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South , P . M . 43 , Prov . G . J . W ., J . W . ; J . Grierson , W . M . 43 , S . D . ; W . J . Gaskell , P . M . 43 , J . D . ; N . B . Calder , P . M . 43 , I . G . ; E . J . Thomas , P . M . 43 , O . G . ; Bro . Owen . 43 . The harmonium , kindly lent for the occasion by tho Glamorgan Lodge , was presided over by Bro . Fisher , Organist 43 , and organist of St . Mary's Church ; who also ably conducted all the musical arrangements of the day , assisted bv Bros . J . Gawn , P . M . 979 Prov . G . Org . South Wales ; H . " j . GroovesP . M .
, , 9 i > 3 , Prov . G . Org . Monmouth , and Bro . H . Do Burgh Thomas , P . M . 460 , Prov . G . Org . Oxon . The services of the Prov . G . Chaplain could not be obtained , and the duties of his office had to be performed by thc presiding officer .
OEDEE OI ? PEOCEEDINO . The lodge was opened in the three degrees , music being introduced after each opening . The presiding officer ^ addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting . The W . M . designate replied to the presiding officer . The presiding officer rejoined and gave directions . The Secretary read the petition ancl warrant .
The presiding officer then enquired . ' of the brethren if they approved of the officers named in the petition and warrant . The brethren signified their approval in clue form . The presiding officer explained _ tliat at this period an Oration , appropriate to the occasion was usually delivered , but as no Orator had been appointed , no Chaplain was present ancl the brevity of their summons to him , had prevented his making
any preparation , that usually interesting portion of the ceremony must be dispensed with , aud proceeded immediately to the introductory praver . Anthem ( 133 Ps . ) , tune , St . Stephens . Behold how pleasant and how good For brethren such as we , Of the " Accepted " Brotherhood , To dwell in unity . '
'Tis like the oil in Aaron's head , Which to his feet distils ; Like Hermon's clew so richly shed On Zion ' s sacred hills . For there the Lord of Light and Love , A blessing sent with power ; Oh ! may we all that blessing prove ,
E ' en life for evermore , On Friendship's altar rising here , Our hands now plighted be , To live in love , with hearts sincere , In peace and unity . Consecration prayer ( first portion . ) Sanctus"Glory be to TheeO Lord . "
, , Omnes— chant , — " So mote it be . " All the brethren turned towards the East when the presiding officer gave the Invocation . Omnes—chant— " So mote it be . " A procession was then formed , in the same order as upon entering the lodge , ancl having marched once round to solemn music , the presiding officer halted in the East , and the
cornucopia being presented to him by his Deputy , he read Psalm 72 , 16 , and the lodge being now uncovered sprinkled it with corn , saying , " in the name of the Great Jehovah , to whom be all glory , I do solemnly dedicatet his lodge to Masonry . " Response . — "Glory be to God on hi gh . " The procession having again proceeded round the lodge , the challice was presented by the S . G . W . to the presiding officer , who , reading Numbers xv , 8 , sprinkled the lodwith wine
ge , saying , " In the name of the Great 'Jehovah , and of the Holy Saint Johns , I do solemnly dedicate this lodge to ' Virtue . '" Response . — " Peace on earth . " A third circuit having been made , the J . G . W . presented the ewer . The presiding officer read Exodus xxx . 35 , 36 , sprinkled the lodge with oil , and said , " In the name of the Great Jehovah , of the HolStJohnsancl of the whole
y . , fraternity , I do solemnl y dedicate this lodge to ' Universal Benevolence . '" Response . — " Good will towards men . " The presiding officer took the censer three times round the lodge , ( solemn music being performed during the progress , ) perfumed tbe lod ge , and halting in the east , read Exodus xxx . 7 , 8 . 18 . The Consecration Prayer ( second portion . ) Omnes . Chant . — " So mote it be . "
Anthem . Music composed by Bro . Fisher . " Glory to God on high , Let heaven and earth reply , Praise ye His name ; Masons His love adore , Tiled in their mystic lore , Praise Him for evermore ,
