Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 4 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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United Grand Lodge.
hour of meeting . Many important questions were brought before Parliament during the AVednesday afternoon sittings . Five o'clock was about the hour at which votes were usually taken on important occasions . It would therefore be extremely inconvenient , and in many cases impossible for such brethren as were Members of Parliament to attend in Grand Lodge , were the proposed alteration made .
Bro . R . AA ' . Stewart then , with the consent of the seconder ' withdrew the motion . Bro , Benjamin Head , Prov . G . D ., proposed the motion No . 3 . The proposer read a letter from the inmates of the Institution , expressing their gratitude for the donation of coals granted last year .
The Grand Master in putting the motion , referred to the late Bro . Uclall , who had for many years made tho proposition . The motion was carried unanimously . The M . W . Grand Alaster enquired if the Scrutineers were prepared to make their Report , and was informed that it would probably take yet some time to conclude their labours .
Tiie Grand Alaster stated , that the Constitutions gave him the power , according to page 108 , that " If the report of the Scrutineers be not ready by the time the Grand Lodge is closed , the Grand Alaster , or the Presiding Officer , after closing the Grand Lodge may receive the report in his private room . He would therefore not detain the brethren by keeping the
Grand Lodge open . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form with prayer by the Rev . Bro . J . Brownrigg , Grand Chaplain . The following is the result of the Elections , above referred to , and also the names of brethren nominated by the Grand Alaster to their several offices .
BOAKD 01- GESEEAL PriiPOSES . —Bro . John Llewellyn Evans , President , and Bros . John A an N . Bazalgette , James E . Saunders , JEneas J . Mclntyre , John Savage , Edward J . Fraser , Samuel Leith Tomkins , Horace Lloyd , Q . C . ; Sir Albert AA \ AVoods ( Garter ) , AA ' illiam Young , Joseph Smith . MASTERS . —Bros . AA ' illiam S . Gover , 1 ; Benjamin Gray , 2 ; George J . Palmer , 11 ; AA'illiam Bristow , 14 ; Frederick A .
Philbrick , IS ; JamesGlashier , 33 ; and George Bolton , 143 . PAST AI ASTERS . —Bros . Frederick Adlard , 7 ; Witham Bywater , 19 ; Samuel Alay 23 ; John A . Rucker 60 ; John B Monckton 197 ; Edward Cox 657 ; and Samuel Poynter 902 . COLONIAL BOAKD . —Bro . Edward J . Fraser , President , and Bros . Joshua Nunn , Joseph Smith , Francis Bennoch , ( V . P . )
P . M . 1 ; Frederick Adlard , P . AI . 7 ; Brackstone Baker , 21 ; John G . Marsh , 28 ; James W . Halsey , P . AI . 134 ; James Brett , 177 ; Edward Cox , P . AI . G 57 . COMMITTEE OE '' 'ROXAL AIASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION I-OE AGED MASONS , AND AA ' IDOWS or FREEMASONS . "—Nominated b y the AI . W . G . AI .: —Bros . James E . Saunders , Richard
II . Gerraud , AVilliam Pulteney Scott , George Cox , Edward J . Fraser . Jabez Hogg , Conrad C . Dumas , Abraham A . Le A ' eau , and Joseph Smith . Elected by Grand Lodge : —Bros . James Brett , P . AI . 177 ; Charles A . Cottebrune , P . M . 733 ; Thomas Cubitt , P . AI . 157 ; Robert H . Evans , P . M . 1 , 139 ; John A . Farnfield , P . M . 907 ; Samuel Gale , P . M . 19 ; Henry AVilliam
Hemsworth , P . M ., 190 ; Hyam M . Levy , P . M . 1 S 8 ; ( J . AV AAliite , not eligible , not a P . AI . ) Elected hy the Subscribers : — Bros . Frederick Adlard , P . M . 7 ; John Bellerby , P . M . 65 ; George Bolton , P . AI . 169 ; John Dixon , M . D ., P . AI . 73 ; AVm Henry Farnfield , P . AI . 907 ; James It . Sheen , P . AI . 201 . Raynham AV . Stewart , P . AI . 12 ; Louis Stean , P . M . 212 , ' Nicholas Wingfield , P . M . 1 , 155 ; William Young , P . M . 60 .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
