Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
At the Surrey Sessions George Baxter was convicted of stealing a watch from the person of a gentleman on Epsom Downs at the races , and was sentenced to three years' penal servitude . Thomas James , for a similar crime , received a sentence of eighteen months' hard labour . Three navvies , named Bryant , Sullivan , and Smith , were charged with committing a brutal
assault on Henry Smith , at Norwood . A quarrel concerning the relative merits of Garibaldi and the Pope gave rise to the outrage . They were sentenced to four months' hard labour . Another forgery case has turned up in the City , and again the principals concerned are foreigners . A Paris merchant sends to an agent in London £ 30 , 000 worth of goods ; the agent
sells the bulk of them to one or more foreigners ; the principal then wants his money ; he comes over to London ; goes to the office of the purchaser ; asks for his money ; receives as collateral security a number of hills ; these bills turn out to be drawn on purely fancy names ; a solicitor is appealed to ; provided the money is forthcoming it is probable no steps will be
taken ; no money is to hand ; the delinquent is given into custody ; after an examination , he , with an alleged accomplice , is remanded . At the Middlesex Sessions , the four men , Collins , Griffiths . Smith , and Seymour , convicted last sessions of attempting to pick pockets in Regent-street , were brought up for judgment . In consequence of the decision of the judges in the Court of
Criminal Appeal , to whom the point was submitted for an opinion as to whether the evidence sustained the conviction , the prisoners , much to their delight , were discharged . On Tuesday evening an awful event occurred at the Egham Station of the London and South-AVeslern Railway , resulting in the death of five persons , and injury to several others . The disaster was caused by an express train from Ascot running into another which had just commenced to move out of the station . ——A
horrible murder was committed on Thursday , at the Lion Tavern , New Cattle Market , Islington . The victim of this atrocity was a fine young woman , and engaged as servant in the house . Her murderer is a young man who filled the situation as potman in the same tavern . A lover ' s quarrel had arisen between them , when the man , having a large carving knife in his hand , plunged it into the body of tho unfortunate girl ,
stabbing her to the heart . Death was immediate . The assassin was taken before the magistrate at the Clerkenwell Police Court . After some evidence had been taken he was remanded . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Monitenr announces some successes over the natives in Algeria , but the large forces that it says are advancing against the rebels clearly show how
serious the rebellion must be . Efforts are being made to save the life of the convict La Pommerais . The wife and the father of the criminal , together with his counsel , have had interviews with the Emperor on the subject ; and it is considered doubtful yet whether the capital sentence will be carried into effect , notwithstanding that ? the Court of Cassation has rejected the
appeal made against the conviction . It is announced that the lectureship vacated by the dismissal of M . Renan is shortly to be filled up ; the legality of such a proceeding is , however , doubted . -The Conference re-assembled on Monday , hut no definite agreement—not even as to a continuance of the armistice— -was arrived at . The armistice will expire on Sunday next ;
hut , notwithstanding the discouraging result- of the sitting , Lord Palmerston has no doubt that before the close of the week arrngements will be made to avert an immediate resumption of hostilities . Another meeting took place on Thursday , when it is understood the armistice was extended for 12 clays . A telegram from Trieste brings intelligence of preparations on the part of Austria for a renewal of hostilities against Denmark , in the event of no extension of the armistice being effected by
The Week.
the plenipotentiaries in Conference . It is stated that several of the ships of war lying at that place have received orders to be ready to join the North Sea squadron . The Evening Mcniteur states that public feeling in Norway is in a very excited state on the Danish question . In proof of this the proceedings at the 50 th anniversary meeting of the proclamation of the constitution , held recently at Christiana , are referred to . On that
occasion the various speakers taking part in the celebration expressed in strong terms their sympathy with Denmark , and their regret that the Government had not rendered some material aid to a sister country invaded by the overwhelming forces of an ungenerous foe . A fearful calamity is reported from Corfu . A powder-mill exploded , destroying fifty houses ,
including a hospital , a fort , the custom-house , and several factories . The loss of life is enormous . Ninety soldiers and forty-seven civilians have died , thirty soldiers and two hundred civilians are wounded , and twenty-eight soldiers are missing . AA e have at present nothing but the bare facts ; and the details of this awful tragedy will be awaited with some anxiety .
