Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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evident emotion acknowledged the handsome and he thought undeserved manner in which the toast had been received . The health of Bro . Bradley was then proposed by Bro . Saqui , and enthusiastically received . Bro . Bradley briefly , hut in suitable terms , replied to the compliment . The healths of Bros . Saqui and Scurr ( Treasurer ) were severally proposed and heartily responded to . The pleasures of tho evening were much enhanced by the excellent singing and recitations of Bros . Paxman , Scurr , Stephens , Bowron , Roberts , Ballard , & c , and the hrethren retired at eleven o ' clock after a delightful evening spent in the bonds of unity and brotherly love .
KENT . MAIDSTONE . —Belmdere Lodge ( No . 503 ) . —The AV . M . convened a meeting of the brethren of the lodge for Tuesday , May 31 st , to discuss the propositions contained in the circular received from the Provincial Grand Secretary , whether or not to continue the procession to church at the annual festival . It was remarked that the circular afforded no information as to the reason or necessitof such an alteration of an established
y custom , tending , as it has done , to consolidate the brethren in a body , aud to preserve them from results that may occur from the want of that order and discipline which a procession tends to insure , and in opposition to changes suggested by caprice , or in attempting to reduce Freemasonry in its practices to the fanciful notions of the 19 th century , it should be remembered that it rests its claims greatlon its antiquityand uniformit
y , y ought to be preserved as one of the landmarks of the Order , and useless changes deprecated in a system which had stood the test of centuries . The annual festival provides an opportunity for brethren from various towns to meet , and with befitting ceremony to visit the Temple of the Most High . This public recognition of the world ' s Great Architect must be a duty in-•umhent on Freemasonswho desire on such an occasion as well
, to praise Him as to invoke His aid , and to unite us firmly in the bonds of brotherly love . The following resolution was proposed by Bro . Harpur , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., and seconded by Bro . Pike , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W ., and carried unanimously , "That the present system of attending divine worship at church at the annual festival he continued as heretofore , with this recommendationthat the procession proceed from the lod to
, ge the church by tho most convenient route ; any unnecessary perambulating of the town to he studiously avoided . That a deputation , consisting of the W . M ., Bro . Tolpult , aud Bro . Cruttenden , Sen . P . M ., shall attend the preparatory meeting of Grand Lodge , at the Eoyal Oak Hotel , Dover , to support the above resolution . "
DOVER . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 199 ) . —The above lodge , which is one of the strongest if not the strongest in Kent , had a numerous meeting on Monday last , and it being known to be the installation of the W . M ., consequently attracted a goodly number of visitors , amongst whom were—Bros . Alfred Pratt , P . M . Neptune , 22 ; Cavell , Mayor of Deal ; Hartly , 781 . , Deal ; Morris , W . M . 784 ; Paul , 781 ; and several others . The lodge was opened at four o ' clock bthe AVMBroCoram
y .., . , assisted by his AVardens and officers . Among the Past Masters ¦ were Bros . Vanderlyn , Adamson ( Treas . ) , Gardner ( Sec ) , Cox , Boyton . After the minutes were read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Brooks having proved himself qualified was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . None of the candidates for passing being in attendance , the lodge resumed to the second degree , and at the appointed
time , half-past five , Bro . Vanderlyn , P . M ., took the chair for the purpose of installing the AV . M . elect , Bro . T . P . Bennett , who was unanimously elected on the preceding month , and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , he was formally inducted into the chair of King Solomon iu a manner which gave the Installing Master great pleasure and the lodge much satisfaction . After being properly saluted and
proclaimed , and investing the Immediate Past Master , the newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested his officers , viz ., Bros . Thompson , S . W . ; Ayers , J . W . ; Adamson , P . M ., unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; Gardner , P . M ., Sec ; Fox , S . D . ; Ellenzer , J . D . Wilson , I . G-., and Knight , Tyler . The usual business communications having been disposed of , and notice given of the preparatory meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent being held next week , and a proposition about being