EUPHRATES LODGE ( N O . 212 . )—This ancient aud respectable lodge , held at Masons' Hall Tavern , on the 3 lsfc ult ., its last meeting of the season under , the presidency of its talented and respected AA . AL , Bro . Frank , who was efficiently supported by several Past Masters , with Bros . Field , S . W . ; Hammond , J . AA ' . ; Rushton , S . D . ; Thomson , J . D . ; and Dent , I . G . ; and in admirable style initiated into our mvsteries Alessrs . W . H . Hooper ,
IV . AV . Smith , and AV . AVclchman ; passed Bros . Clisby , lies , and Alalet ; Bro , Walker was raised to the Sublime Degree . After closing the lodge the members aud visitors , between 40 and 50 , adjourned to one of Bro . Gosden ' s excellent banquets . The summer banquet will , in consequence of the universal approval of the manner in which Bro . Lock , P . AI ., of the Bald Faced Stag Hotel , Buckhurst Hill , AVoodford , provided for this lodge last year , be again held at the same pleasant establishment in a few
weeks ( of which due notice will be given ) , and considering the capital accommodation and culinary skill on all occasions exhibited b y Bro . Lock , the AV .. M . trusts that a large number of members and visitors , with their friends and lamilies , will assemble around him on that occasion .
CRYSTAL PALACE LODGE ( No . 742 ) . —• The Installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on Friday , the 2 nd inst , Bro . Henry Finch , W . AI ., in the chair . The routine business having been disposed of , the Lodge was called off , and on re-assembling , the W . AI . proceeded to instal his successor into the chair . The admirable performance of this ceremony elicited the hearty applause of the numerous brethren . Bro . Georgo Weeks , W . AI ., then
appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Cooper , S . AV . ; Cox . J . W . ; P . Acton , P . AI . Treas . ; Henry J . Thompson , P . AI . Sec . ; II . Seymour Smith , Org . ; Steigerwald , S . D .: E . Alorley , J . D .: Potter , I . G . ; Bertram ^ D . C ; \ V . Stevens , W . S . ; AVoodstoek , Tyler . The reception of the Auditor ' s report concluded the business of the meeting , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , served a la Ilusse by Bros . Bertram and Roberts . The usual loyal toasts , and some excellent music by
Bro . Seymour Smith followed . The visitors included Bros . Branded P . M . 72 ; AV . Johnston , P . AI . 134 ; Hawker . P . M . SOI ; De Jersev , 84 ; Field , 902 ; Wright , 71 ; Goer , 111 ; Chablis , 733 ; F . Hill , 861 ; and AVorthiugton , 50 .
DEVONSHIRE . TOT > -ES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . The chair was taken at 0 . 45 by Bro . W . Cuming , W . AI . Among those present were Bros . Niner , S . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , as I . P . M . ; J . Heath , P . AI ., as J . W . ; Fowle , J . D . ; AVatson , P . AI ., as Sec . ; Taylor , Organist ; Golden , J . W . ; Croker , Tyier , with
about ten other members , and as visitors Bros . 1 ) . AA ' atsou , S . W . 328 ; Pigott , 328 ; Chapman , Sec . 328 ; Warren , 1 , 254 ; aud Couldray , 1 , 254 . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the rough minutes of the previous meeting were read , hut owing to the absence of the Secretary , who was in Loudon , and of the minute book , the confirmation of them was deferred . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and the three candidates were examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation .
Tlie lodge having been opened in the third degree , the chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who raised Bro . Browse to the rank of M . M ., the AV . M . acting as S . D . The same honour was then conferred on Bro . Pope by Bro . J Heath , Bro . Niner acting as S . D ., and Bro . Dr . Hopkins as S . \ A . Lastly , the AV . M . performed the same ceremony for Bro . Mayo , with Bro . Dr . Hopkins as S . D ., and Bro . J . Heath , as J . AV ., giving the traditionary
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
hour of meeting . Many important questions were brought before Parliament during the AVednesday afternoon sittings . Five o'clock was about the hour at which votes were usually taken on important occasions . It would therefore be extremely inconvenient , and in many cases impossible for such brethren as were Members of Parliament to attend in Grand Lodge , were the proposed alteration made .
