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The Freemasons' Magazine And The Craft.
We again call the attention of the brethren to the prospectus of the EKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE COMPANY , Limited , which we publish in another page , and which has been distributed throughout every lodge in the kingdom , urging that if they wish to see the Maga » - zine rendered a faithful organ of the proceedings and
progress of the Craft—to ensure its being established on a firm foundation—and placed on a level , alike in the quality of its contents and the reasonableness of its price , with other literary publications , they will assist the Directors in the efforts they are making to
ensure that end . The great want of the Magazine has from the first been Capital , without which no commercial speculation can succeed , and this want the brethren can easily supply without any very great strain either on their own or their lodge funds . The price of the shares is only One Pound , not more than one half of
which will be called for this year , and fifteen shillings per share , we confidently believe , will be the utmost amount that will be ever required . Eive shares from each lodge throughout the kingdom will more than absorb the three thousand shares into which the capital is divided—in other words , all that is asked
from the members of the different lodges is an immediate subscription , either through the lodge or through , some four or five of its members , of Two Pounds Ten Shillings , a possible call of One Pound Eive Shillings in the course of the next two years ,
and a liability of One Pound Eive Shillings more , at some remote period , which we do not anticipate will ever be called , and certainly not without the exact position of the Company being laid before the proprietors , and their consent to the full powers being exercised obtained . At the same time the price of the MAGAZINE will be at once reduced from
sixpence to TBEEPENCE , and all shareholders , being subscribers to the MAGAZINE , will be allowed five per cent , interest per annum , on the amount paid up on their shares by a deduction in the price of their subscription , and which will be so arranged as to be allowed by their booksellers , or news agents , direct ;
and , in addition , we confidently believe that by the increased circulation , consequent on the reduction of price and the status thereby given to the MAGAZINE , amongst advertisers both in and out of the Craft , that at a very early period , with good and economical
management , fair , not to say handsome , cash dividends will also be paid . To brethren and lodges , now subscribing for the MAGAZINE , the reduction on its price alone is more than equal to the deposit upon one share , and will .
The Freemasons' Magazine And The Craft.
in eighteen months , purchase a share fully paid up , without any further liability whatever . "We have been asked by several brethren what number of shares will ensure them the MAGAZINE , so long as it is published , free of all further cost . To this we reply , exclusive of postage , 26 shares 10 * .
paid , and with postage 35 shares , or 13 shares and 18 shares respectively fully paid up ; and to those lodges or brethren , wishing to avail themselves of the facility of obtsining their Magazines by one payment , we recommend the fully paid up shares as most
advantageous , the more especially for Colonial and Eoreign lodges . "We have now , on the part of the Directors and Manager , to thank the brethren in various parts of the country who have promised them their aid and
support in carrying out the undertaking , and to respectfully solicit the assistance of others—what is wanted being not a few shareholders , with large holdings , in three or four places , but a general dispersion of the shares throughout the length and breadth of
the land , as every shareholder must be looked upon as an agent in the promotion of the prosperity of the undertaking , always remembering the maxim , that " Unity is strength . " Secretaries of lodges , booksellers , or other brethren willing to assist the Directors by canvassing for shareholders and subscribers to the MAGAZINE are
requested to communicate , as early as possible , with the Manager , at 6 , Eed Lion Square , London , ~ W . C , who will be happy to furnish them with prospectuses , and every information they may wish to obtain . In the mean time , we shall be obliged by our friends paying their deposits into the Bankers of the
Company , London and Middlesex Bank , Einca Lane , E . C . ; or forwarding them to the Manager , who will immediately return the banker's receipt ; and we urge this the more , inasmuch as the quicker the Company is established , the less will be the expense of doing it ..
On The Geometrical And Other. Symbols.
BT JOHN E . DOVE , IN THE Builder . Thebeautifulgeometrical symbol called the hexalpha , or interlacement of triangles , — which lately appeared in the Builderemblazoned on
, on an engraved view of the Manchester Memorial of Prince Albert , has led me into a little hurried research as to the meanings attributed and attributable to this and other kindred symbols ; and with your leave I would wish to record in the Builder , a few of the interesting results of these very limited researches ; together with some ideas of my own on the probable original signification of such symbols . ___^„ , """
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Magazine And The Craft.
