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The. Royal Albert Idiot Asylum, Lancaster.
read the following inscription from a plate which was placed on the foundation stone : — '' This foundation stone of the Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties , was laid by the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., Most Worshipful Grand Master of Eree and Accepted Masons of Englandassisted by the Grand Lodge of
, England , on Wednesday , the 17 th day of June , in the 31 st year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria ( Patron of the Asylum ) , and in the year of our Lord 1868 , A . E . 5872 . Edward Denis de Vitre , M . D ., Chairman of the Central Committee ; Edward Graham Paley , Architect . "
The G . Treas . then deposited in a cavity of the lower stone a phial containing current coins of the realm , and the G . Sec . placed the plate containing the above-quoted inscription on the stone . Bro . Kelland then handed the silver trowel to the Grand Master . The trowel is of a very beautiful design , was manufactured by Messrs . Ollivant and Bolsford , of
Manchester , and cost sixteen guineas . Its extreme length is about 14 inches , the massive handle being six inches long . The width of the trowel at the widest part is 4 £ inches . There is an ornamental bordering along the edges , and in the central part appears the following inscription : — Presented
to the Right Hon . the EARL of ZETLAND , K . T ., Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Free and Accepted Masons of England , upon the occasion of his laying , with full Masonic honours , the Foundation Stone of the
BOYAI , AEBEKT ASYLUM for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties AT LANCASTEE , on Wednesday , June 17 , 186 S . The trowel was enclosed in a neat case , covered with
purple morocco , and inlaid with velvet of a like colour . The cement was thou spread , and the stone slowly lowered with three distinct knocks . The Grand Master proved the just position of the stone by the plumb rule , level , and square , which were successively handed to him by the J . G . Warden , the S-G . Wardenand the D . G . Master . He next gave the
, stone three knocks with the mallet . The mallet used on the occasion was quite a curiosity in itself , it being the same as was presented to King Charles II . by Sir Christopher Wren , when the foundation stone of St . Paul ' s Cathedral was laid in 1673- It bears a close resemblance to an operative's mallet ; it is of an oval shapethe pattern being what is styled "the
, horse's head . " Mallets of exactly the same form are , it is said , still used in some parts of Wales . There is a silver plate affixed to it , beai-ing an inscription , as follows : — " By order of the M . W . the Grand Master his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , & c , & c , and W . Master of the Lodge of Antiquity , and with the concurrence of
the brethren of the lodge , this plate has been engraven and affixed to this mallet , A . L . 5831 , A-D . 1827 , to commemorate that this being the same mallet with which his Majesty King Charles II . levelled the foundation stone of St . Paul's Cathedral , A . E . 5667 , A . D . 1673 , was presented to the late Lodge of St . Paul , now the Lodge of Antiquity , acting by imvcevflovial constitution , by
Brother Christopher Wren , R . W . D . G . M . and Worshipful Master of this lodge , and architect of that edifice . " A cornucopia and ewers containing wine and oil were handed to the Grand Master , who strewed the corn over
The. Royal Albert Idiot Asylum, Lancaster.
the stone , and afterwards poured on it the wine and oil , accompanying each act with the following speech : — "I strew this corn upon this stone as an emblem of plenty , and may the God of Heaven shower down his blessings upon us , and may we have abundance and plenty in this country . " " I pour this wine as an emblem of joy and gladness ,
and may the blessing of Divine truth enlighten our minds , and may virtue flourish as the vine . " I pour this oil as an emblem of peace , and may peace and happiness and brotherly lave and affection , prevail with us always . " The G . Chaplain then offered up prayer , after which the architect presented his plans to the G . Master , who
approved of them . Bro , the Rev . W . B . Smith , of Birmingham , then delivered a beautiful Masonic oration , which , for want of space , we are reluctantly compelled to omit . Bro . Albert Words , G . Dir . of Cers ., and Bro . Fenn , Assist . G . Dir . of Cers ., had the marshalling of the Masonic procession ; and they were assisted by Bros . A . Beesley , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . for West Lancashire . The local Masonic referee was Bro . Dr . Moore , W . M . of the
Rowley Lodge , who also conducted the G . Master and the officers of the Grand Lodge to the platform . Upon Bro . Dr . Moore the work of making arrangements for the Masonic ceremonial chiefl y devolved ; and it is only due to that respected brother to say that he performed his onerous task in a highly satisfactory manner . About five o'clock a grand banquet was held in a
marquee erected in Springfield Park , iu front of the Rigby Hospital , presided over by Bro . tbe Earl of Zetland , and among those present were Bros , the Marquis of Hartington , Capt . Le Gendre Starkie , Chamberlain Starkie , LordDeTabley , E . M . Fen wick , G . E . Wilson , ( Dalham Tower ) , Montague Ainsley ( Ulverston ) , Edward Lawrence , W . H . Wakefield , Edward Dawson , John Bowes ,
P . M ., P . G . R- Cumberland and Westmoreland ; Uriah Nicholls , and numerous other brethren , and the following corporate dignitaries : — - The Mayor of Leeds , the Mayor of Preston , the Mayor of Blackburn , the Mayor of Stalybridge , and the Mayor of Durham . The caterer was Mr . Jennison , of Manchester , and the and the banquet was of a fivst-class description . The usual loyal and other toasts followed , which were dul y responded to , interspersed with some good music .
