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Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
is no longer the commencement of the Christian year . The birthday of the Saviour , twelfth-cake day , or Epiphany—meaning " an appearing cf light "—is the most celebrated church festival , and is mid solar winter , old style , or midnight , and the
authority for the alteration is I Cor . v ., 7 and 8 . Erom the opening of the year at the solstice then are the fixed festivals reckoned , and the moveable feasts are yet dependent on the full moon at the equinox , or when the sun passes over the line . The twelfth-cake is , therefore , a determined point ,
and | so , in fact , ought to be the Easter sun ' s semicircular passover bun , but , as stated , the cross of the bun is made to depend upon the foil mooa . In 'Jike manner so are the passover cakes of the Jews and the pancakes of the primitive Christians .
The Anno Domini dates from 4000 of Anuo Mundi . The sun symbolically represents the Saviour , and Masons must at all times remember that " Masonry is a beautiful system of morality veiled in allegory , and illustrated by symbols . "
In old plates the Saviour is generally represented with the sun behind his head . Every successional year of the Jews is registered by of Auriga , receding from the first degree of variable Aries .
According to modern reckoning-, that little star was at AR 76 ° 36 ' in the year Anno Domini 1820 . Then , according to law , it was sun-set , so that half the circle added , or 256 ° 36 ' , would be sun rise . " The common Christian era , as settled by
Dionysius , began on the 1 st January , Christ being four years old . " There is a constellation answering to Dionysius or Bacchus , and in Anno Domini 1 S 20 that constellation terminated at a point between the 31 st December and the 1 st of January , when the sun , as young Bacchus , was born anew .
The precise point is regulated by the double triangles and the Roman year . Now old Dionysius died in Anno Domini 1820 , at precisely 25 ° 16 ' from 256 ° 36 ' , and 25 ° 16 years multiplied by the precessional quantity 72 , only gives 1816 , so
according to the heavens the Saviour in 1820 was four years older than the sun . * To be move explicit . In Gen . i ., the word day is by some translated as period . ( Job . x ., 5 ) . In the beginning " God said let there be light , and there was li ght , " but it could not be solar because the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
is no longer the commencement of the Christian year . The birthday of the Saviour , twelfth-cake day , or Epiphany—meaning " an appearing cf light "—is the most celebrated church festival , and is mid solar winter , old style , or midnight , and the
authority for the alteration is I Cor . v ., 7 and 8 . Erom the opening of the year at the solstice then are the fixed festivals reckoned , and the moveable feasts are yet dependent on the full moon at the equinox , or when the sun passes over the line . The twelfth-cake is , therefore , a determined point ,
and | so , in fact , ought to be the Easter sun ' s semicircular passover bun , but , as stated , the cross of the bun is made to depend upon the foil mooa . In 'Jike manner so are the passover cakes of the Jews and the pancakes of the primitive Christians .
The Anno Domini dates from 4000 of Anuo Mundi . The sun symbolically represents the Saviour , and Masons must at all times remember that " Masonry is a beautiful system of morality veiled in allegory , and illustrated by symbols . "
In old plates the Saviour is generally represented with the sun behind his head . Every successional year of the Jews is registered by of Auriga , receding from the first degree of variable Aries .
According to modern reckoning-, that little star was at AR 76 ° 36 ' in the year Anno Domini 1820 . Then , according to law , it was sun-set , so that half the circle added , or 256 ° 36 ' , would be sun rise . " The common Christian era , as settled by
Dionysius , began on the 1 st January , Christ being four years old . " There is a constellation answering to Dionysius or Bacchus , and in Anno Domini 1 S 20 that constellation terminated at a point between the 31 st December and the 1 st of January , when the sun , as young Bacchus , was born anew .
The precise point is regulated by the double triangles and the Roman year . Now old Dionysius died in Anno Domini 1820 , at precisely 25 ° 16 ' from 256 ° 36 ' , and 25 ° 16 years multiplied by the precessional quantity 72 , only gives 1816 , so
according to the heavens the Saviour in 1820 was four years older than the sun . * To be move explicit . In Gen . i ., the word day is by some translated as period . ( Job . x ., 5 ) . In the beginning " God said let there be light , and there was li ght , " but it could not be solar because the