Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1
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wood , D . P . G . AL , seconded the vote of thanks , spoke in flattering terms of tho ability and research displayed by the Rev . Brother in this most interesting lecture . Bro . Sanderson , who is aproniinaut member of the Ancient aud Accepted Rite , will lecture again in September , on the " Mysteries of Savage Nations . " The brethren afterwards retired for refreshment .
Royal Arch.
INSTRUCTION . THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OE IMPROVEMENT . —The closing meeting of the season of this excellent chapter for the instruction and improvement of Royal Arch Alasons was held iu Freemasons' Hall on Thursday evening , the 1 st inst . This Chapter of Improvement is held under the sanction of the Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . l 49 , and was established about eight months ago , and from the time of its commencing work until the last
meeting has been a continuous series of interesting Masonic festivals . The accuracy of working , and the systematic way tbe whole of the Lectures relating to the Ceremonies , & c , are given from time to time , and under such Preceptors as Comps . Brett , Boyd , and others , the zealous Arch Mason finds no difficulty in rapidly acquiring the whole of the duties relating to chapter workings . The programme on this occasion was unusually complete and interesting , and nothing could be more excellent than tho manner
in which the whole of the programme was carried out . Comp . John Boyd presided as M . E . Z ., assisted hy Comp . G . J . Sharp as IL , and Thomas as J . The Chapter was opened at 6 o ' clock , and the Companions were addressed by Comp . James Brett , P . Z ., G . D . C , who worked the 1 st section , assisted in the 1 st clause by Comp . Dr . Self ; in the 2 nd clause by Comp . AA . AVest Smith ; and in the 3 rd clause by Comp . AV . H . Green , who each gave the entire of their long answers without one slip , or the slightest
hesitation—indeed , the whole was done in a truly admirable style . Tho Historical Oration was then g iven by Comp . J . L . Thomas ; the Symbolical Portion by Comp . Geo . J . Sharpe ; the Illustrations of Banners and Ensigns by Comp . James Brett ; the Mystical Portions by Comp . John Boyd , P . Z . , and the Illustrations of the R . A . Jewel and the Platonic Bodies by Comp . James Brett . These having severally been given by the respective companions in a faultless manner , which elicited the warmest marks of approbation from all present , the
M . E . Z . then announced that propositions lor joining members might be made , and he expressed a hope that such of those who were not already members , who had expressed their gratification at the working , would join the chapter aud lend a helping hand in the cause of improvement . Numerous propositions were handed in , and after a vote of thanks had heen moved by Comp . R . J . AA ' arrington , and carried by acclamation , the chapter was closed , and adjourned to October next . The Companions then
adjourned at 7 . 30 to banquet , which was presided over by Com ]) . J . Hervey , the G . S . E ., supported by the second and third Principals , and the Founders and Members of the Chapter , to the number of about 35 , and several visitors , the following being as near as we could obtain them : —Members , Comps . J . Hervey , J . G . Sharpe , J . L . Thomas , J . Boyd , George Stales , Major E . H . Finney , E . H . Finney , jun ., T . AV . White , J . Self ; F . Adlaril , AV . AV . Smith , AA' . Carpenter , AV . MannA . A . Richards
, , G . Davey , G . Cooper , C . Cook , S . Francis , J . W . Barnett , T . R . Tippitt , J . Slaclc , F . Avrillron , J . R . Nash , J . G . Ivfanhy , AV H . Green , E . J . Barron , G . Leniann , — Griffin . S . Carrey , T . N . Edmunds , G . A . Ibbetson , R . S . Warrington , F . Cubitt , and J . Fonlger . Visitors , Comps . II . Thorn , 8 ; AA ' . Goodyear , 25 ; AV . Smith , CE . 33 ; P . Hennell , 145 ; G . Pymm , ' 749 ; C . Chalmers I . Paton , of Edinburgh ; E . C . Cockcraft , 211 ; and II . Levy . After the cloth was withdrawn the usual loyal and
Masonic toasts were given . Comp . AA . Carpenter proposed the health of the Com )) . J . Hervey , "the President . " The toast of the " A isitors" was responded to by Comp . AA . Smith , CE . ; Comp . C . J . Paton , and Levey . The reception of A'isitors by the Companions , was only equalled by the excellence of the working of the chapter . [ The banquet , we are hound to note , did not . eithcr in tbe dinner or the wines , give satisfaction to the company , and certainly were no credit to the management of the Freemasons ' Tavern Companv .