made to discontinue Masonic processions to Divine worship at the Provincial Grand Festivals , and a long discussion taking place on the subject , it was at length proposed by Bro . Vanderlyn , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Briggs , and carried unanimously , that the representatives of this lodge at the preparatory meeting of the Grand Lodge strongly express their opinion that no alteration whatever shall take place . The lodge was then closed , and at seven o'clock the brethren sat down to a most sumptuous
banquet , provided by the host of the Eoyal Oak , Bro . Philpot , on which occasion the good cheer for which the Oak was always known , was made manifest . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AV . M . gave "The Health of the Visitors , " and expressed the pleasure the lodge felt in seeing such a large number of them , which toast he coupled with that of Bro . Alfred Pratt , P . M . Bro . Pratt , in returning thanks on behalf of the visitorsexpressed the great leasure he felt in again witnessing
, p the ceremony of installation among his numerous friends the Dover brethren . He likewise congratulated the members of the lodge on seeing Bro . Vanderlyn perform the ceremony in so impressive and masterly a style . The health of the Installing Master , responded to hy Bro . Vanderlyn ; the Past Masters by Bro . Cowen , P . M . After which " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed and received with the enthusiasm it so richly
deserved . Bro . Bennett , in reply , thanked the brethren for the proud position they had been pleased to bestow on him , and that he would at all times endeavour to deserve their esteem and confidence . The healths of the AVardens and officers being given and duly responded to , the evening concluded with the Tylers' toast ; after which the brethren departed , highly delighted with the whole of the proceedings .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) CONSECRATION OE THE ROVAE VICTORIA LODGE ( NO 1013 ) . A warrant of Constitution having been granted on the 27 th April last for the above new lodge , it was consecrated on Wednesday , the 1 st inst ., at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , Liverpool .
In the unavoidable absence of Bro . Wylie , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., the lodge was opened iu the three degrees by Bro . Mawdesley , Pro . G . Sec , after which he resigned the chair to Bro . Younghusband , P . M . 241 and Prov . Gr . Steward , who had been selected to perforin this interesting and solemn ceremony . The proceedings commenced with a short prayer by the Chaplain , and the following ode was sung by the choir : — Hail ! universal Lord I
By heaven and earth adored , All hail 1 great God ! Before Thy name we bend , To us Thy grace extend , And to our prayer attend , All hail ! great God ! The Consecrating Master then spoke as follows : — " Brethren
, we have this day assembled for the purpose of constituting a new lodge according to the ancient rites and ceremonies of our Order . AVhile thus solemnly engaged , let us conduct ourselves as men who are specially reminded that wherever we are or whatever we do , the all-seeing eye of God beholds us . I shall now call on the Provincial Grand Secretary to make a formal application on behalf of the new lodge , that it may be
constituted in ancient and solemn form ; " which having been done , the petition and warrant were read , and the hrethren asked if they approved of the officers nominated in the warrant to preside over them , to which they signified their assent in Masonic form , and the Chaplain delivered the oration . After the ovation , which was deservedly admired , as well for its matter as the style of its delivery , the 133 rd Psalm was
chanted hy the choir , and the Chaplain offered up the following prayer , all devoutly kneeling : — " Grand Geometrician of the Universe , Maker and Ruler of all Worlds , deign from Thy celestial temple , from realms of light and glory , to bless us in all the purposes of this our present assembly . We humbly invoke Thee to give us at this and all times , wisdom in all our doingsstrength of mind in all our difficultiesand the beauty
, , of harmony in all our communications . Permit us , O Thou centre of light and life , great source of love and happiness , to erect this lodge , and now solemnly to consecrate it to Thy honour and glory . " Chant—So mote it be .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
evident emotion acknowledged the handsome and he thought undeserved manner in which the toast had been received . The health of Bro . Bradley was then proposed by Bro . Saqui , and enthusiastically received . Bro . Bradley briefly , hut in suitable terms , replied to the compliment . The healths of Bros . Saqui and Scurr ( Treasurer ) were severally proposed and heartily responded to . The pleasures of tho evening were much enhanced by the excellent singing and recitations of Bros . Paxman , Scurr , Stephens , Bowron , Roberts , Ballard , & c , and the hrethren retired at eleven o ' clock after a delightful evening spent in the bonds of unity and brotherly love .
