Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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officers ( Bro . Kurton , I . G ., acting as S . "W . ) at the White Horse Tavern , Little Britain , on Tuesday , the lGth ult ., when , after the preliminary business had been disposed of , the W . M . very ably Avorked the first ceremony , ancl numerous brethren having joined as members , it was resolved to hold It in future at the above house , every Tuesday throughout the year , at half-past seven . Bro . Challoner , of Lodgo No . 45 , was elected Treasurer , ancl Bro . T . Vesper , P . M . 554 , Hon . Sec . After a vote of thanks
to the W . M . ancl brethren of the Strong Man Lodge , the lodgo Avas closed and adjourned , ancl has met every Tuesday since . On Tuesday last , Bro . J . Lephistrier ivas the W . M . for the evening , and A-ery ably worked the third ceremony ; Bro . Welsford , assisted by the brethren , Avorked the first and second sections of the first degree ,- ' Bro . Kurton , I . G ., Avas elected W . M . for the folloAving week , and the lodge adjourned . We have much pleasure in recommending this lodge of instruction to the notice of our city brethren .
Dome LODGE or IITSTBUCTIOU - ( NO . 933 ) . The annual banquet meeting of this exemplary , hard Avorking lodge of instruction took place , ancl was celebrated Avith unusual eclat , on the 2 nd inst ., at Bro . Seurr ' s , the Three Cranes Tavern , Mile-end-road . The lodge having been opened , and closed in due form , and according to ancient custom , by the W . M ., Bro . Barnes , Sen ., supported by his well-drilled and efficient officers , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , and , as Bro . Seurr is so
Avell and deservedly known as an admirable caterer Aipon tho festive occasions of similar gatherings of the Craft , it will be sufficient for us to state that every provision Avas made for the creatine comforts of those assembled . The tables were replete with all that coulcl he desired to promote " the feast of reason and the flow of the soul . " The viands and Avines Avere excellent . The attendants were provided in ample numbers , and were prompt and Avell up to their duties . About forty brethren in
all sat down , including amongst those Avhom we noticed , Bros . Barnes , sen ., W . M . ; Yetton , S . W . ; and llobottom , J . W . ; with a formidable muster of the members of the lodge of instruction , including the veteran Instructor , Bro . Saqui , Bros . Stevens , Bowrou , Dr . Swyer , Alston , Fordharn , Pickett , jarman , Shenton , & c . Amongst the visiting brethren we noticed Bros . Hamilton , and Hudson , P . M . ' s Varboro Lodge . No . 554 ; W . J . Harris , P . M . United Mariners' Lodge , No . 30 ; C . Harris , P . M . British
Oak Loclge , No . 831 ; Hemingway , Merchant Navy Lodge , No . 781 ; Roberts , Varboro Lodge , No . 554 ; with numerous other Avell known brethren . Tho cloth having been drawn , and grace returned , the customary loyal ancl Masonic toasts Avere given , and , as usual amongst Freemasons , most cordially received . The AV . M . then gave the toast of " Prosperity to the Doric Mother Loclge , No . 993 , " coupling therewith the name of their esteemed Bro . SeurrI . P . M . of the mother
, lodge . The toast having been right Avarmly received , Bro . SteA'ens rendered in an admirable manner the song of " The Likeness . " Bro . Scran thanked the W . M . for tho honour done the mother lodge in the last toast . Hc . was glad to find that there Avere amongst them this evening so many members of the Doric mother loclge , as that was an evidence of the interest taken by
the mother lodge in the welfare and prosperity of its nursery ; ancl he could assure tho W . M . and members of the Lodge of Instruction that the mother lodge was well pleased Avith the Instruction Lodgo ancl tlie progress made by her members in the truths of Freemasonry . The toast of " Prosperity to the Doric Lodge of Instruction , " Avith Avhich Bro . Saqui ' s name was coupled , followed , and was most cordially received . Bro . HUDSON animated the brethren with a favourite and
appropriate sea song . Bro . SAQIM , in returning thanks , said he regretted ho was not sufficiently gifted to state in so lucid a manner as he could wish , his appreciation of tin : kind manner in which the toast first given had been rendered , and with which his name , as Preceptor , had been identified . Bro . Saqui then proceeded , in a few pointedly spoken words , to recapitulate some of the many advantages to the Craft arising from loclgesof instructionand
. , their labours . As important auxiliaries to our charities , Bro . Saqui gave some very pleasing evidence of the tangible support rendered in that direction by lodges of instruction . BIT-. Saqui Avould not conceal the fact from those present , that it was a matter of gratification to him to find that his humble efforts had met Avith such a cordial acknowledgment ; his sole desire in persistently labouring as an instructor in Freemasonry
Avas to see the thing properly clone , ancl that every officer and member of our lodges should ho capable of creditably performing the several duties devolving upon them ; and that they should ' be well versed in the truths and beauties of Freemasonry as imparted in tho instruction lodges . When he looked round him and saw so many brethren young in the Craft , whom ifc had been his pleasing lot to instruct , now able to take position with accomplished Mnsons of much older standing : ifc was a pleasing evidence of AA'hafc could be accou . pished by a constant attention to the duties of lodges of instruction ; and , to this he mainly attributed the efficiency which was now generally received as oliaracterisinar the workin < r of lodges at the East End of London ,
