Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
crimes shall be punished by martial law . According to the Presse of Alenua , the difficult question of the share of the Austrian debt to bo paid by Lombard } ' has been settled . The Ost Deutsche Post , in contradiction of a statement made that there are no Protestants in the Austrian empire , gives an account of their numbers in the various sections of the empire , and concludes by saying that Protestantism is represented there by 3 , 000 , 000 of inhabitants . Victor Emmanuel received the Tuscan deputation on Saturday . Signor Gherardina ,
a member of the commission , addressed to the King the following following words : — " If the w-ish of Tuscany for annexation with Piedmont only served for the aggrandisement of your majesty ' s state wo should entertain doubts as to the acceptance of our wish by your majesty ; but our ivish being inspired by the love of Italian nationality , we ' hope that the thought of Italy will decide your majesty to accept it . The king replied . — "Gentlemen , —lam deeply sensible of the wish of the Tuscan Assembly . I thank you in my name and in the name of
my people . AA ' e have received yonr ivish as a solemn manifestation of the will of the Tuscan people , who , after having made the last vestige of the foreign domination in Tuscany to cease , desires to contribute to the constitution of a strong kingdom ivhich shall defend the independence of Italy . But the Tuscan Assembly will have comprehended that tiie accomplishment of its wish can only take place by negotiations which are about to begin on the affairs of Italy . I will second your desire , becoming myself strong by the rights which are given me by
your wishes . I ivill support the cause of Tuscany before the powers in AA'hich the Assembly places its hopes , and especially before the magnanimous Emperor of the French , who has done so much for the Italian nation . I hope that Europe will not refuse to practise towards Tuscany
that work of redressing grievances ivhich it has , under less favourable circumstances , practised towards Greece , Belgium , and the Danubian principalities . Your noble country gives an admirable example of moderation and concord . You will add those virtues to that one Avhich ensures the triumph of all honest undertakings , and which overcomes nil obstacles , namely , perseverance . " The vote respecting the annexation of the Duchy of Parma to Piedmont has been made known . There are 03 , 403 votes in favour of the annexation and 506 against it .
The statement that the Papal troops had been despatched to the Legations has not been officially confirmed . AVe learn from Bologna that several members have moved the following resolution : — " The inhabitants of the Eomagna ivill no longer submit to tlie temporal government of the Pope . " The assembly has decided upon taking this motion into consideration .- The Bavarian minister , JI . von Abel , died on Saturday . The subscription to the military loan is closed ; a great number of applications for shares had to ho refused or reduced . The last
accounts respecting the King of Prussia , state that his majesty ' s health bad slightly improved . The Belgian Senate adopted the first article ofthe bill concerning tbe fortifications of Antwerp by a vote of thirtyfour against fifteen ; four members abstained from voting . The Diario of Barcelona of the 2 nd instant , states on high authority that the basis ( f the Concordat , which was signed at Rome on the 25 th of August , was —the absolute sale of the landed property taken from the clergy . The value realized by such property to be paid to tho clergy in bonds not
transferable . The same journal congratulates the Pope and Signer Rios Hcisus on the spirit of conciliation manifested in this affair . The I ' ttcdrelandel of this day , states that Prussia and Austria hai-e informed die Danish government that the affairs of Holstein are being treated by the Federal Diet . Prussia and Austria stated that this communication
needed no further reply from Denmark . 'Ihe steam ship North America , arrived afc Liverpool last night from Quebec , ivhich she left on the 27 th ult . On the 28 th she passed the . steamer . Indian , from Liverpool , ivhich was on its w .-iy to Quebec . Tho jiolitical news by this arrival 's unimportant . Tho anti-Catholic journals were denouncing certain known Roman Catholic bishops for interfering in the educational question . Vc have Now York advices by this arrival to the 27 th . The only thing ' f importance AVUS the arrival at New York of the Utoses Tat / lor from
Axpinwall ivith 2 , 120 , 000 dollars in California !! gold . The news from California was anticipated . The Now York stock market had improved . ' On Tuesday the resolution for the overthrow of the Pope ' s government was voted unanimously by the national assembly of Bologna . It was further unanimously decided that the abuses of the Pontifical rule ' ¦ ' jiould not bo debated upon . The following arc the terms of the rcsoh - tion : — " We , tho representatives of tho people of the Romagua , calling (¦ od to witness tho rihteousness of our intentionsdeclare that the
