Article MASONIC SAYINGS AND DOINGS ABROAD. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 4 →
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Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Afc Panama a New Masonic Hall was opened in April . It is to bo used for the meetings of the Panama Lodges and for general purposes . Panama is not such a wealthy place as it was , but Masonry flourishes . Several years ago , says tho " St . Louis Freemason , "
the Grand Loclge of Massachusetts lost b y fire a rare and valuable collection . Again the valuable collection b y Bro-A . T . C . Picrson of Minnesota , and of the Grand Lodge of thafc State was destroyed by fire . This year the libraries of the Grand Lodgo of Illinois , and of Bro . H . G . Reynolds were burned , and thus one by one are dis .
appearing one valuable collection after another , owing to the impossibility of placing large collections in fire proof buildings . They should , however , never be trusted in buildings so occupied , that fire is more than a probable accident .
The corner stone of the Masonic Temple to be erected in Norfolk , Ya ., was laid recently . The ceremony was imposing , and was witnessed by an immense crowd of persons . Tho oration was delivered by Bro . W . S . 'Whittle . Lodges from Portsmouth and Fortress Monroe , and many distinguished Masons from distant cities , were present . A banquet , given in tho largest hall in the city , closed the exercises .
MONTAGUE v . MONTACUTE . —Our readers will probably recollect that several years ago there was a discussion among the Masons of Massachusetts as to the proper name of their patron English Grand Master , and after whom one of their lodges is named . R . W . Bro . Chas . "W . Moore , Prov . G . Sec ., took the side of Mont-acute , and
others that of Montague , as being the proper name of the Grand Master of England in 1733 , and the controversy waxed so interesting , until it was at last determined to settle the question by appointing a committee with M . W . Bro . John T . Heard , Prov . G . M ., as chairman ; and after giving the subject an historical research worthy of
his reputation as a scholar , he at last submitted a report which does him great credit , and from which we find that Montague won the victory . As he truly says , historical date was so imperfect owing to commingling of names , that ifc was with great difficulty that the facts could be arc-ived afc , yet by following tho line of genealogy he afc
last got the correct termination , and we presume thafc now the namo of Montacute in the Grand Lodge Hall , and on the Grand Lodge Register , will have to give place to tho correct name of Montague , the Grand Master of 1733 . —Freemason , St . Louis .
The employes of Bro . M . M . Pom eroy , the Proprietor and Editor of " Pomeroy ' s Democrat , " ( New York ) have united in presenting him with a handsome testimonial and a diamond ring of the value of 1 , 500 dollars , as a token of their esteem and respect , and in recognition of his uniform kindness to all in his employ . The presentation was made by Bro . T . G . Tisdall , the editor of the Masonic department .
Masonic Mems.
* All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
By the confirmation of the minutes of the quarterly communication of 1 st March last , at the meeting of Grand Lodge , on Wednesday , the 7 th inst , the attention in the practice which necessitated the withholding of the payment of all alterations hy the Lodge of Benevolence , exceeding the sum of £ 50 grants until after confirmation hy Grand Lodge , involving as it
might do a delay of five months , will now como into forces under the motion of Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., so that any recommendation of a grant exceeding £ 50 , made hy the Lodge or ^ Benevolence , after it has been confirmed at tlie next meeting , will in future only require to be carried at the next Quarterly Communication . PEOVDJCIAL GEAXD LODGE OE SOMEESET . — The next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge will be on the 18 th of July at Crewkcrne .
Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , is the present Senior Warden of the Royal Alpha Lodge , 16 , of which the M . W .. Grand Master , the Earl do Grey aud Ripon is the W . Master , and the Duke of St . Albans , the Junior Warden . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , under the Grand Mastership of Lord Holmesdale , will be holden at Dover , on
Wednesday the 2 Sth inst . LODGE Music FOB THE MASK DEGREE . —We beg to call attention to the announcement in our Advertisement columns of the Music for the Mark Degree , just re-published in a convenient form , for use in lodges . It is dedicated by authority to the Grand Mark Master , who has given his express sanction
for its use in lodges under the English Jurisdiction . AXGEL LODGE , ( So . 51 . )—The Annual Festival of St . John the Baptist , is fixed to take place at the Cups Hotel , Colchester on Thursday , June 22 nd , Bro . Henry Samuel is the W . M Elect ,
United Grand Lodge.
The Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , 7 th inst . The Grand Lodge was called for seven o ' clock , hut , which is rather an unusual occurrence , was not opened till a quarter-past seven o ' clock , at ivhich time the procession entered the Hall . There was a very numerous attendance of the brethren
occupying seats in the body of the Hall , while the dais presented a rather meagre appearance , the attendance of Grand Officers , being considerably under the average . Amongst the Grand Officers present were the M . W . G . Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , on the throne ; II . R . Lewis , Prov . Dist . G . M ., Summatra , as Dep . G . Master ; Col . F . Burdett , Prov .
