Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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United Grand Lodge.
Grissell , P . G . S . D . ; F . Binckes ; AV , Parafield ; Joshua Nunn ' G . S . B . ; T . Fenn , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; T . J . Sabine , Hyde Pullen . Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . Turkey , U . Spencer , R . J . Spiers , Benj . Head , John Syraonds , A . H . Tattershall and Chas . Hosgood , and many other well-known brethren . The inauguration festival jewels were presented to such of the Stewards as were present . ( For a complete list of the Stewards see page 219 . )
UNION AVATERIOO LODGE ( NO . 13 ) . A meeting of this lodge was held on the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , AVoolwich . Bros . J . Graydon , AA . M . ; AV . Applebee , S . AV . G . Davis , J . AA .: G . Cook , P . M . J . D . ; Thomas Hosgood , I . G . ; C . Norman , P . M . and Sec ; J . Hadley , P . M . ; Tattershall , P . M . ; Pickering , P . M ., Bickers , Russell , jun ., and the Tyler of Lodge 706 , also several others , whose names we were not able to ascertain . Tlie lodge being opened in due form ,
the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . William Lock and Mr . John Noble having been regularly proposed and approved , were then initiated into Freemasonry . The W . M . then rose and said , that since our last meeting , and through the instrumentality of a member and P . > f . of this lodge , he had been called before the Board of General Purposes for the mistake he the AA . M . had made on the last summons , and he ntlmitted it was purely bis own error , at the same time stating
that he thought it was un-Masonic on the part of that brother 'who had been tbe cause of disturbing tbe harmony of this lodge Bro . Tattershall then rose and said , that if that brother was present , he hoped he would have the manliness to come forward . Bro . Henderson , the Tyler of Lodge 706 , in rising , said " that he only went to tbe Clerk ' s office to inquire if there was any neio working , when he was induced to show the lodge summonses , and hence the question had been brought before the Board of General Purposes . " Bro . Tattershall then stated that Bro . Hosgood , P . M ., when he came here on tbe last occasion , stated
distinctly that there was a mistake on the summons , and he regretted that Bro . Henderson should have been the cause of the harmony of this lodge being disturbed . Bro . J . Hadley then followed in a very eloquent speech , followed by several other brethren , who spoke in condemnatory terms of the conduct of the Tyler of No . 706 . We trust tbe poet will excuse our slight alteration of the undermentioned lines in reference to the above question : —
" Superior talent is a mark For Calumny to aim her dart . Should genius wear a vestal veil—Live pure as ice—the guard would fail ; Envy would still some crime invent , Distort his fairest , best intent . Malice would prompt some dastard slave To whisper slander o'er his grave ;
Or those be found , so lost to shame , To breathe some hint to blast his name . " The lodge having been closed in due form , numerous brethren expressed a wish to see Bro . C . Hosgood at their next meeting . Tbe banquet took place at Bro . De Grey ' s Freemasons' Hotel , and the harmony of the evening was promoted by our able Bros . Hadley , Applebee , and Noble . AA e regret to learn that Bro . C . Hosgood , P . M . 192 , has been compelled to commence proceedings against the parties who have circulated the libel complained of by Bro . Hosgood in connection with this subject .
PEEFECT ASHLAB LODGE ( No . 1 , 178 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday night , tbe 2 nd inst ., at tlie Gregorian Anns , Jamaica-road , Bormoiidsey . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . J . AV . Avery , S . AV ., WES unanimously elected AA . M . ; Dr . J . Dixon re-elected Treas . ; and AA . Y . Laing , Tyler . A five-guinea P . M . jewel -was voted to Bro . F . H . Ebsworth , AA . M ., and a candidate for initiation having been proposed for next meeting , the lodge was
closed . Refreshment was then partaken of , and the usual toasts were drunk and responded to . Bros . F . H . Ebsworth , AV . M J . W . Avery , S . AV . ; F . AValters , P . M ., Sec ; H . Bartlett , S . D . ; G . Grace , I . G . ; J . II . Ilarmsworth , J . H . Fudge , AV . Savillc . H . Keeble , J . A . Axtell , G . Free , D . Kose , G . Drapper , J . AV . Dudley , and Dr . Dixon were among tho brethren were present . STAB LODGE ( No . 1 , 275 ) . —The consecration of this newlodge was performed on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Marquis of
Granby , New Cross-road . Bro . John Hervey , G . See ., officiated as installing officer , appointed by the Grand Master , having Bro . R . W . Little as Chap . ; AA . Ough as S . AA ' . ; J . Brett , as J . AV . ; and H . G . Buss as I . G . AAlth such officers it is almost needless to say that the ceremony was faultlessly given , and on the conclusion of it Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst ., was installed first Master of the lodge . The installation , also , was admirably iven . Bro . Smith then appointed the following brethren as
g his officers : —Bros . C . R , Palmer , S . AV . ; C . J . Hogg , J . AV . ; F . AValters , P . M ., Sec ; and H . Keeble , S , D . The officers of Treasurer , J . D ., I . G ., Div . of Cers ., and Tyler remain vacant . The AV . M . ' s first act thereafter was to propose a vote of thanks to the Grand Secretary for consecrating the lodge , and to move that he be elected an honorary member . This was seconded by Bro . AA aIters , and carried unanimously . Bro . Hervey , G . Sec ,
returned thanks , and said he always felt great pleasure in being of use to Masonry , and whether it was the humblest office in a lodge , or tbe most exalted , he was ever ready to fill it . The lodge was then closed , and tbe brethren sat down to an elegant banquet . Among the brethren present were Bros . J . Hervey , G . Sec , ; J . Smith , P . G . Purst . ; J . Brett , Assist . G . Purst . ; R . AA entworth Little , P . M . a 75 ; AV . Farnfiekl , P . Assist . G . S . ; R . B . NewsomeP . G . S . B . ; AA . OughG . Purst . ; J . TerryP . M .
