was then adjourned until this day ( Saturday ) , when the R . A . sections will be worked by Comp . Brett , assisted by the rest of the comps . To those R . A . Masons ivho have never heard the working of the R . A . sectionswe can
, assure them if they will attend the Chapter of Instruction , they will have a great Masonic intellectual treat . The Chapter of Instruction opens at eight p . m . every Saturday evening . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the George Hotel , Aldormanbury , on the 6 th inst . Among the comps . present we noticed Comps . Buss , Brett , Little , Hosgood , Pendlebury , Tanner , Cnbitt , Dr .
Woodman , Still , Clarke , Hockley , Lowenstark , Barlow , Levine , Aldbrook , Tattershall , and numerous others , Comps . Barlow , as Z . ; Hosgood , H . ; Aldbrook , J ., assisted by the comps ., opened the chapter , and the ceremony of exaltation was then poceeded with . After the elucidation of the historical , symbolical , and mystical parts of this degree had been delivered by the principals , the first , second , and third degrees of the fourth section were worked by Comp . Brett , assisted by the rest of the comps .
It being the wish of the comps . present that Comp . Brett should give the description of Aaron ' s rod , he consented , and gave the historical description of the same in a manner as we believe this worthy comp . alone can give . A ballot was then taken for Comp . S . S . Tattershall , who was elected unanimously . The appointment of officers then took place , and were as follows : — Comps . C . Hosgood , M . E . Z . ; Aldbrook , II . ; E . Clarke , J . ; Tattershall , N . j T . Cubitt , P . S . ; Smith , 1 st Assist . S . j S . Foulger , 2 nd Assist . S .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LANCASTER . —Rowley Chapter ( No . 1051 . )—A meeting of this chapter was held on Wednesday evening hist , at the Masonie Rooms Athenajum , Lancaster . Thore were present Ex . Companion Moore , M . E . Z . ; Bagnall , H . ; and Mason , J . ; companions—W . Hall , Scribe , E . ; Mercer , P . S . ; Whimpray , J . Bell , and Watson . The ballot was taken for the following , and in each instance resulted in unanimous election as Hon .
members . Ex . companions—W . B . Smith , P . Z . 74 , Birmingham ; E . Busher , P . Z ., 129 , Kendal ; A . C . Mott , P . Z ., 241 , Liverpool ; and John Boivles , P . Z ., 129 ]; Kendal , as joining companions Comps Whimpray and Bell , as candidates for exaltation ; Bros . J . W . Moore , F . Dean , W . Storey , J . Feuton and E . Storey ;
Royal Arch.
and by dispensation from the Ex . Z . Superintendent of the Province , Bro . R . Taylor as serving companion . Bro . J . W . Moore and J . Fenton , and afterwards Bros . E . Storey and R . Taylor , being in attendance were duly exalted to the degree of tho Royal Arch by the M . E . Z ., the lectures being delivered by the principals , and the duties of P . S ., being ably rendered by G . Comp . Mercer . Several candidates were proposed for the next meeting , and the business of the evening being ended the chapter was closed in due form .
Mark Masonry.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-urON-Ti-NE . —The Northumberland and Berwickujion-Tweed Lodge of Mark Masters . —At the usual monthly meeting of this ancient lodge held at the Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , on Wednesday evening the 24 th ult ., their was a fair attendance of officers and brethren . The names of four brethren appeared upon the circular convening the meeting , all of whom were from the neighbouring borough of Sunderland ,
viz ., Bros . Halfnight of Williamson Lodge , No . 949 j John James Clay and Alfred Clay , of Palatine Lodge , No . 97 j Hvistendahl , of St . John's Lodge , No . SO . They were all elected for advancement , and Bros . Alfred Clay , and J . J . Clay , together with Bro . , 1 . H . Ingledew , balloted at a previous meeting were admitted in succession , aud advanced to the degree of Mark Masters by the W . M ., Bro . John Stokoe , in an effective and intelligible mannerably assisted by the officers
, filling tho respective offices of the degree . During the four months of Bro . Stokoe ' s occupation of the chair of the lodge , he has had the gratification of advancing many brethren to this degree , maintaining the lodge in an efficient state of working , and establishing its financial success upon a firm basis .
Masonic Funeral At Longtown.
The members of the Holy Temple Lodge , No . 4-12 , met at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Longfcown , on Tuesday afternoon , 23 rd March , at three o ' clock , for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late Bro . William Murray , sen ., who was upwards of 87 years of age , and 32 years a member of the above lodge . Bro . A . Woodhouse , I . P . M . 4-12 . . Sec . 310 and 1 , 220 , officiated as the W . M ., at
the request of Bro . E . M . Hill the W . M ., assisted by Bros . G . G . Hayvvard , P . M . 310 P- Prov . G . S . B ., J . Slack , P . M . 310 Prov . G-. S . D . as S . and J . W . s , also several brethren from Carlisle . The brethren ( after the lodge was opened ) walked in procession to the bouse of the deceased brother , when Masonic prayers were read by Bro . P . W
Hayward , P . M ., P . Z . 310 , P . Prov- S . G . W ., after which the funeral cortege proceeded to the Kirkandrevvs Gkurch , near Ixefchevby , a distance of three miles from . Longtown . After the usual solemnities of the church were completed , Bro . P . W . Hayward , by special permission of the minister , read the burial service of the Masonic Orderthe brethren repeating the responses .