g , people of the Romagua , strong in their right , Avill no longer submit to 'be temporal government of the Pope . " A proposal for tho annexation "' the legation to Piedmont was submitted to the assembly , ifc ivas signed ' } ' fifteen members . Amongst the names are those of JIarquis Bonari , niiquis Costabili , and Count Gozzadini . AVhile the French papers arc '"' Pressing their admiration of King Victor Emmanuel ' s vague reply to 10 luscan deputation , tho Italian journals consider his answer as an
' ^ qualified acceptance of the offer of Tuscany , and tho people of that - 'Hintry are abandoning themselves to joy in the same belief , and aro 'Jerywhere illuminating their houses , and shouting with enthusiasm U ' tt it lle d'ltalia ! A letter from Vienna says that great dissat ' tsfac-. cw prevails there with respect to the affairs of Central Italy , but there * - > it is said , no probability tA ' tmy attempt to restore the dethroned dukes lib TV ' Advices have been received from Constantinople to the 31 st ,, f - "j ^ m-banees have taken place in Candia , caused by the collection * certain taxes from the Greek inhabitants . Two of the tax-gatherciy
had been murdered , and tivo battalions of soldiers have been sent to arrest the chief leaders of this affray . A Circassian deputation had arrived afc Constantinople and presented to the ambassadors of the several poAvers a declaration protesting against the invasion of their country by Russia , and stating that the whole of their provinces would bo forced to submission , if abandoned by the Porte . INDIA AND COLONIES . —There is little to interest the general reader
in the intelligence received by the last Bombay mail . Preparations were being made for the conveyance of the discharged European troops to their native country , hut there appears to have been some difficulty in inducing officers to volunteer taking charge of them during the homeward voyage . There seems to be no doubt that Lord Cl yde has earnestly urged the men to reconsider their late decision , and it is thought that some feiv Avill yet change their minds at the last hour . There is little to tell of the movements of the rebelsunless it bo that the Rajah of
, Boondeo has returned to life . The total number of vagabonds on the frontiers of Oude is estimated at 8 , 000 , but fever is busy with them , and they are suffering likewise from want of food and the simplest necessaries of life . The news from Calcutta , however , is disastrous ; but at present our knowledge of the facts is confined to the following telegram from Sir AVilliam O'Shaughnessy —On the night of the 26 th a cyclone passed over Calcutta , and the following morning every Hue was interrupted . Our strongest constructed lines have been swept away miles
on the Barrackpore road . Seven large trees fell in different places , de « stroying posts and wire . TAVO steamers have been Avrecked in the ll ' ooghly , besides many sailing vessels ; lives lost , and immense destruction done . The Candia mail steamer ivas seen off Saugor just as the gale commenced . She is supposed to have run out to sea again , and no tidings have since been received of her . Every available hand I have is at Avork'Yopairiiig damages done to'tho lino . GENERAL HOME NEwk- ^ Alf-thc Jlinisters have IIOAV left townand
, we presume the business of the country is being judioiouslv transacted at Broadlands by the Premier and his private secretaries , " it is barclv possible that the public service may not bo vitall y injured by the dismissal of the various heads of departments to their grouse shooting and ruralizing . The great topics of the day which have most interest afc
present arc the Smothiirst conviction and the builders' operatives' strike . The interest in the . former has suddenly gone down to zero , in consequence of the reprieve ' which our gracious Sovereign has accorded to the convicted prisoner . AVhat his future fate is to be docs not excite much interest . There is but slender prospect , as it is said , of his receiving a , free pardon , though this ivould appear to bo fche course demanded by justice . If he be a murderer , hang him ; if not , set him at liberty . As for the builders' strike , that appears to have degenerated , as far as tlie
general public arc concerned , into the dryness of an absolute bore ; but , as far as the poor fellows ¦ ' ¦ ' out on strike" are concerned , we fear that the pinch is becoming soiiiew-hat severely felt , and that the monotony of ivhich they will have to complain will shortly bo the dreary one of hungry children and empty larder . Jfeanwhile , their former employers kok ruefully at engines ivith no steam up , afc circular saws and mechanical contrivances without end , in which a vast capital is sunk , and which are " eating their heads off" and devouring the interest of capital , for want , of the
