Article PROXY MASTERS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROXY MASTERS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE ORDERS OF CHIVALRY IN CANADA. Page 1 of 4 →
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Proxy Masters.
During the discussion on the motion of Bro , Raynham W . Stewart , at the Quarterly Communiaction of Grand Lodge , reference was made to the composition of the members of Grand Lodge , ifc being asserted that as a rule
the attendance at Grand Lodge was mainly made up of London Masons . Whilst ifc was admitted that Grand Lodge was believed to represent the whole of the Craft , the affairs of the body at large are thus thrown into the hands of the London Masons .
It was argued that the hour at which Grand Lodge is called , necessitates remaining in town all nighfc , practically in a great measure , excludes country members from attending . Although fche railway , companies now give great facilities for
travelling , the late hour at which the business of Grand Lodge tez-minates , renders the said facilities unavailable . Under present regulations new business may be entered upon up till ten o ' clock , which sometimes
necessitates attendance to a still later hour . This renders return home difficult , even to suburban members of the Craft , and quite impossible to those residing at a greater distance , besides being objectionable in a domestic point of view .
Bro . Stewart advocated the assembling of Grand Lodge at five o'clock , and that no new business should be taken after eight o ' clock . His views ,
however , " met with considerable opposition , and the motion was withdrawn . Upon the question of the better representation of Provincial and Colonial Lodges , the Scotch system is certainly worthy of imitation . It would ,
in our opinion , be advisable to allow the appointment , by Lodges afc a distance from the seat of government , of brethren , resident in London , as Proxy Masters , with the privilege of attendance in Grand Lodge at the Quarterly Communications ,
In this manner the whole body of English Masons would be represented in the government of the Craft . This subject will , sooner or later , have to be dealt with in Grand Lodge . It seems absurd that ,
numerous as are our Lodges in the Colonies and on Foreign Stations they should have no further voice in the management of the affairs of Grand Lodge han the small modicum which falls to their share by
Proxy Masters.
the accidental presence in London , afc the precise time , of some duly qualified Brother . An examination of the attendance Books of the Grand Lodge would afford convincing proof of tho truth of our assertions . For instance , afc the
recent communication of Grand Lodge whilst London Lodges were represented by 180 brethren . Country Lodges by 43 brethren , the Colonial Lodges were , we believe , represented by but one or two brethren . The time has come when the
matter must be dealt with . This is not as ifc should be . Taxation without representation lost to England her most valuable Colonies , and with such a condition of the rulingpowers , ifc is no wonder thafc we hear of more projected independent Grand Lodges in our Colonies .
The Orders Of Chivalry In Canada.
From the proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal aud Select Masters of Canada , we extract the following . The Degree referred to , is very popular in the United States of America , as well as in the Dominion of Canada . We understand
measures have been taken to introduce and establish the proper and regular working of the Order in England . Comp . Past Grand Master Robert Marshall referred to the desirability of an amendment being
made to the Constitution of the Grand Council , and before submitting the resolution remarked in effect as follows : —
" Most Puissant Grand Master and Companions , —You are aware that the position of the Degree known in both theNorthern and Southern Jurisdictions of the United States of America , as that of the ' Red Cross' or ' Babylonish Pass , ' which is
the subject matter of the paper that I am now about to offer for the consideration of this Grand Body , has for some time past received the most careful consideration of many distinguished members of our Order in Canada , to the end thafc a
legal status might be had in the Dominion for this Order . It is within the knowledge of the members of this Grand Council that Craft Masonry in Canada is now governed by Grand Lodges located in the Provinces of Ontario , Quebec , Nova
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Proxy Masters.
During the discussion on the motion of Bro , Raynham W . Stewart , at the Quarterly Communiaction of Grand Lodge , reference was made to the composition of the members of Grand Lodge , ifc being asserted that as a rule
the attendance at Grand Lodge was mainly made up of London Masons . Whilst ifc was admitted that Grand Lodge was believed to represent the whole of the Craft , the affairs of the body at large are thus thrown into the hands of the London Masons .
It was argued that the hour at which Grand Lodge is called , necessitates remaining in town all nighfc , practically in a great measure , excludes country members from attending . Although fche railway , companies now give great facilities for
travelling , the late hour at which the business of Grand Lodge tez-minates , renders the said facilities unavailable . Under present regulations new business may be entered upon up till ten o ' clock , which sometimes
necessitates attendance to a still later hour . This renders return home difficult , even to suburban members of the Craft , and quite impossible to those residing at a greater distance , besides being objectionable in a domestic point of view .
Bro . Stewart advocated the assembling of Grand Lodge at five o'clock , and that no new business should be taken after eight o ' clock . His views ,
however , " met with considerable opposition , and the motion was withdrawn . Upon the question of the better representation of Provincial and Colonial Lodges , the Scotch system is certainly worthy of imitation . It would ,
in our opinion , be advisable to allow the appointment , by Lodges afc a distance from the seat of government , of brethren , resident in London , as Proxy Masters , with the privilege of attendance in Grand Lodge at the Quarterly Communications ,
In this manner the whole body of English Masons would be represented in the government of the Craft . This subject will , sooner or later , have to be dealt with in Grand Lodge . It seems absurd that ,
numerous as are our Lodges in the Colonies and on Foreign Stations they should have no further voice in the management of the affairs of Grand Lodge han the small modicum which falls to their share by
Proxy Masters.
the accidental presence in London , afc the precise time , of some duly qualified Brother . An examination of the attendance Books of the Grand Lodge would afford convincing proof of tho truth of our assertions . For instance , afc the
recent communication of Grand Lodge whilst London Lodges were represented by 180 brethren . Country Lodges by 43 brethren , the Colonial Lodges were , we believe , represented by but one or two brethren . The time has come when the
matter must be dealt with . This is not as ifc should be . Taxation without representation lost to England her most valuable Colonies , and with such a condition of the rulingpowers , ifc is no wonder thafc we hear of more projected independent Grand Lodges in our Colonies .
The Orders Of Chivalry In Canada.
From the proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal aud Select Masters of Canada , we extract the following . The Degree referred to , is very popular in the United States of America , as well as in the Dominion of Canada . We understand
measures have been taken to introduce and establish the proper and regular working of the Order in England . Comp . Past Grand Master Robert Marshall referred to the desirability of an amendment being
made to the Constitution of the Grand Council , and before submitting the resolution remarked in effect as follows : —
" Most Puissant Grand Master and Companions , —You are aware that the position of the Degree known in both theNorthern and Southern Jurisdictions of the United States of America , as that of the ' Red Cross' or ' Babylonish Pass , ' which is
the subject matter of the paper that I am now about to offer for the consideration of this Grand Body , has for some time past received the most careful consideration of many distinguished members of our Order in Canada , to the end thafc a
legal status might be had in the Dominion for this Order . It is within the knowledge of the members of this Grand Council that Craft Masonry in Canada is now governed by Grand Lodges located in the Provinces of Ontario , Quebec , Nova