Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 6 of 8 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Senior Grand Warden , and although then in declining health , he exerted himself greatly to our benefit , and I am sure every one here will unite Avith me in bearing testimony to his worth as a man and a Freemason , and confirm my statement of IIOAV much we esteemed him while living , and how' much we IIOAV mourn his loss . To each and all of you , my brethren , my best thanks are due , and I entreat you to believe me truly grateful for your co-operation and assistance in bringing the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex to the state of prosperity which ifc noiv possesses ,
and Avhich I sincerely trust it may long enjoy . The following brethren were then appointed and invested Provincial Grand Officers for the year ensuing : —Bros . Powell , ( No . 45 ) , Prov . . S . G . AV . ; Bannister , ( No . 47 ) , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Tayler , ( No . 338 ) , Prov . (! . Chaplain ; Henry Verrall , re-anpointed Prov . G . Ecg . ; Gavin Pocock , G . S . B ., re-appointed Prov . G . Sec ; I . Scott , ( No . 338 ) , Prov . S . G . D . ; Alolesivorth , ( No . 45 ) , Prov . J . G . D . ; Freeman , ( Nos . 394 , 1034 ) , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; AVellerd , ( No . 47 ) , Prov . G . Dir . of Cars . ; Jtoppett ,
( No . 39-1 ) , Prov . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Tasker , ( No . 394 ) , Prov . G . S . B . ; Kuho , ( No . 338 ) , re-appointed Prov . G , Org .: Smith , ( No . 45 ) , l ' rov . G . Purs . ; Ambrosoni , ( No . 1034 ) , Howell , ( No . 47 ) , Cottell , ( No . 45 ) , and Chittenden , ( Nos . 338 and 390 ) , Prov . G . Stewards ; Ancoek , Prov . G . Tylcr . The report on provincial organization , to promote the interests of the JIasonic Schools , AA-as taken as read . Bro . John H . ScottProv . S . G . D . said—RAVDProvGrand JIaster
, , ... . , with your permission I have a resolution to propose with regard to the report for the JIasonic Schools . Those who have read that report will Jind that ; a circumstance is brought to the know-ledge of country brethren with ivhich I believe thoy have hitherto been unacquainted . It is that the application for admission into these schools from the provinces far
exceeds the support which the provinces give to the schools . NOAV I am quite sure that ifc is only necessary to bring this fact to the notice and consideration of provincial brethren to induce them to exert themselves to the utmost to alter a state of things AA-hich if alloived to continue , will be a blot upon their generosity as men aud their profession as Jlasons . I do not know that Ave of this province have much to reproach ourselves with on this score . During tho short time this Provincial Lodge has been resuscitated it has contributed largely to the
uliaritics—several private Lodges also subscribe liberally ; but still we might do more . Wo have done well collectively—let us individually strive to do what AVC can to support so good a cause . I think it would he very desirable if each Lodge ivould annually appoint a charity steward and member for the charities , whose business it should be to solicit donations and subscriptions from the brethren of his Lodge . Wo all know- that there arc many brethren AVIIO would willingly subscribe if solicitedbut w-hofor want of solicitationnever bestow a
, , , thought upon the matter , and the charities consequently lose their assistance . There are many brethren who , though thoy cannot afford to give a guinea to each of the JIasonic charities , would gladly give five shillings to one , if not to all . This is a trilling sum iu itself , lint it soon swells to a largo amount w-hen multiplied . I Avill not now- detain this meeting ivith a detailed plan how this charity steward should carry on his operations—that had far better be left to the decision of each Lod
go lor itsolf—but will simply move that the following resolution bo sent to each Lodgo in the province as a recommendation from this Proviucial Grand Lodge : — " That hi order to promote tho interests of the four JIasonic charities , the members of each Lodge iu this province be recommended to elect annuall y , ou the night of installation of the AVorshipful JIaster , its ' member for the charities , ' ivho shall solicit donations and annual
subscriptions from the members of his Lodge , distribute amongst them copies of the rules and regulations , afford or obtain information , and "resent to his Lodge a report of his labours at the expiration of his vear i'f office . " . Uro . AVood , P . Prov . S . G . D ., stated that he had the greatest pleasure '" seconding so admirable a proposition . He entirely concurred in what ™ l fallen from Bro . Scott with regard , to how much good might bo "fleeted by individual exertion , and adduced the large sums subscribed to