Knights Templar.
SUFFOLK AND CAA 1 BR 1 DGE . PROVINCIAL GEAND CONCLAVE . A meeting of this Grand Conclave was held at the headquarters of the Tancred Encampment , 29 J Green Street , Cambridge , on the 25 th ult . Present : — A . E . Sir Knight Capt . N . G . Philips , Prov . G . C ;
E . Sir Knig ht R , N . Sanderson , D . Prov . G . C . ; V . E . Sir Knights C . J . A igne , Prov . G . C . Dorset ; Lord Eliot , Prov . G . C Cornwall ; E . Knights E . C . T . Townsend , P . Prov . G . Capt . Suffolk and Cambridge ; Rev . C . J . Alartyn , Royal Plantagenet ; M . O . Sim , G . Sub . Prior Suffolk and Cambridge ; Rev . A . B . Frazer , P . E . C . Ccour de Lion , Prov . G . S . B . ; Henry Dubosc , First Capt .
of Lines of England ; Spalding , Prov . G . Equerry ; J . N . Law , Prov . G . C , P . E . C . ; J . M . P . Montagu , Prov . G . P . Dorset ; W Hyde Pullen , E . C . Royal Naval ; Capt . J . Hampton , 100 , Dublin ; Arthur Terry , Prudence ; J . Deigton , R . K . Aliller , J . F . Starkie , H . F . Harris , Rev . G . AV . Marwood , J . Oxley Oxland , Spalding , Prov . G . Equerry , and R . P . Caldwell .
The Tancred Encampment , under tho command of E . Sir Knight Sim , Prov . G . Sub Prior Suffolk and Cambridge , having been opened in due form , the following Companions were installed , Rev . John King , and Robert Townley Caldwell , of the Euclid Chapter . The ballot was taken for Sir Knight John Oxley Oxland of
Alelita Encampment , No . 37 , and Royal Sussex Encampment , No . 25 , and ho was elected a joining member . A Board of Installed Commanders having been formed , the E . C . Elect , Sir Knight J . Deighton , was presented and installed into the command of tho Tancred Encampment hy the E . C , Sir Knight Sim , and was proclaimed and sainted according to ancient custom .
On the re-admission of the Sir Kni ghts the E . C . appointed his officers . After which the V . E . Prov . G . C , Bro . Capt . N . G . Philips , with his officers , and the distinguished visitors from other provinces , were received by the members of the Tancred Encampment , according to ancient custom , and tho A . E . C . having taken the chair , the Provincial Grand Conclave was opened in due form .
The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Conclave were read and approved , and the Report of the Managing Committee adopted . The A' . E . C then appointed and invested the following officers : —Sir Knights Sanderson , D . Prov . G . C . ; Hardy , Ci Prior ; Sim , G . Sub Prior ; Frazo ? , Prelate ; Deighton , First G . Capt . ; Chambers , Second G . Capt . ; C . T . Townsend , G . Chan . ;
E . Holmes , Registrar ; It . Taylor , Treas . ; Rev , G . Marwood , Almoner ; Rev . A . Holmes , Expert ; Capt . Terry A . D . C ; Dr . Beaumont , First Standard-Bearer ; Rev . B . AA ' alker , Second Standard-Bearer ; J . A . Pettit , Sen ., Dir . of Cers . ; J . 0 . Oxland , Capt . of Lilies ; J . 11 . Tourner , First Herald ; J . T . Helms , Second Herald ; It . P . Caldwell , Sword-Bearer ; Miller , Banner-Bearer ; Barber , Organist ; and Spalding , Equerry . The A ' . E . C . signified his intention of holding his next meeting
at the Head Quarters of tho Royal Plantagenet Encampment , ut the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , D . V ., on Ascension Day , 1872 . Votes of thanks were proposed to tho A ' . E . Sir Knights A igne and Lord Eliot for their attendance , and was duly responded to . Tho Provincial Grand Conclave was then closed . A Provincial Grand Grand Priory of Alalia was then opened by the A ' . E . Sir Knight Philips , and several Sir Knihts were
g admitted to the Ordor , the A' . E . Sir Kni ght Philips being assisted by Sir Knight Sanderson . The ceremonies throughout were most ably and carefull y worked . The Grand Priory was then closed in due form .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
wood , D . P . G . AL , seconded the vote of thanks , spoke in flattering terms of tho ability and research displayed by the Rev . Brother in this most interesting lecture . Bro . Sanderson , who is aproniinaut member of the Ancient aud Accepted Rite , will lecture again in September , on the " Mysteries of Savage Nations . " The brethren afterwards retired for refreshment .