Bro . R . AA ' . Stewart then , with the consent of the seconder ' withdrew the motion . Bro , Benjamin Head , Prov . G . D ., proposed the motion No . 3 . The proposer read a letter from the inmates of the Institution , expressing their gratitude for the donation of coals granted last year .
The Grand Master in putting the motion , referred to the late Bro . Uclall , who had for many years made tho proposition . The motion was carried unanimously . The M . W . Grand Alaster enquired if the Scrutineers were prepared to make their Report , and was informed that it would probably take yet some time to conclude their labours .
Tiie Grand Alaster stated , that the Constitutions gave him the power , according to page 108 , that " If the report of the Scrutineers be not ready by the time the Grand Lodge is closed , the Grand Alaster , or the Presiding Officer , after closing the Grand Lodge may receive the report in his private room . He would therefore not detain the brethren by keeping the
Grand Lodge open . Grand Lodge was then closed in ample form with prayer by the Rev . Bro . J . Brownrigg , Grand Chaplain . The following is the result of the Elections , above referred to , and also the names of brethren nominated by the Grand Alaster to their several offices .
BOAKD 01- GESEEAL PriiPOSES . —Bro . John Llewellyn Evans , President , and Bros . John A an N . Bazalgette , James E . Saunders , JEneas J . Mclntyre , John Savage , Edward J . Fraser , Samuel Leith Tomkins , Horace Lloyd , Q . C . ; Sir Albert AA \ AVoods ( Garter ) , AA ' illiam Young , Joseph Smith . MASTERS . —Bros . AA ' illiam S . Gover , 1 ; Benjamin Gray , 2 ; George J . Palmer , 11 ; AA'illiam Bristow , 14 ; Frederick A .
Philbrick , IS ; JamesGlashier , 33 ; and George Bolton , 143 . PAST AI ASTERS . —Bros . Frederick Adlard , 7 ; Witham Bywater , 19 ; Samuel Alay 23 ; John A . Rucker 60 ; John B Monckton 197 ; Edward Cox 657 ; and Samuel Poynter 902 . COLONIAL BOAKD . —Bro . Edward J . Fraser , President , and Bros . Joshua Nunn , Joseph Smith , Francis Bennoch , ( V . P . )
P . M . 1 ; Frederick Adlard , P . AI . 7 ; Brackstone Baker , 21 ; John G . Marsh , 28 ; James W . Halsey , P . AI . 134 ; James Brett , 177 ; Edward Cox , P . AI . G 57 . COMMITTEE OE '' 'ROXAL AIASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION I-OE AGED MASONS , AND AA ' IDOWS or FREEMASONS . "—Nominated b y the AI . W . G . AI .: —Bros . James E . Saunders , Richard
II . Gerraud , AVilliam Pulteney Scott , George Cox , Edward J . Fraser . Jabez Hogg , Conrad C . Dumas , Abraham A . Le A ' eau , and Joseph Smith . Elected by Grand Lodge : —Bros . James Brett , P . AI . 177 ; Charles A . Cottebrune , P . M . 733 ; Thomas Cubitt , P . AI . 157 ; Robert H . Evans , P . M . 1 , 139 ; John A . Farnfield , P . M . 907 ; Samuel Gale , P . M . 19 ; Henry AVilliam
Hemsworth , P . M ., 190 ; Hyam M . Levy , P . M . 1 S 8 ; ( J . AV AAliite , not eligible , not a P . AI . ) Elected hy the Subscribers : — Bros . Frederick Adlard , P . M . 7 ; John Bellerby , P . M . 65 ; George Bolton , P . AI . 169 ; John Dixon , M . D ., P . AI . 73 ; AVm Henry Farnfield , P . AI . 907 ; James It . Sheen , P . AI . 201 . Raynham AV . Stewart , P . AI . 12 ; Louis Stean , P . M . 212 , ' Nicholas Wingfield , P . M . 1 , 155 ; William Young , P . M . 60 .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
EUPHRATES LODGE ( N O . 212 . )—This ancient aud respectable lodge , held at Masons' Hall Tavern , on the 3 lsfc ult ., its last meeting of the season under , the presidency of its talented and respected AA . AL , Bro . Frank , who was efficiently supported by several Past Masters , with Bros . Field , S . W . ; Hammond , J . AA ' . ; Rushton , S . D . ; Thomson , J . D . ; and Dent , I . G . ; and in admirable style initiated into our mvsteries Alessrs . W . H . Hooper ,
