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The Orders Of Chivalry In Canada.
of Canada , under the guidance and protection of a duly recognized Grand Council or other authorized Grand Authority . Ifc appears to me , therefore , that under all the circumstances it will be deemed competent for either the Grand Royal
Arch Chapters in the Dominion or this Grand Council to adopt and assume control of this Order . It will be admitted thafc the teachings and traditions of the Degrees of Royal and Select Masters , Super-Excellent Masters , aud the Red * Cross or
Babylonish Pass , being purely Masonic , and not ' Chivalric , ' are eminently adapted to be grouped together , under the authority of one Grand Council in this jurisdiction . For example , —The ' Royal and Select Degrees' were originally conferred
under the authority of the ' Ancient and Accepted Rite ; ' they are most instructive and interesting to the Mason in search of light ; furnishing records of highly important mysteries at the Building of the first Temple . The Degree of ( Super-Excellent Masters' has since the introduction of Cryptic Masonry in the neighbouring Republic ,
been conferred in Councils of this Order . It is founded on circumstances that transpired afc the time fche Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar , King of Babylon , and its traditions , as well as those of the Degrees of Royal and Select
Masters , are said to have been gleaned from the Ancient and Accepted Rite . The presiding officer represents , as you are aware , the last King of Judah . The Degree of the 'Red Cross or Babylonish Pass' is strictly Masonic , and bears no
analogy to the Chivalric Order of Knights Templar , dating its existence as far back as the reign of Darius , and therefore long before the Crusades . It refers to events that happened after the death of Cyrus in connection with the rebuilding of the
Temple , It is asserted that this Order has long been known in Europe in connection with Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , and was originally introduced into America by our late zealous and illustrious Brother Webb , and subsequently conferred in Convocations designated Councils of Knights of the Red Cross . *
" Ifc is well known fco the members of this Grand Council thafc the four Degrees , just referred to , beautifully illustrate essential parts and legends of the Royal Arch , indeed , the Royal , Select and Super-Excellent Degrees may be considered the
connecting links between the Royal Arch andfRed Cross Degrees , and together perfect what is styled the York Rite of Masonry . "In offering the following resolution , I would suggest that if ' Grand Council' should adopt the
' Degree , ' it might be left with the M . P . Grand Master to consider whether it would be desirable to direct Subordinate Councils in the meantime fco confer this Degree only upon such Companions ,. Royal , Select and Super-Excellent Masters , as
were about to apply for higher Degrees . Thisrestriction would of course become unnecessary should the Grand Conclave of the Chivalric Orders in the United States desire at any future time to cede this 'Masonic Degree' to their respective
Grand Councils of Royal and Select Masters . A separate charge might be made by the Grand Recorder for a Certificate or Diploma of this Degree , as it is not contemplated to at all interfere with or alter our present Diploma for the Royal , Select and Super-Excellent Degrees .
I may further add , fchafc I have made these somewhat lengthy remarks , so that Grand Council and other members of our time-honoured Institution may the more readily perceive why , circumstanced as we are in this Dominion , in
reference to the Degree , ifc may be considered important for this Grand Council to adopt the following , viz : —
" Whereas , Ifc is deemed desirable , fchafc the degree known and worked in the United States of America as the degree of the ' Red Cross' or ' Babylonish Pass , ' and there made a pre-requisite before gaining admissio n into an Encampment of Knights Templar , shall have a legal status within the Dominion of Canada , and
" Whereas , Ifc is considere d expedient thafc fche degrees of Select , Royal and Super-Excellenfc Masters shall be conferred upon Royal Arch Masons prior to the ' Encampment ' and 'Priory of Malta' degrees . Therefore , in order more
effectually to accomplish the above , and to facilitate complete intercourse between the members of the fraternity in the United Sta tes and brethren in the several Provinces of the Dominion of Canada , and for other good and sufficient reasons—Be it bv this Grand Council—
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The Orders Of Chivalry In Canada.
