Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
to enlist in Garibaldi's service . It is asserted that as many as sixteen youths have left Oxford during tho past iveek , and that their destination is A ' enicc . The Oxford magistrates have suggested that the attention of the Government should be called to these statements . A shocking accident has taken place at a siding near the Birmingham Station of the London ancl North AA'estern Railway . A steady ancl experienced
breaksman stepped upon the rails for a moment to look after some waggons , when the mail train came up and mutilated him in a shocking manner . Of course , death was instantaneous . A serious railway accident took place ou the Great AA estern Railway on Tuesday night , at a part of the line a little above Bristol . Tho mail train from London to Plymouth came into collision with an up passenger train , and before they could be cleared an excursion train came into collision with the
mail tram . Several of the passengers were seriously injured , but we understand that in none of them is death likely to ensue . A colliery accident took place on Monday , near AA igan , by which two men were killed , and five more severely Avounded . The men were engaged in sinking a shaft , when a portion of the brickwork gave ivay , and they Avere all buried in tbe ruins . No time was lost in getting them to the surface .
The bodies await a coroner's inquest . —•—Telegrams f .: om the Baltic ancl the north coast of Europe , report that the gale which ivas experienced with some severity on parts of the English coast , has told ivith fearful effect in more northern latitudes . Several English vessels are reported to have been lost , nearly 50 vessels have been stranded , and it is feared there
has been a sad loss of life . FOKEIGJ , ' INTELLIGENCE . —None of the morning papers were published in Paris on AVhifc Sunday , it having been observed as a general holiday . There appears to have been an almost uni . versal seizure of last week's Aveekly papers by the authorities ivho decide what intelligence is proper ancl what improper for
the French people to receive . The journals of Paris have been instructed to contradict a rumour that 10 , 000 men , under the command of General Bourbaki , are about to be despatched to Mexico ,- but nevertheless the uneasiness felt in France respecting the affairs in Mexico , and the possibility of a rupture with the United States , seems to be little if at all abated . The
Emperor of tbe French , when at Constantine , invited five Arab chiefs to dine with him , and took , it is tiAAnoAAwed , tho opportunity to tell them that he desired to see Arabs in general become fitted by labour and education to enter upon any positions now filled in Algeria by French subjects . He also stated that he desired every individual in the army to be free to rise , if his services , intelligence , ancl opportunities allowed him , to fill the
highest grades . At Batania , in Kabylia , he has been exceedingly well received by tho heads of the tribes lately in insurrection , several of them having travelled over 200 miles to demonstrate their loyalty , ancl perhaps gratify their curiosity . The Emperor himself must have felt gratified as he entered the town surrounded by a mounted cortege of 30 , 000 of those children of the
desert . The Emperor is represented as in perfect health , and all the better for the great fatigue he daily has to undergo . 31 . Eloin , the envoy from Mexico to Prance expresses a firm faith in the durability of tho Mexican empire , which ho considers to be henceforth unshnkeablc . -An imperial decree has been issued afc Vienna , ordering tbe elections for the Diets" of Dala
matin , Croatia , ancl Selavonia , to be commmencecl . The Dalmatian Diet takes place at Agram on tbe T 7 th of July . The finance committee of the Lower House of the Reichsrath have reduced the war budget for 1 S 6 G by 15 million florins . The Austrian Cabinet is said to have assented to the Prussian Government ' s proposal that the Schleswig-Holstein Estates
The Week.
shall bo convoked to vote an electoral law for the election of a joint Diet for the two duchies . The Cologne International Exhibition is described as a decided success . Always beginning to be crammed with tourists at this season of the year , the Rliineland capital is literally overflowing at the present moment .