ancl he alluded more especially to the younger lodges . Bro . W . J . HAEEIS , P . M . of the United Mariners' Lodge , rose with pleasure to endorse Bro . Saqui ' s remarks as to the important part Avhich our Masonic Charities formed in the organisation of English Freemasonry , ancl of the material aid rendered to our charities by lodges of instruction ; Bro . Harris , as one of the earliest supporters of tbe United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , had much pleasure in bearing testimony to the
services rendered by Bro . Saqui as a zealous and never-tiring preceptor . He ( Bro . Harris ) when in the chair , had ever found Bro . Saqui ready with good offices . He never had occasion to call for , or send for him , when required , but he came , ancl that promptly and willingly . Bro . Harris considered Bro . Saqui to be a genuine Mason , ancl also a most useful one ; and Avhen he ( Bro . ~ Harris ) on retiring from the chair of the United Mariners ' Lodge , was presented with a testimonial , he felt a gratefulness to Bro . Saqui , which he should ever continue to feel in appreciation of the assistance and instruction he had received at the
hands of that esteemed brother . Bros . IEOXS , HAMILTON , and BABNES , Sen ., folloAved Bro . Harris , on behalf of their respective Lodges of Instruction , which they represented in awarding to Bro . Saqui that commendation which he so deservedly merits as the pains-taking preceptor to whom so many of the brethren , more especially of the Metropolis , were indebted for the efficiency they had been enable to arrive at in the discharge of their Masonic duties ,
and generally , for their progress in the Craft . Bro . BAEXES , Sen ., in referring to the United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , regretted that though thafc Avas one of the oldest Lodges of Instruction at the East-end , it was nofc in that flourishing state enjoyed by the other Instruction Lodges of much more recent formation : indeed he regretted to say the United Mariners' Lodge of instruction was in a languishing state . He trusted , therefore , that as many of the members of thafc
the younger Lodges of Instruction had been nurtured in Lodge of Instruction , to Avhich they Avere so much indebted for their Masonic education , he ( Bro . Barnes ) trusted the brethren would rally in strong numbers around their alma mater , resus „ citato , and support it . The toast of " The Visitors to tho Doric Loclge of Instruction" having been given , AVRS mosfc cordially received . Bro . Jarman rendered most effectively the beautiful melody , " The last rose of summer . " Bros . MOEEISOX and HAEEI ? returned thanks on behalf of
the visiting brethren . Bro . Morrison obliged the brethren with the song of "The bold chamois hunter . " Br . BAIVSES , Sen ., in proposing the toast of " The Masonic Charities , " coupling therewith the name of Bro . Keddell , remarked that Charity AVUS the chief ornament of the Order , ancl he often regretted that nature had not endowed liim Avith the ability to speak on this important subject as he coulcl wish ; he
regretted his tongue would net respond to his heart . Song by Bro . Yetton . Bro ^ ExDDEii , as a steAvard . for one of the coming festivals , responded on behalf of the toast of the Masonic Charities in a few very appropriate words . He pleaded earnestly for onr charities generally , and that in particular which he hacl undertaken to represent . He reminded the brethren of the beautiful
Scriptural sentence , 'He who givc-tli to the poor lendeth to the Lord . " Bro . HAEEIS , P . M . United Mariners' Lodge , stated his own experiences of the excellence and value of our Masonic Charities , and instanced the case of a boy whose admission to the Boys' School had been mainly effected by the endeavours of the lodjiC which Bro . Harris represented , and so pleased were Bro . Harris and his wife upon the occasion of their visiting the school , after the admission of the boy , that he became a life governor , and his wife a subscriber to this excellent institution ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
officers ( Bro . Kurton , I . G ., acting as S . "W . ) at the White Horse Tavern , Little Britain , on Tuesday , the lGth ult ., when , after the preliminary business had been disposed of , the W . M . very ably Avorked the first ceremony , ancl numerous brethren having joined as members , it was resolved to hold It in future at the above house , every Tuesday throughout the year , at half-past seven . Bro . Challoner , of Lodgo No . 45 , was elected Treasurer , ancl Bro . T . Vesper , P . M . 554 , Hon . Sec . After a vote of thanks
to the W . M . ancl brethren of the Strong Man Lodge , the lodgo Avas closed and adjourned , ancl has met every Tuesday since . On Tuesday last , Bro . J . Lephistrier ivas the W . M . for the evening , and A-ery ably worked the third ceremony ; Bro . Welsford , assisted by the brethren , Avorked the first and second sections of the first degree ,- ' Bro . Kurton , I . G ., Avas elected W . M . for the folloAving week , and the lodge adjourned . We have much pleasure in recommending this lodge of instruction to the notice of our city brethren .
