Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE—MOTIONS, &c. Page 1 of 1
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was Grand Master of the Order of Constantine . Bro . "" Lupus , " than whom we have few more learned Masonic students , says , "I have observed from time to time signs of the old and fallacious statements respecting this newly-invented Masonic degree cropping up in the pages of the ' Freemason . ' Not long since I saw references to the documents
said to have been found in the box afc Freemasons' Hall ; I now observe a quotation from the ' Keystone' setting forth that this degree claims to have its origin on October 28 th , A . JD . 312 , at the memorable battle fought at Saxa Rubra , the conferring of which can be traced by authentic written
proof in England from 1788 . I think our American brethren should be told that they are deluding them , selves by one of the most absurd and preposterous assumptions that ever east ridicule upon our ancient and respectable craft . Not only has it been honestly confessed in print that the degree has nothing but a
Masonic ori gin ; but the only document yet produced from the box contained evidences that ifc related to the old Masonic Eed Cross Order , and had nothing to do with that of Constantine . And as to the appendant degree of the Holy Sepulchre , not a word has been ventured in support of its claimbeyond the
, very brief statement that a few years since it ¦ ' flourished . ' " I need hardly add to Bro . Lupus ' s remarks , that it was Bro . Little , if I remember right , who was forced to admit in the columns of the
Freemason , that the Order of Constantine had no claims to chivalry , and possessed only a masonic origin—but I want some brother to inform me whether the statutes of the order and the history ( veracious of course ) have been amended to correspond with its very humble origin ; or whether new candidates are bamboozled like the old , who , like the fox which lost its brush , seek to ensnare others into the belief that the tail is no ornament , and quite gone out of fashion .
A MEIIBED , OE GRASD CONCLAVE . P . S . —Is it not amusing that this new imposition whicli on the one hand has been proved to be not cMvalric , and which on the other has been laughed down as not masonic—should yet through its votariesclaim to be admitted to the tri-partite treaty , and actually find fault because it is excluded ! I suppose the Odd Fellows , Orangemen , Foresters , and Antediluvian Buffaloes , will want to be recognised next .
Grand Lodge.
The following is the copy of an electioneering paper , which was circulated , and which seemed to cause considerable confusion . Many brethren mistaking it for the official Balloting Paper : — " Board of General Purposes . " Grand Lodge , 7 th June , 1871 .
" You are requested to Vote for the following List : — " MASTERS . —Bros . George Boulfcon , No . 143 ; William Bristow , No . 14 ; James Glaisher , No . 33 ; Benjamin Gray , No . 2 ; Samuel Mullens , No . 1150 ; George J . Palmer , No . 11 ; Frederick A . Philbrick , No . 18 . "PAST-MASTERS . —Frederick Adlard , No . 7 ; William B . Bywater , No . 19 ; Edward Cox , No . 657 : John B . Monckton , No . 197 : Samuel Poynter , No . 902 ' ; John A . Sucker , No . 66 ; James Self , No . 214 .
Grand Lodge.
" No brother can vote for more than i Past Masters , nor for more than 14 Members in all . " A . ny voting paper in which this rule is transgressed will be void . On the back of the paper appears : — " On fche official Ballotting Paper fche names of all the Candidates will be printed iu alphabetical order .
" To avoid mistakes the brother voting is z-ecommended to indicate , by a mark on tho Balloting Paper , the 14 Candidates named on the other side , aud then to erase the remaining names- " This proceeding must be considered exceedingly improper . Such touting for office in Grand Lodge cannot be allowed : and the fact thafc brethren wearing fche
purple were most assiduous in the circulation and solioitatafcion , would seem to lend an authoritative character to the matter . I think thafc all the elections should be unbiassed and conducted upon the system of " free will ; " and thafc touting for office in Masonry , especially in Grand Lodge , is undignified , to say the least . Yours truly , AN OLD P . M .
Grand Lodge—Motions, &C.
TO THE EDITOlt OF THE EEEElTASOs ' s MAGAZINE AND HASOh'IC 3 IIREOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —I hope you will manage to allow the following few lines to appear in next Saturday ' s Magazine . Whatever the result of Bro . Sir P . Colquhoun ' s proposed inquiry iu Grand Lodge to-night may be relative to the Eite of Misraim , 90 ° , the Order of Eome and Constantineand the llite of MemphisI feel assured
, , that however satisfactory may be the explanations , and the promises as to the future , by the persons pointed at or referred to iu the notice of motion , it cannot be known to those under whose authority he acts in his connection with the Craft , that printed circular letters to the following effect have been circulated very extensively .
