Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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up to the third degree , and Bros . W . E . Vaughan ancl R . C . Jones were raised to the sublime degree in thafc impressive manner , ivith which the ceremony is always performed in the lodge . Lodge having been closed down to the second , and subsequently to the first degree , some routine business having been transacted , was finally closed in perfect harmony at eleven o ' clock . Your correspondent , who is only an occasional attendant at this lodgewas deeplimpressed with the able ancl
, y efficient manner with which the whole duties of a most arduous meeting , were performed by the able W . M . and his most intelligent and painstaking officers . The W . M . and his Wardens were also warmly congratulated after their recent appointment to important Prov . Grand Lodge offices , such distinction being felt to be clue only to deserving and distinguished merit anil ability .
WARWICKSHIRE . PEOA ' INCIAL GKAND LODGE . The annual meeting of Provincial Grand Loclge of Freemasons of the province of Warwickshire , was held at the Warden Lodge , No . 794 , Sutton Coldfield , on Tuesday , the 30 th nlfc . Tlie brethren ot fclie Warden Lodge assembled afc the Moot Hall , at half-past one o ' clock , there being present a large number of visitors from the other lodges in the province . After
the lodge hacl been opened in due form by Bro . M . W . Wilson , W . M ., the Right Hon . and li . W . Bro . Leigh , Prov . G . M ., attended by his ollicers , ivas received . The Provincial Grand Loclge was then opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The accounts of the Benevolent and Annuity Funds were also severally read , together with the auditor ' s reports , & c , ancl were unanimously received , and were ordered to be printed and forwarded to the Warwickshire
Lodges . Several annuities were granted , aud ; G 10 10 s , was voted to the Masonic Boys' School . Tlie Prov . G . Master then appointed ancl invested bis officers for the ensuing year , namely , Bros . Major Mac-hen , D . Prov . G . M . ; G . Hudson , Prov . G . S . W . ; W . B . Briggs , Prov . G . J . W . ; Hon . and Rev . J . Leigh and Rev . H . L . Elliot , Prov . G . Chaps . ; J . T . Collins , Prov . G-. Treas , ; C Read , Piov . G . Reg . ; J . Astley , Prov . G . See . ; D . Malins , Jun ., Prov . G . Assist . Sec ; J . Pursell , Prov . G . S . P . ; Turner , Prov .
G . J . D . ; H . Mulliner , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . L . Harrison , Prov . G . Assist . Supt . of Works ; J , Isaacs , Prov . G . Dir . ol Cers . ; G . Jones , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; M . W . Wilson , Prov . G . S . B . ; S . Fenn , Prov . G , Assist . S . B . ; C . Lee , Prov . G . Std . 15 . ; T . Halbeard , Prov . G . Assist . Std . B . ; T . Naden , Prov . G . Purst . ; J . Coates , Prov , G . Tyler . The brethren then formed in procession and prome . lecl to the parish church , where , after full choral service , in which Brosthe Rev . T . CochraneHLElliot
, , . . , and W . IC . R . Bedford took part , Bio . the Hon . and Rev . J . Leigh , Prov . G . Chap ., preached an excellent sermon from Job , chap . 38 , verses 4 , 6 . A collection was afterwards made in behalf of the Benevolent ancl Annuity funds , amounting fco £ 20 . The brethren then returned to the loclge room , and having transacted the remaining business , fche Grand Lodge was closed in due form . A large number ot the brethren afterwards dined i together , under the presidency of the Prov . G . M ,
Royal Arch.
UNITED PILGMJIS' CIIAPTEE ( NO . 507 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was holden on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . The chapter ivas duly opened . The minutes of the previous convocation were read and unanimously confirmed . Comp . H . Muggcridge , P . Z ., installed Comps . * J . IV . Halsey , H . ; C . R . Harrison , J . W . Stuart , P . Z . was placed in the M . E . Z . position . Companions were invested ancl appointed officers as follows , viz ., F . J .
Lilley , P . Z ., Treas . ; H . Garrod , P . Z ,. S . E . ; Brandon , S N . ; W . Radford , Janitor ; C . H . Murr , P . Z . The chapter was closed until February 4 th . Banquet followed . Visitors : Comps . H . . Muggcridge , P . Z . 13 , 22 ; and F . Walters , M . E . Z . 73 , 16 y .
