Article AN EXCURSION VERY EAR WEST. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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An Excursion Very Ear West.
curiously in at the open doors , and pausing ivhere anything of interest presented itself . What a busy , active scene it was : AA'omen bustling to and fro from the bush or lake , or laboriously bruising maize AA'ith a heavy wooden pestle in a huge mortar , hollowed by fire out of the trunk of a tree , all the Avhile chattering and jesting , Avith their low silvery laughter , to their companions , who sat at their doors Aveaving . fine rush mats of various colours , or engaged in some of the many descriptions of curious needloAvork in -wliich the Indian Avomen excel .
Through the mazes of their city moved the Indians themselves—grave , reserved , and dignified—passing ivith haughty superiority the laughing squaws , only pausing now and then to speak , Avith stately language , to some of their own sex . Despite their apparent coldness , they were interesting and intelligent-looking men , with their lofty features and
glittering eyes , keen and bright as the knife and tomahawk that each bore in his belt . Like tho women , those from no great distance Avore mostly clothes of British manufacture , though made in Indian fashion ; but those from more remote territories were probably much as the early navigators found them—clad iu skinsand daubed with paintin broad streaks
, , of black , white , and vermillion , and though , doubtless , to the learned in such matters , the lines Avere indicative of peace and amit y , they yet added greatly to the ivildness and ferocity of the ivearer ' s appearance , and it was easy to comprehend ivith what terrors the significant tracery of the war paint must have surrounded these
Sioux and Winnebago warriors as they came leaping and yelling on towards their foes , their nearly naked bodies flaming AA'ith paint , and plumes of brilliant coloured feathers streaming from the long scalp tufts , AA'hich , according to the rules of Indian chivalry , every warrior wears , so that , in case of defeat , his conqueror may bear off his scal p in token
of victory ; and , setting aside our civilized horror of that bloody trophy , there is something nobly chivalric in thus providing for the glory of an enemy . But in the stern and worn aspect of many of these men , and the amazing acuteness of thoir senses of sight and hearing , it was easy to trace their life of forest hardshi
p outlying days and nights on the Ai'ar-path and in pursuit of the moose and the deer , and folloAving up their game din-innhours of intense toil , urged on by the ' terriblc knoAA-led ge that they must bo successful or there ivould be no food Avithin their lodges ; and probably the sufferings of those hours form a fair set off to the menial labours of their squaws .
It astonishes one to hear from tlie lips of those Avild Avarriors tones soft and clear almost as a woman ' s ; and they are certainly not without their influence in rendering effectiA'e their far famed oratory , as Ave had an opportunity of judging when , during our stay , a council was held by the ollicers of the post and the principal chiefs , to settle the preliminaries
of a treaty . The scene Avas a most interesting one . The English officers and officials Avere in full uniform , and their scarlet and gold flashed imposingly in the eyes of the chiefs , AVIIO were mostly attired in their Avar costume , ivith fresh suits of paintand long eagle ' s feathers floating from their war tufts
, over their naked shoulders , while endless silver bracelets and bells flashed in the sunli ght and jingled softl y on their wrists and leggings . In addition , many of the chiefs wore mantles of scarlet cloth draped classically round them ; while others Avere Avrapped iu large skins , emblazoned in savage heraldry ivith their "totems "—that is , tlie resemblance of the animal
AA'hose name they bear , which they regard as their titular spirit , and believe Avatches over their safety . After the " pipe of peace" had been smoked , the proceedings began ; and thafc council might advantageously have been taken as a model b y many a more civilized assembly , so close and courteous was tlie attention each member paid to what fell from another—until in his turn , taking in his
hand the Avampum belt ( the badge of peace ) , he addressed the meeting with great earnestness and dignity , and ivith much gesticulation , and , moreover , in a voice so skilfully modulated that , Avhen once we had gained the clue to fche subject , Ave scarcely needed to aAvait the interpreter ' s translation to learn the speaker ' s opinion , though sometimes Ave
were struck by admiration of the force of language and richness of imageiy the speeches preserved even in translation . As the council dreAv near its close , a chief Ave had hitherto overlooked came forward to address the assembly . He Avas a calm , intelligent looking man , with a mild , thoughtful expression in his deep eyes , contrasting forcibly ivith the
flashing orbs of those around him . He ivas without paint or feathers , or show or glitter of any sort ; but , ivhen once lie began to speak , his Avords flowed with startling energy , and ivere full of the closest and most subtle reasoning . He ivas in every way the most powerful man there , being king of the Winnebagoes , the ruler of a mighty nation , and an orator so renowned , ei'en among an eloquent race , that they had bestowed on him tlie name of the Son of Thunder .