MASONIC ORDER OP THE RED . CROSS OE CONSTANTINE . 31 Lowndes Square , S . W . 27 th May , 1871 . Dear Sir Knight and Brother , As a ijucstion affecting' the interests of the Red Cross Order , will he brought forward at the Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lod at Eiecmasons' Hallon Wednesdaythe
ge , , , 7 th June . 1 shall he glad if you will make it convenient to attend in your capacity as o Member , for the purpose of recording your opinion upon the subject . I am , dear Sir Knights and Brother . Yours in faith and fai'tci'iiity , BECTIVE . G . Sovereign
Gaand Lodge will meet at Seven o ' clock . I have ' Joeon told that tho employe ( or " subaltern " ) in question has been instrumental in sending , if he has not actually sent these circulars about to Freemasons , although Lis own case is sub judiee , and he still remains an employe of Grand Lodge . If such be the fact no further comment thereon bme is neededand it remains
y , for him to deny any knowledge of , or connection wifch , the issuing of the circular in question . I am , Sir and Brother , Your obedient servant , A MEJIBEU or GRAND LODGJE . June 7 , 1871 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
was Grand Master of the Order of Constantine . Bro . "" Lupus , " than whom we have few more learned Masonic students , says , "I have observed from time to time signs of the old and fallacious statements respecting this newly-invented Masonic degree cropping up in the pages of the ' Freemason . ' Not long since I saw references to the documents
said to have been found in the box afc Freemasons' Hall ; I now observe a quotation from the ' Keystone' setting forth that this degree claims to have its origin on October 28 th , A . JD . 312 , at the memorable battle fought at Saxa Rubra , the conferring of which can be traced by authentic written
proof in England from 1788 . I think our American brethren should be told that they are deluding them , selves by one of the most absurd and preposterous assumptions that ever east ridicule upon our ancient and respectable craft . Not only has it been honestly confessed in print that the degree has nothing but a
Masonic ori gin ; but the only document yet produced from the box contained evidences that ifc related to the old Masonic Eed Cross Order , and had nothing to do with that of Constantine . And as to the appendant degree of the Holy Sepulchre , not a word has been ventured in support of its claimbeyond the
, very brief statement that a few years since it ¦ ' flourished . ' " I need hardly add to Bro . Lupus ' s remarks , that it was Bro . Little , if I remember right , who was forced to admit in the columns of the
Freemason , that the Order of Constantine had no claims to chivalry , and possessed only a masonic origin—but I want some brother to inform me whether the statutes of the order and the history ( veracious of course ) have been amended to correspond with its very humble origin ; or whether new candidates are bamboozled like the old , who , like the fox which lost its brush , seek to ensnare others into the belief that the tail is no ornament , and quite gone out of fashion .
A MEIIBED , OE GRASD CONCLAVE . P . S . —Is it not amusing that this new imposition whicli on the one hand has been proved to be not cMvalric , and which on the other has been laughed down as not masonic—should yet through its votariesclaim to be admitted to the tri-partite treaty , and actually find fault because it is excluded ! I suppose the Odd Fellows , Orangemen , Foresters , and Antediluvian Buffaloes , will want to be recognised next .
Grand Lodge.
The following is the copy of an electioneering paper , which was circulated , and which seemed to cause considerable confusion . Many brethren mistaking it for the official Balloting Paper : — " Board of General Purposes . " Grand Lodge , 7 th June , 1871 .
" You are requested to Vote for the following List : — " MASTERS . —Bros . George Boulfcon , No . 143 ; William Bristow , No . 14 ; James Glaisher , No . 33 ; Benjamin Gray , No . 2 ; Samuel Mullens , No . 1150 ; George J . Palmer , No . 11 ; Frederick A . Philbrick , No . 18 . "PAST-MASTERS . —Frederick Adlard , No . 7 ; William B . Bywater , No . 19 ; Edward Cox , No . 657 : John B . Monckton , No . 197 : Samuel Poynter , No . 902 ' ; John A . Sucker , No . 66 ; James Self , No . 214 .
Grand Lodge.
" No brother can vote for more than i Past Masters , nor for more than 14 Members in all . " A . ny voting paper in which this rule is transgressed will be void . On the back of the paper appears : — " On fche official Ballotting Paper fche names of all the Candidates will be printed iu alphabetical order .
" To avoid mistakes the brother voting is z-ecommended to indicate , by a mark on tho Balloting Paper , the 14 Candidates named on the other side , aud then to erase the remaining names- " This proceeding must be considered exceedingly improper . Such touting for office in Grand Lodge cannot be allowed : and the fact thafc brethren wearing fche
purple were most assiduous in the circulation and solioitatafcion , would seem to lend an authoritative character to the matter . I think thafc all the elections should be unbiassed and conducted upon the system of " free will ; " and thafc touting for office in Masonry , especially in Grand Lodge , is undignified , to say the least . Yours truly , AN OLD P . M .
Grand Lodge—Motions, &C.
TO THE EDITOlt OF THE EEEElTASOs ' s MAGAZINE AND HASOh'IC 3 IIREOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —I hope you will manage to allow the following few lines to appear in next Saturday ' s Magazine . Whatever the result of Bro . Sir P . Colquhoun ' s proposed inquiry iu Grand Lodge to-night may be relative to the Eite of Misraim , 90 ° , the Order of Eome and Constantineand the llite of MemphisI feel assured
, , that however satisfactory may be the explanations , and the promises as to the future , by the persons pointed at or referred to iu the notice of motion , it cannot be known to those under whose authority he acts in his connection with the Craft , that printed circular letters to the following effect have been circulated very extensively .
MASONIC ORDER OP THE RED . CROSS OE CONSTANTINE . 31 Lowndes Square , S . W . 27 th May , 1871 . Dear Sir Knight and Brother , As a ijucstion affecting' the interests of the Red Cross Order , will he brought forward at the Quarterly Communication of the United Grand Lod at Eiecmasons' Hallon Wednesdaythe
ge , , , 7 th June . 1 shall he glad if you will make it convenient to attend in your capacity as o Member , for the purpose of recording your opinion upon the subject . I am , dear Sir Knights and Brother . Yours in faith and fai'tci'iiity , BECTIVE . G . Sovereign
Gaand Lodge will meet at Seven o ' clock . I have ' Joeon told that tho employe ( or " subaltern " ) in question has been instrumental in sending , if he has not actually sent these circulars about to Freemasons , although Lis own case is sub judiee , and he still remains an employe of Grand Lodge . If such be the fact no further comment thereon bme is neededand it remains
y , for him to deny any knowledge of , or connection wifch , the issuing of the circular in question . I am , Sir and Brother , Your obedient servant , A MEJIBEU or GRAND LODGJE . June 7 , 1871 .