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Explanatory Notes To Lodge Music.
Published in the FBEEJIASOXS' MAGAZINE during the months of June and July , 1868 . Originally compiled and arranged by Bro . CHABIES JOHN-SON , P . Prov . S . G . W . for Jorsoy , and P . M . 491 , and further revised and arranged , with additions , by Bro . Dr . H . HorKiNS , P . Prov . S . G . W . for Warwickshire , P . M . 43 and 958 , & c . No . I .
To bo chanted after tho prayer in tho first and third degrees . I sought tho Lord | and he j hoard rno Yea . ho delivered rne | out of | all my fear . No . 2 .
To be chanted in all tho degrees whilst tho candidate is making tho round of tho lodgo , to prove himself properly prepared , before being obligated . If ho goos round only once , chant the whole ; if several times , divide the verses at discretion ; tho last verse , "My foot standeth right , " ( fee , mezzo forte . 1 . I will wash my hands in innoceney , | 0 | Lord , 3 . Lord I haye loved the habitation | of Thy I houso , And so will | I go | to Thine | altar . And tho place | where Thine | honour ) dwelleth . 2 . That I show the voice | of thanks- | iving 4 foot | standeth ) right
may g , . My , And tell of j all Thy | wondrous | . works . I will praise tho Lord | in the | congre- | gations . No . 3 . To be chantod while the candidate is saluting the volume of tho Snored Law in each of the threo degrees . Keep thy | tongue from | evil , And thy | lips , that thoy j spoak no | guilo .
No . 4 . To be chanted vary piano , when the J . D . offers the charity box to tho candidate in the first dogree . Blessed is he that considereth the | poor and | needy -. Tho Lord shall delivor him | in the ( time of ' j trouble .
No . 5 . To bo chanted after overy prayer in opening and closing tho lodge , and in tho course of tho ceromonies . ¦ So — mote — it — be . No . G .
To be used in the third dogree . This beautiful minor chant has a very fine offect . Tako A . while the J . W . goes slowly round tho candidate by order of the W . M . Tako B . while the S . W . goos slowly round tho candidate .. Take C . while tho W . M . goes slowly round tho candidate before raising him . Tako D . when tho W . M . raises tho candidate . Chant it with force and spirit . A . —J . W . Hoar my | prayer , 0 j God , || And hide not thy- | solf from | my pe- | tition . My heart is dis- | quieted with- | in mo , [| And the fear of | doath is | fallen up- | on mo .
B . —S . W . FoarMness and trembling aro j conie up- | on rne |[ and an horrihlo | droad hath | over- | wholmod me . And I said , 0 that I had wings j like a | dovo ; |[ for then would I floo a- | way and | bo at | rest . C . —W . M . As lor me , I will | call upon | God , ]] and the | Lord | shall | savo mo . D .
( I am tho rosurrection I ., . , ,+. I T „ , ,, Ho that boliovoth in I , , . ( , .. , I ,. I audtholifo , j sa ] tMho j Lord ; I ! mo , though he wero j ta ^ e' ) sha 11 ho j llvo ' ( Tho last of those must not bo usod when any who aro not Christians are present . In such case , either of tho two following may bo substituted . ) I know that my Re- | deemor | livoth || * % * £ ^ . 8 tand [ day up- I on tho | earth .
Tho spirit of | God hath j made mo ]] And tho breath of tho Al- | mighty hath | given mo | life .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Explanatory Notes To Lodge Music.
Published in the FBEEJIASOXS' MAGAZINE during the months of June and July , 1868 . Originally compiled and arranged by Bro . CHABIES JOHN-SON , P . Prov . S . G . W . for Jorsoy , and P . M . 491 , and further revised and arranged , with additions , by Bro . Dr . H . HorKiNS , P . Prov . S . G . W . for Warwickshire , P . M . 43 and 958 , & c . No . I .
To bo chanted after tho prayer in tho first and third degrees . I sought tho Lord | and he j hoard rno Yea . ho delivered rne | out of | all my fear . No . 2 .
To be chanted in all tho degrees whilst tho candidate is making tho round of tho lodgo , to prove himself properly prepared , before being obligated . If ho goos round only once , chant the whole ; if several times , divide the verses at discretion ; tho last verse , "My foot standeth right , " ( fee , mezzo forte . 1 . I will wash my hands in innoceney , | 0 | Lord , 3 . Lord I haye loved the habitation | of Thy I houso , And so will | I go | to Thine | altar . And tho place | where Thine | honour ) dwelleth . 2 . That I show the voice | of thanks- | iving 4 foot | standeth ) right
may g , . My , And tell of j all Thy | wondrous | . works . I will praise tho Lord | in the | congre- | gations . No . 3 . To be chantod while the candidate is saluting the volume of tho Snored Law in each of the threo degrees . Keep thy | tongue from | evil , And thy | lips , that thoy j spoak no | guilo .
No . 4 . To be chanted vary piano , when the J . D . offers the charity box to tho candidate in the first dogree . Blessed is he that considereth the | poor and | needy -. Tho Lord shall delivor him | in the ( time of ' j trouble .
No . 5 . To bo chanted after overy prayer in opening and closing tho lodge , and in tho course of tho ceromonies . ¦ So — mote — it — be . No . G .
To be used in the third dogree . This beautiful minor chant has a very fine offect . Tako A . while the J . W . goes slowly round tho candidate by order of the W . M . Tako B . while the S . W . goos slowly round tho candidate .. Take C . while tho W . M . goes slowly round tho candidate before raising him . Tako D . when tho W . M . raises tho candidate . Chant it with force and spirit . A . —J . W . Hoar my | prayer , 0 j God , || And hide not thy- | solf from | my pe- | tition . My heart is dis- | quieted with- | in mo , [| And the fear of | doath is | fallen up- | on mo .
B . —S . W . FoarMness and trembling aro j conie up- | on rne |[ and an horrihlo | droad hath | over- | wholmod me . And I said , 0 that I had wings j like a | dovo ; |[ for then would I floo a- | way and | bo at | rest . C . —W . M . As lor me , I will | call upon | God , ]] and the | Lord | shall | savo mo . D .
( I am tho rosurrection I ., . , ,+. I T „ , ,, Ho that boliovoth in I , , . ( , .. , I ,. I audtholifo , j sa ] tMho j Lord ; I ! mo , though he wero j ta ^ e' ) sha 11 ho j llvo ' ( Tho last of those must not bo usod when any who aro not Christians are present . In such case , either of tho two following may bo substituted . ) I know that my Re- | deemor | livoth || * % * £ ^ . 8 tand [ day up- I on tho | earth .
Tho spirit of | God hath j made mo ]] And tho breath of tho Al- | mighty hath | given mo | life .