Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 4 of 4 Article CANADA. Page 1 of 2 →
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The W . M . then mr . Ie the pleasing announcement that the Sacred Law which lay before him ( a very handsome and truly magnificent present ) was the gift to the Bute Lodge of his wife , and bore a suitable superscription to that effect . Whereupon the S . VV . proposed , ancl the Secretary seconded that a vote of thanks be presented to Mrs . Thorp for her very valuable donation , which was duly carried , amid much cheering , and acknowledged by the W . M .
Votes of thanks were then accorded to the W . M ., officers , and brethren of the Glamorgan Lodge No . 43 , and the Silurian Lodge No . 693 , for their kindness in recommending the petition to Grand Lodge , and also for their attendance as distinct lodges upon that day . These were suitably responded to by Bro . J . Grierson , W . M . 43 and Bro . Hancorn , P . M . and Acting W . M . 693 . This being the vrholo of the business , the lodge was closed at
1 . 30 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned for one hour ' s refreshment , highly delighted with all that had taken place . Precisely at 2 . 30 p . m . a procession , consisting of upwards of one hundred brethren of English , Scotch . Irish , ancl American lodges , left the Masonic Hall for St . Mary's church . The Prov . Grand Lodge not having been summoned , the post of honour belonged to the new lodge , to whom all the other brethren were
visitors ; but this position was most gracefully conceded to the Parent Lodge No . 43 , who are justly proud of their antiquity , the new lodge immediately preceding the Glamorgan . The procession entered the church ( having opened out and reversed at the porch ) punctually at three o ' clock , and divine service immediately commenced . At the conclusion of the prayers an anthem , taken from the 133 rd Psalm ( "Behold how good and
joyful , " ) was announced and beautifully performed by the ordinary members of the choir , assisted by the musical brethren before named , Bro . Fisher presiding at the organ , the solo ( bass ) being admirably rendered by Bro . H . J . Groves , Prov . G . Oi-g ., Monmouth . We regret to state that the services of a masonic chaplain could not he obtained upon so interesting and unusual an occasion , although the pulpit , had most
charitably been offered to any qualified brother whom the lodge iniglit invite , and many were invited without success . The worthy viciv , Rev . Canon Morgan , M . A ., however , in the most handsome manner volunteered to preach , and delivered an
excellent discourse from Matthew 7 th ancl 12 th verse , " Whatsoever therefore yc would that men should do unto you do ye also unto them . " At the close of the service a collection was made on behalf of the funds of the Cardiff Infirmary , which amounted to £ 10 . The procession then returned in tho previous order , passed the Masonic Hall , and arrived at the Mount Stuart Hotel exactly at 4 . 30 the hour fixed for the banquetand now the first
, , delay of the day occurred—dinner not being served up until six o'clock , a circumstance which much interfered with the comfort of the many visitors from Newport , who had to leave very early in the proceedings . And here we must , in all kindness , suggest to the brethren of the Bute Lodge , that they clo not again invite distinguished visitors to a table which , so far from partaking of the
appearance of the Masonic banquets to which we have been accustomed , and which are usually provided in this town , bore more the resemblance of an ill-cooked " Farmers' Ordinary . " Dinner over , the room was close tyled , and the W . M . gave in succession , the toists of "The Queen and the Craft ; " "The Prince ancl Princess of Wales ; " " The Grand Master of England ; " " The Deputy Grand Masterand Grand Lodge of
Eng-, land ; " "Colonel Tynte , Prov . G . M . ; " " Dr . Bird , D . Prov . GM . and Prov . G . Lodge , " responded to by Bro . South , P . M . 43 , Prov . G . S . W . ; " Bro . Dr . Bryant , the Presiding Officers of the day , " who upon rising to respond , was greeted by repeated rounds of applause , and after the delivery of a tolling speech ( which we regret the length of our report prevents our giving in full ) , proposed tho health of the WM . , of whom he spoke in the
highest terms of commendation . The toast was responded to with much enthusiasm , and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Thorp , who then proposed the W . M . and brethren of the Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 43 ) , to which the W . M ., Bro . Grierson , responded on behalf of himself and nearly thirty of his brethren who rose with him . Time being upon the wing , the Provincial Grand Lod of
ge Monmouth , and the W . M . and brethren of the Silurian Lodge ( No . 693 ) , Newport , was coupled and responded to by Bro . 0 . Lyne , D . Prov . G . M ., Monmouth , and by liro . Hancorn , P . M . and acting W . M . 093 , after which the Newport brethren ivere obliged to leave , in order to catch the last train . The following