G . S . W ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex , as S . G . W . ; H . C . Sirr , Pas = S . G . W ., and formerly representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , as J . G . W . ; J . V . N " . Bazalgeste and J . E . Sanders , S . G . Deacons ; J . M . Wike , J . G . W . ; Raynham \ V . Stewart , J . G . W . ; , John Hervey , G . Sec . ; Sir John W . Hayes , D . Prov . G . M Berks and Bucks , as G . Chaplain ; E . Wetidt , G . Sec . German
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
Afc Panama a New Masonic Hall was opened in April . It is to bo used for the meetings of the Panama Lodges and for general purposes . Panama is not such a wealthy place as it was , but Masonry flourishes . Several years ago , says tho " St . Louis Freemason , "
the Grand Loclge of Massachusetts lost b y fire a rare and valuable collection . Again the valuable collection b y Bro-A . T . C . Picrson of Minnesota , and of the Grand Lodge of thafc State was destroyed by fire . This year the libraries of the Grand Lodgo of Illinois , and of Bro . H . G . Reynolds were burned , and thus one by one are dis .
appearing one valuable collection after another , owing to the impossibility of placing large collections in fire proof buildings . They should , however , never be trusted in buildings so occupied , that fire is more than a probable accident .
The corner stone of the Masonic Temple to be erected in Norfolk , Ya ., was laid recently . The ceremony was imposing , and was witnessed by an immense crowd of persons . Tho oration was delivered by Bro . W . S . 'Whittle . Lodges from Portsmouth and Fortress Monroe , and many distinguished Masons from distant cities , were present . A banquet , given in tho largest hall in the city , closed the exercises .
MONTAGUE v . MONTACUTE . —Our readers will probably recollect that several years ago there was a discussion among the Masons of Massachusetts as to the proper name of their patron English Grand Master , and after whom one of their lodges is named . R . W . Bro . Chas . "W . Moore , Prov . G . Sec ., took the side of Mont-acute , and
others that of Montague , as being the proper name of the Grand Master of England in 1733 , and the controversy waxed so interesting , until it was at last determined to settle the question by appointing a committee with M . W . Bro . John T . Heard , Prov . G . M ., as chairman ; and after giving the subject an historical research worthy of
his reputation as a scholar , he at last submitted a report which does him great credit , and from which we find that Montague won the victory . As he truly says , historical date was so imperfect owing to commingling of names , that ifc was with great difficulty that the facts could be arc-ived afc , yet by following tho line of genealogy he afc
last got the correct termination , and we presume thafc now the namo of Montacute in the Grand Lodge Hall , and on the Grand Lodge Register , will have to give place to tho correct name of Montague , the Grand Master of 1733 . —Freemason , St . Louis .
The employes of Bro . M . M . Pom eroy , the Proprietor and Editor of " Pomeroy ' s Democrat , " ( New York ) have united in presenting him with a handsome testimonial and a diamond ring of the value of 1 , 500 dollars , as a token of their esteem and respect , and in recognition of his uniform kindness to all in his employ . The presentation was made by Bro . T . G . Tisdall , the editor of the Masonic department .
Masonic Mems.
* All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
By the confirmation of the minutes of the quarterly communication of 1 st March last , at the meeting of Grand Lodge , on Wednesday , the 7 th inst , the attention in the practice which necessitated the withholding of the payment of all alterations hy the Lodge of Benevolence , exceeding the sum of £ 50 grants until after confirmation hy Grand Lodge , involving as it
might do a delay of five months , will now como into forces under the motion of Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., so that any recommendation of a grant exceeding £ 50 , made hy the Lodge or ^ Benevolence , after it has been confirmed at tlie next meeting , will in future only require to be carried at the next Quarterly Communication . PEOVDJCIAL GEAXD LODGE OE SOMEESET . — The next meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge will be on the 18 th of July at Crewkcrne .
Bro . H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , is the present Senior Warden of the Royal Alpha Lodge , 16 , of which the M . W .. Grand Master , the Earl do Grey aud Ripon is the W . Master , and the Duke of St . Albans , the Junior Warden . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , under the Grand Mastership of Lord Holmesdale , will be holden at Dover , on
Wednesday the 2 Sth inst . LODGE Music FOB THE MASK DEGREE . —We beg to call attention to the announcement in our Advertisement columns of the Music for the Mark Degree , just re-published in a convenient form , for use in lodges . It is dedicated by authority to the Grand Mark Master , who has given his express sanction
for its use in lodges under the English Jurisdiction . AXGEL LODGE , ( So . 51 . )—The Annual Festival of St . John the Baptist , is fixed to take place at the Cups Hotel , Colchester on Thursday , June 22 nd , Bro . Henry Samuel is the W . M Elect ,
United Grand Lodge.
The Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , 7 th inst . The Grand Lodge was called for seven o ' clock , hut , which is rather an unusual occurrence , was not opened till a quarter-past seven o ' clock , at ivhich time the procession entered the Hall . There was a very numerous attendance of the brethren
occupying seats in the body of the Hall , while the dais presented a rather meagre appearance , the attendance of Grand Officers , being considerably under the average . Amongst the Grand Officers present were the M . W . G . Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , on the throne ; II . R . Lewis , Prov . Dist . G . M ., Summatra , as Dep . G . Master ; Col . F . Burdett , Prov .
G . S . W ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex , as S . G . W . ; H . C . Sirr , Pas = S . G . W ., and formerly representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , as J . G . W . ; J . V . N " . Bazalgeste and J . E . Sanders , S . G . Deacons ; J . M . Wike , J . G . W . ; Raynham \ V . Stewart , J . G . W . ; , John Hervey , G . Sec . ; Sir John W . Hayes , D . Prov . G . M Berks and Bucks , as G . Chaplain ; E . Wetidt , G . Sec . German