Dome LODGE or IITSTBUCTIOU - ( NO . 933 ) . The annual banquet meeting of this exemplary , hard Avorking lodge of instruction took place , ancl was celebrated Avith unusual eclat , on the 2 nd inst ., at Bro . Seurr ' s , the Three Cranes Tavern , Mile-end-road . The lodge having been opened , and closed in due form , and according to ancient custom , by the W . M ., Bro . Barnes , Sen ., supported by his well-drilled and efficient officers , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , and , as Bro . Seurr is so
Avell and deservedly known as an admirable caterer Aipon tho festive occasions of similar gatherings of the Craft , it will be sufficient for us to state that every provision Avas made for the creatine comforts of those assembled . The tables were replete with all that coulcl he desired to promote " the feast of reason and the flow of the soul . " The viands and Avines Avere excellent . The attendants were provided in ample numbers , and were prompt and Avell up to their duties . About forty brethren in
all sat down , including amongst those Avhom we noticed , Bros . Barnes , sen ., W . M . ; Yetton , S . W . ; and llobottom , J . W . ; with a formidable muster of the members of the lodge of instruction , including the veteran Instructor , Bro . Saqui , Bros . Stevens , Bowrou , Dr . Swyer , Alston , Fordharn , Pickett , jarman , Shenton , & c . Amongst the visiting brethren we noticed Bros . Hamilton , and Hudson , P . M . ' s Varboro Lodge . No . 554 ; W . J . Harris , P . M . United Mariners' Lodge , No . 30 ; C . Harris , P . M . British
Oak Loclge , No . 831 ; Hemingway , Merchant Navy Lodge , No . 781 ; Roberts , Varboro Lodge , No . 554 ; with numerous other Avell known brethren . Tho cloth having been drawn , and grace returned , the customary loyal ancl Masonic toasts Avere given , and , as usual amongst Freemasons , most cordially received . The AV . M . then gave the toast of " Prosperity to the Doric Mother Loclge , No . 993 , " coupling therewith the name of their esteemed Bro . SeurrI . P . M . of the mother
, lodge . The toast having been right Avarmly received , Bro . SteA'ens rendered in an admirable manner the song of " The Likeness . " Bro . Scran thanked the W . M . for tho honour done the mother lodge in the last toast . Hc . was glad to find that there Avere amongst them this evening so many members of the Doric mother loclge , as that was an evidence of the interest taken by
the mother lodge in the welfare and prosperity of its nursery ; ancl he could assure tho W . M . and members of the Lodge of Instruction that the mother lodge was well pleased Avith the Instruction Lodgo ancl tlie progress made by her members in the truths of Freemasonry . The toast of " Prosperity to the Doric Lodge of Instruction , " Avith Avhich Bro . Saqui ' s name was coupled , followed , and was most cordially received . Bro . HUDSON animated the brethren with a favourite and
appropriate sea song . Bro . SAQIM , in returning thanks , said he regretted ho was not sufficiently gifted to state in so lucid a manner as he could wish , his appreciation of tin : kind manner in which the toast first given had been rendered , and with which his name , as Preceptor , had been identified . Bro . Saqui then proceeded , in a few pointedly spoken words , to recapitulate some of the many advantages to the Craft arising from loclgesof instructionand
. , their labours . As important auxiliaries to our charities , Bro . Saqui gave some very pleasing evidence of the tangible support rendered in that direction by lodges of instruction . BIT-. Saqui Avould not conceal the fact from those present , that it was a matter of gratification to him to find that his humble efforts had met Avith such a cordial acknowledgment ; his sole desire in persistently labouring as an instructor in Freemasonry
Avas to see the thing properly clone , ancl that every officer and member of our lodges should ho capable of creditably performing the several duties devolving upon them ; and that they should ' be well versed in the truths and beauties of Freemasonry as imparted in tho instruction lodges . When he looked round him and saw so many brethren young in the Craft , whom ifc had been his pleasing lot to instruct , now able to take position with accomplished Mnsons of much older standing : ifc was a pleasing evidence of AA'hafc could be accou . pished by a constant attention to the duties of lodges of instruction ; and , to this he mainly attributed the efficiency which was now generally received as oliaracterisinar the workin < r of lodges at the East End of London ,
