Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 3 of 3 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1
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and respectively responded to by Lord F . Beauelerk , Major Smyth , and Lieut . Locock . Bro . SMYTH , in responding for the ' Volunteers , referred to the pleasing fact that the noble chairman was not only a brother Mason , bub a brother Volunteer , he being colonel of the Robin Hood Rifles . Bro . TROUGHT , in an eloquent speech , proposed " The Health of his Grace the Provincial Grand Master" to which a suitable
, response was made by the Prov . G . M . The PROV . G . MASTER then proposed " The Past Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Harvey , " and in a most flattering manner alluded to liis past services , which had been so valuable to the Craft in this province . *~ Bro . HARVEY , in responding , expressed his regret at the circumstances which had caused his resignation , at the same time
expressing his regard for the Craft , and his desire to still remain a useful member of Provincial Grand Lodge . Br . i . SMYTH , D . Prov . G . M ., being next toasted , in response said that he hoped in his new capacity to he of service to the Craft to the best of his ability , and that he wished in matters of dispute the brethren would look upon him rather as a counsellor than as a judge , as it would ever be his wish to throw oil on troubled waters .
Bro . NORTON , AV . M . 947 , next gave "The Provincial Grand Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . CLEGG , Prov . S . G . W . Bro . HARVEY gave " The W . M . and Officers of the Lindsey Lodge . " In proposing this toast , the P . D . Prov . G . M . spoke of the pleasure with which he had witnessed the working of the Lindsey Lodge , and held it up as a pattern in that respect to the province .
Bro . LUCAS , AV . M ., then responded to this toast in the following terms : —Right AVorshipful Sir , Officers , and Brethren , as Master of the Lindsey Lodge it affords me great gratification to respond to the toa 3 t which has been so very kindly proposed and so cordially received . I need hardly say that we have had much pleasure in giving a hearty reception to the Right AA orshipful the Provincial Grand Master and the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lod . AA e consider it a distinguished
ge honour that his Grace has come amongst us , and we cannot but feel that annual gatherings of this kind must tend very much to increase our love and reverence for our noble institution , this must make us value more highly the important privileges we possess , and they must induce us to cherish that bond of brotherhood which already exists to so great a degree in the province . I have also another pleasing duty to performviz . to thank
, , your Grace for the high compliment you have paid our lodge in filling up the vacancies which have occurred from amongst us . For myself , while I thank you most heartily for the distinguished honour you have paid mo in making me your Grand Secretary , I hope my actions will speak louder than any words 1 could utter , and tell how deeply sensible I am of the important trust committed to me , and while I ask for my many
shortcomings the kind indulgence of the brethren generally , and of your Grace in particular , I hope the interests of the Craft may not suffer in my hands . And this brings me to the next toast on the list , which the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Blaster has requested me to propose . Bro . Hall ' s valuable services rendered to the Craft for nine years are so well known , and so highly appreciated by you all , that there can be hut one
feeling of regret amongst us , that he lias felt compelled from ill-health and his increasing business to free himself from these honorary offices . Our best thanks are due to him for the manner in which he has invariably performed his onerous duties , and the great kindness and prompt attention we have always met with at his hands . I ask you , brethren , to drink , with all the enthusiasm the fcjasfc deserves , "The Health of Bro . Hall , the Past Provincial Grand Secretarv . "
Bro . HALE made a suitable response , which was received by the brethren in the most hearty manner , evincing the respect in which that gentleman is held by the Craft , and how highly his past services are appreciated . With much humour and gallantry the toast of "The Ladies " was proposed by Bro . FOWLER , and responded to by Bro . MASON , aud the final toast of the evening was then laced in the hands
p of Bro . HURUP , AV . M . of the Pelham Pillar Lodge , Grimsby . As " good wine needs no bush , " so the speech of Bro . Hurup needs no comment from us , for a more trul y Masonic speech could not be made , and we are sure our worthy brother ' s heart must be reall y a warm one towards "All Poor and Distressed Masons throughout the AVorld . "
At this juncture the Duke of St . Albans vacated the chair , leaving the brethren to enjoy themselves after their own fashion . Bro . Mason , of the Cathedral , Lincoln , sang some excellent songs during the evening , and contributed much to the enjoyment of the company .
