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History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
By * b Bro . "WILLIAM JAMES HUGJIAST , 1 S = , & e , ( Continued from page 342 . ) Brother Thomas Groube was interred on April 28 th , and on May ISfcli Brother "William Eetalliek was interred . Tbe Avidow , it is stated , presented the
brethren who attended , with g loves . The lodge Avas invited to attend the festival of St . John , at Redruth , on June 24 th , which request was responded to by the members . August 22 nd . — "An extra lodge , called in the
absence of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Arundel , presided . Bro . Poole recommended Mr . " Wm . Brooke to be made an E . A . P ., he leaving town to-morrow , it was unanimously agreed to by the brethren present , on which he was made E . A . P . and P . O . " This is the
first instance of a Warden initiating in the Love and Honour Lodge . Undoubtedly such ivas the practice of the ancient lodges , and we can see no objection to the custom being carried out now in any country where the Grand Master does not recognise the
Installed Masters' degree , e . g . Scotland , but under Grand Lodges Avhere that degree is recognised as a part of Craft Masonry belonging to the York Eite , it seems to us that there are grave objections to a Warden initiating or occupying the Master ' s chair ,
during his absence , or when any regularly qualified brother is not in the lodge , although under such circumstances be might rule tbe lodge . This subject is still open to question , and as the constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England are not considered explicit on the matter , we hope certainty will soon take the
place of the present equivocal position and privileges of a Warden in this country . The next twenty meetings , although of an interesting nature , Avere not such as to require recording here . We may just say that several gentlemen of position were initiated , and the general prosperity of the lodge continued unabated .
The Tyler was relieved by the Secretary at this time , as his necessities required , being ill and in poor circumstances . The P . G . M . occupied the chair , 24 th June , 1758 , at the annual festival . The officers ' names appointed at the meeting are unfortunately
omitted , notwithstanding space Avas left in the minute for that purpose . The Master of the Truro Lodge , Bro . Young , and his Warden , Bro . Penrose , Avith other brethren attended as visitors . At the next election of officers , Bro . Arundel was chosen Master for the
ensuing season , who appointed Bro . Lilly , Senior , and Bro . Poole , Junior Wardens . "A quarterly communication being ordered on Tuesday , the 2 Gth September ,
the Masters and Wardens were ordered to attend and carry with them two guineas for the general charity . Ordered ( Sept . 14 th ) that a messenger be sent to Eedruth for the candlestick lent by the lodge , also the colours lent by Bro . Bluett ; likewise a letter to Bro . Bennett , including the bill for the collars , with
a desire to return the jewels , and that a new set be sent for the use of the lodge . JST . B . —The jewels cost 19 s . each . " The custom to simply put the dates and the very brief notice of "No particular business " on all general occasions , AA'as adopted by the Secretary ,
and thus the majority of the meetings ai * e disposed of much easier than noAV , yet certainly not on that account to be commended , as Ave much prefer tbe present method of inserting the names of the brethren iu attendance , and all the business transacted afc the
various meetings , whether special or not , in the minute-book . June 25 th , 1759 , Celebration of St . John . —Some twenty brethren dined together , hut no appointment of officers is mentioned , and a little laxity in lodge
duties is apparent . On August 13 fch , 17 G 1 , Bro . Captain Francis Bassett Avas made an E . A . P . and P . O . at an emergent
meeting , being liable to be called away upon service . Lodge in ample form , Oct . 29 th , 1761 ; Provincial in the lodge . Bro . Thomas Yonge Avas by ballot chosen Master , AA'ho appointed Bro . Alexander Moses , Senior Warden ; Bro . Thomas Dickerson , Junior Warden * Bro . Matthew Allison , Secretary . For the first time
the names of the brethren who attended are registered , and Bro . Allison again resumes his duties as Secretary of tlie lodge to our delight , as we can read his Avriting much easier than that of his late substitute . JNovember 12 th , 1761 . —Lodge in due form . November
20 th . —Lodge in ample form . The precise meaning attached to the terms "ample" and "due" is nofc indicated according to any authority Ave know of about this date , neither can we gather from the " Book of Constitutions" in force anything i ^ osifcive on the subject or definite in those of later dates .
" Constitutions , " 1756 , declare that the Grand Master after his election AVUS to be saluted by all the members of Grand Lodge in clue form . On November 22 nd , 1725 , it was ordained that the "Master of a lodge , Avith his Wardens and a competent number of the lodge assembled in due form , can make Masters and Fellows at discretion . " The
present rule is to consider the lodge opened in ample form , due form , and form , respectively , when the Grand Master , the Provincial Grand Master , and the Master ( or other qualified officer ) presides . Evidently the Secretaries' plan AA'as to describe the lodge opened in ample form when the P . G . M . presided , and in due form , and form , when the D . P . G . M . or the Master and an inferior officer , respectively , occu-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of Freemasonry In Cornwall.