journeyman ' s motive poAver to make them productive . It is easy to predict that this state of things cannot last . We sincerely trust the dispute maybe speedily adjusted , and that a friendly spirit may be restored betAveen masters and men . To avoid a lingering bitterness of feeling , great judgment must be exercised and mutual concessions made . -According to the reportof the Registrar General forthe past week , the health of London is improving , and fche mortality is boloAV tho average of the season ; the registered number of deaths amounted to 1017 , being 7 Ii less than the ordinary average number ( 1123 ) corrected for the iii ^ crease of population . The births of 878 boys and 833 girls Avere
registered during the week . There has been a meeting of factory delegates iu Jlanchestor to protest against " ono self-acting minder attending to two pairs of mules , " an arrangement from which very injurious results are anticipated . A somewhat extensive seizure of counterfeit coin has been made at tho AVhite Horse public-house , Baldwin ' sgardons . The landlad y of tho house , Jlrs . Jane . Hatton , Avas charged ivith the possession of the spurious money , before Jlr . Tyrwhitt , afc Clerkenwcll Police-court , yesterday , and after somo evidence being taken
was remanded till AVednesday next . Bail was accepted to the amount of + ' 400 . Jlr . Nicol , of Lombard-street , has been re-examined at tho Jl ' ansion House on a charge of having converted to his OAVU use a bill of lading ivhich had been entrusted to him . The defendant indignantly repudiated the charge of fraudulent design , and stated that he had acted under the advice of his solicitor in retaining the document . It ivas determined , however , that the case should be sent for trial , and defendant ' s OAVU recognizance in £ 1 , 000 was accepted . The man
Royal , Avho stands committed on tho coroner ' s verdict , for the murder of Jus wife by poison , has been examined at the Thames Police-court , before Mr . Selfe , and remanded . The O'th of October is the day appointed by the Court of Quarter Sessions of Middlesex , for the hearing of applications for tho i-eneival , transfer , or grant of licences for music , or for music and dancing .- At the Middlesex Sessions , Henry Jones , Thomas Gallagher , and Samuel Harmer were convicted of stealing in the dwelling-house of Charles AValker , a cash box , containing £ 20 , his property . The prisoners ^' were ] each sentenced to three years' penal servitude . After the sentence ' ivas pronounced , Jones declared his innocence of the crime laid to his charire ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
crimes shall be punished by martial law . According to the Presse of Alenua , the difficult question of the share of the Austrian debt to bo paid by Lombard } ' has been settled . The Ost Deutsche Post , in contradiction of a statement made that there are no Protestants in the Austrian empire , gives an account of their numbers in the various sections of the empire , and concludes by saying that Protestantism is represented there by 3 , 000 , 000 of inhabitants . Victor Emmanuel received the Tuscan deputation on Saturday . Signor Gherardina ,
a member of the commission , addressed to the King the following following words : — " If the w-ish of Tuscany for annexation with Piedmont only served for the aggrandisement of your majesty ' s state wo should entertain doubts as to the acceptance of our wish by your majesty ; but our ivish being inspired by the love of Italian nationality , we ' hope that the thought of Italy will decide your majesty to accept it . The king replied . — "Gentlemen , —lam deeply sensible of the wish of the Tuscan Assembly . I thank you in my name and in the name of
my people . AA ' e have received yonr ivish as a solemn manifestation of the will of the Tuscan people , who , after having made the last vestige of the foreign domination in Tuscany to cease , desires to contribute to the constitution of a strong kingdom ivhich shall defend the independence of Italy . But the Tuscan Assembly will have comprehended that tiie accomplishment of its wish can only take place by negotiations which are about to begin on the affairs of Italy . I will second your desire , becoming myself strong by the rights which are given me by
your wishes . I ivill support the cause of Tuscany before the powers in AA'hich the Assembly places its hopes , and especially before the magnanimous Emperor of the French , who has done so much for the Italian nation . I hope that Europe will not refuse to practise towards Tuscany
that work of redressing grievances ivhich it has , under less favourable circumstances , practised towards Greece , Belgium , and the Danubian principalities . Your noble country gives an admirable example of moderation and concord . You will add those virtues to that one Avhich ensures the triumph of all honest undertakings , and which overcomes nil obstacles , namely , perseverance . " The vote respecting the annexation of the Duchy of Parma to Piedmont has been made known . There are 03 , 403 votes in favour of the annexation and 506 against it .