Royal Arch.
INSTRUCTION . THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OE IMPROVEMENT . —The closing meeting of the season of this excellent chapter for the instruction and improvement of Royal Arch Alasons was held iu Freemasons' Hall on Thursday evening , the 1 st inst . This Chapter of Improvement is held under the sanction of the Prudent Brethren Chapter , No . l 49 , and was established about eight months ago , and from the time of its commencing work until the last
meeting has been a continuous series of interesting Masonic festivals . The accuracy of working , and the systematic way tbe whole of the Lectures relating to the Ceremonies , & c , are given from time to time , and under such Preceptors as Comps . Brett , Boyd , and others , the zealous Arch Mason finds no difficulty in rapidly acquiring the whole of the duties relating to chapter workings . The programme on this occasion was unusually complete and interesting , and nothing could be more excellent than tho manner
in which the whole of the programme was carried out . Comp . John Boyd presided as M . E . Z ., assisted hy Comp . G . J . Sharp as IL , and Thomas as J . The Chapter was opened at 6 o ' clock , and the Companions were addressed by Comp . James Brett , P . Z ., G . D . C , who worked the 1 st section , assisted in the 1 st clause by Comp . Dr . Self ; in the 2 nd clause by Comp . AA . AVest Smith ; and in the 3 rd clause by Comp . AV . H . Green , who each gave the entire of their long answers without one slip , or the slightest
hesitation—indeed , the whole was done in a truly admirable style . Tho Historical Oration was then g iven by Comp . J . L . Thomas ; the Symbolical Portion by Comp . Geo . J . Sharpe ; the Illustrations of Banners and Ensigns by Comp . James Brett ; the Mystical Portions by Comp . John Boyd , P . Z . , and the Illustrations of the R . A . Jewel and the Platonic Bodies by Comp . James Brett . These having severally been given by the respective companions in a faultless manner , which elicited the warmest marks of approbation from all present , the
M . E . Z . then announced that propositions lor joining members might be made , and he expressed a hope that such of those who were not already members , who had expressed their gratification at the working , would join the chapter aud lend a helping hand in the cause of improvement . Numerous propositions were handed in , and after a vote of thanks had heen moved by Comp . R . J . AA ' arrington , and carried by acclamation , the chapter was closed , and adjourned to October next . The Companions then
adjourned at 7 . 30 to banquet , which was presided over by Com ]) . J . Hervey , the G . S . E ., supported by the second and third Principals , and the Founders and Members of the Chapter , to the number of about 35 , and several visitors , the following being as near as we could obtain them : —Members , Comps . J . Hervey , J . G . Sharpe , J . L . Thomas , J . Boyd , George Stales , Major E . H . Finney , E . H . Finney , jun ., T . AV . White , J . Self ; F . Adlaril , AV . AV . Smith , AA' . Carpenter , AV . MannA . A . Richards
, , G . Davey , G . Cooper , C . Cook , S . Francis , J . W . Barnett , T . R . Tippitt , J . Slaclc , F . Avrillron , J . R . Nash , J . G . Ivfanhy , AV H . Green , E . J . Barron , G . Leniann , — Griffin . S . Carrey , T . N . Edmunds , G . A . Ibbetson , R . S . Warrington , F . Cubitt , and J . Fonlger . Visitors , Comps . II . Thorn , 8 ; AA ' . Goodyear , 25 ; AV . Smith , CE . 33 ; P . Hennell , 145 ; G . Pymm , ' 749 ; C . Chalmers I . Paton , of Edinburgh ; E . C . Cockcraft , 211 ; and II . Levy . After the cloth was withdrawn the usual loyal and
Masonic toasts were given . Comp . AA . Carpenter proposed the health of the Com )) . J . Hervey , "the President . " The toast of the " A isitors" was responded to by Comp . AA . Smith , CE . ; Comp . C . J . Paton , and Levey . The reception of A'isitors by the Companions , was only equalled by the excellence of the working of the chapter . [ The banquet , we are hound to note , did not . eithcr in tbe dinner or the wines , give satisfaction to the company , and certainly were no credit to the management of the Freemasons ' Tavern Companv .