AMERICA . —No very important news has been brought by the Asia , from Boston ancl Halifax . President Johnson bad issued a proclamation in which he opens to foreign commerce , from the 1 st of July , all the Southern ports except Galveston , La Salle , Brazos de Santiago , Point Isabel , and Brownsville , in the state of Texas . The proclamation adds , "that if any
vessel from a foreign port shall enter any of the before-named excepted ports in the state of Texas , she will continue to be held liable to the penalties prescribed by the act of Congress approved on the 13 th clay of July , 1861 , and the persons on board of her to such penalties as may be incurred pursuant to the laws of war for trading or attempting to trade ivith an
enemy ; ancl I , Andrew Johnson , president of thu United States , clo hereby declare ancl make known that the United States of America do henceforth disavow to all persons trading or attempting to trade in any of the United States in violation of the laws thereof , all pretence of belligerent rights ancl privileges ; ancl I give notice , from the date of this
proclamation , all such offenders will be dealt ivith as pirates . " It Avas still asserted that Mr . Jefferson Davis would be tried for treason by a civil court . Tho assassination conspirators' trial ivas still progressing at Washington , ancl the prisoners' counsel
had commenced their defence . During the proceedings there hacl been produced a letter , stated to have been found in the Confederate archives and to have been addressed to Mr . Jefferson Davis , in which one Alston offered to rid the South of some of her deadliest enemies . It ivas asserted that General Kirby Smith persisted in his refusal to surrender , and that the
people of Texas were arming slaves , and were determined to continue the struggle . The captain of the Confederate ironclad steamer Stonewall had given hor up to the Spanish authorities afc Havannah . A vessel , having on hoard 300 " emigrants" for Mexico and a great quantity of arms , had been seized and detained at San Francisco . By tho City of Boston ,
which left New York on the 27 th ult ., Ave have a confirmation of the report that true bills for treason had been found against Jefferson Davis and also Breckenridge . Davis is very rigorously guarded , and , according to some accounts , he is even manacled . Ifc is persistently reported thafc General Lee is to be arrested and indicted for treason . The conspiracy trial ivas
still proceeding . General Hood and his staff had succeeded in crossing the Mississippi . The London Gazette contains an official letter from Earl Russell , formally ivithdrawing belligerent rights from the ships of the so-called Confederate States . " Any such vessels that may now be in British ports are forthwith to depart , ancl , for the last time , United States
vessels that may be watching them , ivill be prohibited from leaving in pursuit before the lapse of twenty-four hours . If the commanders of Confederate vessels wish to divest them ot their Avarlike character they may do so , bufc afc their own risk .
To Correspondents.
PAXJIURE CHAPTER . —Report of its Consecration next week . ERRATA . —In our notice of the decease of the Countess of Zetland there ivere one or two errors taken from the daily papers . It appears Lady Zetland was the third daughter of Sir Hedworth Williamson ( not Williams ) sixth baronet of Great Markham , sister to the late Sir Hedworth , seventh baronet , and aunt to the present Sir Hedworth .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
to enlist in Garibaldi's service . It is asserted that as many as sixteen youths have left Oxford during tho past iveek , and that their destination is A ' enicc . The Oxford magistrates have suggested that the attention of the Government should be called to these statements . A shocking accident has taken place at a siding near the Birmingham Station of the London ancl North AA'estern Railway . A steady ancl experienced
breaksman stepped upon the rails for a moment to look after some waggons , when the mail train came up and mutilated him in a shocking manner . Of course , death was instantaneous . A serious railway accident took place ou the Great AA estern Railway on Tuesday night , at a part of the line a little above Bristol . Tho mail train from London to Plymouth came into collision with an up passenger train , and before they could be cleared an excursion train came into collision with the
mail tram . Several of the passengers were seriously injured , but we understand that in none of them is death likely to ensue . A colliery accident took place on Monday , near AA igan , by which two men were killed , and five more severely Avounded . The men were engaged in sinking a shaft , when a portion of the brickwork gave ivay , and they Avere all buried in tbe ruins . No time was lost in getting them to the surface .
