Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
object for Avhich so many Highlanders from so many different and distant parts of the country had assembled . He AVUS happy to say that the feeling which had impelled them to meet to do honour to Duncan Ban was not confined to the Highlands of Scotland alone , but extended to every place where the Highland tongue was understood—a tongue which was the only language of the bard . They all owed a debt of gratitude to the Committee for their zealous exertions to accomplish the object which they had in view—to do honour to a man who was an
honour to the race to which he belonged , in doing honour to whom they were doing honour to themselves . If they regarded the bard in his individual capacity , they ivould find him very unfavourably situated for the attainment of that varied knowledge which belonged to those who wore differently circumstanced in life . He had no access to schools ; he was totally illiterate ; he knew no language but his own—but , ill knowing that , he kneiv one of the most ancient of the languages spoken at the present dayintimatelconnected with the Eastern or Oriental
, y tongues . The bard himself , indeed , ventured on the assertion ( which tho Rev . Croupier , however , said he ivould not presume to second ) that " Gaelic was very sweet from the mouth of Eve" ( great laughter ); but if ho could not go so far as . Duncan Ban in regard to tho antiquity of the Gaelic , he would , hoivever , say that it was closely interwoven ivith that most ancient tongue the Sanscrit , the principal language of India , and Avhich Avas connected with that of Persiaof Greeceand Romeand
, , , of all Europe . Of great advantage , therefore , ivas it to the bard that he knoAV the Gaelic ; bufc he laboured under the disadvantage of knowing no other . Nevertheless , his numerous poems were descriptive—some o : them of character , some were jiatriotie , some martial , some social , and some of them AA'ere expressive of the tenderest passions of the human heart ( hear , hear ); and in ivhatever of these departments he
engaged ho -n > on the admiration and love of his countrymen . ( Cheers . ) fie generally began his poems with a statement , which might be called his text , and this he treated with masterly skill . Although illiterate , he was observant in a very great degree , as every page of his poems proved . His martial songs were calculated to rouse the patriotism and courage of his countrymen , and in his own day must have had the happiest effect ; and he lived in a stirring time of war , when thoso countrymen bad to maintain a hard combat with a poiverful ( Hearhear )
enemy . , . Such was the extent of his observation that his descriptions , not only of the scenery of mountains , of the beauty of the valleys , of the fields , the streams , the woods , were most minute and accurate , but he even dwelt on the smallest insect with the most happy effect . Ho describes that noble animal the deer in all its varieties—in action , afc rest , iu its own social position—in such away that if there were a Gaelic Landseer , he would make a fortune in a short time bcommitting to canvas the
y word-pictures of the bard . ( Loud cheers . ) The Rev . Croupier then gave a most interesting revieAV of Duncan Ban ' s poems . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Jlr . James Deii-ar replied . Collector Campbell proposed tho toast of "The JIasonic deputation , ' ' coupled ivith the health of Duncan Campbell , Esq ., of Glasgow ' , who was most onihusiatic in tbe Hihland causeAlthough old
g . JIasonry was as , if not , indeed , older than the time of Solomon , he would venture to say that there was no instance on record of the foundation stono of any structure having been laid with JIasonic honours , where almost all the Jlasons ivere dressed in kilts . ( Laughter . ) Jlr . D . Campbell replied . Several other toasts followed , and the company , after liaving drunk " Doech-an-doruis , " separated .