[ We hope , in the course of a week or two , to be able to afford space for some further particulars of this very interesting event , and to give an illustration of the front elevation of the building , reduced from the architect ' s drawing . —ED . F . -V . l
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending July 18ra, 1868.
MONDAY , July 13 th . —Lodge : Peckham , 879 , Edinbro ' Castle , Peckham-rye . TUESDAY , July 14 th . —Lodge : Wellington , 548 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . WEDNESDAY , JULY 15 th . —Gen- Com . Grand Chapter , at 3 . Lodges : Beadon , 619 , Greyhound Tavern , Dulwich . Marquis of Dalhousie 1159 Freemasons' Hall .
, , , TIIUKSDAY , July 16 th . —Lodge : Cosmopolitan , 917 , Great Western Hotel , Paddington-FEIDAY , July 17 th . —Audit Com . Boys' School . Lodge : New Concord , 813 , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . SATURDAY , July 18 th . —Lodge : Lewis , 1 , 185 , Nightingale Tavern , Wood-green .
To Correspondents.
* * All cormmrmEations to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . P . G . S . ( Liverpool ) . —It is onr intention to publish the whole of the Music , with Explanatory Notes , in Book-form , in a few weeks .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The. Royal Albert Idiot Asylum, Lancaster.
read the following inscription from a plate which was placed on the foundation stone : — '' This foundation stone of the Royal Albert Asylum for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties , was laid by the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., Most Worshipful Grand Master of Eree and Accepted Masons of Englandassisted by the Grand Lodge of
, England , on Wednesday , the 17 th day of June , in the 31 st year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria ( Patron of the Asylum ) , and in the year of our Lord 1868 , A . E . 5872 . Edward Denis de Vitre , M . D ., Chairman of the Central Committee ; Edward Graham Paley , Architect . "
The G . Treas . then deposited in a cavity of the lower stone a phial containing current coins of the realm , and the G . Sec . placed the plate containing the above-quoted inscription on the stone . Bro . Kelland then handed the silver trowel to the Grand Master . The trowel is of a very beautiful design , was manufactured by Messrs . Ollivant and Bolsford , of
Manchester , and cost sixteen guineas . Its extreme length is about 14 inches , the massive handle being six inches long . The width of the trowel at the widest part is 4 £ inches . There is an ornamental bordering along the edges , and in the central part appears the following inscription : — Presented
to the Right Hon . the EARL of ZETLAND , K . T ., Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Free and Accepted Masons of England , upon the occasion of his laying , with full Masonic honours , the Foundation Stone of the
BOYAI , AEBEKT ASYLUM for Idiots and Imbeciles of the Northern Counties AT LANCASTEE , on Wednesday , June 17 , 186 S . The trowel was enclosed in a neat case , covered with
purple morocco , and inlaid with velvet of a like colour . The cement was thou spread , and the stone slowly lowered with three distinct knocks . The Grand Master proved the just position of the stone by the plumb rule , level , and square , which were successively handed to him by the J . G . Warden , the S-G . Wardenand the D . G . Master . He next gave the
, stone three knocks with the mallet . The mallet used on the occasion was quite a curiosity in itself , it being the same as was presented to King Charles II . by Sir Christopher Wren , when the foundation stone of St . Paul ' s Cathedral was laid in 1673- It bears a close resemblance to an operative's mallet ; it is of an oval shapethe pattern being what is styled "the
, horse's head . " Mallets of exactly the same form are , it is said , still used in some parts of Wales . There is a silver plate affixed to it , beai-ing an inscription , as follows : — " By order of the M . W . the Grand Master his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , & c , & c , and W . Master of the Lodge of Antiquity , and with the concurrence of
the brethren of the lodge , this plate has been engraven and affixed to this mallet , A . L . 5831 , A-D . 1827 , to commemorate that this being the same mallet with which his Majesty King Charles II . levelled the foundation stone of St . Paul's Cathedral , A . E . 5667 , A . D . 1673 , was presented to the late Lodge of St . Paul , now the Lodge of Antiquity , acting by imvcevflovial constitution , by
Brother Christopher Wren , R . W . D . G . M . and Worshipful Master of this lodge , and architect of that edifice . " A cornucopia and ewers containing wine and oil were handed to the Grand Master , who strewed the corn over
The. Royal Albert Idiot Asylum, Lancaster.