MOKE LIGHT . —It will require the strongest efforts of all good Masons to maintain the character of our institution . Wisdom , prudence , and especially firmness , should prevail in our councils . The d ying Goethe exclaimed , "Throw open the shutters and let . in more light . " Let our Masonic shutters be thrown open mid more light be admitted , lest the dark days come again .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . I LODGE LA CSSAEEE ( NO . 590 ) . —Tlie usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , on Thursday , the 25 th ult ., there being a goodly attendance of tbe members and visitors , amongst whom were , Bros . W . Adams , P . M . 244 ; W . J . Eckford ; Juboneaii , 877 j F . W . Shields , S . D . ' 33 ; S . Gale , 33 , and others . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . H . L . Manuel , W . M ., Bro . A . Schmitt , P . M ., opened the lodge in the
first degree , assisted by Bro . J . Oatley , S . W . ; ancl A . Viel , J . W . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl unanimously confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Ph . Le Geyt , C . Aubin , and E . Carre being candidates for promotion , and after having undergone a satisfactory examination as to their proficiency as Felloiv Craftsmen , were entrusted ancl retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree . The candidates were severally admitted and raised to the sublime
degree of M . M . ' s . The ceremony was performed by the acting W . M ., iu a highly efficient manner . The working tools , as well as fche tracing board , were explained by the presiding officer , ivho also delivered the charge belonging to this degree . The loclge ivas closed down fco the first degree . Bro . Jaboneau > having obtained permission , delivered an interesting lecture on the intolerant conduct of the Rev . Dr . Dupanloup , Bishop of Orleanswho latelin a pastoral letterfulminated again his
, y , maledictions and anathemas against the institution of Masonry and freethinkers ( Fibres penseurs ) . Bro . Jaboneau , by forcible and lucid arguments , demolished the undeserved , groundless , and merciless attacks of the French prelate , one of the forty happy mortals composing the learned institution denominated "l'Acadeinie Francaise . " He demonstrated to evidence that the wrathful thunders ot the bishop coulcl not bufc animate and increase the zeal and energy of the Craffc to new efforts in the
right direction , by disseminating the principles of truth , virtue , and morality , and thus dispelling the dark power of superstition and bigotry . He concluded by maintaining that ive ought , as Freemasons , to respect every conscientious opinion , but we must also fight against the spirit of ignorance unci intolerance According to promise , hero is the discourse pronounced by Bro . II . L . Manuel : — "Brother , I am most happy to receive A'ou
amongst us . There are now more than one hundred and fifty thousand men in the British possessions who are linked to each other by the fraternal bond of Freemasonry ; numbers , therefore , do not fail us ; but we love to see them on tho constant increase , more especially when the neophytes are , like yourself , upright and intelligent ; men . A cordial greeting , therefore , toour new brother . We love , I say , to see the numbers of onr brethren increase ; for we hold a deep conviction that Masonry
has yet a grand place to fill in the destiny of society ; ancl in the great cause of progress and civilisation , there cannot be too many workers , disciples , apostles . Brother , your experience in the world must have proved to you that the olden temples are crumbling away , bringing down with tbem many imaginations , many superstitions , many institutions , fche possessions of a time are no longer ours . Now , amongst ourselves , I mny be permitted to tell you , destruction has no place ; our business is to construct .
As apprentice , and later , as Master Mason , you will have to labour with us in the work of such construction , and ive rely , be anticipation , on your activity and devoted zeal . The new temples ivhich we seek to rear—and rear them we shall— -are those worthy cf dedication to the Great Architect of the Universe , ancl to his grand creations—labour and brotherly love ; temples , you will understand , ivhich are not material , but moral , intellectual , spiritual . And what does all this mean ? It means
that every true Mason should adore and serve the Creator , — should study and work in everything that tends to the developemenfc of human intelligence , or to ministration to the wants of society ; aud should ever practise virtue towards all men , — charity like space , without bounds , ancl bc 3 'ond any possible limitation . A Mason that man is not , whoso creed is a mere negation . The blind cannot he good workers . He is not a Freemason who stands with folded arms ing" Temples can
, say , be builfc without me 1 " and he is not a Freemason whose heart is too narrow to be , JO to speak , the perpetual seat of those pilgrims of Heaven—love , forgiveness , charity . But he is a Mason who , without pharisaic ostentation , bows down his soul before the Great Architect ; who , with mallet or pen , in the fields or on the seas , in tbe counting , house or the Avorkshops , the castle or the cottage , fulfils the mission confided to him , the chosen iniii ) , of labouring for the unceasing welfare and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
up to the third degree , and Bros . W . E . Vaughan ancl R . C . Jones were raised to the sublime degree in thafc impressive manner , ivith which the ceremony is always performed in the lodge . Lodge having been closed down to the second , and subsequently to the first degree , some routine business having been transacted , was finally closed in perfect harmony at eleven o ' clock . Your correspondent , who is only an occasional attendant at this lodgewas deeplimpressed with the able ancl
, y efficient manner with which the whole duties of a most arduous meeting , were performed by the able W . M . and his most intelligent and painstaking officers . The W . M . and his Wardens were also warmly congratulated after their recent appointment to important Prov . Grand Lodge offices , such distinction being felt to be clue only to deserving and distinguished merit anil ability .