AYRSHIRE , A number of the Glasgow Lodges proceeded , on Thursday , the 25 th August , by the Glasgow and South-AVestern Railway , on a pleasure excursion to the land of Burns . Among the Lodges represented werethe Glasgow Kihvinning , No . 4 ; Thistle and Rose , No . 73 ; Thistle , A o . 87 ; Union and Crown , No . 103 ; St . Mary ' s , Patrick , No . 117 ; St . Patrick , No . 178 ; Star , No . 219 ; Shamrock and Thistle , No . 275 ; Duiitoeher and Faifley UnionNo 332 StGeorgeNo 333 and St
, . ; . , . ; . Clair , No . 362 . The part y left Glasgow at a quarter-past eight , and arrived afc Ayr shortly after ten o ' clock . They were there welcomed by the brethren of St . Paul's , Ifcryal Arch , and Kilwinning Lodges of Ayr , and the procession , ivhich would then number about six hundred , marched through the town of Ayr , headed by the Glasgow Thistle Band . The brethren ivere gaily dressed , and the aprons , jewels , insignia , and flags , gave the whole a most imposing appearance , while wo have not seen a
more respectable turn oufc for many a day . The weather was exceedingly fine , ivhich contributed much to the enjoj-nionfc of the excursionists . They proceeded to the monument , and first visited the "Auld Brig o' Doon , " and there , accompanied by the baud , the brethren joined in singing , " A ' e Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon . " Afterwards they went to the neAV brig , and thence to the monument , whei-e a number of appropriate speeches were delivered . They then proceeded to the cottage where Burns AA-as bornand after inspecting itbroke into
, , up pic-nic groups , and partook of refreshments in the adjacent fields , ivhoro the usual loyal , patriotic , and JIasonic toasts Avere given and enthusiastically responded to . Bro . Neil B . Dalveen , assisted by some ofthe Ayr brethren , then marshalled the Lodges into the order of procession , and thoy returned to Ayr , and , after viewing some of the places of interest , by train to Glasgow .
EAST JAMAICA . The inauguration of this Provincial Grand Lodge took place at the rooms of the Friendly Lodge , No . 291 , Hanover-street , on AVednesday evening last , the fith inst ., on which occasion there ivas a large assembly of the members of the Craft—the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland being present . The VAVBroRobert McClellandJIaster of tho Royal Lodge
.. . , , No . 250 , installed the Right AA orshipful Robert Hamilton , M . A ., aud M . D ., of Clifton Jlount , St . Andrew , as Prov . Grand JIaster . The Right AVorshipful Prov . Grand JIaster then appointed and installed , as Prov . Grand Officers , for the current year , the following brethren : —Alexander Fiddes , D . Prov . G . JI . ; John Burger , Prov . G . S . ; Solomon Jlelhado , Prov . J . G . W . ; Abraham It . Do Lavantc , Prov . GChaplain - James AVAVhifcbourneProv . G . Reg . ; John AVarc
. , . , , Prov . G . Sec ; JlcClelland , Prov . S . G . D . ; Joseph Francis , Prov . J . G . D . ; James Derbyshire , Prov . G . Sup . of AA'orks ; Henry Garsia , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John J . Duval , Prov . G . S . B . ; Jiiehael Laivton , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; and Jules Desnoucs , as Prov . G . Tyler ; Simon E . Picterzfi , of Lodge No . 751 , ivas unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer . The Prov . Grand JIaster delivered an address suitable to the occasion .
The Week.
Tire COURT . —The Queen and her family are enjoying themselves in perfect good health in the Highlands . Her JIajesty visits her neighbours , and among the names of those so honoured we find particularly mentioned Jlr . and Mrs . Farquharson of Invcrcauld . The Prince has been deerstalking , accompanied by Sir George Grey , who is on a visit at Balmoral , and with Sir James Clark and Lady Churchill constitute almost the entire Court Ai'hich is in attendance on tbe royal family . Strange fco say , AA-C do not soe tho names of any branch of the great house of Phipps mentioned in the Court Circular of this AA-cek .
