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Masonic Notes And Queries.
not a Christian , has become a member , ancl , it seems , he UOAV causes considerable annoyance by frequent and loud complaints that the sight of the Bible , placed before the Worshi p ful Master , is to him something intolerable . I venture to suggest that representations should be made to this Brother that he is aA'ailing himself of the Lodge ' s tolerance to manifest
his intolerance ; and then , if he is a true Freemason , the complaints will cease . — CHARLES PUETON COOPEE . SOUL ' S PRE-EXISTENCE . A Brother has been misinformed . It is Monsieur Jean Reynaud , AA'ho in his book entitled , " Terre et Ciel , " makes the Soul ' s pre-existence the basis of a neAV system of Reli gious Philosophy . —CHARLES PUETON COOPEE .
DUKE OE ORLEANS ( JSgalite ) . The fragmentary notes respecting a man , famous alike in the history of the Revolution and in that of Freemasonry , which are here subjoined , form part of a collection filling several pages of a Common-Place Book , and are sent to the FEEEITASONS' MAGAZINE
as affording , substantially , all the information desired by a Brother at Nottingham , Avhose letter reached me a few days ago . 1 . The 2 Gth June , 1771 , Meeting of the Grand Lodge , at Avhich the Duke of Orleans ( the Duke of Chartres ) was proclaimed Grand Master of French Freemasons . 2 . The 7 th October ,
1773 , a deputation of Freemasons congratulate the Duke of Orleans upon the birth of the Duke of Yalois , afterwards King Louis Philippe . 3 . The 2 Sth October , 1773 , the installation of the Duke of Orleans , fifth Grand Master of French Freemasons , takes place " dans sa petite Maison dite la Folie-TitonRue
, de Montreuil , Faubourg Saint Antoine . " 4 » . "Apres la morfc du Comte de Clermont leDuc de Chartres se fit nommer Grand Maitre cle tous les Francsmaeons de France , et l'influence de cette secte put l ' aider beaucoup , par la suite , clans ses projets politiques . " 5 . "La vie du Due d'Orleans a ete le sujet d'une
foule d' eerits dont la plupart sout pen "digues de la postdritd . Ce sout presque tous des pamphlets de circonstance , ou les injuries et les accusations sont accumulees sans choix et sans discernement . " — CHAELES PUETON COOPEE .
SOMETHING TO AVHICH EEEEilASONEY AA'ITHOUT RELIGION MAY BE LIKENED . Bro . * * * Fancy the telegraphic wire , poles , and signs without the electric fluid , and you have something to which you may very properly liken the Freemasonry Avhich is Avithout Religion . —CHARLES
PUETON COOPEE . HOMO SIBI BEL'S . Bro . * * * in these three words you have the theological creed of thousands in fche countries Avhich you mention ; and of those thousands very many , I ara told , are Freemasons . —C . P . COOPEE .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . MASONIC TITLES . TO THE EDITOR OP THE EIIEKirASOXs' MAGAZINE AND 3 IASONIC MIHIIOIt . DEAR SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I see very often in your journal , when reporting the meetings of Pro-
vincial Grand Lodges , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master styled fli ght Worshipful . This is Avrong ! there are Right Worshipful , Worship ful , and Brother ; the first are members of the Grand Lodge . The second , brethren AA'ho have ruled lodges and so are Past Masters . And the last ,
brethren Avho haA'e not passed the chair . Tlie Right AVorshipful brethren are the Deputy Grand Master , the Grand Wardens , and Provincial Grand Masters , and the Past Officers of those positions , these being members of tlie Grand Lodge . The Grand Deacons are but subordinate officers , but they are styled Worshipful , not as belonging to the Grand Lodge , but in virtue of being Past Masters , Avithout Avhich rank thev cannot he Grand Deacons .