SUFFOLK . BURY ST . EDMUNDS . —Royal St . Edmund Lodge ( No . 1 , 008 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 19 th May , at the Bell Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . AA illiam Lucia , the first W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Huddleston , Scott , Melntyre , P . M ., and the following members of the Prince of AVales' Lodge , Ipswich , viz .: —Bros . J . Head , W . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV . Suffolk ; C . T . Townsend , P . S . G . AV .
Suffolk ; E . Dorling , P . G . S . Suffolk ; J . A . Pettit , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; AVestgate , Jennings , Cobb , AVright , and Brown . There were also present Bros . AV . Bell , P . Prov . J . G . D . Cambridgeshire ; J . BelLjun ., Cambridgeshire ; Scotcher , and others . Two brothers were elected joining members . Three gentlemen were accepted for initiation . Mr . Thomas White Cooper , Bury St . Edmund ' s , and Mr . Thomas M . Bear were initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the ceremony having been impressively
performed by Bro . J . Head , AV . M . of the Prince of AVales ' Lodge , assisted by some of his officei' 3 . After the business of the lodge was concluded , the brethren sat down to a most recherche banquet , provided bv Bro . Scott , consisting of all the
delicacies of the season . Grace having been said , the AV . M . rose and said that as they must necessarily economise time , to enable the Ipswich hrethren to return , he would , without further preface , give them "The Health of her Majesty the Queen . " The W . M . then gave "The Health of the Prince and Princess of AVales and the rest of the Royal Family ; " "The Most AVorshipful Grand Master , " & c . Bro . Head , P . M ., having obtained the permission of the AV . M . to ive a toastsaid
g , , your AV . M . has proposed to you the health of the Queen , the Royal Family , and our Most AVorshipful Grand Master . I now call upon you to come nearer home , to join with me in drinking to " The Health of the Worshipful Master of the Royal St . Edmund Lodge , " uniting with it the names of his officers and hrethren , and success to their undertaking . I have no doubt but that they will succeedand I hope that I may be permitted
, to witness that success . Bro . Lucia , in responding , begged to bo allowed , in a few words , to say how grateful he was for the honour conferred upon him . He said he felt quite sanguine of success , for he was quite sure there were many gentlemen in the town who were ready and willing to join their most honourable Order . He believed it to be the most honourable Order in
existence , as it conduced to make all those honourable who were strictly obedient to its precepts . Bro . Melntyre , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Lodge Prince of AVales , and thanks to them for their assistance that day . " He was a very old Mason , but it was some years since he had had an opportunity of witnessing the ceremony of initiation performed in so impressive a manner as he had witnessed that day . Bro . Head returned thanks , and
informed the brethren of tho Royal St . Edmund that they would always find the hrethren of the Prince of AVales ready , whenever they needed their assistance . The time having arrived for the visitors to leave , they did so with great regret , after spending one of the most pleasant Masonic meetings held for some time . We are glad to find that through the perseverance of Bro . Lucia , Freemasonry is likely to he resuscitated in the western division of the province of Suffolk .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BOTTOMS STANSPIELD . —High Greenwood Chapter of Sovereign Princes of Rose Croix . —A meeting of this illustrious and flourishing chapter was held in the Freemasons' private room , Stansfield , Todmorden , on June 5 th . The 111 . C . S . K . William Pilling , M . W . S ., presided , and was assisted by E . X . and P . F . RP . M . W . S . John GreenwoodP . Samuel Simpson 1 st G
, ; , . ; Joseph Gledbile , 2 nd G . ; P . M . AV . S . Joseph Greenwood , R . •P . M . W . S . John Hodgson , C . of G . Several petitions having been forwarded and favourably received for the next chapter , the Illustrious Princes closed the chapter in due form according to ancient custom .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and respectively responded to by Lord F . Beauelerk , Major Smyth , and Lieut . Locock . Bro . SMYTH , in responding for the ' Volunteers , referred to the pleasing fact that the noble chairman was not only a brother Mason , bub a brother Volunteer , he being colonel of the Robin Hood Rifles . Bro . TROUGHT , in an eloquent speech , proposed " The Health of his Grace the Provincial Grand Master" to which a suitable
, response was made by the Prov . G . M . The PROV . G . MASTER then proposed " The Past Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Harvey , " and in a most flattering manner alluded to liis past services , which had been so valuable to the Craft in this province . *~ Bro . HARVEY , in responding , expressed his regret at the circumstances which had caused his resignation , at the same time
expressing his regard for the Craft , and his desire to still remain a useful member of Provincial Grand Lodge . Br . i . SMYTH , D . Prov . G . M ., being next toasted , in response said that he hoped in his new capacity to he of service to the Craft to the best of his ability , and that he wished in matters of dispute the brethren would look upon him rather as a counsellor than as a judge , as it would ever be his wish to throw oil on troubled waters .
