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Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
aware there are such things as stars ; and certain is it that some writers in this MAGAZINE , are as ignorant of astronomy as they are of common courtesy . Matt . 5 , 22 . The print and printing on Masonic certificates * are readable in three
languages , the picture is allegorical and symbolical , then there is the latin for the learned , and the English for the vulgar . Centering the picture is a Corinthian pillar , before which are , a mother ( Virgo ) tAvo children ( the Gemini ) and little Horus .
Corinth means "beauty" and the the pillar commemorates the beautiful celestial phenominon of the conjunction of the planets in the Gemini . See CL PTOLOMAEI Anno 1537 . This has nothing to do with the two pillars of Hiram cast in the
celestial furnace ( formax ) . Hiram ' s pillars are also on the certificate , one on either side the Corinthian , that on the left hand having on its summit symbols pointing it out to apply to the first degree of Aries . The type hoAvever of Samsons or Hirams
pillars were taken up to the Gemini as heretofore described . The tAvo pillars are seen frequently on coins , and only 50 years back the pillars dollars Avere the most current medium of the civilised worldf Here is a coin of Corinth , of its antiquity
and genuineness no scholar will doubt , Avhen he is informed it is from the Abbe Calmet ( Taylor ' s edition ) . Does it pourtray anything by which terrestial Corinth can be exemplified . Did the little boys of Corinth ride Dol phims Avith palm
trees groAving out of their backs ? Our entered apprentice Avhose celestial claims are admitted by the Grand Treasurer Bro . Mclntyre , can at celestial Corinth straddle across a Dol phin and look like a young Corinthian , and Avhat is more
from the back of Antinous above can rise Tamar " the palm tree " vel el cedar . ( Use compasses and the truth will become manifest ) . Modern English coins when embellished with symbols also obtain those symbols from the heavens .
There is a female called Britannia , a modern " made up beauty , " who with the unicorns and the lions shall receive due attention ; besides these are the Irish h & vnPsaltarium , and the golden crown Corona Borialis . The coat of arms of royality
does not include the sceptre , but there is Branden Imrgium sceptrum in heaven ready whenever it is required . The rose and thistle seen on the coins is still " veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols , " the nearer approach to matter of fact being the " rose et croix" or circle and cross , ( see page 266 No . 509 ) .
After all , coins were but'Masonic tokens carrying pass signs for the learned throughout the world , the imprints were all classical celestial symbols for the learned to make use of , whilst the swinish multitude valued the coin according to their weight find thfi value of their metal . These tokens afforded
a speedy means of discovering those belonging to the Order . For instance take that of Corinth—a scholar on giving or receiving the coin might remark " Cetus vel delphinus , " and if the party to whom he was giving or from whom he Avas
receiving made no response it would be evident he was uninitiated , or if a scholar was not desirous of being known as such . If on the contrary he was initiated and Avilling to prove himself so , he would offer "Tamar" as a rejoinder ; little more would be
required , a shake of the hands completed the introduction , but the greatest care Avas necessary to prevent imposition , and to this day do Masons say at my inflation I Avas taught to be cautious but Avith you & c , & c . Ta mar !
To the vulgar people of Corinth the little boy with the palm tree Avas no doubt considered a " very funny fellow , " and the cockney perhaps thinks the unicorn is a " rum customer , and such a beast as he never set eyes on . '' Classic
knowledge is at an aAvful discount , its rule no longer triumphant . Formerly every thing was more or less under classic guidance , a culprit could not have his head cut off unless accurately pointed out by the system of celestial laws , and a man if hanged ,
was conveyed to that bourne the styx from whence there Avas no return ( viz ., tie-bourne ) . The Masonic cable tau Avas the prototype of the rope ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Celestial Mysteries.
aware there are such things as stars ; and certain is it that some writers in this MAGAZINE , are as ignorant of astronomy as they are of common courtesy . Matt . 5 , 22 . The print and printing on Masonic certificates * are readable in three
languages , the picture is allegorical and symbolical , then there is the latin for the learned , and the English for the vulgar . Centering the picture is a Corinthian pillar , before which are , a mother ( Virgo ) tAvo children ( the Gemini ) and little Horus .
Corinth means "beauty" and the the pillar commemorates the beautiful celestial phenominon of the conjunction of the planets in the Gemini . See CL PTOLOMAEI Anno 1537 . This has nothing to do with the two pillars of Hiram cast in the
celestial furnace ( formax ) . Hiram ' s pillars are also on the certificate , one on either side the Corinthian , that on the left hand having on its summit symbols pointing it out to apply to the first degree of Aries . The type hoAvever of Samsons or Hirams
pillars were taken up to the Gemini as heretofore described . The tAvo pillars are seen frequently on coins , and only 50 years back the pillars dollars Avere the most current medium of the civilised worldf Here is a coin of Corinth , of its antiquity
and genuineness no scholar will doubt , Avhen he is informed it is from the Abbe Calmet ( Taylor ' s edition ) . Does it pourtray anything by which terrestial Corinth can be exemplified . Did the little boys of Corinth ride Dol phims Avith palm
trees groAving out of their backs ? Our entered apprentice Avhose celestial claims are admitted by the Grand Treasurer Bro . Mclntyre , can at celestial Corinth straddle across a Dol phin and look like a young Corinthian , and Avhat is more
from the back of Antinous above can rise Tamar " the palm tree " vel el cedar . ( Use compasses and the truth will become manifest ) . Modern English coins when embellished with symbols also obtain those symbols from the heavens .
There is a female called Britannia , a modern " made up beauty , " who with the unicorns and the lions shall receive due attention ; besides these are the Irish h & vnPsaltarium , and the golden crown Corona Borialis . The coat of arms of royality
does not include the sceptre , but there is Branden Imrgium sceptrum in heaven ready whenever it is required . The rose and thistle seen on the coins is still " veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols , " the nearer approach to matter of fact being the " rose et croix" or circle and cross , ( see page 266 No . 509 ) .
After all , coins were but'Masonic tokens carrying pass signs for the learned throughout the world , the imprints were all classical celestial symbols for the learned to make use of , whilst the swinish multitude valued the coin according to their weight find thfi value of their metal . These tokens afforded
a speedy means of discovering those belonging to the Order . For instance take that of Corinth—a scholar on giving or receiving the coin might remark " Cetus vel delphinus , " and if the party to whom he was giving or from whom he Avas
receiving made no response it would be evident he was uninitiated , or if a scholar was not desirous of being known as such . If on the contrary he was initiated and Avilling to prove himself so , he would offer "Tamar" as a rejoinder ; little more would be
required , a shake of the hands completed the introduction , but the greatest care Avas necessary to prevent imposition , and to this day do Masons say at my inflation I Avas taught to be cautious but Avith you & c , & c . Ta mar !
To the vulgar people of Corinth the little boy with the palm tree Avas no doubt considered a " very funny fellow , " and the cockney perhaps thinks the unicorn is a " rum customer , and such a beast as he never set eyes on . '' Classic
knowledge is at an aAvful discount , its rule no longer triumphant . Formerly every thing was more or less under classic guidance , a culprit could not have his head cut off unless accurately pointed out by the system of celestial laws , and a man if hanged ,
was conveyed to that bourne the styx from whence there Avas no return ( viz ., tie-bourne ) . The Masonic cable tau Avas the prototype of the rope ,