, , , , Prov . G . S . B . Herts ; Dr . J . Dixon , P . M . 731 ; AV . AVatson , G . S . Lodge , H . AVhittle , S . AA' ' . 871 ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; G . Bolton , P . M . 147 ; Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . Turkey ; D . Rose , W . M . 73 ; C . T . Speight , P . M . 27 ; Duucombe Lines , 619 ; and H . Bartlett , S . D . 1 , 178 .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CAKMSLE . — Union Lodge '( So . 310 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., under tbe presidency of Bro . John Slack , I . P . M ., Prov . J . G . D ., in the absence of Bro . AA . Johnston , the AA . M . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . F . AA . Hayward , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AA ., as S . W . ; G . Murchin , J . W . ; A . AA ' oodhouse , Sec ., P . M .
412 ; A . Taylor , S . D . ; Lance-Sergt . G . J . AVeatberall , of tbe 40 th Reg ., as I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; Sergt .-Major G . Murray , Color-Sergt . T . E . Haddon ; Mess .-Sergt . E . Elson , all the 40 th Reg . ; AV . Murray , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . Sec . ; G . G . Hayward , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . ; P . Milbourn , A . Metcalf , J . Atkinson , AV . Robson ; and visiting Bro . AV . Dare , Past Sec . of the Sun and Sector , AA orkington . The lodge was opened , and the minutes road and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for
Messrs . Thomas Corbett and Joseph Graham , Carlisle ; also Bro . Dr . AV . Reeves as a rejoining member , which was found to be unanimous in each case . The lodge was then advanced a step , and Bros . Robson , Hadilon , and Elson , candidates for exaltation , were tested as to their proficiency as Craftsmen , and being found worthy , wero entrusted and retired . After the lodge was opened in the third degree , Bros . Haddon , Elson , and Robson were severalladmitted and raised to tbe sublime degree of Master
y Mason by Bros . J . Slack and F . AA . Hayward , who also gave the historical portion of the ceremony . The lodge was then closed down to the E . A . degree , when referring to Father Time , it was too late for initiating the candidates . The AA . M . then announced that a lodge of emergency would be held on Tuesday , the 7 th inst ., for initiating Messrs . Corbett and Graham . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren parted in harmony .