Glory to God . " The lodge was again covered , and the presiding officer , advancing to the pedestal , constituted the new lodge as follows : " In the elevated character of Acting Grand Master , to which the suffrages of my brethren have raised me , I invoke the Name of the Most High , to whom be all glory and honour ! May He be with you at your beginning , strengthen you in the principles
of your royal art , prosper you with all success , and direct your zealous efforts to the good of the craft ! By the divine aid I constitute and form you , my good brethren , masters , and fellows , into a regular lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , and henceforth empower you to act in conformity to the rites of our venerable order , ancl the charges of our ancient fraternity . May God be with you !'' Omnes . Chant . — " So mote it be . "
The Consecration ceremony concluded with Anthem . —HAIL SJasonry Divine ! The lodge having resumed to the second degree , the ceremony of Installation was proceeded with . The W . M ., advancedbetweoii Iiis Wardens , was presented by the Director of Ceremonies and received from the Acting Prov . G . M . the benefits of Installation , those portions of the ceremony being omitted which were
unessential from the fact of the W . M . liaving already passed the chair of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford . Being duly installed in the chair of King Solomon , the W . M . was proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees , ancl after returning thanks to the brethren of the new lodge for the honour conferred upon him , proceeded to the appointment and investiture of his officers , as follows , ( the Treasurer and Tyler first being duly elected ) : —Acting
P . M ., Bro . R , P . Hunt , P . M . 523 , Past Prov . J . G . D ., Worcester ; S . W ., Bro . Alexander Dalziol , Past Prov . D . C , Northumberland ; J . W ., Bro . W . II . Martin ; Treas ., Bro . P . Bird ; Sec , Bro . Samuel James ; S . D ., Bro . E . Queleh ; J . D ., Bro . M . Davies ;
D . C , Bro . J . Graves ; I . G ., Bro . James Williams ; Tyler , Bro . W . Davies ; Stewards , Bros . Collins and Parsons . The usual charges were admirably given by the deputy , Bro . Langley . _ 'These interesting ceremonies being concluded , the more private business of the lodge was proceeded with . The discussion upon the bye-laws was postponed until the next regular stated lodgo , and the W . M . also announced that although he had a
dispensation to initiate as many as twelve of their candidates upon that day , it was thought undesirable , so far to protract the proceedings as to enter upon that ceremony , and that consequently the ballot for 32 candidates for initiation and 26 brethren as joining members ( in addition to the 19 upon their petition ) would be taken , and initiations upon requisition , proceeded with at several Lodges of Emergency duly convened for that purpose .
The W . M . then proposed that a cordial vote of thanks be recorded upon the minutes of the lodge to Bro . Dr . Bryant , P . M . 81 aud 120 , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Bristol , for his disinterested and truly Masonic conduct in coming amongst them that day at a considerable sacrifice of comfort and the abstraction of no less than three days , from his important professional engagements . The proposition was seconded by the S . W . and carried amidst
, the hearty acclamations of the brethren . Bro . Bryant eloquently replied with much feeling , disclaiming any merit for having performed what he looked upon as a simple act of Masonic duty , ancl assuring the brethren that his services ever had been , ancl he trusted ever would be , very readily rendered whenever they could be of any benefit to the fraternity of which thc
proceedings of that day would make hiin still prouder of being a member . A similar vote of thanks was proposed to the Acting Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . R . F . Langley , P . M . 43 , Prov . G . S . W ., South Wales , to whose unwearied exertions for a very lengthened period the cause of masonry in this town may almost be said to have owed its existencewhich having been put ancl carried in
, due form , was suitably acknowledged . The W . M . next proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . F . Ware , No . 43 , 81 , and 408 , who at the special request of the lodge , had consented to perform the duties of Director of Ceremonies for the day . This was also carried and duly acknowledged .