toasts were then given and responded to in succession . "The Prov . Grand Lodge of Oxford , " responded to by Bro . II . De Burgh Thomas , Prov . G . O . ; "The St . John's Chapter , " responded to by Bros . Hodge , P . Z ., South , P . Z ., and Gaskill , M . E . Z . ; "The S . W . and Officers , " responded to by Bro . Dalziel ; " The Director of Ceremonies for the day , " responded to by Bro . Ware ; " The Secretary , " responded to by James ; " Prosperity to the Bute Lodge" prosposed by Bro . Dr . Bryantand
acknow-, , ledged by the W . M .: "The Visitors , " responded to by one of the American brethren , and after the Tyler ' s toast , the brethren separated at an early hour , to look back with feelings of lively satisfaction upon all the proceedings of the day . Wo must not omit to observe that the musical arrangements at dinner were conducted by the same efficient brethren to whom we have before alluded ; who gave a variety of glees and
songs which much gratified all present . Tho following are amongst the brethren present throughout the day , and not heretofore specially mentioned , Bros . Waldron , S . W . 43 ; Cross , S . D . 43 ; Marks , J . D . 43 ; Roberts , Sec . and Treas . 43 ; Armstrong , I . G . 43 ; Wells , P . M . 693 , P . Prov . G . J . VV . and Prov . G . Treas . ; Pickford , P . M . 693 , Prov . GStewardWilliamsSec . 693 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Evans
; , , , S . W . 696 ; Oliver , S . D . 693 , and Middleton , P . M . 983 , & c . A lodge of emergency , duly convened and at which all the officers were present , was held on Thiusday , 2 nd instant . Thirty-two candidates for initiation were ballotted for , and fiveinitiated into the privileges of tbe Order . The ballot for twenty-six joining members and further initiations to take placeat the first regular-lodge on Tuesday , 7 th inst .
CHATHAM . NEW MASONIC ILVIX . A lew weeks ago we stated that the members of Miramiclri-Masonic Lodge , located in Chatham , purposed erecting a building in the town , to afford them more convenience than they at present possess , to hold their meetings , and also with the laudable intention of furnishing the public with a hall , in a convenient locationin which to assemble on public occasions , and
, for other purposes . We are pleased to be able to state that , since that announcement , a contract has been entered into with Mr . Alexander Cornuick , builder , who furnished the plan of the edifice ; anil the work has so far progressed , that the Masonic body decided to lay the corner-stone on Wednesday , June 3 rd , and made their arrangements accordingly . Early in the morning , which was
as bright , sunny , and auspicious as the brethren and friends of the Order could desire , the site was tastefully decorated with flags , representing the United States , Norway , Sweden , Denmark , France , & c , and that of our own beloved country , under which these colonies have grown and prospered , and enjoyed a larger share of genuine liberty—social , civil , and religiouspossessed by no people under any other flag ; ancl we heartily trust it will long continue to wave over us , and that our children
and their children ' s children win be privileged to enjoy the inestimable blessing of living under its ample folds , and have the same cause as their fathers before them , to reverence ancl honour it . In concluding the ceremony , they were assisted by the Provincial Grand Chaplain , the Rev . C . P . Bliss , Rector of Sussex , R . T . Clinch , Esq ., of St . John , Deputy Prov . G . M ., a gentleman well known and much respected in this community ; and
a number of the members of Northumberland lodge , located in Newcastle , several captains in port , and other strangers . As this was a ceremony never before witnessed in Miramichi , the inhabitants , young anil old , male and female—turned out in great force to witness it ; ancl it affords us great satisfaction to be enabled to state that nothing occurred ro mar the proceedings of the clay , or to cause the slightest regret . The crowd
was orderly , well-behaved , and all appeared to take a deep interest in the ceremony , and to manifest an unusual desire to hear what was said , and to witness the proceedings . Not being one of the " initiated , " we learnt from one of the coil'ee-be-. u-ers , that the members of " Miramichi" and " Northumberland" Lodges , together with a number of visiting brethren , assembled at the lodge room . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at twelve o'clock with the usual forms , by R . W . R . T . Clinch , Dep . Piov . G . M ., assisted by Bros . G . H .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The W . M . then mr . Ie the pleasing announcement that the Sacred Law which lay before him ( a very handsome and truly magnificent present ) was the gift to the Bute Lodge of his wife , and bore a suitable superscription to that effect . Whereupon the S . VV . proposed , ancl the Secretary seconded that a vote of thanks be presented to Mrs . Thorp for her very valuable donation , which was duly carried , amid much cheering , and acknowledged by the W . M .