FOREIGN NKW . S . —The Emperor and Empress are enjoying their relief from the fatigue and gcAv-gaivs of tho Tuileries , and the bizarre adulation of the provincial magnates of the south may be ( and no doubt is ) au agreeable change from the more ornate periods ofthe polished worshippers of imperialism in Paris . It is confidently asserted that a fresh interview betAveen the Emperor of the French and the Emperor of Austria Avill probably take place at some Swiss town . A letter which appeared in the 1 iidejiendanee Beige , the Avriter of which pretends to expound the
policy of the Emperor Napoleon with respect to Europe , and particularly England , tells us plainly that AVC must have war Avith France , but thafc there is no danger of such a Avar as long as Lord Pahnerston and the Liberal party remain in power . According to a telegram from Paris , the French government has ordered twenty new iron-plated frigates to be constructed . The French Ambassador at Florence has been recalled . The Consliuaionnel contradicts certain assertions made by a , Paris correspondent of the Lndependanee of Brussels in a letter to that
journal , in ivhich the policy of the Emperor Napoleon towards England is treated of as it relates to the peace of Villafranca . The ansivei- of tho King of Sardinia to the Tuscan deputation still affords material for the comments of the French press . The Debuts says that a Congress is IIOAV necessary ; the Constitution-net applauds A'ictor Emmanuel ; the Union , thinks his answer was wanting in energy and sincerity ; while the . lndependanee regards it as vacillating . From other sources as well as the Paris press we gather that the answer of the King is proof of a caution AA'hich doubtless is partly caused by a subserviency to France . Rear-Admiral Du Pony , who had been summoned bv the Emperor to
St . Sauveur , has just quitted the Imperial residence and proceeded to Cherbourg . There is no truth iu the statement of the Currespondanee JLaras that the French soldiers of the class of 1853 are to be discharged . A sad accident has happened in Paris . An English lad } ' was accidentally burnt to death through a lighted match being thrown upon her dress . 'The official Wiener Xeituny , in its evening edition , contradicts the alarming rumours which have been current regarding the continuance of the Zurich conferences . It hopes for a satisfactory conclusion , and
considers the presence of the French troops of occupation which have been left in Italy to be of service to the interest of order . A Berlin letter of the 1 st says that the Russian government has recently transmitted , by Baron Budberg , a note to the effect that the affairs of Italy cannot be settled in a durable manner except by a congress . This note has strengthened Baron Schleinitz in his idea of pointing out to the European powers , in a diplomatic despatch , the attitude of Prussia on the Italian question . A telegram from Zurichdated yesterdaystates
, , that Austria desires to obtain a guarantee from Sardinia against future intrigues in Italy , previous to Austria , making ,-my concessions afc the conferences . A Vienna letter says that the Austrian government is urging the Southern of Austria Bail way Company to use the greatest activity in tho construction ofthe linn from Nabrosina to Catarsa . This break , which separates the Trieste lino from that of Italy , by preventing the direct transport of troops from Vienna to Voroiia " , materially reinforceacnts Count
retarded the arrival of . on the field of battle . Degcnfeld , Austrian governor of Verona , has published a proclamation , declaring that , in consequence of the frequency of acts of brigandage and attempts at murder in the provinces of Yicwusa and Bclluna , ' such
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
object for Avhich so many Highlanders from so many different and distant parts of the country had assembled . He AVUS happy to say that the feeling which had impelled them to meet to do honour to Duncan Ban was not confined to the Highlands of Scotland alone , but extended to every place where the Highland tongue was understood—a tongue which was the only language of the bard . They all owed a debt of gratitude to the Committee for their zealous exertions to accomplish the object which they had in view—to do honour to a man who was an
honour to the race to which he belonged , in doing honour to whom they were doing honour to themselves . If they regarded the bard in his individual capacity , they ivould find him very unfavourably situated for the attainment of that varied knowledge which belonged to those who wore differently circumstanced in life . He had no access to schools ; he was totally illiterate ; he knew no language but his own—but , ill knowing that , he kneiv one of the most ancient of the languages spoken at the present dayintimatelconnected with the Eastern or Oriental
, y tongues . The bard himself , indeed , ventured on the assertion ( which tho Rev . Croupier , however , said he ivould not presume to second ) that " Gaelic was very sweet from the mouth of Eve" ( great laughter ); but if ho could not go so far as . Duncan Ban in regard to tho antiquity of the Gaelic , he would , hoivever , say that it was closely interwoven ivith that most ancient tongue the Sanscrit , the principal language of India , and Avhich Avas connected with that of Persiaof Greeceand Romeand
, , , of all Europe . Of great advantage , therefore , ivas it to the bard that he knoAV the Gaelic ; bufc he laboured under the disadvantage of knowing no other . Nevertheless , his numerous poems were descriptive—some o : them of character , some were jiatriotie , some martial , some social , and some of them AA'ere expressive of the tenderest passions of the human heart ( hear , hear ); and in ivhatever of these departments he
engaged ho -n > on the admiration and love of his countrymen . ( Cheers . ) fie generally began his poems with a statement , which might be called his text , and this he treated with masterly skill . Although illiterate , he was observant in a very great degree , as every page of his poems proved . His martial songs were calculated to rouse the patriotism and courage of his countrymen , and in his own day must have had the happiest effect ; and he lived in a stirring time of war , when thoso countrymen bad to maintain a hard combat with a poiverful ( Hearhear )
enemy . , . Such was the extent of his observation that his descriptions , not only of the scenery of mountains , of the beauty of the valleys , of the fields , the streams , the woods , were most minute and accurate , but he even dwelt on the smallest insect with the most happy effect . Ho describes that noble animal the deer in all its varieties—in action , afc rest , iu its own social position—in such away that if there were a Gaelic Landseer , he would make a fortune in a short time bcommitting to canvas the
y word-pictures of the bard . ( Loud cheers . ) The Rev . Croupier then gave a most interesting revieAV of Duncan Ban ' s poems . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm . Jlr . James Deii-ar replied . Collector Campbell proposed tho toast of "The JIasonic deputation , ' ' coupled ivith the health of Duncan Campbell , Esq ., of Glasgow ' , who was most onihusiatic in tbe Hihland causeAlthough old
g . JIasonry was as , if not , indeed , older than the time of Solomon , he would venture to say that there was no instance on record of the foundation stono of any structure having been laid with JIasonic honours , where almost all the Jlasons ivere dressed in kilts . ( Laughter . ) Jlr . D . Campbell replied . Several other toasts followed , and the company , after liaving drunk " Doech-an-doruis , " separated .