The coup d'etat made hy Prince Couza has given great satisfaction to the population of the Eoumaiu provinces , but does not appear to have found favour in the eyes of the Eussian Government , if we may trust the tone of au article published in a semi-official journal at St . Petersburg .
CHINA . —Major Gordon has been successful against the rebels , and several of their strongholds , it was expected , would be compelled to surrender . NEW ZEALAND . —According to a telegram received there is little appearance of a speedy settlement of difficulties in New Zealand . Two severe engagements are reported to have taken
place , in one of whieh the natives were defeated , but in the other the English troops had suffered a reverse . An additional despatch from General Cameron , telegraphed from Alexandria to the Foreign Office , states that on the 5 th of April , while reconnoitring the position of the revolted Maoris at Mangatawhiri , he found that they had abandoned it during the early morning , and had retreated up the right bank of the AA aikato .
To Correspondents.
* x * We have seen the suggestion of the Duke of Manchester , stated to have been made at his installation as Prov . G . M . for Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire , hut await the report of the proceedings which has not yet come to hand , before expressing an opinion regarding it . E . B ., No . 548 . —We never give up the names of our
correspondents . If you have anything to complain of we shall be happy to hear from you . GRAND CONCLAVE . —In our report of the meeting of Grand Conclave in the MAGAZINE , of May 21 st , p . 409 , the V . H . and E . D . G . M ., Colonel A ernon , is made to say " He should be sorry to contribute to any severance of either of the degrees
of Freemasonry , but it did appear to him necessary to maintain the connection with Eoyal Arch Masonry . " Instead of the above it shouid read " Lt did appear to him necessary to maintain the connection , & c . " —the word " not" having accidentally been inserted , and totally reversing Colonel Vernon ' s decided objections throughout the whole of ths
discussion . Our reporter had no intention of misrepresenting the D . G . M ., and hopes that the correction now made will set the matter right .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
At the Surrey Sessions George Baxter was convicted of stealing a watch from the person of a gentleman on Epsom Downs at the races , and was sentenced to three years' penal servitude . Thomas James , for a similar crime , received a sentence of eighteen months' hard labour . Three navvies , named Bryant , Sullivan , and Smith , were charged with committing a brutal
assault on Henry Smith , at Norwood . A quarrel concerning the relative merits of Garibaldi and the Pope gave rise to the outrage . They were sentenced to four months' hard labour . Another forgery case has turned up in the City , and again the principals concerned are foreigners . A Paris merchant sends to an agent in London £ 30 , 000 worth of goods ; the agent
sells the bulk of them to one or more foreigners ; the principal then wants his money ; he comes over to London ; goes to the office of the purchaser ; asks for his money ; receives as collateral security a number of hills ; these bills turn out to be drawn on purely fancy names ; a solicitor is appealed to ; provided the money is forthcoming it is probable no steps will be
taken ; no money is to hand ; the delinquent is given into custody ; after an examination , he , with an alleged accomplice , is remanded . At the Middlesex Sessions , the four men , Collins , Griffiths . Smith , and Seymour , convicted last sessions of attempting to pick pockets in Regent-street , were brought up for judgment . In consequence of the decision of the judges in the Court of
Criminal Appeal , to whom the point was submitted for an opinion as to whether the evidence sustained the conviction , the prisoners , much to their delight , were discharged . On Tuesday evening an awful event occurred at the Egham Station of the London and South-AVeslern Railway , resulting in the death of five persons , and injury to several others . The disaster was caused by an express train from Ascot running into another which had just commenced to move out of the station . ——A
horrible murder was committed on Thursday , at the Lion Tavern , New Cattle Market , Islington . The victim of this atrocity was a fine young woman , and engaged as servant in the house . Her murderer is a young man who filled the situation as potman in the same tavern . A lover ' s quarrel had arisen between them , when the man , having a large carving knife in his hand , plunged it into the body of tho unfortunate girl ,