ESSEX . LEYTONSTONE . —Beacontree Lodge ( No . 1 , 228 ) . —The installation of AV . M . of this lodge was performed on AA ednesday , at the Lodge Rooms , by Bro . T . Barford , the first Master of the lodge , in the presence of Bros . Hervey , G . Sec , James Brett , Assist . G . Purst ., and numerous other distinguished visitors and a large muster of the brethren . Bro . Barford first passed Bros . Wragg
and Hoar , as F . C . s , and then fulfilled the duties of Installing Master . AAlien installed , Bro . AA . AVrame , the new Master , appointed and invested Bros . Tharp , P . M . S . AV ., Chillingworth , J . W ., A'ile , Treas ., G . Snow , P . M . Prov . S . G . AV . for Kent , Sec , Alcock , S . D ., Ulygses Latreille , J . D ., Robert J . Chappel , I . G ., AV . Morris , Dir . of Cers ., Hoare , P . G . Sec Treas . One guinea was voted to the Benevolent Institution , and one guinea to the Girl's School , and then the lodge was closed . A grand banquet followed , and on the removal of the cloth , the toasts , which were interspersed with some claiming vocalism , were given , and a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
Grissell , P . G . S . D . ; F . Binckes ; AV , Parafield ; Joshua Nunn ' G . S . B . ; T . Fenn , P . G . Dir . of Cers . ; T . J . Sabine , Hyde Pullen . Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . Turkey , U . Spencer , R . J . Spiers , Benj . Head , John Syraonds , A . H . Tattershall and Chas . Hosgood , and many other well-known brethren . The inauguration festival jewels were presented to such of the Stewards as were present . ( For a complete list of the Stewards see page 219 . )
UNION AVATERIOO LODGE ( NO . 13 ) . A meeting of this lodge was held on the 8 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , AVoolwich . Bros . J . Graydon , AA . M . ; AV . Applebee , S . AV . G . Davis , J . AA .: G . Cook , P . M . J . D . ; Thomas Hosgood , I . G . ; C . Norman , P . M . and Sec ; J . Hadley , P . M . ; Tattershall , P . M . ; Pickering , P . M ., Bickers , Russell , jun ., and the Tyler of Lodge 706 , also several others , whose names we were not able to ascertain . Tlie lodge being opened in due form ,
the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Mr . William Lock and Mr . John Noble having been regularly proposed and approved , were then initiated into Freemasonry . The W . M . then rose and said , that since our last meeting , and through the instrumentality of a member and P . > f . of this lodge , he had been called before the Board of General Purposes for the mistake he the AA . M . had made on the last summons , and he ntlmitted it was purely bis own error , at the same time stating
that he thought it was un-Masonic on the part of that brother 'who had been tbe cause of disturbing tbe harmony of this lodge Bro . Tattershall then rose and said , that if that brother was present , he hoped he would have the manliness to come forward . Bro . Henderson , the Tyler of Lodge 706 , in rising , said " that he only went to tbe Clerk ' s office to inquire if there was any neio working , when he was induced to show the lodge summonses , and hence the question had been brought before the Board of General Purposes . " Bro . Tattershall then stated that Bro . Hosgood , P . M ., when he came here on tbe last occasion , stated
distinctly that there was a mistake on the summons , and he regretted that Bro . Henderson should have been the cause of the harmony of this lodge being disturbed . Bro . J . Hadley then followed in a very eloquent speech , followed by several other brethren , who spoke in condemnatory terms of the conduct of the Tyler of No . 706 . We trust tbe poet will excuse our slight alteration of the undermentioned lines in reference to the above question : —
" Superior talent is a mark For Calumny to aim her dart . Should genius wear a vestal veil—Live pure as ice—the guard would fail ; Envy would still some crime invent , Distort his fairest , best intent . Malice would prompt some dastard slave To whisper slander o'er his grave ;
Or those be found , so lost to shame , To breathe some hint to blast his name . " The lodge having been closed in due form , numerous brethren expressed a wish to see Bro . C . Hosgood at their next meeting . Tbe banquet took place at Bro . De Grey ' s Freemasons' Hotel , and the harmony of the evening was promoted by our able Bros . Hadley , Applebee , and Noble . AA e regret to learn that Bro . C . Hosgood , P . M . 192 , has been compelled to commence proceedings against the parties who have circulated the libel complained of by Bro . Hosgood in connection with this subject .
PEEFECT ASHLAB LODGE ( No . 1 , 178 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday night , tbe 2 nd inst ., at tlie Gregorian Anns , Jamaica-road , Bormoiidsey . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . J . AV . Avery , S . AV ., WES unanimously elected AA . M . ; Dr . J . Dixon re-elected Treas . ; and AA . Y . Laing , Tyler . A five-guinea P . M . jewel -was voted to Bro . F . H . Ebsworth , AA . M ., and a candidate for initiation having been proposed for next meeting , the lodge was
closed . Refreshment was then partaken of , and the usual toasts were drunk and responded to . Bros . F . H . Ebsworth , AV . M J . W . Avery , S . AV . ; F . AValters , P . M ., Sec ; H . Bartlett , S . D . ; G . Grace , I . G . ; J . II . Ilarmsworth , J . H . Fudge , AV . Savillc . H . Keeble , J . A . Axtell , G . Free , D . Kose , G . Drapper , J . AV . Dudley , and Dr . Dixon were among tho brethren were present . STAB LODGE ( No . 1 , 275 ) . —The consecration of this newlodge was performed on Friday , the 3 rd inst ., at the Marquis of
Granby , New Cross-road . Bro . John Hervey , G . See ., officiated as installing officer , appointed by the Grand Master , having Bro . R . W . Little as Chap . ; AA . Ough as S . AA ' . ; J . Brett , as J . AV . ; and H . G . Buss as I . G . AAlth such officers it is almost needless to say that the ceremony was faultlessly given , and on the conclusion of it Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst ., was installed first Master of the lodge . The installation , also , was admirably iven . Bro . Smith then appointed the following brethren as
g his officers : —Bros . C . R , Palmer , S . AV . ; C . J . Hogg , J . AV . ; F . AValters , P . M ., Sec ; and H . Keeble , S , D . The officers of Treasurer , J . D ., I . G ., Div . of Cers ., and Tyler remain vacant . The AV . M . ' s first act thereafter was to propose a vote of thanks to the Grand Secretary for consecrating the lodge , and to move that he be elected an honorary member . This was seconded by Bro . AA aIters , and carried unanimously . Bro . Hervey , G . Sec ,
returned thanks , and said he always felt great pleasure in being of use to Masonry , and whether it was the humblest office in a lodge , or tbe most exalted , he was ever ready to fill it . The lodge was then closed , and tbe brethren sat down to an elegant banquet . Among the brethren present were Bros . J . Hervey , G . Sec , ; J . Smith , P . G . Purst . ; J . Brett , Assist . G . Purst . ; R . AA entworth Little , P . M . a 75 ; AV . Farnfiekl , P . Assist . G . S . ; R . B . NewsomeP . G . S . B . ; AA . OughG . Purst . ; J . TerryP . M .
