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and would be glad to receive any contributions towards so laudable an object as the R . A . A . The test question and sections of the first degree was then worked by Bros . G . G . Hayward , G . Somerville , and S . Ramus . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The acting W . M ., in proposing the health of the visitors , remarked that he was pleased to say that of all the brethren he had had the honour of testing prior to their entering the lodgehe was confident that he
, never proved one who was more explicit in his answers than Bro . S . Ramus , and since the lodge had been opened he ( Bro . H . ) was better pleased to see the workings of sections by Bro . Ramus , and as regards Bro . Fryer , though he had not tested him , he was sure , nay , satisfied , as to his being a Mason for the manner he ( Bro . F . ) had answered the questions put to him during the lecture . Speaking of the remainder of the
visitors , he thought it would be a loss of time to comment upon their abilities , for the brethren present were well acquainted with them , so therefore , without any preface , he begged the brethren to drink to the visitors health and prosperity , with musical honours , which was well responded to . Bro . S . Ramus rising to respond , said that it was the first time he had the honour of visiting a lodge in Carlislebut he hoped that it
, would not be the last , for he was rather bashful in visiting a strange lodge ; but he was thankful to say that he had met with men and brethren who had received and treated him more than a visitor , and was grateful for their kindness ; and when he returned to London with what pleasure it would be to him to tell his brethren of the Tranquility Lodge , No . 185 , how he had been received and treated in a land of strangers . He
begged to thank the brethren for the toast they had been pleased to drink to him , aud whenever he should come within the length of his cable town of " Merrie Carlisle " he would not forget to give them a call . The other visitors returned thanks in humourous aud lengthy speeches . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren parted in harmony . The evening ' s entertainment was enlivened with the vocal strains of Bro . W . Johnston , F . W . Hayward , and S . Ramus .
DERBYSHIRE . ASHBOUENE . — St . Oswald Lodge ( No . 850 ) . —This lodge held its anniversary of St . John in the Assembly Room , Markethall , at its regular monthly meeting on Monday , the 6 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Frederick Britton , W . M . elect , was duty installed in the chair , the ceremony being performed in a most able manner by Bro . W . R . Holland , P . M . The W . M . then appointed the following as his officers : —Bros .
S . B . Swindell , P . M . ; James Britton , S . W . ; Rev . H . W . P . Freeman , J . W . ; W . R . Holland , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; E . Bradley , Treas . ; H . Brambles , P . M ., Sec ; B . Parkin , Org . ; J . Howell , S . D . ; J . Sheldon , J . D . ; J . Corbishley , I . G . ; W . Arnold , Tyler ; J . W , Lister , P . M ., and J . H . Anderson , P . M ., Stewards . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a banquet provided by Bro . Wallis , at tiie Green Man and Black's Head , Royal Hotel .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., being the proper day , the ordinary monthly meeting of the lodge was held , though it was unfortunate , owing to the annual regatta on the river Dart taking place , which being kept as a general holiday , prevented many of the members from attending . The chair was taken at 6 . 30 P . M . by Bro . John HeathW . M . who opened the lodge in the first degreeassisted
, , , by Bros . Marks , as I . P . M . ; Geo . Heath , as S . W . ; Oldrey , J . W . ; Watson , P . M ., as S . D . ; W . Cmiiiiig , as I . G . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Stafford having been presented as a candidate for the degree of F . C ., on due examination was found to be proficient , and was regularly entrusted as such . He was then directed to retire , and the lodge was opened in the second degree , jit the request of the W . M ., Bro . Marks then took the chair , and on the return
of the candidate , administered the ceremony by which he was passed to the degree of F . C . The charge and the lecture on the tracing board were given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . Bro . J . Heath then resumed his place as W . M ., and closed the lodge in the second degree . On tho proposition of Bro . G . Heath , seconded by Bro . Marks , a gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Several matters of business , interesting only to the members , were then discussed , and the lodge was finally closed at 7 ' 30 .
ESSEX . Bai & HTLlN & SEA . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 433 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Swan Inn , on Monday , tho 29 th ult . Bro . J . Ward , W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and was supported by Bros . Minter , S . W . ; Bragg , J . W . ; Robt . Salmon , S . D . ; —• Wiseman , Sec . ; Clarey , P . M ., Treas . ; Rodger , I . G . The lodge was opened in the first degree . The minutes
of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was then opened and closed in the second and third degrees . Bro . Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Essex , visitor from the United Lodge , No . 697 , Colchester , delivered a highly interesting lecture on No . 1 tracing board . It was then proposed and seconded " that we contribute £ 1 Is . towards the Masonic Life Boat Fuud . " Some further business having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a pleasant hour in love and harmony .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Lodge Prince of Wales ( No . 959 ) . —The members of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , at their Hall in Brook-street , ou 24 th ult . The lodge was opened at five o ' clock , when the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , was duly installed by Bro . C . Townsend , the P . Prov . S . G . W . Bro . Norman presided at the organ . At the
conclusion of the ceremony , the Rev . Bro . appointed his officers for the year . Before the lodgo closed the W . M . said he had been requested to present a testimonial , consisting of a gold watch and chain , to Mrs . Dorling , which had been subscribed for by several members of the lodge , as a mark of respect for the interest she took in Masonry . In the absence of Bro . Dorling , Bro . C . T . Townsend took charge of the testimonial . The lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned
to the banqueting-room , where a well-served dinner was placed upon the table by Bro . Spalding , which gave the greatest possible satisfaction to all present . About 25 were present . The tables were very prettily decked with flowers , and this being the Feast of Roses , each brother wore one in his coat—thanks to the kindness of Bro . Ward , of the Rosary , Foxhall-road . After the removal of the cloth , and the dessert and wines had been placed upon the tablethe loyal toasts were
givenfol-, , lowed by those usual among Masons , namely , " The Earl of Zetland , " "The Earl De Grey and Ripon , " "The Prov . G . M ., Colonel R . A . S . Adair , " "The D . Prov . G . M . and the Prov . G . Officers , " "The I . P . M . and Officers of the Lodge , " & c , & c . The evening was very pleasantly spent .
