Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Public Amusements.
the awakening of a love for a more worthy object . Miss Madge Robertson played the heroine of the piece , Lady Clara , with grace and a total absence of staginess . THEATRE ROYAL HOLBORN . This theatre will open on the 1 st of May , under the management of Bro . Barry Sullivan , the eminent
tragedian , who has achieved so great a success in the colonies , as well as in England , for the purpose of producing the revival of legitimate tragedy and comedy . ROYAL ALHAMBRA PALACE . Bro . Blondin is drawing crowded audiences at this establishment to witness his extraordinary performances on the hih rope . In addition to the numerous attractions
g provided by Bro . F . Strange , there is a splendid new ballet , in which Mrae . Picfceri , the celebrated dansenso appears , produced under the superintendence of Mr . Milano . A numerous assemblage met in the new saloon , a short time since , for the purpose of presenting Bro . F . Strange the worthy managing directorwith a very elegant
, present . Bro . A . Glover stated ho had the pleasure of presenting that brother , in the name of everyone employed on the establishment and a few private friends , with a set of magnificent brilliant studs , a brilliant ring and locket also set with brilliants , for tho high estimation he is held in by everyone connected with the establishment . Bro . Strange , in a very excellent speech
, fully appreciated tho valuable presentation , but stated the expression of those present , with whom he bad been associated for the last 14 years , showed a proof of the interest they took in his welfare . The value of the pre sentation was £ 400 .
Notes On Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
INTERESTING DISCOVEIIY or ROHAN REMAINS . —The site of the old White Hart , at Bath , which was thought to bo exhausted of its Roman antiquities , has yielded the most interesting " find " that has been made during the late alterations " . The workmen were digging down beneath one of the walls of the new hotel on the Bathstreet side , when they unearthed a large block of carved
stone . On examination it proved to be part of the cornice of tho great temple , fragments of which have at different intervals been found in the neighbourhood . The head of a lion with flowing mane is finely carved thereon with an egg-and-tongue ornament ingeniously formed of fleur-de-lis . The carving is in a good state of preservationand it appears to retain a portion of jhe
, i'ed paint with which it was originally decorated . The block , which is about four feet high and throe feet wide , will be removed to the Literary and Scientific Institution . THE Queen has , at the instance of tho Premier granted a pension of £ 100 to the widow of the late William Carleton , the Irish novelist .
THE blessed golden rose which the Pope sends every year to some favoured and virtuous Sovereign , and which has been bestowed upon Queen Isabella , received the benediction as usual in the present season of Lent ; but it appears there is now no sovereign child of the Church in sufficient favour to merit this sacred gift . THE last time Mdlle . Patti sung at St . Petersburg she
was called before the curtain 18 times ; and a perfect avalanche of flowers was thrown on tho stage , though St . Petersburg ] - ! itself was enveloped in snow . The Emperor himself threw a bouquet , and several contained precious stones—one a diamond necklet , valued at 30 , 000 fr . EAKL COWPER , KG ., has been appointed a trustee of the National Portrait Gallery .
Notes On Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
MK . G . E . STREET , A . R . A ., and Mr . Firth , R . A ., have been elected honorary members of the Imperial and Royal Academy of the Fine Arts at Vienna . Mil . BU'CKSTOXE has made an engagement with Miss Bateman to appear for 12 ni ghts at the Hay market before her departure for America . GMUMKAL Cui . t , v . xin -a postscript to a pwstoval
pub-, lished recently , reminds his flock that all Catholics sworn into Freemasons'lodges are ipso facto exc o municated ; and adds , of course , that those Catholics ivho take part in balls or any other public display of Freemasonry incur that penalty . MAU . « £ E ALUONJ : has consented to sing in London in Rossini ' s Mass , at tho terms of £ 120 n ni ght .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
The following brethren have intimated their intention of acting on the committee in course of formation : — Bros . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somerset ; Sir J . Haye , D . Prov . G . M . Berks and Bucks ; Spiers , D . Prov . ' G . M . Oxford ; Wittey , D . Prov . G . M . Wilts ; and Hyde Pullea , P . D . Prov . G . M . Isle of Wi ght . Contributions received BroJesse Bannino- JW
per . .. 43 - . — Joseph Banning-, ISs .-j 0 10 G A few Friends of the Order 0 7 6 Bro . Jesse Bann ' mir , J . VV . 313 0 10 6 Bros . T . E ., 11 . T . M ., ami J . J . S 23 0 3 0 Hro . Captain Braithwaifce , P . M . 1 , 074 0 5 0 Bro . John J . My res , P . M . 31-3 0 2 6 John Dewl ' mrst
Bro . , 343 0 5 0 Bro . Eichard Robinson , P . M . 313 0 2 6 Bro . C Mnnro , 823 0 10 Bro . Fral . J . Binning-, 8 : 33 0 2 6 Bro . K . Garnett , S 22 0 10 0 Bro . Peel , 281 0 2 G Bro . Kobt . Yv ' yiio , 292 0 2 6
Temple Lodge , 10 U 4 110 Bro . B . Tattersatl , 462 0 3 0 Bownsbire Bodge , 594 1 1 0 Brethren of DoA-nshire , 594 2 0 0 £ 7 10 0 In addition to the above : —Subscriptions in Lodgo Hope and Charity ( No . 377 ) , Kidderminster , £ 1-3 10 .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies.