The Chaplains , Treasurer , Registrar , and Secretary are called Very Worshipful . Provincial Grand Masters are Big ht Worshipful because holding this hig h rank they are members of Grand Lodge , vide Constitutions . Deputy Provincial Grand Masters are not members
of the Grand Lodge , so are only styled Worshipful , not because they are Provincial Deputy Grand Masters , but because they are Past Masters of lodges , without being so they cannot hold the rank of Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; and so with the Provincial Grand Wardens , the Provincial Grand Deacons , they
may he Worshipful or not as they have or have not governed lodges . This is the true meaning of the different appellations . The Deputy Grand Masters and members of Grand Lodge that is Wardens , not the subordinate officerstake the riht of the Master ' s chair in all
, g lodges they visit , not Grand Deacons . In Provincial Grand Lodge down to Wardens take the right of the Master's chair when visiting lodges in their OAVU province , no where else . Deacons take Past Master ' s place if Past Masters , if not , only as other brethren .
I send you this because many assume Avhat they are not entitled to , and as it is not clearly laid down in our Constitutions it may he instructive so some . Yours faithfully and fraternally , "A . S . G . "
Caution As To The Admission Of Candidates.
TO THH ElHTOr . 01 ? THE EltEKUASOXS' HAGAZIXE AXI ) 3 IAS 021 IC MIltHOE . DEAR SIR AND BEOTHEE , —In your reports of lodge meetings I have noticed frequent commendations of the very excellent and much needed circular addressed by the Grand Master to the heads of the several provinces , calling attention to the facilities for the admission of unworthy men to our Craftand
, for the reception , Avithout due inquiry , in distant lodges , of those who have been rejected elseAvhere . In my experience of nearly twenty years , I have knoAvn two cases of the latter kind . In the first , I myself strongly objected to the admission of a gentleman into the lodge of which I AA'as then S . W . and
subsequently W . M . His name AA'as in consequence AvithdraAvn . Very shortly after I found that he had obtained initiation in a lodge eight miles distant . Had he then come to my lodge as a visitor , I must
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
not a Christian , has become a member , ancl , it seems , he UOAV causes considerable annoyance by frequent and loud complaints that the sight of the Bible , placed before the Worshi p ful Master , is to him something intolerable . I venture to suggest that representations should be made to this Brother that he is aA'ailing himself of the Lodge ' s tolerance to manifest
his intolerance ; and then , if he is a true Freemason , the complaints will cease . — CHARLES PUETON COOPEE . SOUL ' S PRE-EXISTENCE . A Brother has been misinformed . It is Monsieur Jean Reynaud , AA'ho in his book entitled , " Terre et Ciel , " makes the Soul ' s pre-existence the basis of a neAV system of Reli gious Philosophy . —CHARLES PUETON COOPEE .
DUKE OE ORLEANS ( JSgalite ) . The fragmentary notes respecting a man , famous alike in the history of the Revolution and in that of Freemasonry , which are here subjoined , form part of a collection filling several pages of a Common-Place Book , and are sent to the FEEEITASONS' MAGAZINE
as affording , substantially , all the information desired by a Brother at Nottingham , Avhose letter reached me a few days ago . 1 . The 2 Gth June , 1771 , Meeting of the Grand Lodge , at Avhich the Duke of Orleans ( the Duke of Chartres ) was proclaimed Grand Master of French Freemasons . 2 . The 7 th October ,
1773 , a deputation of Freemasons congratulate the Duke of Orleans upon the birth of the Duke of Yalois , afterwards King Louis Philippe . 3 . The 2 Sth October , 1773 , the installation of the Duke of Orleans , fifth Grand Master of French Freemasons , takes place " dans sa petite Maison dite la Folie-TitonRue
, de Montreuil , Faubourg Saint Antoine . " 4 » . "Apres la morfc du Comte de Clermont leDuc de Chartres se fit nommer Grand Maitre cle tous les Francsmaeons de France , et l'influence de cette secte put l ' aider beaucoup , par la suite , clans ses projets politiques . " 5 . "La vie du Due d'Orleans a ete le sujet d'une
foule d' eerits dont la plupart sout pen "digues de la postdritd . Ce sout presque tous des pamphlets de circonstance , ou les injuries et les accusations sont accumulees sans choix et sans discernement . " — CHAELES PUETON COOPEE .