AYRSHIRE , A number of the Glasgow Lodges proceeded , on Thursday , the 25 th August , by the Glasgow and South-AVestern Railway , on a pleasure excursion to the land of Burns . Among the Lodges represented werethe Glasgow Kihvinning , No . 4 ; Thistle and Rose , No . 73 ; Thistle , A o . 87 ; Union and Crown , No . 103 ; St . Mary ' s , Patrick , No . 117 ; St . Patrick , No . 178 ; Star , No . 219 ; Shamrock and Thistle , No . 275 ; Duiitoeher and Faifley UnionNo 332 StGeorgeNo 333 and St
, . ; . , . ; . Clair , No . 362 . The part y left Glasgow at a quarter-past eight , and arrived afc Ayr shortly after ten o ' clock . They were there welcomed by the brethren of St . Paul's , Ifcryal Arch , and Kilwinning Lodges of Ayr , and the procession , ivhich would then number about six hundred , marched through the town of Ayr , headed by the Glasgow Thistle Band . The brethren ivere gaily dressed , and the aprons , jewels , insignia , and flags , gave the whole a most imposing appearance , while wo have not seen a
more respectable turn oufc for many a day . The weather was exceedingly fine , ivhich contributed much to the enjoj-nionfc of the excursionists . They proceeded to the monument , and first visited the "Auld Brig o' Doon , " and there , accompanied by the baud , the brethren joined in singing , " A ' e Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon . " Afterwards they went to the neAV brig , and thence to the monument , whei-e a number of appropriate speeches were delivered . They then proceeded to the cottage where Burns AA-as bornand after inspecting itbroke into
, , up pic-nic groups , and partook of refreshments in the adjacent fields , ivhoro the usual loyal , patriotic , and JIasonic toasts Avere given and enthusiastically responded to . Bro . Neil B . Dalveen , assisted by some ofthe Ayr brethren , then marshalled the Lodges into the order of procession , and thoy returned to Ayr , and , after viewing some of the places of interest , by train to Glasgow .
EAST JAMAICA . The inauguration of this Provincial Grand Lodge took place at the rooms of the Friendly Lodge , No . 291 , Hanover-street , on AVednesday evening last , the fith inst ., on which occasion there ivas a large assembly of the members of the Craft—the Provincial Grand Lodge of Scotland being present . The VAVBroRobert McClellandJIaster of tho Royal Lodge
.. . , , No . 250 , installed the Right AA orshipful Robert Hamilton , M . A ., aud M . D ., of Clifton Jlount , St . Andrew , as Prov . Grand JIaster . The Right AVorshipful Prov . Grand JIaster then appointed and installed , as Prov . Grand Officers , for the current year , the following brethren : —Alexander Fiddes , D . Prov . G . JI . ; John Burger , Prov . G . S . ; Solomon Jlelhado , Prov . J . G . W . ; Abraham It . Do Lavantc , Prov . GChaplain - James AVAVhifcbourneProv . G . Reg . ; John AVarc
. , . , , Prov . G . Sec ; JlcClelland , Prov . S . G . D . ; Joseph Francis , Prov . J . G . D . ; James Derbyshire , Prov . G . Sup . of AA'orks ; Henry Garsia , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; John J . Duval , Prov . G . S . B . ; Jiiehael Laivton , Prov . G . Pursuivant ; and Jules Desnoucs , as Prov . G . Tyler ; Simon E . Picterzfi , of Lodge No . 751 , ivas unanimously elected Prov . Grand Treasurer . The Prov . Grand JIaster delivered an address suitable to the occasion .
