Article BROADFOOT, THOMPSON, AND MUGGERIDGE'S RITUAL . ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Broadfoot, Thompson, And Muggeridge's Ritual .
TO THE EDITOE OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIREOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —The manly and straightforward manner in which Bro . C . Hosgood , P . M ., stated in Grand Lodge there had been no alteration in the ritual worked by him on the 12 th May last in the Union Waterloo Lodge , has won for him not only mine but numerous other brethren ' s respect . I think ,
Sir , " Little " Britain has found a mare ' s nest , and I do think must also feel rather small , for , after treating their customers weekly to a great sensation as to a new ritual , it now turns out to be Bro . Broadfoot's working , subsequently handed to Bro . P . Thompson , and now worked in numerous London lodges .
Therefore the deception practiced by these "Little " Britain tradesmen is highly censurous and un-Masonic . Yours fraternally , A PAST GEAND OFFICEE . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR .
Dear Sir and Brother , —Had I have known all this fuss which has appeared in a certain weekly circular emanating from Little Britain was meant for the Union Waterloo Lodge , I could have flatly contradicted the whole of the statements made , as I have heard from several members of that lodge that it was
Bro . Muggeridge ' s working ; and , more than that , I have heard it from the worthy P . M . who gave tbe above working , and who is so able an expounder of the same , that it was likewise Avell known to those parties who have been the instruments in getting up the sensation—and , must I say , it has been done for
the gain of filthy lucre . I feel certain that truth and justice will prevail . Yours fraternally , P . M . & P . Z .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , ' —Having read in your Magazine on more than one occasion that there had been no alteration in the ritual , as stated elsewhere and contradicted , I must admit I was taken greatly hy surprise at the last meeting of Grand Lodgewhen
, it was there flatly contradicted that there bad been any alteration Avhatever in the ritual directly or indirectly ; but it is quite clear the motive these persons have in view in getting up this excitement amongst their folloAvers . The working of Bros . Peter Thompson and H . Muggeridge is well known to all
Masons of any standing . So there is evidently the green-eyed monster at work , but I do think that they have caught a Tartar , and am sorry that I should have been led into the snare . Yours fraternally , LEO .
THE "In Memoriam" of the late Bishop of Salisbury , by " H . P . L ., " which appeared in the three last numbers of the Guardian , is advertised by Messrs . Rivington as about to be reprinted , with additions . Isr October a new drama will be produced at tho Gaiety with Mr . Alfred Wigan and Miss Neilson in two important characters , and about the same period a musical extravaganza , from the pen of a well-knoAvn author ..
.* * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
Masonic Mems
ROVAE MASONIC INSTITUTION roit Boxs . —OCTOBER EMOTION .- —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of AVilliam Grant Fabian , for this the fourth application . His father , Bro . Augustus Fabian , lias been very zealous and energetic in the cause of Masonry , and lias been instrumental in founding and resuscitating several lodges and cliapters . He is a P . M . of the
Portsmouth Lodge ( No . 487 ) , P . Prov . S . G . Warden of Hants , Mark IL , Royal Arch , Rose Cvoix , iwid Knight Templar , hut owing to sudden and severe misfortunes , impossible to foresee or control , his circumstances are now very reduced , and his means are totally inadequate to maintain and educate his large family , four of whom are entirely , and four partially , dependent On his
very limited resources , and he is compelled to make this appear to the brethren and subscribers . This case is vouched for , and urgently recommended by a strong list of influential brethren as very deserving of support . Bro- Fabian will feel very grateful for votes . Address , 8 , Waterford-terrace North , Walhamgreen , S . W . Girls' School or Benevolent Institution proxies
equally valuable for exchanging . AVE are requested to state that Bro . AV . Hughan ' s work on the "Constitutions" is now ready , and can be obtained only of Bro . AV . Lake , Boscawen-street , Truro , or of Bro . E . Spencer , Great Queen-street .