Votes of thanks were then accorded to the W . M ., officers , and brethren of the Glamorgan Lodge No . 43 , and the Silurian Lodge No . 693 , for their kindness in recommending the petition to Grand Lodge , and also for their attendance as distinct lodges upon that day . These were suitably responded to by Bro . J . Grierson , W . M . 43 and Bro . Hancorn , P . M . and Acting W . M . 693 . This being the vrholo of the business , the lodge was closed at
1 . 30 p . m ., and the brethren adjourned for one hour ' s refreshment , highly delighted with all that had taken place . Precisely at 2 . 30 p . m . a procession , consisting of upwards of one hundred brethren of English , Scotch . Irish , ancl American lodges , left the Masonic Hall for St . Mary's church . The Prov . Grand Lodge not having been summoned , the post of honour belonged to the new lodge , to whom all the other brethren were
visitors ; but this position was most gracefully conceded to the Parent Lodge No . 43 , who are justly proud of their antiquity , the new lodge immediately preceding the Glamorgan . The procession entered the church ( having opened out and reversed at the porch ) punctually at three o ' clock , and divine service immediately commenced . At the conclusion of the prayers an anthem , taken from the 133 rd Psalm ( "Behold how good and
joyful , " ) was announced and beautifully performed by the ordinary members of the choir , assisted by the musical brethren before named , Bro . Fisher presiding at the organ , the solo ( bass ) being admirably rendered by Bro . H . J . Groves , Prov . G . Oi-g ., Monmouth . We regret to state that the services of a masonic chaplain could not he obtained upon so interesting and unusual an occasion , although the pulpit , had most
charitably been offered to any qualified brother whom the lodge iniglit invite , and many were invited without success . The worthy viciv , Rev . Canon Morgan , M . A ., however , in the most handsome manner volunteered to preach , and delivered an
excellent discourse from Matthew 7 th ancl 12 th verse , " Whatsoever therefore yc would that men should do unto you do ye also unto them . " At the close of the service a collection was made on behalf of the funds of the Cardiff Infirmary , which amounted to £ 10 . The procession then returned in tho previous order , passed the Masonic Hall , and arrived at the Mount Stuart Hotel exactly at 4 . 30 the hour fixed for the banquetand now the first
, , delay of the day occurred—dinner not being served up until six o'clock , a circumstance which much interfered with the comfort of the many visitors from Newport , who had to leave very early in the proceedings . And here we must , in all kindness , suggest to the brethren of the Bute Lodge , that they clo not again invite distinguished visitors to a table which , so far from partaking of the
appearance of the Masonic banquets to which we have been accustomed , and which are usually provided in this town , bore more the resemblance of an ill-cooked " Farmers' Ordinary . " Dinner over , the room was close tyled , and the W . M . gave in succession , the toists of "The Queen and the Craft ; " "The Prince ancl Princess of Wales ; " " The Grand Master of England ; " " The Deputy Grand Masterand Grand Lodge of
Eng-, land ; " "Colonel Tynte , Prov . G . M . ; " " Dr . Bird , D . Prov . GM . and Prov . G . Lodge , " responded to by Bro . South , P . M . 43 , Prov . G . S . W . ; " Bro . Dr . Bryant , the Presiding Officers of the day , " who upon rising to respond , was greeted by repeated rounds of applause , and after the delivery of a tolling speech ( which we regret the length of our report prevents our giving in full ) , proposed tho health of the WM . , of whom he spoke in the
highest terms of commendation . The toast was responded to with much enthusiasm , and suitably acknowledged by Bro . Thorp , who then proposed the W . M . and brethren of the Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 43 ) , to which the W . M ., Bro . Grierson , responded on behalf of himself and nearly thirty of his brethren who rose with him . Time being upon the wing , the Provincial Grand Lod of
ge Monmouth , and the W . M . and brethren of the Silurian Lodge ( No . 693 ) , Newport , was coupled and responded to by Bro . 0 . Lyne , D . Prov . G . M ., Monmouth , and by liro . Hancorn , P . M . and acting W . M . 093 , after which the Newport brethren ivere obliged to leave , in order to catch the last train . The following