'ne Boys School and the Royal Institution when he served as Steward tu SIIOAV that the brethren need only be asked to ensure their subscribing liberally to the charities . . Bro . Symoiid having briefly explained the objects of the Committee Hi bring ing the matter under the notice of the Prov . Grand Lodges , the ¦ 'solution AA-as unanimously carried . The RAVDProvGJIproposedand Cord
^ ... . .. , Bro . y , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., ponded , « That this Provincial Grand Lodge shall meet annuall y in he month of August or September , instead of September or October . " Carried unanimously . S'O . Gavin Pocock proposed , and Bro . Tayler , Prov . G . Chaplain , seconded , ' That tivo governorships for fifteen years in the Royal JIasonic fiievolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their widows be purlin « ll 0 m tlle fum ' s oi tllis 1 > 1 " ovinciill Grand Lodge at a cost of £ 20 , j-mt that the privileges of lie to the JIaster for the time
one given AV . ( W \ r ° th ° Koyal CI ' 'm' 1 K ; c Ll » il ^ e- N " o . 338 , and of the other to fche JIaster for the time being of the South Saxon Lodge , No . 390 . " Ul "'ied unanimously , br fh ° oi £ 1 (> was unanimously voted to the family of a deceased other , who was initiated iu the vear 1801 , and who had recently died , a the age 0 f 8 S _ J > Ihe D . Prov . Grand Master announced that the next annual meeting
of the Prov . Grand Lodge would be held at Brighton . The Prov . Grand Lodge AA-as closed in antient aud solemn form .
THE BANQUET . The brethren afterwards re-assembled afc the SiA'an Hotel , where a very elegant dinner was served , under the presidency of the R . AV . D . ProA ' . Grand JIaster , supported hy about seventy of the brethren . On the removal of the cloth the health of Her JIajesty was drunk and cordially responded fco . The R . AV . D . Prov . Grand Master said that the next toast to ivhich he had to call their attention was , " The health of the Earl of Zetland ,
JLAV . Grand JIaster of England , " a nobleman ivho had proved himself every Ai-ay worthy to fill the high position to which he had been called ; and who , when unwarrantably assailed in his office had , by his dignified and candid behaviour , not only vindicated his position but SIIOAA ' himself worthy of the respect aud esteem of the brethren . ( Applause ) . The R . AV . D . Prov . Grand JIaster next said , that if the JLAV . Grand JIaster had proved himself worthy of their esteem and regard , so also had the Deputy Grand JIaster , Lord Panmure . That noble lord , though
he had only for a short time taken an active part iu Grand Lodge , had proved himself a worthy follower in the footsteps of the Earl of Zetland , and AA-as universally respected . In proposing the health of that noble lord , ho should couple with the toast " The Past and Present Grand Officers , " and ho was sure the toast would lose none of its value from the fact that it included their worthy Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Pocock . ( Cheers ) . All who had any knowledge of Bro . Pocock would rejoice afc his having become an officer of the Grand Lodge of England , feeling assured that
he ivould always do justice to any position to which he might be called . ( Cheers ) . ~ \ Bro . Pocock , G . S . B ., assured the ) R . AV . D . Prov . Grand JIaster and tho brethren that he deeplyfelt the compliment paid him in having his name associated ivith so distinguished a toast . He felt assured that the Deputy Grand JIaster , the Board of General Purposes , and tho Grand Officers AA-erc actuated by but one desire , that of rendering the greatest possible benefit to the Craft ; and ifc was their wish that the JIasters ,
Past JIasters , and Wardens of the various Lodges throughout the country , should attend to their duties in Grand Lodge aud judge for themselves on the questions brought forward for the government of the Craft . For many years the country brethren had not taken that active part in tho
management of the Craft that they should do , but he felt assured that no parties would feel more delighted at their doing so than the Grand Officers . He thanked them for the kind manner in which they had received the toast , and he could assure them that when he received the unexpected honour of being appointed to Grand Office he regarded it not as a compliment paid to himself , but to the province of Suffolk , of which it was his greatest pride to be an officer . ( Applause ) . Ho had to express his obligations to the Lodges in tho province , all of whom had