TYRONE . STBABANE . —The Abercom Lodge ( No . 188 ) . —This young and prosperous lodge held their monthly meeting on Thursday evening , 25 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , Church-street , Strabane , for the purpose of installing the office-bearers for the present year . Tlie lodge having been opened , Bro . R . T . Turbitt , S . W ., was duly installed W . M ., to which he had
been unanimously elected by the brethren at the previous meeting . The ceremony of installation was ably performed by Bro . J . Moody , P . M ., assisted by Bros . R . M'Cleery , W . M ., of 102 Lifford , Dr . Charles Smith , W . M ., of 4-38 Raphoe , David M'Menamiu , P . M ., 102 Lifford , and J . Hetherington , P . M ., 102 Lifford . The W . M . having received the congratulations of the brethren , proceeded to instal his officers in their respective officeswhen the lodge was closed in peace and
har-, mony , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were received with the accustomed honours . Several Masonic and other songs were sung at appropriate intervals , and the brethren separated at an early hour , the harmony and pleasure of the meeting being unalloyed .
SMYRNA . ST . GEORGE ' LODGE ( NO . 1015 ) . —An extraordinary meeting of this prosperous lodge took place on Friday , the 10 th ult ., at the lodge rooms , Crammer ' s-passage . About seventy brethren attended the meeting , among whom were the W . M . ' s of the Dekran , Homer and Stella Ionia Lodges . The business of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and would be glad to receive any contributions towards so laudable an object as the R . A . A . The test question and sections of the first degree was then worked by Bros . G . G . Hayward , G . Somerville , and S . Ramus . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to . The acting W . M ., in proposing the health of the visitors , remarked that he was pleased to say that of all the brethren he had had the honour of testing prior to their entering the lodgehe was confident that he
, never proved one who was more explicit in his answers than Bro . S . Ramus , and since the lodge had been opened he ( Bro . H . ) was better pleased to see the workings of sections by Bro . Ramus , and as regards Bro . Fryer , though he had not tested him , he was sure , nay , satisfied , as to his being a Mason for the manner he ( Bro . F . ) had answered the questions put to him during the lecture . Speaking of the remainder of the
visitors , he thought it would be a loss of time to comment upon their abilities , for the brethren present were well acquainted with them , so therefore , without any preface , he begged the brethren to drink to the visitors health and prosperity , with musical honours , which was well responded to . Bro . S . Ramus rising to respond , said that it was the first time he had the honour of visiting a lodge in Carlislebut he hoped that it
, would not be the last , for he was rather bashful in visiting a strange lodge ; but he was thankful to say that he had met with men and brethren who had received and treated him more than a visitor , and was grateful for their kindness ; and when he returned to London with what pleasure it would be to him to tell his brethren of the Tranquility Lodge , No . 185 , how he had been received and treated in a land of strangers . He
begged to thank the brethren for the toast they had been pleased to drink to him , aud whenever he should come within the length of his cable town of " Merrie Carlisle " he would not forget to give them a call . The other visitors returned thanks in humourous aud lengthy speeches . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren parted in harmony . The evening ' s entertainment was enlivened with the vocal strains of Bro . W . Johnston , F . W . Hayward , and S . Ramus .
DERBYSHIRE . ASHBOUENE . — St . Oswald Lodge ( No . 850 ) . —This lodge held its anniversary of St . John in the Assembly Room , Markethall , at its regular monthly meeting on Monday , the 6 th inst . The lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Frederick Britton , W . M . elect , was duty installed in the chair , the ceremony being performed in a most able manner by Bro . W . R . Holland , P . M . The W . M . then appointed the following as his officers : —Bros .
S . B . Swindell , P . M . ; James Britton , S . W . ; Rev . H . W . P . Freeman , J . W . ; W . R . Holland , P . M ., Dir . of Cers . ; E . Bradley , Treas . ; H . Brambles , P . M ., Sec ; B . Parkin , Org . ; J . Howell , S . D . ; J . Sheldon , J . D . ; J . Corbishley , I . G . ; W . Arnold , Tyler ; J . W , Lister , P . M ., and J . H . Anderson , P . M ., Stewards . The brethren afterwards adjourned to a banquet provided by Bro . Wallis , at tiie Green Man and Black's Head , Royal Hotel .