IV . AV . Smith , and AV . AVclchman ; passed Bros . Clisby , lies , and Alalet ; Bro , Walker was raised to the Sublime Degree . After closing the lodge the members aud visitors , between 40 and 50 , adjourned to one of Bro . Gosden ' s excellent banquets . The summer banquet will , in consequence of the universal approval of the manner in which Bro . Lock , P . AI ., of the Bald Faced Stag Hotel , Buckhurst Hill , AVoodford , provided for this lodge last year , be again held at the same pleasant establishment in a few
weeks ( of which due notice will be given ) , and considering the capital accommodation and culinary skill on all occasions exhibited b y Bro . Lock , the AV .. M . trusts that a large number of members and visitors , with their friends and lamilies , will assemble around him on that occasion .
CRYSTAL PALACE LODGE ( No . 742 ) . —• The Installation meeting of this Lodge was held at the Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on Friday , the 2 nd inst , Bro . Henry Finch , W . AI ., in the chair . The routine business having been disposed of , the Lodge was called off , and on re-assembling , the W . AI . proceeded to instal his successor into the chair . The admirable performance of this ceremony elicited the hearty applause of the numerous brethren . Bro . Georgo Weeks , W . AI ., then
appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Cooper , S . AV . ; Cox . J . W . ; P . Acton , P . AI . Treas . ; Henry J . Thompson , P . AI . Sec . ; II . Seymour Smith , Org . ; Steigerwald , S . D .: E . Alorley , J . D .: Potter , I . G . ; Bertram ^ D . C ; \ V . Stevens , W . S . ; AVoodstoek , Tyler . The reception of the Auditor ' s report concluded the business of the meeting , and the brethren adjourned to banquet , served a la Ilusse by Bros . Bertram and Roberts . The usual loyal toasts , and some excellent music by
Bro . Seymour Smith followed . The visitors included Bros . Branded P . M . 72 ; AV . Johnston , P . AI . 134 ; Hawker . P . M . SOI ; De Jersev , 84 ; Field , 902 ; Wright , 71 ; Goer , 111 ; Chablis , 733 ; F . Hill , 861 ; and AVorthiugton , 50 .
DEVONSHIRE . TOT > -ES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —The monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Thursday , the 1 st inst . The chair was taken at 0 . 45 by Bro . W . Cuming , W . AI . Among those present were Bros . Niner , S . W . ; Dr . Hopkins , as I . P . M . ; J . Heath , P . AI ., as J . W . ; Fowle , J . D . ; AVatson , P . AI ., as Sec . ; Taylor , Organist ; Golden , J . W . ; Croker , Tyier , with
about ten other members , and as visitors Bros . 1 ) . AA ' atsou , S . W . 328 ; Pigott , 328 ; Chapman , Sec . 328 ; Warren , 1 , 254 ; aud Couldray , 1 , 254 . The lodge having been opened in the first degree , the rough minutes of the previous meeting were read , hut owing to the absence of the Secretary , who was in Loudon , and of the minute book , the confirmation of them was deferred . The lodge was opened in the second degree , and the three candidates were examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation .
Tlie lodge having been opened in the third degree , the chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who raised Bro . Browse to the rank of M . M ., the AV . M . acting as S . D . The same honour was then conferred on Bro . Pope by Bro . J Heath , Bro . Niner acting as S . D ., and Bro . Dr . Hopkins as S . \ A . Lastly , the AV . M . performed the same ceremony for Bro . Mayo , with Bro . Dr . Hopkins as S . D ., and Bro . J . Heath , as J . AV ., giving the traditionary