congratulated him on his appointment to office in Grand Lodge , and which he believed was generally approved by his brethren . He thought it a high compliment to tho province that after the Prov . " Grand Lodge had laid dormant for tiventy-seveu years ifc should so rapidly have grown into importance that one of the humblest of its officers should have had the honour of Grand Office conferred upon him . So long as it should please the right Avorshipful brother who presided over the province , to honour him with his confidence , he would do his best to promote the
interests of the Craft in the province , but if at any time the D . Prov . Grand JIaster could find a brother Avhom he thought would better serve the province as Prov . Grand Secretary , he would most cheerfully retire . He begged them to accept his best thanks not only for the reception they had given him thafc evening , but upon every occasion when he had had the honour to meet them . ( Applause ) . The R . AV . D . Prov . Grand JIaster had HOAV to propose to them the health of his grace the Duke of Richmond , Prov . G . JI . for Sussex . Although his grace did not IIOAV take an active part in JIasonry , he AA-as assured
that there was no assembly in tho oounty of Sussex , whether he ivas regarded as a soldier , as an agriculturist , as a landlord , or a JIason , in Avhich his health ivould not be responded to with the greatest enthusiasm . ( Cheers . ) He felt assured , indeed , that if his grace were to perceive that the officers to whom he had intrusted the charge of Freemasonry iu the province did not do their duty he would soon bestir himself and evince to the brethren that he still took great interest in the prosperity of the Craft . ( Applause . )
Bro . Verrall , Prov . G . Treas ., said , that as senior officer of the province , a most pleasing duty had devolved upon him , that of proposing a toast , ivhich he knew ivould be acceptable to every brother present , the health of their R . AV . D . Prov . G . JIaster . ( Loud cheers , ) His indefatigable exertions on behalf of the Craft could not be properly appreciated by those who only saAv their R . AA' ' . brother in public , as it Avas not then thafc they could see the anxiety which ho evinced for the welfare of every Lodge in the province , and IIOAV careful he was as an
individual in the performance of the duties which devolved upon him . Those who had attended the quarterly communications in Grand Lodge were aware IIOAV closely their Ji . AV . brother attended to his duties in that assembly : and it gave him the greatest pleasure to propose the health ofthe D " Prov . Grand JIaster , assuring him IIOAV delighted they were all times to meet him iu the various Lodges of . the province . ( Cheers . ) The R . AV . D . Prov . Grand Master assured the brethren that he never more deeply felt the want of the gift of eloquence than upon thy
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Senior Grand Warden , and although then in declining health , he exerted himself greatly to our benefit , and I am sure every one here will unite Avith me in bearing testimony to his worth as a man and a Freemason , and confirm my statement of IIOAV much we esteemed him while living , and how' much we IIOAV mourn his loss . To each and all of you , my brethren , my best thanks are due , and I entreat you to believe me truly grateful for your co-operation and assistance in bringing the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex to the state of prosperity which ifc noiv possesses ,
and Avhich I sincerely trust it may long enjoy . The following brethren were then appointed and invested Provincial Grand Officers for the year ensuing : —Bros . Powell , ( No . 45 ) , Prov . . S . G . AV . ; Bannister , ( No . 47 ) , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Tayler , ( No . 338 ) , Prov . (! . Chaplain ; Henry Verrall , re-anpointed Prov . G . Ecg . ; Gavin Pocock , G . S . B ., re-appointed Prov . G . Sec ; I . Scott , ( No . 338 ) , Prov . S . G . D . ; Alolesivorth , ( No . 45 ) , Prov . J . G . D . ; Freeman , ( Nos . 394 , 1034 ) , Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ; AVellerd , ( No . 47 ) , Prov . G . Dir . of Cars . ; Jtoppett ,
( No . 39-1 ) , Prov . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Tasker , ( No . 394 ) , Prov . G . S . B . ; Kuho , ( No . 338 ) , re-appointed Prov . G , Org .: Smith , ( No . 45 ) , l ' rov . G . Purs . ; Ambrosoni , ( No . 1034 ) , Howell , ( No . 47 ) , Cottell , ( No . 45 ) , and Chittenden , ( Nos . 338 and 390 ) , Prov . G . Stewards ; Ancoek , Prov . G . Tylcr . The report on provincial organization , to promote the interests of the JIasonic Schools , AA-as taken as read . Bro . John H . ScottProv . S . G . D . said—RAVDProvGrand JIaster
