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Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Weymouth Royal Hospital And Dispensary.
Craft . It is a matter of great congratulation to myself that the circumstances which have placed me at the head of the Graft in this province allow- this ceremony to be performed during my holding office . Owing to this I am , as the head of the Craft in the Province of Dorset , enabled to descend from those heights of theoretical Masonry to the no less honourable but more useful branches of our Craft—practical Masonry . I have had the honour of assisting your President , Sir Frederick Johnstone , in
laying the foundation-stone of this building , and I only hope the results obtained from from it will be quite as extensive and beneficial as either you , Sir Frederick , or myself , can hope for iu auy degree . I will not detain you longer , Sir Frederick , but ask you to permit me to express , on hehalf of my brethren of the province of Dorset , the pleasure we feel in attending here today , the satisfaction which we experience at the benevolent nature of the buildingthe foundation-stone ot which we have
, been asked to lay , and the pleasure it gives us to he useful in any way to one of the most important towns contained in the hounds of our province . Sir Frederick Johnstone , said : AA ' orshipful Grand Alaster , — On behalf of the committee of subscribers to this Institution , I havo to thank you most heartily for holding a Provincial Grand Lodge here , and in laying the foundation stone of this new
building . Taking , as I do , a great interest in the prosperity of Weymouth , I hope this building may do great good hereafter . The Alayor said : AVorshipful Grand Alaster , Sir Frederick Johnstone , Ladies , and Gentlemen , —As Alayor of this town , I cannot allow this meeting to separate without saying a fewwords . AA e have been engaged in a very interesting and important ceremony , that of laying the foundation stone of an enlarged hospital for AVeyraouth . Although this will he a new
building , the Institution itself is of no recent date . I believe ib is the oldest hospital in tho county of Dorset . The dispensary was instituted In the year 1816 , aud at that time Her Eoyal Highness Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold took a great interest in it , liberally contributing towards its support , aud I have now the honour of informing you that our Gracious Queen is the patroness of the Institution . Iu the year 1836 , through the liberality of many friends , the present Infirmary was
purchased ; but the committee , havo for some time past found it inadequate for the purposes required , came to the conclusion to erect a new building , of which we have tbis day laid the corner stone . I feel assured I need not point out the great blessing tbis Institution is to the poorer classes . As a dispensary they have tho best medical advice and medicine , and as a hospital every kind attention , comfort , food , aud advice . I was about to allude , to the wards for accidents , in tho new
building , bufc that having been adverted to hy the Prov . G . M ., I may state that through the instrumentality of this Institution 15 , 000 of our poorer neighbours have received relief as out-door patients , 900 as in-door ones . I believe you will all agree with me when I tell you I have no doubt this is a noble Institution , and merits the support of every one who has a particle of kind feeling iu his heart . I thank you , Prov . Grand Masteras a brother Alasonfor kind attendance . I thank
, , your the brethren , amongst whom I see many old faces with whom I have been associated for 45 years as a Mason , and I also recogdise many junior brethren present . This is one of the most gratifying days I have known since I have been a Alason . I attended two of the ceremonies to whicli allusions have been made ; but tbis has been the most pleasing , more especially as ou the present occasion I have the honour of representing the town as Alayor .
This brought the ceremony to a close , the band played the National Anthem , aud the Masonic body proceeded to thenhall to divest themselves of their paraphernalia , prior to proceeding to the Royal Hotel , where a banquet in celebration of the event took place . The Alayor gave a splendid dejeuner . The good tilings of this life having heen properly discussed , and the champagne aud other wines in free circulation , the company present fairlbe said to have been taken by surprise and
may y electrified by the ; beautiful rendering of " Non nobis domine , " by a local company of glee singers , under the management of Mr . Board , which could not have been surpassed either in expression or harmony . The Mayor then gave the first toast in most appropriate language , "The Queen , " which was heartily responded to , and " God Save the Queen" nicely sung . Other toasts followed , each cue being harmoniously responded to in appropriate language .
Obituary .
