Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARD LODGE ( NO . 11 , S . C . )—This flourishing and prosperous lodge of Mark Masonry held an emergency meeting on Monday , the 6 th inst ., at the Green Man Tavern , Tooleystreet , Southwark , Bro . C . A . Cathie's . The lodge was opened in the Mark Degree by Bro . H . A . Collington , R . W . M ., assisted by Bros . E . N . Levy , P . R . W . M . and Treas . ; J . Thomas , P . R . AV . M . ; A . D . Loewenstark , D . R . AV . M . ; C . H . Murr , S . AA
.,-AV . Y . Laing , J . W . ; A . P . Leonard , M . O . ; F . AValters , Sec . and R . of M . ; F . J . Lilley , S . D . ; T . Perridge , C . A . Cathie , G . J . Loe , J . W . Avery , J . L . Vallentin , M . Spier , E . Harris , J . Hawker , aud many others too numerous to enumerate . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bro . C . Stahr and other hrethren whose names we were unable to learn . The minutes of the preceding meeting were unanimously confirmed . Ballots were then taken for Bros . J . EadleyS . W . 20 ; J . Nunn 72 J . H . King 72
, , ; , ; C . R . Dean , P . M . 73 ; A . P . Steadman , 73 ; AV . Parker de MarleyMynn , 22 ; Lander , 79 ; C . AVhite , S . Haddock , 507 ; T . J . Quelch , P . M . 619 ; and R . Thomson , 706 , to be advanced to the degree of Mark Masters and members of this lodge , all of which were declared to be unanimously in favour of their admission . Bros . AV . Lipscombe , 73 ; A . P . Steadman , C . M . Haddock , AV . M . 507 ; C . White , 507 ; and S . Haddock , 507 ,
being in attendance , were properly introduced and regularly advanced to the ancient and honourable degree of Mark Master Masons . Bro . H . A . Collington , R . AV . M ., seemed , if possible , to exceed all his former efforts , for never was s . ceremony so impressively and beautifully rendered as on this occasion . Bro . J . Thomas , P . R . AV . M ., in his usual faultless style , hy request of the E . W . M ., gave the legend of this degree . Bro . E . N . LevyP . R . AV . M . and Treas . seeing such a splendid
, , new cushion purchased from the lodge funds , with his usual liberality , presented the newly purchased Bible to the lodge according to the promise he made at a previous lodge meeting . The Secretary , on behalf of the lodge , returned thanks for this present of Bro . E . N . Levy . Several candidates were then proposed for the next lodge meeting , which will be held out of town to enable the brethren to have a summer reunion in the country in a few weeks' time . Business being ended , the lodge
was closed according to ancient custom . The brethren then adjourned to a superior cold collation , prepared in Bro . Cathie's superior style . After the cloth was drawn tho usual loyal toasts were given and received . Bro . J . Thomas , P . R . W . M ., n proposing the health of the R . W . M ., spoke of the superior manner in which he carried out the duties of his office , also to the unprecedented prosperity of the lodge since he had been at its head , he having advanced thirty brethren , and now had on his
list no less than twenty more who were anxious to join this lodge ; the care with which he had husbanded the funds of the lodge , having a large surplus both in the charity and lodge funds . He , therefore , proposed his health . This toast was drunk with the greatest display of enthusiasm . Bro . H . A . Collington , R . W . M ., in reply , returned- his sincere thanks for the compliment and honour they had just paid him , and hoped to receive the same uniform amount of kindness from the
brethren during his year of office . He thanked all the officers of the lodge for their assistance and attention to their respective duties , as , without their co-operation and help , ho could not possibly have got on so well as they had . Bro . II . A . Collington , R . W . M ., proposed the health of the P . R . AV . Masters of the lodge , in an able speech . Bros . E . N . Levy , P . R . W . M ., and J . Thomas , P . R . W . M ., replied in suitable terms . The health of the visitors was next givenand enthusiasticall
, y received . Bro . C . Stahr returned thanks . The E . W . M . then gave the officers of the lodge . Bros . C . H . Murr , S . AV ., AV . Y . Laing , J . W ., each made a suitable reply , expressing their willingness to do their duty and render assistance at all times , Bro . F . AValters , Sec . and R . of M ., said he could not allow the present moment to pass without expressing his sincere thanks for their kindness in drinking his health , and he could assure them that as long as he continued to enjoy the good opinion
of the R . W . M . in carrying out his duties as an officer of the lodge , more especially as the Secretary , he would never fail to use his best exertions to fulfil that important office with , he hoped , credit to himself and satisfaction to the lodge . He must also state that as the funds of the lodge were now in such a prosperous state , he hoped some of the P . R . W . M . 's will not neglect to have some substantial token to present to the esteemed R . W . M . when he leaves the chair , to show him how sin-
Mark Masonry.