We again call the attention of the brethren to the prospectus of the EKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE COMPANY , Limited , which we publish in another page , and which has been distributed throughout every lodge in the kingdom , urging that if they wish to see the Maga » - zine rendered a faithful organ of the proceedings and
progress of the Craft—to ensure its being established on a firm foundation—and placed on a level , alike in the quality of its contents and the reasonableness of its price , with other literary publications , they will assist the Directors in the efforts they are making to
ensure that end . The great want of the Magazine has from the first been Capital , without which no commercial speculation can succeed , and this want the brethren can easily supply without any very great strain either on their own or their lodge funds . The price of the shares is only One Pound , not more than one half of
which will be called for this year , and fifteen shillings per share , we confidently believe , will be the utmost amount that will be ever required . Eive shares from each lodge throughout the kingdom will more than absorb the three thousand shares into which the capital is divided—in other words , all that is asked
from the members of the different lodges is an immediate subscription , either through the lodge or through , some four or five of its members , of Two Pounds Ten Shillings , a possible call of One Pound Eive Shillings in the course of the next two years ,
and a liability of One Pound Eive Shillings more , at some remote period , which we do not anticipate will ever be called , and certainly not without the exact position of the Company being laid before the proprietors , and their consent to the full powers being exercised obtained . At the same time the price of the MAGAZINE will be at once reduced from
sixpence to TBEEPENCE , and all shareholders , being subscribers to the MAGAZINE , will be allowed five per cent , interest per annum , on the amount paid up on their shares by a deduction in the price of their subscription , and which will be so arranged as to be allowed by their booksellers , or news agents , direct ;
and , in addition , we confidently believe that by the increased circulation , consequent on the reduction of price and the status thereby given to the MAGAZINE , amongst advertisers both in and out of the Craft , that at a very early period , with good and economical
management , fair , not to say handsome , cash dividends will also be paid . To brethren and lodges , now subscribing for the MAGAZINE , the reduction on its price alone is more than equal to the deposit upon one share , and will .
The Freemasons' Magazine And The Craft.
in eighteen months , purchase a share fully paid up , without any further liability whatever . "We have been asked by several brethren what number of shares will ensure them the MAGAZINE , so long as it is published , free of all further cost . To this we reply , exclusive of postage , 26 shares 10 * .
paid , and with postage 35 shares , or 13 shares and 18 shares respectively fully paid up ; and to those lodges or brethren , wishing to avail themselves of the facility of obtsining their Magazines by one payment , we recommend the fully paid up shares as most
advantageous , the more especially for Colonial and Eoreign lodges . "We have now , on the part of the Directors and Manager , to thank the brethren in various parts of the country who have promised them their aid and
support in carrying out the undertaking , and to respectfully solicit the assistance of others—what is wanted being not a few shareholders , with large holdings , in three or four places , but a general dispersion of the shares throughout the length and breadth of
the land , as every shareholder must be looked upon as an agent in the promotion of the prosperity of the undertaking , always remembering the maxim , that " Unity is strength . " Secretaries of lodges , booksellers , or other brethren willing to assist the Directors by canvassing for shareholders and subscribers to the MAGAZINE are
requested to communicate , as early as possible , with the Manager , at 6 , Eed Lion Square , London , ~ W . C , who will be happy to furnish them with prospectuses , and every information they may wish to obtain . In the mean time , we shall be obliged by our friends paying their deposits into the Bankers of the
Company , London and Middlesex Bank , Einca Lane , E . C . ; or forwarding them to the Manager , who will immediately return the banker's receipt ; and we urge this the more , inasmuch as the quicker the Company is established , the less will be the expense of doing it ..
On The Geometrical And Other. Symbols.
BT JOHN E . DOVE , IN THE Builder . Thebeautifulgeometrical symbol called the hexalpha , or interlacement of triangles , — which lately appeared in the Builderemblazoned on
, on an engraved view of the Manchester Memorial of Prince Albert , has led me into a little hurried research as to the meanings attributed and attributable to this and other kindred symbols ; and with your leave I would wish to record in the Builder , a few of the interesting results of these very limited researches ; together with some ideas of my own on the probable original signification of such symbols . ___^„ , """