Knights Templar.
SUFFOLK AND CAA 1 BR 1 DGE . PROVINCIAL GEAND CONCLAVE . A meeting of this Grand Conclave was held at the headquarters of the Tancred Encampment , 29 J Green Street , Cambridge , on the 25 th ult . Present : — A . E . Sir Knight Capt . N . G . Philips , Prov . G . C ;
E . Sir Knig ht R , N . Sanderson , D . Prov . G . C . ; V . E . Sir Knights C . J . A igne , Prov . G . C . Dorset ; Lord Eliot , Prov . G . C Cornwall ; E . Knights E . C . T . Townsend , P . Prov . G . Capt . Suffolk and Cambridge ; Rev . C . J . Alartyn , Royal Plantagenet ; M . O . Sim , G . Sub . Prior Suffolk and Cambridge ; Rev . A . B . Frazer , P . E . C . Ccour de Lion , Prov . G . S . B . ; Henry Dubosc , First Capt .
of Lines of England ; Spalding , Prov . G . Equerry ; J . N . Law , Prov . G . C , P . E . C . ; J . M . P . Montagu , Prov . G . P . Dorset ; W Hyde Pullen , E . C . Royal Naval ; Capt . J . Hampton , 100 , Dublin ; Arthur Terry , Prudence ; J . Deigton , R . K . Aliller , J . F . Starkie , H . F . Harris , Rev . G . AV . Marwood , J . Oxley Oxland , Spalding , Prov . G . Equerry , and R . P . Caldwell .
The Tancred Encampment , under tho command of E . Sir Knight Sim , Prov . G . Sub Prior Suffolk and Cambridge , having been opened in due form , the following Companions were installed , Rev . John King , and Robert Townley Caldwell , of the Euclid Chapter . The ballot was taken for Sir Knight John Oxley Oxland of
Alelita Encampment , No . 37 , and Royal Sussex Encampment , No . 25 , and ho was elected a joining member . A Board of Installed Commanders having been formed , the E . C . Elect , Sir Knight J . Deighton , was presented and installed into the command of tho Tancred Encampment hy the E . C , Sir Knight Sim , and was proclaimed and sainted according to ancient custom .
On the re-admission of the Sir Kni ghts the E . C . appointed his officers . After which the V . E . Prov . G . C , Bro . Capt . N . G . Philips , with his officers , and the distinguished visitors from other provinces , were received by the members of the Tancred Encampment , according to ancient custom , and tho A . E . C . having taken the chair , the Provincial Grand Conclave was opened in due form .
The minutes of the last Provincial Grand Conclave were read and approved , and the Report of the Managing Committee adopted . The A' . E . C then appointed and invested the following officers : —Sir Knights Sanderson , D . Prov . G . C . ; Hardy , Ci Prior ; Sim , G . Sub Prior ; Frazo ? , Prelate ; Deighton , First G . Capt . ; Chambers , Second G . Capt . ; C . T . Townsend , G . Chan . ;
E . Holmes , Registrar ; It . Taylor , Treas . ; Rev , G . Marwood , Almoner ; Rev . A . Holmes , Expert ; Capt . Terry A . D . C ; Dr . Beaumont , First Standard-Bearer ; Rev . B . AA ' alker , Second Standard-Bearer ; J . A . Pettit , Sen ., Dir . of Cers . ; J . 0 . Oxland , Capt . of Lilies ; J . 11 . Tourner , First Herald ; J . T . Helms , Second Herald ; It . P . Caldwell , Sword-Bearer ; Miller , Banner-Bearer ; Barber , Organist ; and Spalding , Equerry . The A ' . E . C . signified his intention of holding his next meeting
at the Head Quarters of tho Royal Plantagenet Encampment , ut the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , D . V ., on Ascension Day , 1872 . Votes of thanks were proposed to tho A ' . E . Sir Knights A igne and Lord Eliot for their attendance , and was duly responded to . Tho Provincial Grand Conclave was then closed . A Provincial Grand Grand Priory of Alalia was then opened by the A ' . E . Sir Knight Philips , and several Sir Knihts were
g admitted to the Ordor , the A' . E . Sir Kni ght Philips being assisted by Sir Knight Sanderson . The ceremonies throughout were most ably and carefull y worked . The Grand Priory was then closed in due form .