cerely they all appreciated the able and talented manner he had conducted the duties of his office . He again thanked them for the honour conferred on himself and the rest of the officers of the lodge . The Tyler ' s toast then brought the meeting to a close . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , D . R . AV . M ., in an able speech , gave a brief history of Mark Masonry in general , and this lodge in particular . After a few hours of enjoyment , during which some good songs were well the brethren separatedhihl
sung , , gy entertained . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —West Lancashire Marie Lodge ( No . 65 ) . —The brethren met at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , on Fridaythe 20 th ult . the AV . M . BroJames HamerPMPZ
, , , . , .., .., presiding , supported by his officers . The Grand Overseer , Bro . C . J . Banister , was absent on urgent Masonic duty in the north of England . The following brethren were advanced to thisdegree , viz ., Bros . John Baxendale , W . M . of Lodge 580 , Ormskirk ; Charles Leedham , AV . M . of Lodge 220 , Garston ; Yates , Lelliott , and Slee , of 673 ; Smith , of Lodge 823 ; and Tansley , of M . M . ( No . 6 S . C ) was admitted a joining member . Two
, brethren were proposed for advancement at the next meeting . The AV . M . requested the various officers to meet him on AVednesday evening next , for the purpose of opening a lodge of instruction . The hrethren generally cordially assented , and expressed their willingness to aid the AV . M . in his endeavours to make known the beauties of this degree . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet-room , and
afterdoing ample justice to the delicacies set before them , the waiters retired , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The M . W . G . M ., Bro . Viscount Holmsdale , and the Grand Officers of M . M . received the honours due to their exalted rank and station . "Success to the West Lancashire Mark Lodge " met with an enthusiastic reception , and the proposer remarked that should the same measure of success attend their future meetings , the lodge will have on the register upwards of eighty members in the first year of its existence . After a pleasant and happy meeting of four hours' duration , the brethren separated .
MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL . A general meeting of the Governors of this charity was held at the School-house on the 7 th inst ., to receive the report of the scrutineers on the election of three pupils out of twelve approved candidates—the proxy papers having all been made returnable on the 2 nd . The school is supported solely by voluntary contributions , —the Grand Lodge subscribing £ 125 per annum , in addition to the collections at Grand Lodge , and the fees payable
hy the Grand Officers . The children are lodged , fed , clothed , and educated ; and provided as far as possible with suitable situations . Their religious and moral training is most carefully regarded . They are thoroughly instructed in all the branches of a sound English education ; and to such as evince a natural taste for French or music , these accomplishments are imparted . They are taught all the practical details of household economy , and particular attention is paid to plain needlework—the pupils
make up their own clothes and perform the domestic work of the house . The school house is capable of accommodating forty pupils . The result of the poll was as follows : — Elizabeth Searight , Portadown 447 Bessie Sargent , Clonmel 386 Arabella Brett , Dungarvon 372 Helena ShorttTemplemore 112
, Agnes Dalton , Gillingham , Kent 110 Charlotte E . Shortt , Limerick 88 Elizabeth J . Dalton , Beale , Kerry 83 Emma Phoebe Evatt , Dublin 72 Sarah Ann Archer , Fulford , Yorkshire 60 Harriett Hall , Moneymore 37 Mary Smith , Llanidloes , North AVales 24 Catherine Herbert , Norwich 5
A MAN ceases to be a " good fellow" the moment he refuses to do precisely what other people wish him to do .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
METROPOLITAN . SOUTHWARD LODGE ( NO . 11 , S . C . )—This flourishing and prosperous lodge of Mark Masonry held an emergency meeting on Monday , the 6 th inst ., at the Green Man Tavern , Tooleystreet , Southwark , Bro . C . A . Cathie's . The lodge was opened in the Mark Degree by Bro . H . A . Collington , R . W . M ., assisted by Bros . E . N . Levy , P . R . W . M . and Treas . ; J . Thomas , P . R . AV . M . ; A . D . Loewenstark , D . R . AV . M . ; C . H . Murr , S . AA