SOMETHING TO AVHICH EEEEilASONEY AA'ITHOUT RELIGION MAY BE LIKENED . Bro . * * * Fancy the telegraphic wire , poles , and signs without the electric fluid , and you have something to which you may very properly liken the Freemasonry Avhich is Avithout Religion . —CHARLES
PUETON COOPEE . HOMO SIBI BEL'S . Bro . * * * in these three words you have the theological creed of thousands in fche countries Avhich you mention ; and of those thousands very many , I ara told , are Freemasons . —C . P . COOPEE .
The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by Correspondents . MASONIC TITLES . TO THE EDITOR OP THE EIIEKirASOXs' MAGAZINE AND 3 IASONIC MIHIIOIt . DEAR SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I see very often in your journal , when reporting the meetings of Pro-
vincial Grand Lodges , the Deputy Provincial Grand Master styled fli ght Worshipful . This is Avrong ! there are Right Worshipful , Worship ful , and Brother ; the first are members of the Grand Lodge . The second , brethren AA'ho have ruled lodges and so are Past Masters . And the last ,
brethren Avho haA'e not passed the chair . Tlie Right AVorshipful brethren are the Deputy Grand Master , the Grand Wardens , and Provincial Grand Masters , and the Past Officers of those positions , these being members of tlie Grand Lodge . The Grand Deacons are but subordinate officers , but they are styled Worshipful , not as belonging to the Grand Lodge , but in virtue of being Past Masters , Avithout Avhich rank thev cannot he Grand Deacons .
The Chaplains , Treasurer , Registrar , and Secretary are called Very Worshipful . Provincial Grand Masters are Big ht Worshipful because holding this hig h rank they are members of Grand Lodge , vide Constitutions . Deputy Provincial Grand Masters are not members
of the Grand Lodge , so are only styled Worshipful , not because they are Provincial Deputy Grand Masters , but because they are Past Masters of lodges , without being so they cannot hold the rank of Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; and so with the Provincial Grand Wardens , the Provincial Grand Deacons , they
may he Worshipful or not as they have or have not governed lodges . This is the true meaning of the different appellations . The Deputy Grand Masters and members of Grand Lodge that is Wardens , not the subordinate officerstake the riht of the Master ' s chair in all
, g lodges they visit , not Grand Deacons . In Provincial Grand Lodge down to Wardens take the right of the Master's chair when visiting lodges in their OAVU province , no where else . Deacons take Past Master ' s place if Past Masters , if not , only as other brethren .
I send you this because many assume Avhat they are not entitled to , and as it is not clearly laid down in our Constitutions it may he instructive so some . Yours faithfully and fraternally , "A . S . G . "
Caution As To The Admission Of Candidates.
TO THH ElHTOr . 01 ? THE EltEKUASOXS' HAGAZIXE AXI ) 3 IAS 021 IC MIltHOE . DEAR SIR AND BEOTHEE , —In your reports of lodge meetings I have noticed frequent commendations of the very excellent and much needed circular addressed by the Grand Master to the heads of the several provinces , calling attention to the facilities for the admission of unworthy men to our Craftand
, for the reception , Avithout due inquiry , in distant lodges , of those who have been rejected elseAvhere . In my experience of nearly twenty years , I have knoAvn two cases of the latter kind . In the first , I myself strongly objected to the admission of a gentleman into the lodge of which I AA'as then S . W . and
subsequently W . M . His name AA'as in consequence AvithdraAvn . Very shortly after I found that he had obtained initiation in a lodge eight miles distant . Had he then come to my lodge as a visitor , I must