MONDAY , April 12 th . —Biyd Geographic-ill . Society , at 8 . 30 . Papers to be rend : —1 , "A Pundit ' s Journey to the Gold Fields of Thibet , " by dipt . T . ( i . Mouigomerie , U . K . ; 2 . "On the transit of Tea from S . W . India to Eastern Tuckestui , " by T . Ding-las Forsyth , Jisij ., CI ! . TUESDAY , 13 th April . —Institution of Civil Kngincers , at 8 . WEDNESDAY , 7 th April . —Society of Arts at 8 . Geological Society of London , at S .
LIST OP LODGE , & c , MEETINGS FOR WEEK ENDING 17 m APRIL , 1 S 69 . ( Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hill ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; B ., Hojins ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square . ) METROPOLITAN :
Sunday , April llih . LODGE OS IXS-CRCCIIOS . — Joppn , Uusj and Crown , Eort-st ., Union-st ., Bishopsgritc . Monday , April 12 th . Quarterly General Meeting , Boys' Sehnol . LODGES . —St . George ' s and Corner Stone , P . M . fl . ; Fortitude and Old Cum-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Public Amusements.
the awakening of a love for a more worthy object . Miss Madge Robertson played the heroine of the piece , Lady Clara , with grace and a total absence of staginess . THEATRE ROYAL HOLBORN . This theatre will open on the 1 st of May , under the management of Bro . Barry Sullivan , the eminent
tragedian , who has achieved so great a success in the colonies , as well as in England , for the purpose of producing the revival of legitimate tragedy and comedy . ROYAL ALHAMBRA PALACE . Bro . Blondin is drawing crowded audiences at this establishment to witness his extraordinary performances on the hih rope . In addition to the numerous attractions
g provided by Bro . F . Strange , there is a splendid new ballet , in which Mrae . Picfceri , the celebrated dansenso appears , produced under the superintendence of Mr . Milano . A numerous assemblage met in the new saloon , a short time since , for the purpose of presenting Bro . F . Strange the worthy managing directorwith a very elegant
, present . Bro . A . Glover stated ho had the pleasure of presenting that brother , in the name of everyone employed on the establishment and a few private friends , with a set of magnificent brilliant studs , a brilliant ring and locket also set with brilliants , for tho high estimation he is held in by everyone connected with the establishment . Bro . Strange , in a very excellent speech
, fully appreciated tho valuable presentation , but stated the expression of those present , with whom he bad been associated for the last 14 years , showed a proof of the interest they took in his welfare . The value of the pre sentation was £ 400 .
Notes On Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
INTERESTING DISCOVEIIY or ROHAN REMAINS . —The site of the old White Hart , at Bath , which was thought to bo exhausted of its Roman antiquities , has yielded the most interesting " find " that has been made during the late alterations " . The workmen were digging down beneath one of the walls of the new hotel on the Bathstreet side , when they unearthed a large block of carved
stone . On examination it proved to be part of the cornice of tho great temple , fragments of which have at different intervals been found in the neighbourhood . The head of a lion with flowing mane is finely carved thereon with an egg-and-tongue ornament ingeniously formed of fleur-de-lis . The carving is in a good state of preservationand it appears to retain a portion of jhe
, i'ed paint with which it was originally decorated . The block , which is about four feet high and throe feet wide , will be removed to the Literary and Scientific Institution . THE Queen has , at the instance of tho Premier granted a pension of £ 100 to the widow of the late William Carleton , the Irish novelist .