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 710 ) . —Thursday , the 2 nd inst ., being the proper day , the ordinary monthly meeting of the lodge was held , though it was unfortunate , owing to the annual regatta on the river Dart taking place , which being kept as a general holiday , prevented many of the members from attending . The chair was taken at 6 . 30 P . M . by Bro . John HeathW . M . who opened the lodge in the first degreeassisted
, , , by Bros . Marks , as I . P . M . ; Geo . Heath , as S . W . ; Oldrey , J . W . ; Watson , P . M ., as S . D . ; W . Cmiiiiig , as I . G . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Stafford having been presented as a candidate for the degree of F . C ., on due examination was found to be proficient , and was regularly entrusted as such . He was then directed to retire , and the lodge was opened in the second degree , jit the request of the W . M ., Bro . Marks then took the chair , and on the return
of the candidate , administered the ceremony by which he was passed to the degree of F . C . The charge and the lecture on the tracing board were given by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M . Bro . J . Heath then resumed his place as W . M ., and closed the lodge in the second degree . On tho proposition of Bro . G . Heath , seconded by Bro . Marks , a gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting . Several matters of business , interesting only to the members , were then discussed , and the lodge was finally closed at 7 ' 30 .
ESSEX . Bai & HTLlN & SEA . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 433 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Swan Inn , on Monday , tho 29 th ult . Bro . J . Ward , W . M ., occupied the chair of K . S ., and was supported by Bros . Minter , S . W . ; Bragg , J . W . ; Robt . Salmon , S . D . ; —• Wiseman , Sec . ; Clarey , P . M ., Treas . ; Rodger , I . G . The lodge was opened in the first degree . The minutes
of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodge was then opened and closed in the second and third degrees . Bro . Carnegie , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Essex , visitor from the United Lodge , No . 697 , Colchester , delivered a highly interesting lecture on No . 1 tracing board . It was then proposed and seconded " that we contribute £ 1 Is . towards the Masonic Life Boat Fuud . " Some further business having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and spent a pleasant hour in love and harmony .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Lodge Prince of Wales ( No . 959 ) . —The members of this lodge celebrated the festival of St . John , at their Hall in Brook-street , ou 24 th ult . The lodge was opened at five o ' clock , when the newly-elected W . M ., Bro . the Rev . R . N . Sanderson , was duly installed by Bro . C . Townsend , the P . Prov . S . G . W . Bro . Norman presided at the organ . At the
conclusion of the ceremony , the Rev . Bro . appointed his officers for the year . Before the lodgo closed the W . M . said he had been requested to present a testimonial , consisting of a gold watch and chain , to Mrs . Dorling , which had been subscribed for by several members of the lodge , as a mark of respect for the interest she took in Masonry . In the absence of Bro . Dorling , Bro . C . T . Townsend took charge of the testimonial . The lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned
to the banqueting-room , where a well-served dinner was placed upon the table by Bro . Spalding , which gave the greatest possible satisfaction to all present . About 25 were present . The tables were very prettily decked with flowers , and this being the Feast of Roses , each brother wore one in his coat—thanks to the kindness of Bro . Ward , of the Rosary , Foxhall-road . After the removal of the cloth , and the dessert and wines had been placed upon the tablethe loyal toasts were
givenfol-, , lowed by those usual among Masons , namely , " The Earl of Zetland , " "The Earl De Grey and Ripon , " "The Prov . G . M ., Colonel R . A . S . Adair , " "The D . Prov . G . M . and the Prov . G . Officers , " "The I . P . M . and Officers of the Lodge , " & c , & c . The evening was very pleasantly spent .
TYRONE . STBABANE . —The Abercom Lodge ( No . 188 ) . —This young and prosperous lodge held their monthly meeting on Thursday evening , 25 th ult ., in the Masonic Hall , Church-street , Strabane , for the purpose of installing the office-bearers for the present year . Tlie lodge having been opened , Bro . R . T . Turbitt , S . W ., was duly installed W . M ., to which he had
been unanimously elected by the brethren at the previous meeting . The ceremony of installation was ably performed by Bro . J . Moody , P . M ., assisted by Bros . R . M'Cleery , W . M ., of 102 Lifford , Dr . Charles Smith , W . M ., of 4-38 Raphoe , David M'Menamiu , P . M ., 102 Lifford , and J . Hetherington , P . M ., 102 Lifford . The W . M . having received the congratulations of the brethren , proceeded to instal his officers in their respective officeswhen the lodge was closed in peace and
har-, mony , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were received with the accustomed honours . Several Masonic and other songs were sung at appropriate intervals , and the brethren separated at an early hour , the harmony and pleasure of the meeting being unalloyed .
SMYRNA . ST . GEORGE ' LODGE ( NO . 1015 ) . —An extraordinary meeting of this prosperous lodge took place on Friday , the 10 th ult ., at the lodge rooms , Crammer ' s-passage . About seventy brethren attended the meeting , among whom were the W . M . ' s of the Dekran , Homer and Stella Ionia Lodges . The business of the