toasts were then given and responded to in succession . "The Prov . Grand Lodge of Oxford , " responded to by Bro . II . De Burgh Thomas , Prov . G . O . ; "The St . John's Chapter , " responded to by Bros . Hodge , P . Z ., South , P . Z ., and Gaskill , M . E . Z . ; "The S . W . and Officers , " responded to by Bro . Dalziel ; " The Director of Ceremonies for the day , " responded to by Bro . Ware ; " The Secretary , " responded to by James ; " Prosperity to the Bute Lodge" prosposed by Bro . Dr . Bryantand
acknow-, , ledged by the W . M .: "The Visitors , " responded to by one of the American brethren , and after the Tyler ' s toast , the brethren separated at an early hour , to look back with feelings of lively satisfaction upon all the proceedings of the day . Wo must not omit to observe that the musical arrangements at dinner were conducted by the same efficient brethren to whom we have before alluded ; who gave a variety of glees and
songs which much gratified all present . Tho following are amongst the brethren present throughout the day , and not heretofore specially mentioned , Bros . Waldron , S . W . 43 ; Cross , S . D . 43 ; Marks , J . D . 43 ; Roberts , Sec . and Treas . 43 ; Armstrong , I . G . 43 ; Wells , P . M . 693 , P . Prov . G . J . VV . and Prov . G . Treas . ; Pickford , P . M . 693 , Prov . GStewardWilliamsSec . 693 Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Evans
; , , , S . W . 696 ; Oliver , S . D . 693 , and Middleton , P . M . 983 , & c . A lodge of emergency , duly convened and at which all the officers were present , was held on Thiusday , 2 nd instant . Thirty-two candidates for initiation were ballotted for , and fiveinitiated into the privileges of tbe Order . The ballot for twenty-six joining members and further initiations to take placeat the first regular-lodge on Tuesday , 7 th inst .
CHATHAM . NEW MASONIC ILVIX . A lew weeks ago we stated that the members of Miramiclri-Masonic Lodge , located in Chatham , purposed erecting a building in the town , to afford them more convenience than they at present possess , to hold their meetings , and also with the laudable intention of furnishing the public with a hall , in a convenient locationin which to assemble on public occasions , and
, for other purposes . We are pleased to be able to state that , since that announcement , a contract has been entered into with Mr . Alexander Cornuick , builder , who furnished the plan of the edifice ; anil the work has so far progressed , that the Masonic body decided to lay the corner-stone on Wednesday , June 3 rd , and made their arrangements accordingly . Early in the morning , which was
as bright , sunny , and auspicious as the brethren and friends of the Order could desire , the site was tastefully decorated with flags , representing the United States , Norway , Sweden , Denmark , France , & c , and that of our own beloved country , under which these colonies have grown and prospered , and enjoyed a larger share of genuine liberty—social , civil , and religiouspossessed by no people under any other flag ; ancl we heartily trust it will long continue to wave over us , and that our children
and their children ' s children win be privileged to enjoy the inestimable blessing of living under its ample folds , and have the same cause as their fathers before them , to reverence ancl honour it . In concluding the ceremony , they were assisted by the Provincial Grand Chaplain , the Rev . C . P . Bliss , Rector of Sussex , R . T . Clinch , Esq ., of St . John , Deputy Prov . G . M ., a gentleman well known and much respected in this community ; and
a number of the members of Northumberland lodge , located in Newcastle , several captains in port , and other strangers . As this was a ceremony never before witnessed in Miramichi , the inhabitants , young anil old , male and female—turned out in great force to witness it ; ancl it affords us great satisfaction to be enabled to state that nothing occurred ro mar the proceedings of the clay , or to cause the slightest regret . The crowd
was orderly , well-behaved , and all appeared to take a deep interest in the ceremony , and to manifest an unusual desire to hear what was said , and to witness the proceedings . Not being one of the " initiated , " we learnt from one of the coil'ee-be-. u-ers , that the members of " Miramichi" and " Northumberland" Lodges , together with a number of visiting brethren , assembled at the lodge room . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at twelve o'clock with the usual forms , by R . W . R . T . Clinch , Dep . Piov . G . M ., assisted by Bros . G . H .