of Canada , under the guidance and protection of a duly recognized Grand Council or other authorized Grand Authority . Ifc appears to me , therefore , that under all the circumstances it will be deemed competent for either the Grand Royal
Arch Chapters in the Dominion or this Grand Council to adopt and assume control of this Order . It will be admitted thafc the teachings and traditions of the Degrees of Royal and Select Masters , Super-Excellent Masters , aud the Red * Cross or
Babylonish Pass , being purely Masonic , and not ' Chivalric , ' are eminently adapted to be grouped together , under the authority of one Grand Council in this jurisdiction . For example , —The ' Royal and Select Degrees' were originally conferred
under the authority of the ' Ancient and Accepted Rite ; ' they are most instructive and interesting to the Mason in search of light ; furnishing records of highly important mysteries at the Building of the first Temple . The Degree of ( Super-Excellent Masters' has since the introduction of Cryptic Masonry in the neighbouring Republic ,
been conferred in Councils of this Order . It is founded on circumstances that transpired afc the time fche Temple was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar , King of Babylon , and its traditions , as well as those of the Degrees of Royal and Select
Masters , are said to have been gleaned from the Ancient and Accepted Rite . The presiding officer represents , as you are aware , the last King of Judah . The Degree of the 'Red Cross or Babylonish Pass' is strictly Masonic , and bears no
analogy to the Chivalric Order of Knights Templar , dating its existence as far back as the reign of Darius , and therefore long before the Crusades . It refers to events that happened after the death of Cyrus in connection with the rebuilding of the
Temple , It is asserted that this Order has long been known in Europe in connection with Degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Rite , and was originally introduced into America by our late zealous and illustrious Brother Webb , and subsequently conferred in Convocations designated Councils of Knights of the Red Cross . *
" Ifc is well known fco the members of this Grand Council thafc the four Degrees , just referred to , beautifully illustrate essential parts and legends of the Royal Arch , indeed , the Royal , Select and Super-Excellent Degrees may be considered the
connecting links between the Royal Arch andfRed Cross Degrees , and together perfect what is styled the York Rite of Masonry . "In offering the following resolution , I would suggest that if ' Grand Council' should adopt the
' Degree , ' it might be left with the M . P . Grand Master to consider whether it would be desirable to direct Subordinate Councils in the meantime fco confer this Degree only upon such Companions ,. Royal , Select and Super-Excellent Masters , as
were about to apply for higher Degrees . Thisrestriction would of course become unnecessary should the Grand Conclave of the Chivalric Orders in the United States desire at any future time to cede this 'Masonic Degree' to their respective
Grand Councils of Royal and Select Masters . A separate charge might be made by the Grand Recorder for a Certificate or Diploma of this Degree , as it is not contemplated to at all interfere with or alter our present Diploma for the Royal , Select and Super-Excellent Degrees .
I may further add , fchafc I have made these somewhat lengthy remarks , so that Grand Council and other members of our time-honoured Institution may the more readily perceive why , circumstanced as we are in this Dominion , in
reference to the Degree , ifc may be considered important for this Grand Council to adopt the following , viz : —
" Whereas , Ifc is deemed desirable , fchafc the degree known and worked in the United States of America as the degree of the ' Red Cross' or ' Babylonish Pass , ' and there made a pre-requisite before gaining admissio n into an Encampment of Knights Templar , shall have a legal status within the Dominion of Canada , and
" Whereas , Ifc is considere d expedient thafc fche degrees of Select , Royal and Super-Excellenfc Masters shall be conferred upon Royal Arch Masons prior to the ' Encampment ' and 'Priory of Malta' degrees . Therefore , in order more
effectually to accomplish the above , and to facilitate complete intercourse between the members of the fraternity in the United Sta tes and brethren in the several Provinces of the Dominion of Canada , and for other good and sufficient reasons—Be it bv this Grand Council—