the stone , and afterwards poured on it the wine and oil , accompanying each act with the following speech : — "I strew this corn upon this stone as an emblem of plenty , and may the God of Heaven shower down his blessings upon us , and may we have abundance and plenty in this country . " " I pour this wine as an emblem of joy and gladness ,
and may the blessing of Divine truth enlighten our minds , and may virtue flourish as the vine . " I pour this oil as an emblem of peace , and may peace and happiness and brotherly lave and affection , prevail with us always . " The G . Chaplain then offered up prayer , after which the architect presented his plans to the G . Master , who
approved of them . Bro , the Rev . W . B . Smith , of Birmingham , then delivered a beautiful Masonic oration , which , for want of space , we are reluctantly compelled to omit . Bro . Albert Words , G . Dir . of Cers ., and Bro . Fenn , Assist . G . Dir . of Cers ., had the marshalling of the Masonic procession ; and they were assisted by Bros . A . Beesley , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . for West Lancashire . The local Masonic referee was Bro . Dr . Moore , W . M . of the
Rowley Lodge , who also conducted the G . Master and the officers of the Grand Lodge to the platform . Upon Bro . Dr . Moore the work of making arrangements for the Masonic ceremonial chiefl y devolved ; and it is only due to that respected brother to say that he performed his onerous task in a highly satisfactory manner . About five o'clock a grand banquet was held in a
marquee erected in Springfield Park , iu front of the Rigby Hospital , presided over by Bro . tbe Earl of Zetland , and among those present were Bros , the Marquis of Hartington , Capt . Le Gendre Starkie , Chamberlain Starkie , LordDeTabley , E . M . Fen wick , G . E . Wilson , ( Dalham Tower ) , Montague Ainsley ( Ulverston ) , Edward Lawrence , W . H . Wakefield , Edward Dawson , John Bowes ,
P . M ., P . G . R- Cumberland and Westmoreland ; Uriah Nicholls , and numerous other brethren , and the following corporate dignitaries : — - The Mayor of Leeds , the Mayor of Preston , the Mayor of Blackburn , the Mayor of Stalybridge , and the Mayor of Durham . The caterer was Mr . Jennison , of Manchester , and the and the banquet was of a fivst-class description . The usual loyal and other toasts followed , which were dul y responded to , interspersed with some good music .
[ We hope , in the course of a week or two , to be able to afford space for some further particulars of this very interesting event , and to give an illustration of the front elevation of the building , reduced from the architect ' s drawing . —ED . F . -V . l
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending July 18ra, 1868.
MONDAY , July 13 th . —Lodge : Peckham , 879 , Edinbro ' Castle , Peckham-rye . TUESDAY , July 14 th . —Lodge : Wellington , 548 , White Swan Tavern , Deptford . WEDNESDAY , JULY 15 th . —Gen- Com . Grand Chapter , at 3 . Lodges : Beadon , 619 , Greyhound Tavern , Dulwich . Marquis of Dalhousie 1159 Freemasons' Hall .
, , , TIIUKSDAY , July 16 th . —Lodge : Cosmopolitan , 917 , Great Western Hotel , Paddington-FEIDAY , July 17 th . —Audit Com . Boys' School . Lodge : New Concord , 813 , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton . SATURDAY , July 18 th . —Lodge : Lewis , 1 , 185 , Nightingale Tavern , Wood-green .
To Correspondents.
* * All cormmrmEations to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . P . G . S . ( Liverpool ) . —It is onr intention to publish the whole of the Music , with Explanatory Notes , in Book-form , in a few weeks .