In one corner of the council sat a richly dressed Indian woman , a most unusual intruder on such a scene , for the squaiv has no voice hi either public or prii'ate affairs , but must submit in all things to the will of her husband , like a bondswoman as she is . But this Avoman sat calmly by , neither seeking to attract notice noi-yet shrinking from it , but watching Avith Avrapfc attention every ivord Avhich jiassed in the
assembly , Avhile every UOAV and then her form dilated or her eye flashed , according as affairs progressed agreeably to her Avishes , or the reA'erse . She ivas the queen of the Winnebagoes , and had obtained this unprecedented consideration partly in consequence of her being a great chief's daughter , but principally from her great genius for politics , in which
she Avas unequalled by any man of her nation ; and it was said the Son of Thunder nei-er took any step of importance Avithout consulting his AA'ife upon ifc . Subsequently to this Ave saw much of their Winnebngoe majesties , who paid us many visits , for wherever the Son of Thunder was , there Avas his queen also , not walkin g behind
in slavish Indian fashion , but by his side , his most trusted friend and counsellor . lie ivas Avont to say emphatically that " she ivas a Avoman Avho never told a lie , " if it Avere so the Winnebagoes ivere much better and the other Indian nations much worse than wo had hitherto believed . But she certainly ivas a highfy talented woman , and , all Indian though she was , her wit and poivers of mimicry made her a most amusine- visitor .
As a body the Indians are remarkably intelligent , and can readily comprehend the use of any scientific instrument ; what amazed them most ivas the Avonders of a microscope , but seeing it in the possession of a doctor , they muttered significantly— " mishihiwiniuic "—( medicine-man , or conjurer ) , evidently considering that the Ai'hole secret AA'as to be found in his powerful magic . Yet one of the Avildest of these
Indians , Avho had noA'cr before seen a map , so far comprehended one shown to him as to be able to trace on it Avith his own hand the course of a river near the Bear Lake ; and other Indians to Avhom the map AA'as subsequently shown , said it was done correctly . Shortly after returning from the council , a sudden clang ot
music and a group of dark forms outside our tent , drew us to the door . Ifc ivas a party of young Indians come according to custom , to do us honour by dancing before our residence . Dancing among the Indians is not as wirh us , a mere amusement , but enters into nearly every phase of their lives . Indeedexcept a council , a dance more or loss solemn appears
, to precede every step of importance . This complimentary dance began ivith a sloiv circular movement , beating time to a monotonous song , Avith the addition of drums and IIOUOAV calabashes filled AA'ith peas , the whole being productive of anythin ? but harmony . Bnt this
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Excursion Very Ear West.
curiously in at the open doors , and pausing ivhere anything of interest presented itself . What a busy , active scene it was : AA'omen bustling to and fro from the bush or lake , or laboriously bruising maize AA'ith a heavy wooden pestle in a huge mortar , hollowed by fire out of the trunk of a tree , all the Avhile chattering and jesting , Avith their low silvery laughter , to their companions , who sat at their doors Aveaving . fine rush mats of various colours , or engaged in some of the many descriptions of curious needloAvork in -wliich the Indian Avomen excel .
Through the mazes of their city moved the Indians themselves—grave , reserved , and dignified—passing ivith haughty superiority the laughing squaws , only pausing now and then to speak , Avith stately language , to some of their own sex . Despite their apparent coldness , they were interesting and intelligent-looking men , with their lofty features and
glittering eyes , keen and bright as the knife and tomahawk that each bore in his belt . Like tho women , those from no great distance Avore mostly clothes of British manufacture , though made in Indian fashion ; but those from more remote territories were probably much as the early navigators found them—clad iu skinsand daubed with paintin broad streaks
, , of black , white , and vermillion , and though , doubtless , to the learned in such matters , the lines Avere indicative of peace and amit y , they yet added greatly to the ivildness and ferocity of the ivearer ' s appearance , and it was easy to comprehend ivith what terrors the significant tracery of the war paint must have surrounded these
Sioux and Winnebago warriors as they came leaping and yelling on towards their foes , their nearly naked bodies flaming AA'ith paint , and plumes of brilliant coloured feathers streaming from the long scalp tufts , AA'hich , according to the rules of Indian chivalry , every warrior wears , so that , in case of defeat , his conqueror may bear off his scal p in token
of victory ; and , setting aside our civilized horror of that bloody trophy , there is something nobly chivalric in thus providing for the glory of an enemy . But in the stern and worn aspect of many of these men , and the amazing acuteness of thoir senses of sight and hearing , it was easy to trace their life of forest hardshi
p outlying days and nights on the Ai'ar-path and in pursuit of the moose and the deer , and folloAving up their game din-innhours of intense toil , urged on by the ' terriblc knoAA-led ge that they must bo successful or there ivould be no food Avithin their lodges ; and probably the sufferings of those hours form a fair set off to the menial labours of their squaws .