, At the close of the service , the Masonic chaunt , " In the Grand Lodge above , " was sung in a solemn strain , the members then retired to the Wheatsheaf , and closed the lodge according to ancient custom . The brethren and friends were then served with tea by Bro . William Murray , P . M . of 310 , who is the oldest son living of the deceased brother .
Masonry In South Africa.
We have received the following letter from a correspondent , dated , Oape of Good Hope , ( Eastern Province ) Feb . 23 rd , 1869 . " Tour valuable MAGAZINE has afforded as much instruction , pleasure , and at times amusement , ever since wo became subscribers , and we trust that you are every day adding new ones to your list , for there is so much valuable information to be obtained from every number
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
o ' clock , when there were present , Bros . James Skipton , W . M . ; John J . Haslctt , Treas ., Act . S . W . ; Charles A . Smyth , J . W . ; Conolly Skipton , P . M ., Sec . ; Rev . Percy Robinson , Chap , and S . D . ; Acheson \\\ Smyth , Act . J . D . ; Paul Jacobsou , Act . I . G . ; visitor , James Cairns , P . M ., 164 . The report of the audit committee was read , and alter some conversation as to a change of the hour of meeting , which was postponed until next month , the lodge was then closed .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . TEMPERANCE CHAPTER ( NO . 169 ) . —The installation meeting was held on Tuesday , April Gth , at the While Swan Tavern , 217 , High-street Deptford . Com ]) . W . Watson , F . Z ., installed Comp . J . Senile , as Z . ; Oomp . F . Walters , P . Z ., installed Comps . H . Moore , as H ., and N . Wingfield , J . Bros . J . Pereival , S . W ., No . 147 , and J . Roper , 147 , were exalted . Present : —G . Bolton , P . Z ., Treas . ; J . Tibbals , P . Z „ S . E . ; F . Walters , P . Z .,
S . N . ; J . Lightfoot , P . S . ; J . Woodland , 1 st Assist . S . ; J . Payne , 2 nd Assist . S . ; G . Brown , P . Z . ; Pulley , Bartlett , Rosenstock , Smith , Dussek , and many others . Visitors : —W . Ough , P . Z . ; J . Terry , P . Z ., and Belle ' rby .
INSTRUCTION . MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER OS INSTRUCTION . — A meeting of this chapter was held on the 3 rd inst ., at Mrs . Adams ' , Ayrstreet , Regent-street , Comps . J . Mersic , Z . ; S . Foxhall , H . ; R . Tanner , J . ; Cottebrune , E . ; Cox , N ., with the rest of the officers , opened the chapter in due form , and the ceremony of exaltation was then worked by the principals and comps . Comp . J . Brett then worked the R . A . jewel , and explained the twelve
banners borne by the comps . on their staves , in a manner which called forth the encomiums from the comps ., especially that veteran in R . A . Masonry , W . Watson , who stated the working of the R . A . jewel and explanation of the banners was the acme ' of perfection . The chapter was then adjourned until this day ( Saturday ) , when the R . A . sections will be worked by Comp . Brett , assisted by the rest of the comps . To those R . A . Masons ivho have never heard the working of the R . A . sectionswe can
, assure them if they will attend the Chapter of Instruction , they will have a great Masonic intellectual treat . The Chapter of Instruction opens at eight p . m . every Saturday evening . METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the George Hotel , Aldormanbury , on the 6 th inst . Among the comps . present we noticed Comps . Buss , Brett , Little , Hosgood , Pendlebury , Tanner , Cnbitt , Dr .
Woodman , Still , Clarke , Hockley , Lowenstark , Barlow , Levine , Aldbrook , Tattershall , and numerous others , Comps . Barlow , as Z . ; Hosgood , H . ; Aldbrook , J ., assisted by the comps ., opened the chapter , and the ceremony of exaltation was then poceeded with . After the elucidation of the historical , symbolical , and mystical parts of this degree had been delivered by the principals , the first , second , and third degrees of the fourth section were worked by Comp . Brett , assisted by the rest of the comps .