The bodies await a coroner's inquest . —•—Telegrams f .: om the Baltic ancl the north coast of Europe , report that the gale which ivas experienced with some severity on parts of the English coast , has told ivith fearful effect in more northern latitudes . Several English vessels are reported to have been lost , nearly 50 vessels have been stranded , and it is feared there
has been a sad loss of life . FOKEIGJ , ' INTELLIGENCE . —None of the morning papers were published in Paris on AVhifc Sunday , it having been observed as a general holiday . There appears to have been an almost uni . versal seizure of last week's Aveekly papers by the authorities ivho decide what intelligence is proper ancl what improper for
the French people to receive . The journals of Paris have been instructed to contradict a rumour that 10 , 000 men , under the command of General Bourbaki , are about to be despatched to Mexico ,- but nevertheless the uneasiness felt in France respecting the affairs in Mexico , and the possibility of a rupture with the United States , seems to be little if at all abated . The
Emperor of tbe French , when at Constantine , invited five Arab chiefs to dine with him , and took , it is tiAAnoAAwed , tho opportunity to tell them that he desired to see Arabs in general become fitted by labour and education to enter upon any positions now filled in Algeria by French subjects . He also stated that he desired every individual in the army to be free to rise , if his services , intelligence , ancl opportunities allowed him , to fill the
highest grades . At Batania , in Kabylia , he has been exceedingly well received by tho heads of the tribes lately in insurrection , several of them having travelled over 200 miles to demonstrate their loyalty , ancl perhaps gratify their curiosity . The Emperor himself must have felt gratified as he entered the town surrounded by a mounted cortege of 30 , 000 of those children of the
desert . The Emperor is represented as in perfect health , and all the better for the great fatigue he daily has to undergo . 31 . Eloin , the envoy from Mexico to Prance expresses a firm faith in the durability of tho Mexican empire , which ho considers to be henceforth unshnkeablc . -An imperial decree has been issued afc Vienna , ordering tbe elections for the Diets" of Dala
matin , Croatia , ancl Selavonia , to be commmencecl . The Dalmatian Diet takes place at Agram on tbe T 7 th of July . The finance committee of the Lower House of the Reichsrath have reduced the war budget for 1 S 6 G by 15 million florins . The Austrian Cabinet is said to have assented to the Prussian Government ' s proposal that the Schleswig-Holstein Estates
The Week.
shall bo convoked to vote an electoral law for the election of a joint Diet for the two duchies . The Cologne International Exhibition is described as a decided success . Always beginning to be crammed with tourists at this season of the year , the Rliineland capital is literally overflowing at the present moment .
AMERICA . —No very important news has been brought by the Asia , from Boston ancl Halifax . President Johnson bad issued a proclamation in which he opens to foreign commerce , from the 1 st of July , all the Southern ports except Galveston , La Salle , Brazos de Santiago , Point Isabel , and Brownsville , in the state of Texas . The proclamation adds , "that if any
vessel from a foreign port shall enter any of the before-named excepted ports in the state of Texas , she will continue to be held liable to the penalties prescribed by the act of Congress approved on the 13 th clay of July , 1861 , and the persons on board of her to such penalties as may be incurred pursuant to the laws of war for trading or attempting to trade ivith an
enemy ; ancl I , Andrew Johnson , president of thu United States , clo hereby declare ancl make known that the United States of America do henceforth disavow to all persons trading or attempting to trade in any of the United States in violation of the laws thereof , all pretence of belligerent rights ancl privileges ; ancl I give notice , from the date of this
proclamation , all such offenders will be dealt ivith as pirates . " It Avas still asserted that Mr . Jefferson Davis would be tried for treason by a civil court . Tho assassination conspirators' trial ivas still progressing at Washington , ancl the prisoners' counsel
had commenced their defence . During the proceedings there hacl been produced a letter , stated to have been found in the Confederate archives and to have been addressed to Mr . Jefferson Davis , in which one Alston offered to rid the South of some of her deadliest enemies . It ivas asserted that General Kirby Smith persisted in his refusal to surrender , and that the
people of Texas were arming slaves , and were determined to continue the struggle . The captain of the Confederate ironclad steamer Stonewall had given hor up to the Spanish authorities afc Havannah . A vessel , having on hoard 300 " emigrants" for Mexico and a great quantity of arms , had been seized and detained at San Francisco . By tho City of Boston ,
which left New York on the 27 th ult ., Ave have a confirmation of the report that true bills for treason had been found against Jefferson Davis and also Breckenridge . Davis is very rigorously guarded , and , according to some accounts , he is even manacled . Ifc is persistently reported thafc General Lee is to be arrested and indicted for treason . The conspiracy trial ivas
still proceeding . General Hood and his staff had succeeded in crossing the Mississippi . The London Gazette contains an official letter from Earl Russell , formally ivithdrawing belligerent rights from the ships of the so-called Confederate States . " Any such vessels that may now be in British ports are forthwith to depart , ancl , for the last time , United States
vessels that may be watching them , ivill be prohibited from leaving in pursuit before the lapse of twenty-four hours . If the commanders of Confederate vessels wish to divest them ot their Avarlike character they may do so , bufc afc their own risk .
To Correspondents.
PAXJIURE CHAPTER . —Report of its Consecration next week . ERRATA . —In our notice of the decease of the Countess of Zetland there ivere one or two errors taken from the daily papers . It appears Lady Zetland was the third daughter of Sir Hedworth Williamson ( not Williams ) sixth baronet of Great Markham , sister to the late Sir Hedworth , seventh baronet , and aunt to the present Sir Hedworth .