BRO . S . MIRZA VANANTEJI . Bro . S . Mirza Vauauteji was , we believe a native of Smyrna , and connected with some of the loading Armenian families . He was initiated in one of the English Lodges in thafc city , speaking English well , and was then concerned in the foundation of the Armenian Lodge there , the Dekran ( Tigraues ) , No . 1014 . Of this lodge he
, was the Secretary . It was worked in our ritual in Armenian , and was the first lodge so constituted , and fche means of introducing a new source of development of the modern Armenian language by its application to Masonry . Afterwards an Armenian Lodge was established at Constantinople . Bro . Mirza Vananteji was a distinguished literary man
in his community , and a leader of fche reform or liberal party among the Armenians . He was the author of some poems and other writings in his native language , and fche editor of an Armenian journal afc Smyrna of considerable literary merit . In English he wrote and published afc Smyrna in 1866 , with the Armenian texb opposite , a book on the
Descent of Queen Yictoria from Basil the Macedonian , or Armenian Emperor of Constantinople , and the Sacred Kings of Armenia . Bro . Mirza died at Smyrna , in the beginning of May of consumption , deeply regretted by the brethren Armenian and English , and by the Armenian community
Poetry .
God , who shields our noble Land , Spread o ' er Summit , A ale , aud Strand , Holy Hope and Peace for all . Hear this Prayer , inspire the soul ' . Bo our Faith as pure and true , As the Heaven ' s spotless blue ,
Aud let Charity abound Everywhere—the world around . Keep us per . ceful , glad aud free ; Glorious iu Liberty . ' Home of Freedom , ever grand ; God protect our happy Land ! And as science shall ascend , Human errors to amend ,
Aud as knowledge lifts the veil Human follies to curtail , Aud as Thought , in full array Shall give Action proper sway , Aud as Liberty of speech Shall us Alrtue ' s Beauties teach , So , God ! let all rejoice , Praise Thee with u Nation ' s voice . '
Let us not by feeble bands Bind to us all other lands ; But let soul to soul be bound , Uncontrolled hy chart or sound , O ' or the Earth , where man doth dwell , Let our Hearts in Friendship swell . Keep us peaceful , glad , and free , Glorious iu Liberty ! Home of Freedom , our own Land ; God preserve thee , ever grand '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Laying The Foundation Stone Of The Weymouth Royal Hospital And Dispensary.
Craft . It is a matter of great congratulation to myself that the circumstances which have placed me at the head of the Graft in this province allow- this ceremony to be performed during my holding office . Owing to this I am , as the head of the Craft in the Province of Dorset , enabled to descend from those heights of theoretical Masonry to the no less honourable but more useful branches of our Craft—practical Masonry . I have had the honour of assisting your President , Sir Frederick Johnstone , in
laying the foundation-stone of this building , and I only hope the results obtained from from it will be quite as extensive and beneficial as either you , Sir Frederick , or myself , can hope for iu auy degree . I will not detain you longer , Sir Frederick , but ask you to permit me to express , on hehalf of my brethren of the province of Dorset , the pleasure we feel in attending here today , the satisfaction which we experience at the benevolent nature of the buildingthe foundation-stone ot which we have
, been asked to lay , and the pleasure it gives us to he useful in any way to one of the most important towns contained in the hounds of our province . Sir Frederick Johnstone , said : AA ' orshipful Grand Alaster , — On behalf of the committee of subscribers to this Institution , I havo to thank you most heartily for holding a Provincial Grand Lodge here , and in laying the foundation stone of this new
building . Taking , as I do , a great interest in the prosperity of Weymouth , I hope this building may do great good hereafter . The Alayor said : AVorshipful Grand Alaster , Sir Frederick Johnstone , Ladies , and Gentlemen , —As Alayor of this town , I cannot allow this meeting to separate without saying a fewwords . AA e have been engaged in a very interesting and important ceremony , that of laying the foundation stone of an enlarged hospital for AVeyraouth . Although this will he a new
building , the Institution itself is of no recent date . I believe ib is the oldest hospital in tho county of Dorset . The dispensary was instituted In the year 1816 , aud at that time Her Eoyal Highness Princess Charlotte and Prince Leopold took a great interest in it , liberally contributing towards its support , aud I have now the honour of informing you that our Gracious Queen is the patroness of the Institution . Iu the year 1836 , through the liberality of many friends , the present Infirmary was
purchased ; but the committee , havo for some time past found it inadequate for the purposes required , came to the conclusion to erect a new building , of which we have tbis day laid the corner stone . I feel assured I need not point out the great blessing tbis Institution is to the poorer classes . As a dispensary they have tho best medical advice and medicine , and as a hospital every kind attention , comfort , food , aud advice . I was about to allude , to the wards for accidents , in tho new
building , bufc that having been adverted to hy the Prov . G . M ., I may state that through the instrumentality of this Institution 15 , 000 of our poorer neighbours have received relief as out-door patients , 900 as in-door ones . I believe you will all agree with me when I tell you I have no doubt this is a noble Institution , and merits the support of every one who has a particle of kind feeling iu his heart . I thank you , Prov . Grand Masteras a brother Alasonfor kind attendance . I thank
, , your the brethren , amongst whom I see many old faces with whom I have been associated for 45 years as a Mason , and I also recogdise many junior brethren present . This is one of the most gratifying days I have known since I have been a Alason . I attended two of the ceremonies to whicli allusions have been made ; but tbis has been the most pleasing , more especially as ou the present occasion I have the honour of representing the town as Alayor .