.,-AV . Y . Laing , J . W . ; A . P . Leonard , M . O . ; F . AValters , Sec . and R . of M . ; F . J . Lilley , S . D . ; T . Perridge , C . A . Cathie , G . J . Loe , J . W . Avery , J . L . Vallentin , M . Spier , E . Harris , J . Hawker , aud many others too numerous to enumerate . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bro . C . Stahr and other hrethren whose names we were unable to learn . The minutes of the preceding meeting were unanimously confirmed . Ballots were then taken for Bros . J . EadleyS . W . 20 ; J . Nunn 72 J . H . King 72
, , ; , ; C . R . Dean , P . M . 73 ; A . P . Steadman , 73 ; AV . Parker de MarleyMynn , 22 ; Lander , 79 ; C . AVhite , S . Haddock , 507 ; T . J . Quelch , P . M . 619 ; and R . Thomson , 706 , to be advanced to the degree of Mark Masters and members of this lodge , all of which were declared to be unanimously in favour of their admission . Bros . AV . Lipscombe , 73 ; A . P . Steadman , C . M . Haddock , AV . M . 507 ; C . White , 507 ; and S . Haddock , 507 ,
being in attendance , were properly introduced and regularly advanced to the ancient and honourable degree of Mark Master Masons . Bro . H . A . Collington , R . AV . M ., seemed , if possible , to exceed all his former efforts , for never was s . ceremony so impressively and beautifully rendered as on this occasion . Bro . J . Thomas , P . R . AV . M ., in his usual faultless style , hy request of the E . W . M ., gave the legend of this degree . Bro . E . N . LevyP . R . AV . M . and Treas . seeing such a splendid
, , new cushion purchased from the lodge funds , with his usual liberality , presented the newly purchased Bible to the lodge according to the promise he made at a previous lodge meeting . The Secretary , on behalf of the lodge , returned thanks for this present of Bro . E . N . Levy . Several candidates were then proposed for the next lodge meeting , which will be held out of town to enable the brethren to have a summer reunion in the country in a few weeks' time . Business being ended , the lodge
was closed according to ancient custom . The brethren then adjourned to a superior cold collation , prepared in Bro . Cathie's superior style . After the cloth was drawn tho usual loyal toasts were given and received . Bro . J . Thomas , P . R . W . M ., n proposing the health of the R . W . M ., spoke of the superior manner in which he carried out the duties of his office , also to the unprecedented prosperity of the lodge since he had been at its head , he having advanced thirty brethren , and now had on his
list no less than twenty more who were anxious to join this lodge ; the care with which he had husbanded the funds of the lodge , having a large surplus both in the charity and lodge funds . He , therefore , proposed his health . This toast was drunk with the greatest display of enthusiasm . Bro . H . A . Collington , R . W . M ., in reply , returned- his sincere thanks for the compliment and honour they had just paid him , and hoped to receive the same uniform amount of kindness from the
brethren during his year of office . He thanked all the officers of the lodge for their assistance and attention to their respective duties , as , without their co-operation and help , ho could not possibly have got on so well as they had . Bro . II . A . Collington , R . W . M ., proposed the health of the P . R . AV . Masters of the lodge , in an able speech . Bros . E . N . Levy , P . R . W . M ., and J . Thomas , P . R . W . M ., replied in suitable terms . The health of the visitors was next givenand enthusiasticall
, y received . Bro . C . Stahr returned thanks . The E . W . M . then gave the officers of the lodge . Bros . C . H . Murr , S . AV ., AV . Y . Laing , J . W ., each made a suitable reply , expressing their willingness to do their duty and render assistance at all times , Bro . F . AValters , Sec . and R . of M ., said he could not allow the present moment to pass without expressing his sincere thanks for their kindness in drinking his health , and he could assure them that as long as he continued to enjoy the good opinion
of the R . W . M . in carrying out his duties as an officer of the lodge , more especially as the Secretary , he would never fail to use his best exertions to fulfil that important office with , he hoped , credit to himself and satisfaction to the lodge . He must also state that as the funds of the lodge were now in such a prosperous state , he hoped some of the P . R . W . M . 's will not neglect to have some substantial token to present to the esteemed R . W . M . when he leaves the chair , to show him how sin-
Mark Masonry.