By * b Bro . "WILLIAM JAMES HUGJIAST , 1 S = , & e , ( Continued from page 342 . ) Brother Thomas Groube was interred on April 28 th , and on May ISfcli Brother "William Eetalliek was interred . Tbe Avidow , it is stated , presented the
brethren who attended , with g loves . The lodge Avas invited to attend the festival of St . John , at Redruth , on June 24 th , which request was responded to by the members . August 22 nd . — "An extra lodge , called in the
absence of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Arundel , presided . Bro . Poole recommended Mr . " Wm . Brooke to be made an E . A . P ., he leaving town to-morrow , it was unanimously agreed to by the brethren present , on which he was made E . A . P . and P . O . " This is the
first instance of a Warden initiating in the Love and Honour Lodge . Undoubtedly such ivas the practice of the ancient lodges , and we can see no objection to the custom being carried out now in any country where the Grand Master does not recognise the
Installed Masters' degree , e . g . Scotland , but under Grand Lodges Avhere that degree is recognised as a part of Craft Masonry belonging to the York Eite , it seems to us that there are grave objections to a Warden initiating or occupying the Master ' s chair ,
during his absence , or when any regularly qualified brother is not in the lodge , although under such circumstances be might rule tbe lodge . This subject is still open to question , and as the constitutions of the Grand Lodge of England are not considered explicit on the matter , we hope certainty will soon take the
place of the present equivocal position and privileges of a Warden in this country . The next twenty meetings , although of an interesting nature , Avere not such as to require recording here . We may just say that several gentlemen of position were initiated , and the general prosperity of the lodge continued unabated .
The Tyler was relieved by the Secretary at this time , as his necessities required , being ill and in poor circumstances . The P . G . M . occupied the chair , 24 th June , 1758 , at the annual festival . The officers ' names appointed at the meeting are unfortunately
omitted , notwithstanding space Avas left in the minute for that purpose . The Master of the Truro Lodge , Bro . Young , and his Warden , Bro . Penrose , Avith other brethren attended as visitors . At the next election of officers , Bro . Arundel was chosen Master for the
ensuing season , who appointed Bro . Lilly , Senior , and Bro . Poole , Junior Wardens . "A quarterly communication being ordered on Tuesday , the 2 Gth September ,
the Masters and Wardens were ordered to attend and carry with them two guineas for the general charity . Ordered ( Sept . 14 th ) that a messenger be sent to Eedruth for the candlestick lent by the lodge , also the colours lent by Bro . Bluett ; likewise a letter to Bro . Bennett , including the bill for the collars , with
a desire to return the jewels , and that a new set be sent for the use of the lodge . JST . B . —The jewels cost 19 s . each . " The custom to simply put the dates and the very brief notice of "No particular business " on all general occasions , AA'as adopted by the Secretary ,
and thus the majority of the meetings ai * e disposed of much easier than noAV , yet certainly not on that account to be commended , as Ave much prefer tbe present method of inserting the names of the brethren iu attendance , and all the business transacted afc the
various meetings , whether special or not , in the minute-book . June 25 th , 1759 , Celebration of St . John . —Some twenty brethren dined together , hut no appointment of officers is mentioned , and a little laxity in lodge
duties is apparent . On August 13 fch , 17 G 1 , Bro . Captain Francis Bassett Avas made an E . A . P . and P . O . at an emergent
meeting , being liable to be called away upon service . Lodge in ample form , Oct . 29 th , 1761 ; Provincial in the lodge . Bro . Thomas Yonge Avas by ballot chosen Master , AA'ho appointed Bro . Alexander Moses , Senior Warden ; Bro . Thomas Dickerson , Junior Warden * Bro . Matthew Allison , Secretary . For the first time
the names of the brethren who attended are registered , and Bro . Allison again resumes his duties as Secretary of tlie lodge to our delight , as we can read his Avriting much easier than that of his late substitute . JNovember 12 th , 1761 . —Lodge in due form . November
20 th . —Lodge in ample form . The precise meaning attached to the terms "ample" and "due" is nofc indicated according to any authority Ave know of about this date , neither can we gather from the " Book of Constitutions" in force anything i ^ osifcive on the subject or definite in those of later dates .
" Constitutions , " 1756 , declare that the Grand Master after his election AVUS to be saluted by all the members of Grand Lodge in clue form . On November 22 nd , 1725 , it was ordained that the "Master of a lodge , Avith his Wardens and a competent number of the lodge assembled in due form , can make Masters and Fellows at discretion . " The
present rule is to consider the lodge opened in ample form , due form , and form , respectively , when the Grand Master , the Provincial Grand Master , and the Master ( or other qualified officer ) presides . Evidently the Secretaries' plan AA'as to describe the lodge opened in ample form when the P . G . M . presided , and in due form , and form , when the D . P . G . M . or the Master and an inferior officer , respectively , occu-