, , ... . , with your permission I have a resolution to propose with regard to the report for the JIasonic Schools . Those who have read that report will Jind that ; a circumstance is brought to the know-ledge of country brethren with ivhich I believe thoy have hitherto been unacquainted . It is that the application for admission into these schools from the provinces far
exceeds the support which the provinces give to the schools . NOAV I am quite sure that ifc is only necessary to bring this fact to the notice and consideration of provincial brethren to induce them to exert themselves to the utmost to alter a state of things AA-hich if alloived to continue , will be a blot upon their generosity as men aud their profession as Jlasons . I do not know that Ave of this province have much to reproach ourselves with on this score . During tho short time this Provincial Lodge has been resuscitated it has contributed largely to the
uliaritics—several private Lodges also subscribe liberally ; but still we might do more . Wo have done well collectively—let us individually strive to do what AVC can to support so good a cause . I think it would he very desirable if each Lodge ivould annually appoint a charity steward and member for the charities , whose business it should be to solicit donations and subscriptions from the brethren of his Lodge . Wo all know- that there arc many brethren AVIIO would willingly subscribe if solicitedbut w-hofor want of solicitationnever bestow a
, , , thought upon the matter , and the charities consequently lose their assistance . There are many brethren who , though thoy cannot afford to give a guinea to each of the JIasonic charities , would gladly give five shillings to one , if not to all . This is a trilling sum iu itself , lint it soon swells to a largo amount w-hen multiplied . I Avill not now- detain this meeting ivith a detailed plan how this charity steward should carry on his operations—that had far better be left to the decision of each Lod
go lor itsolf—but will simply move that the following resolution bo sent to each Lodgo in the province as a recommendation from this Proviucial Grand Lodge : — " That hi order to promote tho interests of the four JIasonic charities , the members of each Lodge iu this province be recommended to elect annuall y , ou the night of installation of the AVorshipful JIaster , its ' member for the charities , ' ivho shall solicit donations and annual
subscriptions from the members of his Lodge , distribute amongst them copies of the rules and regulations , afford or obtain information , and "resent to his Lodge a report of his labours at the expiration of his vear i'f office . " . Uro . AVood , P . Prov . S . G . D ., stated that he had the greatest pleasure '" seconding so admirable a proposition . He entirely concurred in what ™ l fallen from Bro . Scott with regard , to how much good might bo "fleeted by individual exertion , and adduced the large sums subscribed to
'ne Boys School and the Royal Institution when he served as Steward tu SIIOAV that the brethren need only be asked to ensure their subscribing liberally to the charities . . Bro . Symoiid having briefly explained the objects of the Committee Hi bring ing the matter under the notice of the Prov . Grand Lodges , the ¦ 'solution AA-as unanimously carried . The RAVDProvGJIproposedand Cord
^ ... . .. , Bro . y , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., ponded , « That this Provincial Grand Lodge shall meet annuall y in he month of August or September , instead of September or October . " Carried unanimously . S'O . Gavin Pocock proposed , and Bro . Tayler , Prov . G . Chaplain , seconded , ' That tivo governorships for fifteen years in the Royal JIasonic fiievolent Institution for aged Freemasons and their widows be purlin « ll 0 m tlle fum ' s oi tllis 1 > 1 " ovinciill Grand Lodge at a cost of £ 20 , j-mt that the privileges of lie to the JIaster for the time
one given AV . ( W \ r ° th ° Koyal CI ' 'm' 1 K ; c Ll » il ^ e- N " o . 338 , and of the other to fche JIaster for the time being of the South Saxon Lodge , No . 390 . " Ul "'ied unanimously , br fh ° oi £ 1 (> was unanimously voted to the family of a deceased other , who was initiated iu the vear 1801 , and who had recently died , a the age 0 f 8 S _ J > Ihe D . Prov . Grand Master announced that the next annual meeting
of the Prov . Grand Lodge would be held at Brighton . The Prov . Grand Lodge AA-as closed in antient aud solemn form .