THE blessed golden rose which the Pope sends every year to some favoured and virtuous Sovereign , and which has been bestowed upon Queen Isabella , received the benediction as usual in the present season of Lent ; but it appears there is now no sovereign child of the Church in sufficient favour to merit this sacred gift . THE last time Mdlle . Patti sung at St . Petersburg she
was called before the curtain 18 times ; and a perfect avalanche of flowers was thrown on tho stage , though St . Petersburg ] - ! itself was enveloped in snow . The Emperor himself threw a bouquet , and several contained precious stones—one a diamond necklet , valued at 30 , 000 fr . EAKL COWPER , KG ., has been appointed a trustee of the National Portrait Gallery .
Notes On Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
MK . G . E . STREET , A . R . A ., and Mr . Firth , R . A ., have been elected honorary members of the Imperial and Royal Academy of the Fine Arts at Vienna . Mil . BU'CKSTOXE has made an engagement with Miss Bateman to appear for 12 ni ghts at the Hay market before her departure for America . GMUMKAL Cui . t , v . xin -a postscript to a pwstoval
pub-, lished recently , reminds his flock that all Catholics sworn into Freemasons'lodges are ipso facto exc o municated ; and adds , of course , that those Catholics ivho take part in balls or any other public display of Freemasonry incur that penalty . MAU . « £ E ALUONJ : has consented to sing in London in Rossini ' s Mass , at tho terms of £ 120 n ni ght .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
The following brethren have intimated their intention of acting on the committee in course of formation : — Bros . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . Somerset ; Sir J . Haye , D . Prov . G . M . Berks and Bucks ; Spiers , D . Prov . ' G . M . Oxford ; Wittey , D . Prov . G . M . Wilts ; and Hyde Pullea , P . D . Prov . G . M . Isle of Wi ght . Contributions received BroJesse Bannino- JW
per . .. 43 - . — Joseph Banning-, ISs .-j 0 10 G A few Friends of the Order 0 7 6 Bro . Jesse Bann ' mir , J . VV . 313 0 10 6 Bros . T . E ., 11 . T . M ., ami J . J . S 23 0 3 0 Hro . Captain Braithwaifce , P . M . 1 , 074 0 5 0 Bro . John J . My res , P . M . 31-3 0 2 6 John Dewl ' mrst
Bro . , 343 0 5 0 Bro . Eichard Robinson , P . M . 313 0 2 6 Bro . C Mnnro , 823 0 10 Bro . Fral . J . Binning-, 8 : 33 0 2 6 Bro . K . Garnett , S 22 0 10 0 Bro . Peel , 281 0 2 G Bro . Kobt . Yv ' yiio , 292 0 2 6
Temple Lodge , 10 U 4 110 Bro . B . Tattersatl , 462 0 3 0 Bownsbire Bodge , 594 1 1 0 Brethren of DoA-nshire , 594 2 0 0 £ 7 10 0 In addition to the above : —Subscriptions in Lodgo Hope and Charity ( No . 377 ) , Kidderminster , £ 1-3 10 .
Meetings Of The Learned Societies.
MONDAY , April 12 th . —Biyd Geographic-ill . Society , at 8 . 30 . Papers to be rend : —1 , "A Pundit ' s Journey to the Gold Fields of Thibet , " by dipt . T . ( i . Mouigomerie , U . K . ; 2 . "On the transit of Tea from S . W . India to Eastern Tuckestui , " by T . Ding-las Forsyth , Jisij ., CI ! . TUESDAY , 13 th April . —Institution of Civil Kngincers , at 8 . WEDNESDAY , 7 th April . —Society of Arts at 8 . Geological Society of London , at S .
LIST OP LODGE , & c , MEETINGS FOR WEEK ENDING 17 m APRIL , 1 S 69 . ( Abbreviations . —F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hill ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; B ., Hojins ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square . ) METROPOLITAN :
Sunday , April llih . LODGE OS IXS-CRCCIIOS . — Joppn , Uusj and Crown , Eort-st ., Union-st ., Bishopsgritc . Monday , April 12 th . Quarterly General Meeting , Boys' Sehnol . LODGES . —St . George ' s and Corner Stone , P . M . fl . ; Fortitude and Old Cum-