The Week.
Tire COURT . —The Queen and her family are enjoying themselves in perfect good health in the Highlands . Her JIajesty visits her neighbours , and among the names of those so honoured we find particularly mentioned Jlr . and Mrs . Farquharson of Invcrcauld . The Prince has been deerstalking , accompanied by Sir George Grey , who is on a visit at Balmoral , and with Sir James Clark and Lady Churchill constitute almost the entire Court Ai'hich is in attendance on tbe royal family . Strange fco say , AA-C do not soe tho names of any branch of the great house of Phipps mentioned in the Court Circular of this AA-cek .
FOREIGN NKW . S . —The Emperor and Empress are enjoying their relief from the fatigue and gcAv-gaivs of tho Tuileries , and the bizarre adulation of the provincial magnates of the south may be ( and no doubt is ) au agreeable change from the more ornate periods ofthe polished worshippers of imperialism in Paris . It is confidently asserted that a fresh interview betAveen the Emperor of the French and the Emperor of Austria Avill probably take place at some Swiss town . A letter which appeared in the 1 iidejiendanee Beige , the Avriter of which pretends to expound the
policy of the Emperor Napoleon with respect to Europe , and particularly England , tells us plainly that AVC must have war Avith France , but thafc there is no danger of such a Avar as long as Lord Pahnerston and the Liberal party remain in power . According to a telegram from Paris , the French government has ordered twenty new iron-plated frigates to be constructed . The French Ambassador at Florence has been recalled . The Consliuaionnel contradicts certain assertions made by a , Paris correspondent of the Lndependanee of Brussels in a letter to that
journal , in ivhich the policy of the Emperor Napoleon towards England is treated of as it relates to the peace of Villafranca . The ansivei- of tho King of Sardinia to the Tuscan deputation still affords material for the comments of the French press . The Debuts says that a Congress is IIOAV necessary ; the Constitution-net applauds A'ictor Emmanuel ; the Union , thinks his answer was wanting in energy and sincerity ; while the . lndependanee regards it as vacillating . From other sources as well as the Paris press we gather that the answer of the King is proof of a caution AA'hich doubtless is partly caused by a subserviency to France . Rear-Admiral Du Pony , who had been summoned bv the Emperor to
St . Sauveur , has just quitted the Imperial residence and proceeded to Cherbourg . There is no truth iu the statement of the Currespondanee JLaras that the French soldiers of the class of 1853 are to be discharged . A sad accident has happened in Paris . An English lad } ' was accidentally burnt to death through a lighted match being thrown upon her dress . 'The official Wiener Xeituny , in its evening edition , contradicts the alarming rumours which have been current regarding the continuance of the Zurich conferences . It hopes for a satisfactory conclusion , and
considers the presence of the French troops of occupation which have been left in Italy to be of service to the interest of order . A Berlin letter of the 1 st says that the Russian government has recently transmitted , by Baron Budberg , a note to the effect that the affairs of Italy cannot be settled in a durable manner except by a congress . This note has strengthened Baron Schleinitz in his idea of pointing out to the European powers , in a diplomatic despatch , the attitude of Prussia on the Italian question . A telegram from Zurichdated yesterdaystates
, , that Austria desires to obtain a guarantee from Sardinia against future intrigues in Italy , previous to Austria , making ,-my concessions afc the conferences . A Vienna letter says that the Austrian government is urging the Southern of Austria Bail way Company to use the greatest activity in tho construction ofthe linn from Nabrosina to Catarsa . This break , which separates the Trieste lino from that of Italy , by preventing the direct transport of troops from Vienna to Voroiia " , materially reinforceacnts Count
retarded the arrival of . on the field of battle . Degcnfeld , Austrian governor of Verona , has published a proclamation , declaring that , in consequence of the frequency of acts of brigandage and attempts at murder in the provinces of Yicwusa and Bclluna , ' such