THE BANQUET . The brethren afterwards re-assembled afc the SiA'an Hotel , where a very elegant dinner was served , under the presidency of the R . AV . D . ProA ' . Grand JIaster , supported hy about seventy of the brethren . On the removal of the cloth the health of Her JIajesty was drunk and cordially responded fco . The R . AV . D . Prov . Grand Master said that the next toast to ivhich he had to call their attention was , " The health of the Earl of Zetland ,
JLAV . Grand JIaster of England , " a nobleman ivho had proved himself every Ai-ay worthy to fill the high position to which he had been called ; and who , when unwarrantably assailed in his office had , by his dignified and candid behaviour , not only vindicated his position but SIIOAA ' himself worthy of the respect aud esteem of the brethren . ( Applause ) . The R . AV . D . Prov . Grand JIaster next said , that if the JLAV . Grand JIaster had proved himself worthy of their esteem and regard , so also had the Deputy Grand JIaster , Lord Panmure . That noble lord , though
he had only for a short time taken an active part iu Grand Lodge , had proved himself a worthy follower in the footsteps of the Earl of Zetland , and AA-as universally respected . In proposing the health of that noble lord , ho should couple with the toast " The Past and Present Grand Officers , " and ho was sure the toast would lose none of its value from the fact that it included their worthy Prov . G . Sec , Bro . Pocock . ( Cheers ) . All who had any knowledge of Bro . Pocock would rejoice afc his having become an officer of the Grand Lodge of England , feeling assured that
he ivould always do justice to any position to which he might be called . ( Cheers ) . ~ \ Bro . Pocock , G . S . B ., assured the ) R . AV . D . Prov . Grand JIaster and tho brethren that he deeplyfelt the compliment paid him in having his name associated ivith so distinguished a toast . He felt assured that the Deputy Grand JIaster , the Board of General Purposes , and tho Grand Officers AA-erc actuated by but one desire , that of rendering the greatest possible benefit to the Craft ; and ifc was their wish that the JIasters ,
Past JIasters , and Wardens of the various Lodges throughout the country , should attend to their duties in Grand Lodge aud judge for themselves on the questions brought forward for the government of the Craft . For many years the country brethren had not taken that active part in tho
management of the Craft that they should do , but he felt assured that no parties would feel more delighted at their doing so than the Grand Officers . He thanked them for the kind manner in which they had received the toast , and he could assure them that when he received the unexpected honour of being appointed to Grand Office he regarded it not as a compliment paid to himself , but to the province of Suffolk , of which it was his greatest pride to be an officer . ( Applause ) . Ho had to express his obligations to the Lodges in tho province , all of whom had
congratulated him on his appointment to office in Grand Lodge , and which he believed was generally approved by his brethren . He thought it a high compliment to tho province that after the Prov . " Grand Lodge had laid dormant for tiventy-seveu years ifc should so rapidly have grown into importance that one of the humblest of its officers should have had the honour of Grand Office conferred upon him . So long as it should please the right Avorshipful brother who presided over the province , to honour him with his confidence , he would do his best to promote the
interests of the Craft in the province , but if at any time the D . Prov . Grand JIaster could find a brother Avhom he thought would better serve the province as Prov . Grand Secretary , he would most cheerfully retire . He begged them to accept his best thanks not only for the reception they had given him thafc evening , but upon every occasion when he had had the honour to meet them . ( Applause ) . The R . AV . D . Prov . Grand JIaster had HOAV to propose to them the health of his grace the Duke of Richmond , Prov . G . JI . for Sussex . Although his grace did not IIOAV take an active part in JIasonry , he AA-as assured
that there was no assembly in tho oounty of Sussex , whether he ivas regarded as a soldier , as an agriculturist , as a landlord , or a JIason , in Avhich his health ivould not be responded to with the greatest enthusiasm . ( Cheers . ) He felt assured , indeed , that if his grace were to perceive that the officers to whom he had intrusted the charge of Freemasonry iu the province did not do their duty he would soon bestir himself and evince to the brethren that he still took great interest in the prosperity of the Craft . ( Applause . )
Bro . Verrall , Prov . G . Treas ., said , that as senior officer of the province , a most pleasing duty had devolved upon him , that of proposing a toast , ivhich he knew ivould be acceptable to every brother present , the health of their R . AV . D . Prov . G . JIaster . ( Loud cheers , ) His indefatigable exertions on behalf of the Craft could not be properly appreciated by those who only saAv their R . AA' ' . brother in public , as it Avas not then thafc they could see the anxiety which ho evinced for the welfare of every Lodge in the province , and IIOAV careful he was as an
individual in the performance of the duties which devolved upon him . Those who had attended the quarterly communications in Grand Lodge were aware IIOAV closely their Ji . AV . brother attended to his duties in that assembly : and it gave him the greatest pleasure to propose the health ofthe D " Prov . Grand JIaster , assuring him IIOAV delighted they were all times to meet him iu the various Lodges of . the province . ( Cheers . ) The R . AV . D . Prov . Grand Master assured the brethren that he never more deeply felt the want of the gift of eloquence than upon thy