, , , , Prov . G . S . B . Herts ; Dr . J . Dixon , P . M . 731 ; AV . AVatson , G . S . Lodge , H . AVhittle , S . AA' ' . 871 ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; G . Bolton , P . M . 147 ; Hyde Clarke , D . D . G . M . Turkey ; D . Rose , W . M . 73 ; C . T . Speight , P . M . 27 ; Duucombe Lines , 619 ; and H . Bartlett , S . D . 1 , 178 .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CAKMSLE . — Union Lodge '( So . 310 ) . —This lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 31 st ult ., under tbe presidency of Bro . John Slack , I . P . M ., Prov . J . G . D ., in the absence of Bro . AA . Johnston , the AA . M . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . F . AA . Hayward , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . AA ., as S . W . ; G . Murchin , J . W . ; A . AA ' oodhouse , Sec ., P . M .
412 ; A . Taylor , S . D . ; Lance-Sergt . G . J . AVeatberall , of tbe 40 th Reg ., as I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; Sergt .-Major G . Murray , Color-Sergt . T . E . Haddon ; Mess .-Sergt . E . Elson , all the 40 th Reg . ; AV . Murray , P . M ., P . Prov . G . Assist . Sec . ; G . G . Hayward , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . B . ; P . Milbourn , A . Metcalf , J . Atkinson , AV . Robson ; and visiting Bro . AV . Dare , Past Sec . of the Sun and Sector , AA orkington . The lodge was opened , and the minutes road and confirmed . The ballot was then taken for
Messrs . Thomas Corbett and Joseph Graham , Carlisle ; also Bro . Dr . AV . Reeves as a rejoining member , which was found to be unanimous in each case . The lodge was then advanced a step , and Bros . Robson , Hadilon , and Elson , candidates for exaltation , were tested as to their proficiency as Craftsmen , and being found worthy , wero entrusted and retired . After the lodge was opened in the third degree , Bros . Haddon , Elson , and Robson were severalladmitted and raised to tbe sublime degree of Master
y Mason by Bros . J . Slack and F . AA . Hayward , who also gave the historical portion of the ceremony . The lodge was then closed down to the E . A . degree , when referring to Father Time , it was too late for initiating the candidates . The AA . M . then announced that a lodge of emergency would be held on Tuesday , the 7 th inst ., for initiating Messrs . Corbett and Graham . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren parted in harmony .
ESSEX . LEYTONSTONE . —Beacontree Lodge ( No . 1 , 228 ) . —The installation of AV . M . of this lodge was performed on AA ednesday , at the Lodge Rooms , by Bro . T . Barford , the first Master of the lodge , in the presence of Bros . Hervey , G . Sec , James Brett , Assist . G . Purst ., and numerous other distinguished visitors and a large muster of the brethren . Bro . Barford first passed Bros . Wragg
and Hoar , as F . C . s , and then fulfilled the duties of Installing Master . AAlien installed , Bro . AA . AVrame , the new Master , appointed and invested Bros . Tharp , P . M . S . AV ., Chillingworth , J . W ., A'ile , Treas ., G . Snow , P . M . Prov . S . G . AV . for Kent , Sec , Alcock , S . D ., Ulygses Latreille , J . D ., Robert J . Chappel , I . G ., AV . Morris , Dir . of Cers ., Hoare , P . G . Sec Treas . One guinea was voted to the Benevolent Institution , and one guinea to the Girl's School , and then the lodge was closed . A grand banquet followed , and on the removal of the cloth , the toasts , which were interspersed with some claiming vocalism , were given , and a