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South , P . M . 43 , Prov . G . J . W ., J . W . ; J . Grierson , W . M . 43 , S . D . ; W . J . Gaskell , P . M . 43 , J . D . ; N . B . Calder , P . M . 43 , I . G . ; E . J . Thomas , P . M . 43 , O . G . ; Bro . Owen . 43 . The harmonium , kindly lent for the occasion by tho Glamorgan Lodge , was presided over by Bro . Fisher , Organist 43 , and organist of St . Mary's Church ; who also ably conducted all the musical arrangements of the day , assisted bv Bros . J . Gawn , P . M . 979 Prov . G . Org . South Wales ; H . " j . GroovesP . M .
, , 9 i > 3 , Prov . G . Org . Monmouth , and Bro . H . Do Burgh Thomas , P . M . 460 , Prov . G . Org . Oxon . The services of the Prov . G . Chaplain could not be obtained , and the duties of his office had to be performed by thc presiding officer .
OEDEE OI ? PEOCEEDINO . The lodge was opened in the three degrees , music being introduced after each opening . The presiding officer ^ addressed the brethren on the nature of the meeting . The W . M . designate replied to the presiding officer . The presiding officer rejoined and gave directions . The Secretary read the petition ancl warrant .
The presiding officer then enquired . ' of the brethren if they approved of the officers named in the petition and warrant . The brethren signified their approval in clue form . The presiding officer explained _ tliat at this period an Oration , appropriate to the occasion was usually delivered , but as no Orator had been appointed , no Chaplain was present ancl the brevity of their summons to him , had prevented his making
any preparation , that usually interesting portion of the ceremony must be dispensed with , aud proceeded immediately to the introductory praver . Anthem ( 133 Ps . ) , tune , St . Stephens . Behold how pleasant and how good For brethren such as we , Of the " Accepted " Brotherhood , To dwell in unity . '
'Tis like the oil in Aaron's head , Which to his feet distils ; Like Hermon's clew so richly shed On Zion ' s sacred hills . For there the Lord of Light and Love , A blessing sent with power ; Oh ! may we all that blessing prove ,
E ' en life for evermore , On Friendship's altar rising here , Our hands now plighted be , To live in love , with hearts sincere , In peace and unity . Consecration prayer ( first portion . ) Sanctus"Glory be to TheeO Lord . "
, , Omnes— chant , — " So mote it be . " All the brethren turned towards the East when the presiding officer gave the Invocation . Omnes—chant— " So mote it be . " A procession was then formed , in the same order as upon entering the lodge , ancl having marched once round to solemn music , the presiding officer halted in the East , and the
cornucopia being presented to him by his Deputy , he read Psalm 72 , 16 , and the lodge being now uncovered sprinkled it with corn , saying , " in the name of the Great Jehovah , to whom be all glory , I do solemnly dedicatet his lodge to Masonry . " Response . — "Glory be to God on hi gh . " The procession having again proceeded round the lodge , the challice was presented by the S . G . W . to the presiding officer , who , reading Numbers xv , 8 , sprinkled the lodwith wine
ge , saying , " In the name of the Great 'Jehovah , and of the Holy Saint Johns , I do solemnly dedicate this lodge to ' Virtue . '" Response . — " Peace on earth . " A third circuit having been made , the J . G . W . presented the ewer . The presiding officer read Exodus xxx . 35 , 36 , sprinkled the lodge with oil , and said , " In the name of the Great Jehovah , of the HolStJohnsancl of the whole
y . , fraternity , I do solemnl y dedicate this lodge to ' Universal Benevolence . '" Response . — " Good will towards men . " The presiding officer took the censer three times round the lodge , ( solemn music being performed during the progress , ) perfumed tbe lod ge , and halting in the east , read Exodus xxx . 7 , 8 . 18 . The Consecration Prayer ( second portion . ) Omnes . Chant . — " So mote it be . "
Anthem . Music composed by Bro . Fisher . " Glory to God on high , Let heaven and earth reply , Praise ye His name ; Masons His love adore , Tiled in their mystic lore , Praise Him for evermore ,