POETEAITS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., M . AV . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 d . each . Copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper can be had , price 10 s . 6 d .
A MEETING of the Royal Union Lodgo ( So . 382 ) , "Oxbrid ge , will be held on Monday , tbe 20 th inst . AVE have been favoured with a view of the jewel presented at the last meeting of the Beacontree Lodge ( No . 1 , 228 ) , and can only add that it is another gem from the establishment of Bro . H . T . Lamb , of 5 , St . John-square , Clerkenwell . A report of
the meeting appears in our present issue . THE B . W . Bro . tlie Earl of Carnarvon , P . G . M . for Somerset , will hold bis Prov . G . L . at tbe Royal Assembly Rooms , Westonsuper-Mare , on Thursday , 16 th inst .
United Grand Lodge.
We were unable consequent upon want of space , to give the names of the principal Grand Lodge officers and others present last Wednesday , and herewith append them . Bro . R . J . Bagshawe , P . G . M . for Essex , occupied the throne ,, in place of tbe Rig ht Hon . the Earl of Zetland . The hall was unusually well attended , there being present some 400 brethren .
Among whom we noticed , Bros , the Rev . R . J " . Simpson , P . G . Chap . ; John Havers , P . G . W . ; John Udall , P . G . D . ; John M . Clabon ; A . W . Woods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Conrad C . Dumas , A . G . D . ; C . H . Murray , D . G . M ., China ; W . Young ; H . Browse , P . G . J . O . ; John B . Monckton ; J . O . Foster , J . G . D . ; Brackstone Baker , J . G . D . ; Samuel May ; P . Walters ; Dr .
Hogg ; C . Bennett , P . M . ( No . 25 ); H . Thompson , P . M . ( No . 177 ); J . G . Thompson , P . M . ( No . 862 ); John Hervey , G . Sec ; Rev . — Sytnons , G . Chap . ; Raynham W . Stewart ; II . D
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Broadfoot, Thompson, And Muggeridge's Ritual .
TO THE EDITOE OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIREOE . Dear Sir and Brother , —The manly and straightforward manner in which Bro . C . Hosgood , P . M ., stated in Grand Lodge there had been no alteration in the ritual worked by him on the 12 th May last in the Union Waterloo Lodge , has won for him not only mine but numerous other brethren ' s respect . I think ,
Sir , " Little " Britain has found a mare ' s nest , and I do think must also feel rather small , for , after treating their customers weekly to a great sensation as to a new ritual , it now turns out to be Bro . Broadfoot's working , subsequently handed to Bro . P . Thompson , and now worked in numerous London lodges .
Therefore the deception practiced by these "Little " Britain tradesmen is highly censurous and un-Masonic . Yours fraternally , A PAST GEAND OFFICEE . TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR .
Dear Sir and Brother , —Had I have known all this fuss which has appeared in a certain weekly circular emanating from Little Britain was meant for the Union Waterloo Lodge , I could have flatly contradicted the whole of the statements made , as I have heard from several members of that lodge that it was
Bro . Muggeridge ' s working ; and , more than that , I have heard it from the worthy P . M . who gave tbe above working , and who is so able an expounder of the same , that it was likewise Avell known to those parties who have been the instruments in getting up the sensation—and , must I say , it has been done for
the gain of filthy lucre . I feel certain that truth and justice will prevail . Yours fraternally , P . M . & P . Z .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , ' —Having read in your Magazine on more than one occasion that there had been no alteration in the ritual , as stated elsewhere and contradicted , I must admit I was taken greatly hy surprise at the last meeting of Grand Lodgewhen
, it was there flatly contradicted that there bad been any alteration Avhatever in the ritual directly or indirectly ; but it is quite clear the motive these persons have in view in getting up this excitement amongst their folloAvers . The working of Bros . Peter Thompson and H . Muggeridge is well known to all
Masons of any standing . So there is evidently the green-eyed monster at work , but I do think that they have caught a Tartar , and am sorry that I should have been led into the snare . Yours fraternally , LEO .