KENT . MAIDSTONE . —Belmdere Lodge ( No . 503 ) . —The AV . M . convened a meeting of the brethren of the lodge for Tuesday , May 31 st , to discuss the propositions contained in the circular received from the Provincial Grand Secretary , whether or not to continue the procession to church at the annual festival . It was remarked that the circular afforded no information as to the reason or necessitof such an alteration of an established
y custom , tending , as it has done , to consolidate the brethren in a body , aud to preserve them from results that may occur from the want of that order and discipline which a procession tends to insure , and in opposition to changes suggested by caprice , or in attempting to reduce Freemasonry in its practices to the fanciful notions of the 19 th century , it should be remembered that it rests its claims greatlon its antiquityand uniformit
y , y ought to be preserved as one of the landmarks of the Order , and useless changes deprecated in a system which had stood the test of centuries . The annual festival provides an opportunity for brethren from various towns to meet , and with befitting ceremony to visit the Temple of the Most High . This public recognition of the world ' s Great Architect must be a duty in-•umhent on Freemasonswho desire on such an occasion as well
, to praise Him as to invoke His aid , and to unite us firmly in the bonds of brotherly love . The following resolution was proposed by Bro . Harpur , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., and seconded by Bro . Pike , P . M ., Prov . J . G . W ., and carried unanimously , "That the present system of attending divine worship at church at the annual festival he continued as heretofore , with this recommendationthat the procession proceed from the lod to
, ge the church by tho most convenient route ; any unnecessary perambulating of the town to he studiously avoided . That a deputation , consisting of the W . M ., Bro . Tolpult , aud Bro . Cruttenden , Sen . P . M ., shall attend the preparatory meeting of Grand Lodge , at the Eoyal Oak Hotel , Dover , to support the above resolution . "
DOVER . —Lodge of Peace and Harmony ( No . 199 ) . —The above lodge , which is one of the strongest if not the strongest in Kent , had a numerous meeting on Monday last , and it being known to be the installation of the W . M ., consequently attracted a goodly number of visitors , amongst whom were—Bros . Alfred Pratt , P . M . Neptune , 22 ; Cavell , Mayor of Deal ; Hartly , 781 . , Deal ; Morris , W . M . 784 ; Paul , 781 ; and several others . The lodge was opened at four o ' clock bthe AVMBroCoram
y .., . , assisted by his AVardens and officers . Among the Past Masters ¦ were Bros . Vanderlyn , Adamson ( Treas . ) , Gardner ( Sec ) , Cox , Boyton . After the minutes were read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . Brooks having proved himself qualified was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . None of the candidates for passing being in attendance , the lodge resumed to the second degree , and at the appointed
time , half-past five , Bro . Vanderlyn , P . M ., took the chair for the purpose of installing the AV . M . elect , Bro . T . P . Bennett , who was unanimously elected on the preceding month , and a Board of Installed Masters having been formed , he was formally inducted into the chair of King Solomon iu a manner which gave the Installing Master great pleasure and the lodge much satisfaction . After being properly saluted and
proclaimed , and investing the Immediate Past Master , the newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested his officers , viz ., Bros . Thompson , S . W . ; Ayers , J . W . ; Adamson , P . M ., unanimously re-elected Treasurer ; Gardner , P . M ., Sec ; Fox , S . D . ; Ellenzer , J . D . Wilson , I . G-., and Knight , Tyler . The usual business communications having been disposed of , and notice given of the preparatory meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent being held next week , and a proposition about being