Bro . NORTON , AV . M . 947 , next gave "The Provincial Grand Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . CLEGG , Prov . S . G . W . Bro . HARVEY gave " The W . M . and Officers of the Lindsey Lodge . " In proposing this toast , the P . D . Prov . G . M . spoke of the pleasure with which he had witnessed the working of the Lindsey Lodge , and held it up as a pattern in that respect to the province .
Bro . LUCAS , AV . M ., then responded to this toast in the following terms : —Right AVorshipful Sir , Officers , and Brethren , as Master of the Lindsey Lodge it affords me great gratification to respond to the toa 3 t which has been so very kindly proposed and so cordially received . I need hardly say that we have had much pleasure in giving a hearty reception to the Right AA orshipful the Provincial Grand Master and the Officers of the Provincial Grand Lod . AA e consider it a distinguished
ge honour that his Grace has come amongst us , and we cannot but feel that annual gatherings of this kind must tend very much to increase our love and reverence for our noble institution , this must make us value more highly the important privileges we possess , and they must induce us to cherish that bond of brotherhood which already exists to so great a degree in the province . I have also another pleasing duty to performviz . to thank
, , your Grace for the high compliment you have paid our lodge in filling up the vacancies which have occurred from amongst us . For myself , while I thank you most heartily for the distinguished honour you have paid mo in making me your Grand Secretary , I hope my actions will speak louder than any words 1 could utter , and tell how deeply sensible I am of the important trust committed to me , and while I ask for my many
shortcomings the kind indulgence of the brethren generally , and of your Grace in particular , I hope the interests of the Craft may not suffer in my hands . And this brings me to the next toast on the list , which the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Blaster has requested me to propose . Bro . Hall ' s valuable services rendered to the Craft for nine years are so well known , and so highly appreciated by you all , that there can be hut one
feeling of regret amongst us , that he lias felt compelled from ill-health and his increasing business to free himself from these honorary offices . Our best thanks are due to him for the manner in which he has invariably performed his onerous duties , and the great kindness and prompt attention we have always met with at his hands . I ask you , brethren , to drink , with all the enthusiasm the fcjasfc deserves , "The Health of Bro . Hall , the Past Provincial Grand Secretarv . "
Bro . HALE made a suitable response , which was received by the brethren in the most hearty manner , evincing the respect in which that gentleman is held by the Craft , and how highly his past services are appreciated . With much humour and gallantry the toast of "The Ladies " was proposed by Bro . FOWLER , and responded to by Bro . MASON , aud the final toast of the evening was then laced in the hands
p of Bro . HURUP , AV . M . of the Pelham Pillar Lodge , Grimsby . As " good wine needs no bush , " so the speech of Bro . Hurup needs no comment from us , for a more trul y Masonic speech could not be made , and we are sure our worthy brother ' s heart must be reall y a warm one towards "All Poor and Distressed Masons throughout the AVorld . "
At this juncture the Duke of St . Albans vacated the chair , leaving the brethren to enjoy themselves after their own fashion . Bro . Mason , of the Cathedral , Lincoln , sang some excellent songs during the evening , and contributed much to the enjoyment of the company .