stabbing her to the heart . Death was immediate . The assassin was taken before the magistrate at the Clerkenwell Police Court . After some evidence had been taken he was remanded . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Monitenr announces some successes over the natives in Algeria , but the large forces that it says are advancing against the rebels clearly show how
serious the rebellion must be . Efforts are being made to save the life of the convict La Pommerais . The wife and the father of the criminal , together with his counsel , have had interviews with the Emperor on the subject ; and it is considered doubtful yet whether the capital sentence will be carried into effect , notwithstanding that ? the Court of Cassation has rejected the
appeal made against the conviction . It is announced that the lectureship vacated by the dismissal of M . Renan is shortly to be filled up ; the legality of such a proceeding is , however , doubted . -The Conference re-assembled on Monday , hut no definite agreement—not even as to a continuance of the armistice— -was arrived at . The armistice will expire on Sunday next ;
hut , notwithstanding the discouraging result- of the sitting , Lord Palmerston has no doubt that before the close of the week arrngements will be made to avert an immediate resumption of hostilities . Another meeting took place on Thursday , when it is understood the armistice was extended for 12 clays . A telegram from Trieste brings intelligence of preparations on the part of Austria for a renewal of hostilities against Denmark , in the event of no extension of the armistice being effected by
The Week.
the plenipotentiaries in Conference . It is stated that several of the ships of war lying at that place have received orders to be ready to join the North Sea squadron . The Evening Mcniteur states that public feeling in Norway is in a very excited state on the Danish question . In proof of this the proceedings at the 50 th anniversary meeting of the proclamation of the constitution , held recently at Christiana , are referred to . On that
occasion the various speakers taking part in the celebration expressed in strong terms their sympathy with Denmark , and their regret that the Government had not rendered some material aid to a sister country invaded by the overwhelming forces of an ungenerous foe . A fearful calamity is reported from Corfu . A powder-mill exploded , destroying fifty houses ,
including a hospital , a fort , the custom-house , and several factories . The loss of life is enormous . Ninety soldiers and forty-seven civilians have died , thirty soldiers and two hundred civilians are wounded , and twenty-eight soldiers are missing . AA e have at present nothing but the bare facts ; and the details of this awful tragedy will be awaited with some anxiety .
The coup d'etat made hy Prince Couza has given great satisfaction to the population of the Eoumaiu provinces , but does not appear to have found favour in the eyes of the Eussian Government , if we may trust the tone of au article published in a semi-official journal at St . Petersburg .
CHINA . —Major Gordon has been successful against the rebels , and several of their strongholds , it was expected , would be compelled to surrender . NEW ZEALAND . —According to a telegram received there is little appearance of a speedy settlement of difficulties in New Zealand . Two severe engagements are reported to have taken
place , in one of whieh the natives were defeated , but in the other the English troops had suffered a reverse . An additional despatch from General Cameron , telegraphed from Alexandria to the Foreign Office , states that on the 5 th of April , while reconnoitring the position of the revolted Maoris at Mangatawhiri , he found that they had abandoned it during the early morning , and had retreated up the right bank of the AA aikato .
To Correspondents.
* x * We have seen the suggestion of the Duke of Manchester , stated to have been made at his installation as Prov . G . M . for Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire , hut await the report of the proceedings which has not yet come to hand , before expressing an opinion regarding it . E . B ., No . 548 . —We never give up the names of our
correspondents . If you have anything to complain of we shall be happy to hear from you . GRAND CONCLAVE . —In our report of the meeting of Grand Conclave in the MAGAZINE , of May 21 st , p . 409 , the V . H . and E . D . G . M ., Colonel A ernon , is made to say " He should be sorry to contribute to any severance of either of the degrees
of Freemasonry , but it did appear to him necessary to maintain the connection with Eoyal Arch Masonry . " Instead of the above it shouid read " Lt did appear to him necessary to maintain the connection , & c . " —the word " not" having accidentally been inserted , and totally reversing Colonel Vernon ' s decided objections throughout the whole of ths
discussion . Our reporter had no intention of misrepresenting the D . G . M ., and hopes that the correction now made will set the matter right .