It being the wish of the comps . present that Comp . Brett should give the description of Aaron ' s rod , he consented , and gave the historical description of the same in a manner as we believe this worthy comp . alone can give . A ballot was then taken for Comp . S . S . Tattershall , who was elected unanimously . The appointment of officers then took place , and were as follows : — Comps . C . Hosgood , M . E . Z . ; Aldbrook , II . ; E . Clarke , J . ; Tattershall , N . j T . Cubitt , P . S . ; Smith , 1 st Assist . S . j S . Foulger , 2 nd Assist . S .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LANCASTER . —Rowley Chapter ( No . 1051 . )—A meeting of this chapter was held on Wednesday evening hist , at the Masonie Rooms Athenajum , Lancaster . Thore were present Ex . Companion Moore , M . E . Z . ; Bagnall , H . ; and Mason , J . ; companions—W . Hall , Scribe , E . ; Mercer , P . S . ; Whimpray , J . Bell , and Watson . The ballot was taken for the following , and in each instance resulted in unanimous election as Hon .
members . Ex . companions—W . B . Smith , P . Z . 74 , Birmingham ; E . Busher , P . Z ., 129 , Kendal ; A . C . Mott , P . Z ., 241 , Liverpool ; and John Boivles , P . Z ., 129 ]; Kendal , as joining companions Comps Whimpray and Bell , as candidates for exaltation ; Bros . J . W . Moore , F . Dean , W . Storey , J . Feuton and E . Storey ;
Royal Arch.
and by dispensation from the Ex . Z . Superintendent of the Province , Bro . R . Taylor as serving companion . Bro . J . W . Moore and J . Fenton , and afterwards Bros . E . Storey and R . Taylor , being in attendance were duly exalted to the degree of tho Royal Arch by the M . E . Z ., the lectures being delivered by the principals , and the duties of P . S ., being ably rendered by G . Comp . Mercer . Several candidates were proposed for the next meeting , and the business of the evening being ended the chapter was closed in due form .
Mark Masonry.
NORTHUMBERLAND . NEWCASTLE-urON-Ti-NE . —The Northumberland and Berwickujion-Tweed Lodge of Mark Masters . —At the usual monthly meeting of this ancient lodge held at the Freemasons' Hall , Newgate-street , on Wednesday evening the 24 th ult ., their was a fair attendance of officers and brethren . The names of four brethren appeared upon the circular convening the meeting , all of whom were from the neighbouring borough of Sunderland ,
viz ., Bros . Halfnight of Williamson Lodge , No . 949 j John James Clay and Alfred Clay , of Palatine Lodge , No . 97 j Hvistendahl , of St . John's Lodge , No . SO . They were all elected for advancement , and Bros . Alfred Clay , and J . J . Clay , together with Bro . , 1 . H . Ingledew , balloted at a previous meeting were admitted in succession , aud advanced to the degree of Mark Masters by the W . M ., Bro . John Stokoe , in an effective and intelligible mannerably assisted by the officers
, filling tho respective offices of the degree . During the four months of Bro . Stokoe ' s occupation of the chair of the lodge , he has had the gratification of advancing many brethren to this degree , maintaining the lodge in an efficient state of working , and establishing its financial success upon a firm basis .
Masonic Funeral At Longtown.
The members of the Holy Temple Lodge , No . 4-12 , met at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , Longfcown , on Tuesday afternoon , 23 rd March , at three o ' clock , for the purpose of attending the funeral of the late Bro . William Murray , sen ., who was upwards of 87 years of age , and 32 years a member of the above lodge . Bro . A . Woodhouse , I . P . M . 4-12 . . Sec . 310 and 1 , 220 , officiated as the W . M ., at
the request of Bro . E . M . Hill the W . M ., assisted by Bros . G . G . Hayvvard , P . M . 310 P- Prov . G . S . B ., J . Slack , P . M . 310 Prov . G-. S . D . as S . and J . W . s , also several brethren from Carlisle . The brethren ( after the lodge was opened ) walked in procession to the bouse of the deceased brother , when Masonic prayers were read by Bro . P . W
Hayward , P . M ., P . Z . 310 , P . Prov- S . G . W ., after which the funeral cortege proceeded to the Kirkandrevvs Gkurch , near Ixefchevby , a distance of three miles from . Longtown . After the usual solemnities of the church were completed , Bro . P . W . Hayward , by special permission of the minister , read the burial service of the Masonic Orderthe brethren repeating the responses .
, At the close of the service , the Masonic chaunt , " In the Grand Lodge above , " was sung in a solemn strain , the members then retired to the Wheatsheaf , and closed the lodge according to ancient custom . The brethren and friends were then served with tea by Bro . William Murray , P . M . of 310 , who is the oldest son living of the deceased brother .
Masonry In South Africa.
We have received the following letter from a correspondent , dated , Oape of Good Hope , ( Eastern Province ) Feb . 23 rd , 1869 . " Tour valuable MAGAZINE has afforded as much instruction , pleasure , and at times amusement , ever since wo became subscribers , and we trust that you are every day adding new ones to your list , for there is so much valuable information to be obtained from every number