The statement that the Papal troops had been despatched to the Legations has not been officially confirmed . AVe learn from Bologna that several members have moved the following resolution : — " The inhabitants of the Eomagna ivill no longer submit to tlie temporal government of the Pope . " The assembly has decided upon taking this motion into consideration .- The Bavarian minister , JI . von Abel , died on Saturday . The subscription to the military loan is closed ; a great number of applications for shares had to ho refused or reduced . The last
accounts respecting the King of Prussia , state that his majesty ' s health bad slightly improved . The Belgian Senate adopted the first article ofthe bill concerning tbe fortifications of Antwerp by a vote of thirtyfour against fifteen ; four members abstained from voting . The Diario of Barcelona of the 2 nd instant , states on high authority that the basis ( f the Concordat , which was signed at Rome on the 25 th of August , was —the absolute sale of the landed property taken from the clergy . The value realized by such property to be paid to tho clergy in bonds not
transferable . The same journal congratulates the Pope and Signer Rios Hcisus on the spirit of conciliation manifested in this affair . The I ' ttcdrelandel of this day , states that Prussia and Austria hai-e informed die Danish government that the affairs of Holstein are being treated by the Federal Diet . Prussia and Austria stated that this communication
needed no further reply from Denmark . 'Ihe steam ship North America , arrived afc Liverpool last night from Quebec , ivhich she left on the 27 th ult . On the 28 th she passed the . steamer . Indian , from Liverpool , ivhich was on its w .-iy to Quebec . Tho jiolitical news by this arrival 's unimportant . Tho anti-Catholic journals were denouncing certain known Roman Catholic bishops for interfering in the educational question . Vc have Now York advices by this arrival to the 27 th . The only thing ' f importance AVUS the arrival at New York of the Utoses Tat / lor from
Axpinwall ivith 2 , 120 , 000 dollars in California !! gold . The news from California was anticipated . The Now York stock market had improved . ' On Tuesday the resolution for the overthrow of the Pope ' s government was voted unanimously by the national assembly of Bologna . It was further unanimously decided that the abuses of the Pontifical rule ' ¦ ' jiould not bo debated upon . The following arc the terms of the rcsoh - tion : — " We , tho representatives of tho people of the Romagua , calling (¦ od to witness tho rihteousness of our intentionsdeclare that the
g , people of the Romagua , strong in their right , Avill no longer submit to 'be temporal government of the Pope . " A proposal for tho annexation "' the legation to Piedmont was submitted to the assembly , ifc ivas signed ' } ' fifteen members . Amongst the names are those of JIarquis Bonari , niiquis Costabili , and Count Gozzadini . AVhile the French papers arc '"' Pressing their admiration of King Victor Emmanuel ' s vague reply to 10 luscan deputation , tho Italian journals consider his answer as an
' ^ qualified acceptance of the offer of Tuscany , and tho people of that - 'Hintry are abandoning themselves to joy in the same belief , and aro 'Jerywhere illuminating their houses , and shouting with enthusiasm U ' tt it lle d'ltalia ! A letter from Vienna says that great dissat ' tsfac-. cw prevails there with respect to the affairs of Central Italy , but there * - > it is said , no probability tA ' tmy attempt to restore the dethroned dukes lib TV ' Advices have been received from Constantinople to the 31 st ,, f - "j ^ m-banees have taken place in Candia , caused by the collection * certain taxes from the Greek inhabitants . Two of the tax-gatherciy
had been murdered , and tivo battalions of soldiers have been sent to arrest the chief leaders of this affray . A Circassian deputation had arrived afc Constantinople and presented to the ambassadors of the several poAvers a declaration protesting against the invasion of their country by Russia , and stating that the whole of their provinces would bo forced to submission , if abandoned by the Porte . INDIA AND COLONIES . —There is little to interest the general reader
in the intelligence received by the last Bombay mail . Preparations were being made for the conveyance of the discharged European troops to their native country , hut there appears to have been some difficulty in inducing officers to volunteer taking charge of them during the homeward voyage . There seems to be no doubt that Lord Cl yde has earnestly urged the men to reconsider their late decision , and it is thought that some feiv Avill yet change their minds at the last hour . There is little to tell of the movements of the rebelsunless it bo that the Rajah of