ancl he alluded more especially to the younger lodges . Bro . W . J . HAEEIS , P . M . of the United Mariners' Lodge , rose with pleasure to endorse Bro . Saqui ' s remarks as to the important part Avhich our Masonic Charities formed in the organisation of English Freemasonry , ancl of the material aid rendered to our charities by lodges of instruction ; Bro . Harris , as one of the earliest supporters of tbe United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , had much pleasure in bearing testimony to the
services rendered by Bro . Saqui as a zealous and never-tiring preceptor . He ( Bro . Harris ) when in the chair , had ever found Bro . Saqui ready with good offices . He never had occasion to call for , or send for him , when required , but he came , ancl that promptly and willingly . Bro . Harris considered Bro . Saqui to be a genuine Mason , ancl also a most useful one ; and Avhen he ( Bro . ~ Harris ) on retiring from the chair of the United Mariners ' Lodge , was presented with a testimonial , he felt a gratefulness to Bro . Saqui , which he should ever continue to feel in appreciation of the assistance and instruction he had received at the
hands of that esteemed brother . Bros . IEOXS , HAMILTON , and BABNES , Sen ., folloAved Bro . Harris , on behalf of their respective Lodges of Instruction , which they represented in awarding to Bro . Saqui that commendation which he so deservedly merits as the pains-taking preceptor to whom so many of the brethren , more especially of the Metropolis , were indebted for the efficiency they had been enable to arrive at in the discharge of their Masonic duties ,
and generally , for their progress in the Craft . Bro . BAEXES , Sen ., in referring to the United Mariners' Lodge of Instruction , regretted that though thafc Avas one of the oldest Lodges of Instruction at the East-end , it was nofc in that flourishing state enjoyed by the other Instruction Lodges of much more recent formation : indeed he regretted to say the United Mariners' Lodge of instruction was in a languishing state . He trusted , therefore , that as many of the members of thafc
the younger Lodges of Instruction had been nurtured in Lodge of Instruction , to Avhich they Avere so much indebted for their Masonic education , he ( Bro . Barnes ) trusted the brethren would rally in strong numbers around their alma mater , resus „ citato , and support it . The toast of " The Visitors to tho Doric Loclge of Instruction" having been given , AVRS mosfc cordially received . Bro . Jarman rendered most effectively the beautiful melody , " The last rose of summer . " Bros . MOEEISOX and HAEEI ? returned thanks on behalf of
the visiting brethren . Bro . Morrison obliged the brethren with the song of "The bold chamois hunter . " Br . BAIVSES , Sen ., in proposing the toast of " The Masonic Charities , " coupling therewith the name of Bro . Keddell , remarked that Charity AVUS the chief ornament of the Order , ancl he often regretted that nature had not endowed liim Avith the ability to speak on this important subject as he coulcl wish ; he
regretted his tongue would net respond to his heart . Song by Bro . Yetton . Bro ^ ExDDEii , as a steAvard . for one of the coming festivals , responded on behalf of the toast of the Masonic Charities in a few very appropriate words . He pleaded earnestly for onr charities generally , and that in particular which he hacl undertaken to represent . He reminded the brethren of the beautiful
Scriptural sentence , 'He who givc-tli to the poor lendeth to the Lord . " Bro . HAEEIS , P . M . United Mariners' Lodge , stated his own experiences of the excellence and value of our Masonic Charities , and instanced the case of a boy whose admission to the Boys' School had been mainly effected by the endeavours of the lodjiC which Bro . Harris represented , and so pleased were Bro . Harris and his wife upon the occasion of their visiting the school , after the admission of the boy , that he became a life governor , and his wife a subscriber to this excellent institution ,