This brought the ceremony to a close , the band played the National Anthem , aud the Masonic body proceeded to thenhall to divest themselves of their paraphernalia , prior to proceeding to the Royal Hotel , where a banquet in celebration of the event took place . The Alayor gave a splendid dejeuner . The good tilings of this life having heen properly discussed , and the champagne aud other wines in free circulation , the company present fairlbe said to have been taken by surprise and
may y electrified by the ; beautiful rendering of " Non nobis domine , " by a local company of glee singers , under the management of Mr . Board , which could not have been surpassed either in expression or harmony . The Mayor then gave the first toast in most appropriate language , "The Queen , " which was heartily responded to , and " God Save the Queen" nicely sung . Other toasts followed , each cue being harmoniously responded to in appropriate language .
Obituary .
BRO . S . MIRZA VANANTEJI . Bro . S . Mirza Vauauteji was , we believe a native of Smyrna , and connected with some of the loading Armenian families . He was initiated in one of the English Lodges in thafc city , speaking English well , and was then concerned in the foundation of the Armenian Lodge there , the Dekran ( Tigraues ) , No . 1014 . Of this lodge he
, was the Secretary . It was worked in our ritual in Armenian , and was the first lodge so constituted , and fche means of introducing a new source of development of the modern Armenian language by its application to Masonry . Afterwards an Armenian Lodge was established at Constantinople . Bro . Mirza Vananteji was a distinguished literary man
in his community , and a leader of fche reform or liberal party among the Armenians . He was the author of some poems and other writings in his native language , and fche editor of an Armenian journal afc Smyrna of considerable literary merit . In English he wrote and published afc Smyrna in 1866 , with the Armenian texb opposite , a book on the
Descent of Queen Yictoria from Basil the Macedonian , or Armenian Emperor of Constantinople , and the Sacred Kings of Armenia . Bro . Mirza died at Smyrna , in the beginning of May of consumption , deeply regretted by the brethren Armenian and English , and by the Armenian community
Poetry .
God , who shields our noble Land , Spread o ' er Summit , A ale , aud Strand , Holy Hope and Peace for all . Hear this Prayer , inspire the soul ' . Bo our Faith as pure and true , As the Heaven ' s spotless blue ,
Aud let Charity abound Everywhere—the world around . Keep us per . ceful , glad aud free ; Glorious iu Liberty . ' Home of Freedom , ever grand ; God protect our happy Land ! And as science shall ascend , Human errors to amend ,
Aud as knowledge lifts the veil Human follies to curtail , Aud as Thought , in full array Shall give Action proper sway , Aud as Liberty of speech Shall us Alrtue ' s Beauties teach , So , God ! let all rejoice , Praise Thee with u Nation ' s voice . '
Let us not by feeble bands Bind to us all other lands ; But let soul to soul be bound , Uncontrolled hy chart or sound , O ' or the Earth , where man doth dwell , Let our Hearts in Friendship swell . Keep us peaceful , glad , and free , Glorious iu Liberty ! Home of Freedom , our own Land ; God preserve thee , ever grand '