, Boondeo has returned to life . The total number of vagabonds on the frontiers of Oude is estimated at 8 , 000 , but fever is busy with them , and they are suffering likewise from want of food and the simplest necessaries of life . The news from Calcutta , however , is disastrous ; but at present our knowledge of the facts is confined to the following telegram from Sir AVilliam O'Shaughnessy —On the night of the 26 th a cyclone passed over Calcutta , and the following morning every Hue was interrupted . Our strongest constructed lines have been swept away miles
on the Barrackpore road . Seven large trees fell in different places , de « stroying posts and wire . TAVO steamers have been Avrecked in the ll ' ooghly , besides many sailing vessels ; lives lost , and immense destruction done . The Candia mail steamer ivas seen off Saugor just as the gale commenced . She is supposed to have run out to sea again , and no tidings have since been received of her . Every available hand I have is at Avork'Yopairiiig damages done to'tho lino . GENERAL HOME NEwk- ^ Alf-thc Jlinisters have IIOAV left townand
, we presume the business of the country is being judioiouslv transacted at Broadlands by the Premier and his private secretaries , " it is barclv possible that the public service may not bo vitall y injured by the dismissal of the various heads of departments to their grouse shooting and ruralizing . The great topics of the day which have most interest afc
present arc the Smothiirst conviction and the builders' operatives' strike . The interest in the . former has suddenly gone down to zero , in consequence of the reprieve ' which our gracious Sovereign has accorded to the convicted prisoner . AVhat his future fate is to be docs not excite much interest . There is but slender prospect , as it is said , of his receiving a , free pardon , though this ivould appear to bo fche course demanded by justice . If he be a murderer , hang him ; if not , set him at liberty . As for the builders' strike , that appears to have degenerated , as far as tlie
general public arc concerned , into the dryness of an absolute bore ; but , as far as the poor fellows ¦ ' ¦ ' out on strike" are concerned , we fear that the pinch is becoming soiiiew-hat severely felt , and that the monotony of ivhich they will have to complain will shortly bo the dreary one of hungry children and empty larder . Jfeanwhile , their former employers kok ruefully at engines ivith no steam up , afc circular saws and mechanical contrivances without end , in which a vast capital is sunk , and which are " eating their heads off" and devouring the interest of capital , for want , of the
journeyman ' s motive poAver to make them productive . It is easy to predict that this state of things cannot last . We sincerely trust the dispute maybe speedily adjusted , and that a friendly spirit may be restored betAveen masters and men . To avoid a lingering bitterness of feeling , great judgment must be exercised and mutual concessions made . -According to the reportof the Registrar General forthe past week , the health of London is improving , and fche mortality is boloAV tho average of the season ; the registered number of deaths amounted to 1017 , being 7 Ii less than the ordinary average number ( 1123 ) corrected for the iii ^ crease of population . The births of 878 boys and 833 girls Avere
registered during the week . There has been a meeting of factory delegates iu Jlanchestor to protest against " ono self-acting minder attending to two pairs of mules , " an arrangement from which very injurious results are anticipated . A somewhat extensive seizure of counterfeit coin has been made at tho AVhite Horse public-house , Baldwin ' sgardons . The landlad y of tho house , Jlrs . Jane . Hatton , Avas charged ivith the possession of the spurious money , before Jlr . Tyrwhitt , afc Clerkenwcll Police-court , yesterday , and after somo evidence being taken
was remanded till AVednesday next . Bail was accepted to the amount of + ' 400 . Jlr . Nicol , of Lombard-street , has been re-examined at tho Jl ' ansion House on a charge of having converted to his OAVU use a bill of lading ivhich had been entrusted to him . The defendant indignantly repudiated the charge of fraudulent design , and stated that he had acted under the advice of his solicitor in retaining the document . It ivas determined , however , that the case should be sent for trial , and defendant ' s OAVU recognizance in £ 1 , 000 was accepted . The man
Royal , Avho stands committed on tho coroner ' s verdict , for the murder of Jus wife by poison , has been examined at the Thames Police-court , before Mr . Selfe , and remanded . The O'th of October is the day appointed by the Court of Quarter Sessions of Middlesex , for the hearing of applications for tho i-eneival , transfer , or grant of licences for music , or for music and dancing .- At the Middlesex Sessions , Henry Jones , Thomas Gallagher , and Samuel Harmer were convicted of stealing in the dwelling-house of Charles AValker , a cash box , containing £ 20 , his property . The prisoners ^' were ] each sentenced to three years' penal servitude . After the sentence ' ivas pronounced , Jones declared his innocence of the crime laid to his charire ,