made to discontinue Masonic processions to Divine worship at the Provincial Grand Festivals , and a long discussion taking place on the subject , it was at length proposed by Bro . Vanderlyn , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Briggs , and carried unanimously , that the representatives of this lodge at the preparatory meeting of the Grand Lodge strongly express their opinion that no alteration whatever shall take place . The lodge was then closed , and at seven o'clock the brethren sat down to a most sumptuous
banquet , provided by the host of the Eoyal Oak , Bro . Philpot , on which occasion the good cheer for which the Oak was always known , was made manifest . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the AV . M . gave "The Health of the Visitors , " and expressed the pleasure the lodge felt in seeing such a large number of them , which toast he coupled with that of Bro . Alfred Pratt , P . M . Bro . Pratt , in returning thanks on behalf of the visitorsexpressed the great leasure he felt in again witnessing
, p the ceremony of installation among his numerous friends the Dover brethren . He likewise congratulated the members of the lodge on seeing Bro . Vanderlyn perform the ceremony in so impressive and masterly a style . The health of the Installing Master , responded to hy Bro . Vanderlyn ; the Past Masters by Bro . Cowen , P . M . After which " The Health of the W . M . " was proposed and received with the enthusiasm it so richly
deserved . Bro . Bennett , in reply , thanked the brethren for the proud position they had been pleased to bestow on him , and that he would at all times endeavour to deserve their esteem and confidence . The healths of the AVardens and officers being given and duly responded to , the evening concluded with the Tylers' toast ; after which the brethren departed , highly delighted with the whole of the proceedings .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) CONSECRATION OE THE ROVAE VICTORIA LODGE ( NO 1013 ) . A warrant of Constitution having been granted on the 27 th April last for the above new lodge , it was consecrated on Wednesday , the 1 st inst ., at the Masonic Temple , 22 , Hope-street , Liverpool .
In the unavoidable absence of Bro . Wylie , P . Prov . J . G . AV ., the lodge was opened iu the three degrees by Bro . Mawdesley , Pro . G . Sec , after which he resigned the chair to Bro . Younghusband , P . M . 241 and Prov . Gr . Steward , who had been selected to perforin this interesting and solemn ceremony . The proceedings commenced with a short prayer by the Chaplain , and the following ode was sung by the choir : — Hail ! universal Lord I
By heaven and earth adored , All hail 1 great God ! Before Thy name we bend , To us Thy grace extend , And to our prayer attend , All hail ! great God ! The Consecrating Master then spoke as follows : — " Brethren
, we have this day assembled for the purpose of constituting a new lodge according to the ancient rites and ceremonies of our Order . AVhile thus solemnly engaged , let us conduct ourselves as men who are specially reminded that wherever we are or whatever we do , the all-seeing eye of God beholds us . I shall now call on the Provincial Grand Secretary to make a formal application on behalf of the new lodge , that it may be
constituted in ancient and solemn form ; " which having been done , the petition and warrant were read , and the hrethren asked if they approved of the officers nominated in the warrant to preside over them , to which they signified their assent in Masonic form , and the Chaplain delivered the oration . After the ovation , which was deservedly admired , as well for its matter as the style of its delivery , the 133 rd Psalm was
chanted hy the choir , and the Chaplain offered up the following prayer , all devoutly kneeling : — " Grand Geometrician of the Universe , Maker and Ruler of all Worlds , deign from Thy celestial temple , from realms of light and glory , to bless us in all the purposes of this our present assembly . We humbly invoke Thee to give us at this and all times , wisdom in all our doingsstrength of mind in all our difficultiesand the beauty
, , of harmony in all our communications . Permit us , O Thou centre of light and life , great source of love and happiness , to erect this lodge , and now solemnly to consecrate it to Thy honour and glory . " Chant—So mote it be .