Glory to God . " The lodge was again covered , and the presiding officer , advancing to the pedestal , constituted the new lodge as follows : " In the elevated character of Acting Grand Master , to which the suffrages of my brethren have raised me , I invoke the Name of the Most High , to whom be all glory and honour ! May He be with you at your beginning , strengthen you in the principles
of your royal art , prosper you with all success , and direct your zealous efforts to the good of the craft ! By the divine aid I constitute and form you , my good brethren , masters , and fellows , into a regular lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , and henceforth empower you to act in conformity to the rites of our venerable order , ancl the charges of our ancient fraternity . May God be with you !'' Omnes . Chant . — " So mote it be . "
The Consecration ceremony concluded with Anthem . —HAIL SJasonry Divine ! The lodge having resumed to the second degree , the ceremony of Installation was proceeded with . The W . M ., advancedbetweoii Iiis Wardens , was presented by the Director of Ceremonies and received from the Acting Prov . G . M . the benefits of Installation , those portions of the ceremony being omitted which were
unessential from the fact of the W . M . liaving already passed the chair of the Alfred Lodge , Oxford . Being duly installed in the chair of King Solomon , the W . M . was proclaimed and saluted in the three degrees , ancl after returning thanks to the brethren of the new lodge for the honour conferred upon him , proceeded to the appointment and investiture of his officers , as follows , ( the Treasurer and Tyler first being duly elected ) : —Acting
P . M ., Bro . R , P . Hunt , P . M . 523 , Past Prov . J . G . D ., Worcester ; S . W ., Bro . Alexander Dalziol , Past Prov . D . C , Northumberland ; J . W ., Bro . W . II . Martin ; Treas ., Bro . P . Bird ; Sec , Bro . Samuel James ; S . D ., Bro . E . Queleh ; J . D ., Bro . M . Davies ;
D . C , Bro . J . Graves ; I . G ., Bro . James Williams ; Tyler , Bro . W . Davies ; Stewards , Bros . Collins and Parsons . The usual charges were admirably given by the deputy , Bro . Langley . _ 'These interesting ceremonies being concluded , the more private business of the lodge was proceeded with . The discussion upon the bye-laws was postponed until the next regular stated lodgo , and the W . M . also announced that although he had a
dispensation to initiate as many as twelve of their candidates upon that day , it was thought undesirable , so far to protract the proceedings as to enter upon that ceremony , and that consequently the ballot for 32 candidates for initiation and 26 brethren as joining members ( in addition to the 19 upon their petition ) would be taken , and initiations upon requisition , proceeded with at several Lodges of Emergency duly convened for that purpose .
The W . M . then proposed that a cordial vote of thanks be recorded upon the minutes of the lodge to Bro . Dr . Bryant , P . M . 81 aud 120 , P . Prov . G . S . W ., Bristol , for his disinterested and truly Masonic conduct in coming amongst them that day at a considerable sacrifice of comfort and the abstraction of no less than three days , from his important professional engagements . The proposition was seconded by the S . W . and carried amidst
, the hearty acclamations of the brethren . Bro . Bryant eloquently replied with much feeling , disclaiming any merit for having performed what he looked upon as a simple act of Masonic duty , ancl assuring the brethren that his services ever had been , ancl he trusted ever would be , very readily rendered whenever they could be of any benefit to the fraternity of which thc
proceedings of that day would make hiin still prouder of being a member . A similar vote of thanks was proposed to the Acting Deputy Prov . G . M ., Bro . R . F . Langley , P . M . 43 , Prov . G . S . W ., South Wales , to whose unwearied exertions for a very lengthened period the cause of masonry in this town may almost be said to have owed its existencewhich having been put ancl carried in
, due form , was suitably acknowledged . The W . M . next proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . F . Ware , No . 43 , 81 , and 408 , who at the special request of the lodge , had consented to perform the duties of Director of Ceremonies for the day . This was also carried and duly acknowledged .