THE "In Memoriam" of the late Bishop of Salisbury , by " H . P . L ., " which appeared in the three last numbers of the Guardian , is advertised by Messrs . Rivington as about to be reprinted , with additions . Isr October a new drama will be produced at tho Gaiety with Mr . Alfred Wigan and Miss Neilson in two important characters , and about the same period a musical extravaganza , from the pen of a well-knoAvn author ..
.* * All communications to be addressed to the EDITOR , at No . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C .
Masonic Mems
ROVAE MASONIC INSTITUTION roit Boxs . —OCTOBER EMOTION .- —Votes are earnestly solicited on behalf of AVilliam Grant Fabian , for this the fourth application . His father , Bro . Augustus Fabian , lias been very zealous and energetic in the cause of Masonry , and lias been instrumental in founding and resuscitating several lodges and cliapters . He is a P . M . of the
Portsmouth Lodge ( No . 487 ) , P . Prov . S . G . Warden of Hants , Mark IL , Royal Arch , Rose Cvoix , iwid Knight Templar , hut owing to sudden and severe misfortunes , impossible to foresee or control , his circumstances are now very reduced , and his means are totally inadequate to maintain and educate his large family , four of whom are entirely , and four partially , dependent On his
very limited resources , and he is compelled to make this appear to the brethren and subscribers . This case is vouched for , and urgently recommended by a strong list of influential brethren as very deserving of support . Bro- Fabian will feel very grateful for votes . Address , 8 , Waterford-terrace North , Walhamgreen , S . W . Girls' School or Benevolent Institution proxies
equally valuable for exchanging . AVE are requested to state that Bro . AV . Hughan ' s work on the "Constitutions" is now ready , and can be obtained only of Bro . AV . Lake , Boscawen-street , Truro , or of Bro . E . Spencer , Great Queen-street .
POETEAITS of the Et . Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., M . AV . G . M . Mason of Scotland , can now be obtained at this office , price 3 s . 6 d . each . Copies , with ornamental border and Masonic emblems printed in gold , on large size paper can be had , price 10 s . 6 d .
A MEETING of the Royal Union Lodgo ( So . 382 ) , "Oxbrid ge , will be held on Monday , tbe 20 th inst . AVE have been favoured with a view of the jewel presented at the last meeting of the Beacontree Lodge ( No . 1 , 228 ) , and can only add that it is another gem from the establishment of Bro . H . T . Lamb , of 5 , St . John-square , Clerkenwell . A report of
the meeting appears in our present issue . THE B . W . Bro . tlie Earl of Carnarvon , P . G . M . for Somerset , will hold bis Prov . G . L . at tbe Royal Assembly Rooms , Westonsuper-Mare , on Thursday , 16 th inst .
United Grand Lodge.
We were unable consequent upon want of space , to give the names of the principal Grand Lodge officers and others present last Wednesday , and herewith append them . Bro . R . J . Bagshawe , P . G . M . for Essex , occupied the throne ,, in place of tbe Rig ht Hon . the Earl of Zetland . The hall was unusually well attended , there being present some 400 brethren .
Among whom we noticed , Bros , the Rev . R . J " . Simpson , P . G . Chap . ; John Havers , P . G . W . ; John Udall , P . G . D . ; John M . Clabon ; A . W . Woods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Conrad C . Dumas , A . G . D . ; C . H . Murray , D . G . M ., China ; W . Young ; H . Browse , P . G . J . O . ; John B . Monckton ; J . O . Foster , J . G . D . ; Brackstone Baker , J . G . D . ; Samuel May ; P . Walters ; Dr .
Hogg ; C . Bennett , P . M . ( No . 25 ); H . Thompson , P . M . ( No . 177 ); J . G . Thompson , P . M . ( No . 862 ); John Hervey , G . Sec ; Rev . — Sytnons , G . Chap . ; Raynham W . Stewart ; II . D