cerely they all appreciated the able and talented manner he had conducted the duties of his office . He again thanked them for the honour conferred on himself and the rest of the officers of the lodge . The Tyler ' s toast then brought the meeting to a close . Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , D . R . AV . M ., in an able speech , gave a brief history of Mark Masonry in general , and this lodge in particular . After a few hours of enjoyment , during which some good songs were well the brethren separatedhihl
sung , , gy entertained . LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —West Lancashire Marie Lodge ( No . 65 ) . —The brethren met at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , on Fridaythe 20 th ult . the AV . M . BroJames HamerPMPZ
, , , . , .., .., presiding , supported by his officers . The Grand Overseer , Bro . C . J . Banister , was absent on urgent Masonic duty in the north of England . The following brethren were advanced to thisdegree , viz ., Bros . John Baxendale , W . M . of Lodge 580 , Ormskirk ; Charles Leedham , AV . M . of Lodge 220 , Garston ; Yates , Lelliott , and Slee , of 673 ; Smith , of Lodge 823 ; and Tansley , of M . M . ( No . 6 S . C ) was admitted a joining member . Two
, brethren were proposed for advancement at the next meeting . The AV . M . requested the various officers to meet him on AVednesday evening next , for the purpose of opening a lodge of instruction . The hrethren generally cordially assented , and expressed their willingness to aid the AV . M . in his endeavours to make known the beauties of this degree . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren retired to the banquet-room , and
afterdoing ample justice to the delicacies set before them , the waiters retired , and the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The M . W . G . M ., Bro . Viscount Holmsdale , and the Grand Officers of M . M . received the honours due to their exalted rank and station . "Success to the West Lancashire Mark Lodge " met with an enthusiastic reception , and the proposer remarked that should the same measure of success attend their future meetings , the lodge will have on the register upwards of eighty members in the first year of its existence . After a pleasant and happy meeting of four hours' duration , the brethren separated .
MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN SCHOOL . A general meeting of the Governors of this charity was held at the School-house on the 7 th inst ., to receive the report of the scrutineers on the election of three pupils out of twelve approved candidates—the proxy papers having all been made returnable on the 2 nd . The school is supported solely by voluntary contributions , —the Grand Lodge subscribing £ 125 per annum , in addition to the collections at Grand Lodge , and the fees payable
hy the Grand Officers . The children are lodged , fed , clothed , and educated ; and provided as far as possible with suitable situations . Their religious and moral training is most carefully regarded . They are thoroughly instructed in all the branches of a sound English education ; and to such as evince a natural taste for French or music , these accomplishments are imparted . They are taught all the practical details of household economy , and particular attention is paid to plain needlework—the pupils
make up their own clothes and perform the domestic work of the house . The school house is capable of accommodating forty pupils . The result of the poll was as follows : — Elizabeth Searight , Portadown 447 Bessie Sargent , Clonmel 386 Arabella Brett , Dungarvon 372 Helena ShorttTemplemore 112
, Agnes Dalton , Gillingham , Kent 110 Charlotte E . Shortt , Limerick 88 Elizabeth J . Dalton , Beale , Kerry 83 Emma Phoebe Evatt , Dublin 72 Sarah Ann Archer , Fulford , Yorkshire 60 Harriett Hall , Moneymore 37 Mary Smith , Llanidloes , North AVales 24 Catherine Herbert , Norwich 5
A MAN ceases to be a " good fellow" the moment he refuses to do precisely what other people wish him to do .