WARWICKSHIRE . PEOA ' INCIAL GKAND LODGE . The annual meeting of Provincial Grand Loclge of Freemasons of the province of Warwickshire , was held at the Warden Lodge , No . 794 , Sutton Coldfield , on Tuesday , the 30 th nlfc . Tlie brethren ot fclie Warden Lodge assembled afc the Moot Hall , at half-past one o ' clock , there being present a large number of visitors from the other lodges in the province . After
the lodge hacl been opened in due form by Bro . M . W . Wilson , W . M ., the Right Hon . and li . W . Bro . Leigh , Prov . G . M ., attended by his ollicers , ivas received . The Provincial Grand Loclge was then opened , and the minutes of the last meeting were read ancl confirmed . The accounts of the Benevolent and Annuity Funds were also severally read , together with the auditor ' s reports , & c , ancl were unanimously received , and were ordered to be printed and forwarded to the Warwickshire
Lodges . Several annuities were granted , aud ; G 10 10 s , was voted to the Masonic Boys' School . Tlie Prov . G . Master then appointed ancl invested bis officers for the ensuing year , namely , Bros . Major Mac-hen , D . Prov . G . M . ; G . Hudson , Prov . G . S . W . ; W . B . Briggs , Prov . G . J . W . ; Hon . and Rev . J . Leigh and Rev . H . L . Elliot , Prov . G . Chaps . ; J . T . Collins , Prov . G-. Treas , ; C Read , Piov . G . Reg . ; J . Astley , Prov . G . See . ; D . Malins , Jun ., Prov . G . Assist . Sec ; J . Pursell , Prov . G . S . P . ; Turner , Prov .
G . J . D . ; H . Mulliner , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; W . L . Harrison , Prov . G . Assist . Supt . of Works ; J , Isaacs , Prov . G . Dir . ol Cers . ; G . Jones , Prov . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; M . W . Wilson , Prov . G . S . B . ; S . Fenn , Prov . G , Assist . S . B . ; C . Lee , Prov . G . Std . 15 . ; T . Halbeard , Prov . G . Assist . Std . B . ; T . Naden , Prov . G . Purst . ; J . Coates , Prov , G . Tyler . The brethren then formed in procession and prome . lecl to the parish church , where , after full choral service , in which Brosthe Rev . T . CochraneHLElliot
, , . . , and W . IC . R . Bedford took part , Bio . the Hon . and Rev . J . Leigh , Prov . G . Chap ., preached an excellent sermon from Job , chap . 38 , verses 4 , 6 . A collection was afterwards made in behalf of the Benevolent ancl Annuity funds , amounting fco £ 20 . The brethren then returned to the loclge room , and having transacted the remaining business , fche Grand Lodge was closed in due form . A large number ot the brethren afterwards dined i together , under the presidency of the Prov . G . M ,
Royal Arch.
UNITED PILGMJIS' CIIAPTEE ( NO . 507 ) . —The installation meeting of this chapter was holden on Tuesday , the 6 th inst ., at the Horns Tavern , Kennington . The chapter ivas duly opened . The minutes of the previous convocation were read and unanimously confirmed . Comp . H . Muggcridge , P . Z ., installed Comps . * J . IV . Halsey , H . ; C . R . Harrison , J . W . Stuart , P . Z . was placed in the M . E . Z . position . Companions were invested ancl appointed officers as follows , viz ., F . J .
Lilley , P . Z ., Treas . ; H . Garrod , P . Z ,. S . E . ; Brandon , S N . ; W . Radford , Janitor ; C . H . Murr , P . Z . The chapter was closed until February 4 th . Banquet followed . Visitors : Comps . H . . Muggcridge , P . Z . 13 , 22 ; and F . Walters , M . E . Z . 73 , 16 y .