SUFFOLK . BURY ST . EDMUNDS . —Royal St . Edmund Lodge ( No . 1 , 008 ) . —The first meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , the 19 th May , at the Bell Hotel , under the presidency of Bro . AA illiam Lucia , the first W . M ., who was supported by Bros . Huddleston , Scott , Melntyre , P . M ., and the following members of the Prince of AVales' Lodge , Ipswich , viz .: —Bros . J . Head , W . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV . Suffolk ; C . T . Townsend , P . S . G . AV .
Suffolk ; E . Dorling , P . G . S . Suffolk ; J . A . Pettit , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; AVestgate , Jennings , Cobb , AVright , and Brown . There were also present Bros . AV . Bell , P . Prov . J . G . D . Cambridgeshire ; J . BelLjun ., Cambridgeshire ; Scotcher , and others . Two brothers were elected joining members . Three gentlemen were accepted for initiation . Mr . Thomas White Cooper , Bury St . Edmund ' s , and Mr . Thomas M . Bear were initiated into the mysteries of the Order , the ceremony having been impressively
performed by Bro . J . Head , AV . M . of the Prince of AVales ' Lodge , assisted by some of his officei' 3 . After the business of the lodge was concluded , the brethren sat down to a most recherche banquet , provided bv Bro . Scott , consisting of all the
delicacies of the season . Grace having been said , the AV . M . rose and said that as they must necessarily economise time , to enable the Ipswich hrethren to return , he would , without further preface , give them "The Health of her Majesty the Queen . " The W . M . then gave "The Health of the Prince and Princess of AVales and the rest of the Royal Family ; " "The Most AVorshipful Grand Master , " & c . Bro . Head , P . M ., having obtained the permission of the AV . M . to ive a toastsaid
g , , your AV . M . has proposed to you the health of the Queen , the Royal Family , and our Most AVorshipful Grand Master . I now call upon you to come nearer home , to join with me in drinking to " The Health of the Worshipful Master of the Royal St . Edmund Lodge , " uniting with it the names of his officers and hrethren , and success to their undertaking . I have no doubt but that they will succeedand I hope that I may be permitted
, to witness that success . Bro . Lucia , in responding , begged to bo allowed , in a few words , to say how grateful he was for the honour conferred upon him . He said he felt quite sanguine of success , for he was quite sure there were many gentlemen in the town who were ready and willing to join their most honourable Order . He believed it to be the most honourable Order in
existence , as it conduced to make all those honourable who were strictly obedient to its precepts . Bro . Melntyre , P . M ., proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master and Brethren of the Lodge Prince of AVales , and thanks to them for their assistance that day . " He was a very old Mason , but it was some years since he had had an opportunity of witnessing the ceremony of initiation performed in so impressive a manner as he had witnessed that day . Bro . Head returned thanks , and
informed the brethren of tho Royal St . Edmund that they would always find the hrethren of the Prince of AVales ready , whenever they needed their assistance . The time having arrived for the visitors to leave , they did so with great regret , after spending one of the most pleasant Masonic meetings held for some time . We are glad to find that through the perseverance of Bro . Lucia , Freemasonry is likely to he resuscitated in the western division of the province of Suffolk .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . BOTTOMS STANSPIELD . —High Greenwood Chapter of Sovereign Princes of Rose Croix . —A meeting of this illustrious and flourishing chapter was held in the Freemasons' private room , Stansfield , Todmorden , on June 5 th . The 111 . C . S . K . William Pilling , M . W . S ., presided , and was assisted by E . X . and P . F . RP . M . W . S . John GreenwoodP . Samuel Simpson 1 st G
, ; , . ; Joseph Gledbile , 2 nd G . ; P . M . AV . S . Joseph Greenwood , R . •P . M . W . S . John Hodgson , C . of G . Several petitions having been forwarded and favourably received for the next chapter , the Illustrious Princes closed the chapter in due form according to ancient custom .