It astonishes one to hear from tlie lips of those Avild Avarriors tones soft and clear almost as a woman ' s ; and they are certainly not without their influence in rendering effectiA'e their far famed oratory , as Ave had an opportunity of judging when , during our stay , a council was held by the ollicers of the post and the principal chiefs , to settle the preliminaries
of a treaty . The scene Avas a most interesting one . The English officers and officials Avere in full uniform , and their scarlet and gold flashed imposingly in the eyes of the chiefs , AVIIO were mostly attired in their Avar costume , ivith fresh suits of paintand long eagle ' s feathers floating from their war tufts
, over their naked shoulders , while endless silver bracelets and bells flashed in the sunli ght and jingled softl y on their wrists and leggings . In addition , many of the chiefs wore mantles of scarlet cloth draped classically round them ; while others Avere Avrapped iu large skins , emblazoned in savage heraldry ivith their "totems "—that is , tlie resemblance of the animal
AA'hose name they bear , which they regard as their titular spirit , and believe Avatches over their safety . After the " pipe of peace" had been smoked , the proceedings began ; and thafc council might advantageously have been taken as a model b y many a more civilized assembly , so close and courteous was tlie attention each member paid to what fell from another—until in his turn , taking in his
hand the Avampum belt ( the badge of peace ) , he addressed the meeting with great earnestness and dignity , and ivith much gesticulation , and , moreover , in a voice so skilfully modulated that , Avhen once we had gained the clue to fche subject , Ave scarcely needed to aAvait the interpreter ' s translation to learn the speaker ' s opinion , though sometimes Ave
were struck by admiration of the force of language and richness of imageiy the speeches preserved even in translation . As the council dreAv near its close , a chief Ave had hitherto overlooked came forward to address the assembly . He Avas a calm , intelligent looking man , with a mild , thoughtful expression in his deep eyes , contrasting forcibly ivith the
flashing orbs of those around him . He ivas without paint or feathers , or show or glitter of any sort ; but , ivhen once lie began to speak , his Avords flowed with startling energy , and ivere full of the closest and most subtle reasoning . He ivas in every way the most powerful man there , being king of the Winnebagoes , the ruler of a mighty nation , and an orator so renowned , ei'en among an eloquent race , that they had bestowed on him tlie name of the Son of Thunder .
In one corner of the council sat a richly dressed Indian woman , a most unusual intruder on such a scene , for the squaiv has no voice hi either public or prii'ate affairs , but must submit in all things to the will of her husband , like a bondswoman as she is . But this Avoman sat calmly by , neither seeking to attract notice noi-yet shrinking from it , but watching Avith Avrapfc attention every ivord Avhich jiassed in the
assembly , Avhile every UOAV and then her form dilated or her eye flashed , according as affairs progressed agreeably to her Avishes , or the reA'erse . She ivas the queen of the Winnebagoes , and had obtained this unprecedented consideration partly in consequence of her being a great chief's daughter , but principally from her great genius for politics , in which
she Avas unequalled by any man of her nation ; and it was said the Son of Thunder nei-er took any step of importance Avithout consulting his AA'ife upon ifc . Subsequently to this Ave saw much of their Winnebngoe majesties , who paid us many visits , for wherever the Son of Thunder was , there Avas his queen also , not walkin g behind
in slavish Indian fashion , but by his side , his most trusted friend and counsellor . lie ivas Avont to say emphatically that " she ivas a Avoman Avho never told a lie , " if it Avere so the Winnebagoes ivere much better and the other Indian nations much worse than wo had hitherto believed . But she certainly ivas a highfy talented woman , and , all Indian though she was , her wit and poivers of mimicry made her a most amusine- visitor .
As a body the Indians are remarkably intelligent , and can readily comprehend the use of any scientific instrument ; what amazed them most ivas the Avonders of a microscope , but seeing it in the possession of a doctor , they muttered significantly— " mishihiwiniuic "—( medicine-man , or conjurer ) , evidently considering that the Ai'hole secret AA'as to be found in his powerful magic . Yet one of the Avildest of these
Indians , Avho had noA'cr before seen a map , so far comprehended one shown to him as to be able to trace on it Avith his own hand the course of a river near the Bear Lake ; and other Indians to Avhom the map AA'as subsequently shown , said it was done correctly . Shortly after returning from the council , a sudden clang ot
music and a group of dark forms outside our tent , drew us to the door . Ifc ivas a party of young Indians come according to custom , to do us honour by dancing before our residence . Dancing among the Indians is not as wirh us , a mere amusement , but enters into nearly every phase of their lives . Indeedexcept a council , a dance more or loss solemn appears
, to precede every step of importance . This complimentary dance began ivith a sloiv circular movement , beating time to a monotonous song , Avith the addition of drums and IIOUOAV calabashes filled AA'ith peas , the whole being productive of anythin ? but harmony . Bnt this