MOKE LIGHT . —It will require the strongest efforts of all good Masons to maintain the character of our institution . Wisdom , prudence , and especially firmness , should prevail in our councils . The d ying Goethe exclaimed , "Throw open the shutters and let . in more light . " Let our Masonic shutters be thrown open mid more light be admitted , lest the dark days come again .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . I LODGE LA CSSAEEE ( NO . 590 ) . —Tlie usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , on Thursday , the 25 th ult ., there being a goodly attendance of tbe members and visitors , amongst whom were , Bros . W . Adams , P . M . 244 ; W . J . Eckford ; Juboneaii , 877 j F . W . Shields , S . D . ' 33 ; S . Gale , 33 , and others . In the unavoidable absence of Bro . H . L . Manuel , W . M ., Bro . A . Schmitt , P . M ., opened the lodge in the
first degree , assisted by Bro . J . Oatley , S . W . ; ancl A . Viel , J . W . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl unanimously confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bros . Ph . Le Geyt , C . Aubin , and E . Carre being candidates for promotion , and after having undergone a satisfactory examination as to their proficiency as Felloiv Craftsmen , were entrusted ancl retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree . The candidates were severally admitted and raised to the sublime
degree of M . M . ' s . The ceremony was performed by the acting W . M ., iu a highly efficient manner . The working tools , as well as fche tracing board , were explained by the presiding officer , ivho also delivered the charge belonging to this degree . The loclge ivas closed down fco the first degree . Bro . Jaboneau > having obtained permission , delivered an interesting lecture on the intolerant conduct of the Rev . Dr . Dupanloup , Bishop of Orleanswho latelin a pastoral letterfulminated again his
, y , maledictions and anathemas against the institution of Masonry and freethinkers ( Fibres penseurs ) . Bro . Jaboneau , by forcible and lucid arguments , demolished the undeserved , groundless , and merciless attacks of the French prelate , one of the forty happy mortals composing the learned institution denominated "l'Acadeinie Francaise . " He demonstrated to evidence that the wrathful thunders ot the bishop coulcl not bufc animate and increase the zeal and energy of the Craffc to new efforts in the
right direction , by disseminating the principles of truth , virtue , and morality , and thus dispelling the dark power of superstition and bigotry . He concluded by maintaining that ive ought , as Freemasons , to respect every conscientious opinion , but we must also fight against the spirit of ignorance unci intolerance According to promise , hero is the discourse pronounced by Bro . II . L . Manuel : — "Brother , I am most happy to receive A'ou
amongst us . There are now more than one hundred and fifty thousand men in the British possessions who are linked to each other by the fraternal bond of Freemasonry ; numbers , therefore , do not fail us ; but we love to see them on tho constant increase , more especially when the neophytes are , like yourself , upright and intelligent ; men . A cordial greeting , therefore , toour new brother . We love , I say , to see the numbers of onr brethren increase ; for we hold a deep conviction that Masonry
has yet a grand place to fill in the destiny of society ; ancl in the great cause of progress and civilisation , there cannot be too many workers , disciples , apostles . Brother , your experience in the world must have proved to you that the olden temples are crumbling away , bringing down with tbem many imaginations , many superstitions , many institutions , fche possessions of a time are no longer ours . Now , amongst ourselves , I mny be permitted to tell you , destruction has no place ; our business is to construct .
As apprentice , and later , as Master Mason , you will have to labour with us in the work of such construction , and ive rely , be anticipation , on your activity and devoted zeal . The new temples ivhich we seek to rear—and rear them we shall— -are those worthy cf dedication to the Great Architect of the Universe , ancl to his grand creations—labour and brotherly love ; temples , you will understand , ivhich are not material , but moral , intellectual , spiritual . And what does all this mean ? It means
that every true Mason should adore and serve the Creator , — should study and work in everything that tends to the developemenfc of human intelligence , or to ministration to the wants of society ; aud should ever practise virtue towards all men , — charity like space , without bounds , ancl bc 3 'ond any possible limitation . A Mason that man is not , whoso creed is a mere negation . The blind cannot he good workers . He is not a Freemason who stands with folded arms ing" Temples can
, say , be builfc without me 1 " and he is not a Freemason whose heart is too narrow to be , JO to speak , the perpetual seat of those pilgrims of Heaven—love , forgiveness , charity . But he is a Mason who , without pharisaic ostentation , bows down his soul before the Great Architect ; who , with mallet or pen , in the fields or on the seas , in tbe counting , house or the Avorkshops , the castle or the cottage , fulfils the mission confided to him , the chosen iniii ) , of labouring for the unceasing welfare and