Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
The examinations of the Society of Arts this year have been much modified , and the Journal ( p . 797 ) contains a valuable memorandum from the Treasurer , Bro . Hyde Clarke , laying down a new system for examination in the speaking modern languages . This paper , by one of our most distinguished philologists and orientalists , embraces much practical and interesting matter on the
learning of languages . Miss Braddon , the authoress , is seriously ill . Auber ' s new opera " Reve d'Amour" is to be produced in October . Miss Cushman , the tragedienne , is lying dangerously ill in Edinburgh . Mr . William Howittis busy on a work treating on the
history of the Society of Friends . Le Figaro announces the marriage at Wiesbaden of Mdlle . Stella Colas to a M . Proukovskoi . The Eisteddfod of 1869 , at Holywell , was lately opened , under the presidency of the Mayor of Chester . The Princess de Solms ( Countess Ratazzi ) is writing both words and music of a new opera , entitled " Byron . ''
Dr . Newman , it is reported , is busy on a new work upon Rationalism , and the first part may he expected shortly . The Musical Standard states that the French normal diapason has been adopted at the important opera house of Prague . The next burlesque to be produced at the Gaiety
Theatre will be on the subject of Donizetti ' s " Linda of Chamouni . " Mr . W . W . Hunter , the author of the Annals of Rural Bengal , " has been appointed to compile a Gazetteer of Lower Bengal . A Mr . Ossian Dodge has invented an " acoustic register , " by means of which he tunes concert halls to tho size
of the audience . A new opera , entitled " Mootlo , " by the city editor and musical critie of the New York Tribune , is about to be brought out in that city .
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 18th September, 1869.
( Abbreviations . —F . M . H , Freemasons' Hall ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; It ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square ) . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS . Monday , Sept . 13 th-LODGES . —Peckhnm , Edinbro' Castle , Peekbam-rye . TuesdaySept . lith .
, LODGES . —AVellington , AA'hite Swan Tav ., Deptford ; Doric , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleet-st . Wednesday , Sept . 15 th . LODGES . —Nelson , Ma . Ha ., AA'illiam-st ., AVoolwich ; Buckingham and Chandos , Freemasons' Hall . CHAPTERS . —AVestminster and Keystone , Freemasons' Hall ; Beadon , Greyhound Ho ., Dulwich .
Thursday , Sept . Wilt . LODGES . —Cosmopolitan , City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . Friday , Sept . 17 th . House Com . Boys' School . LODGES . —New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . CHAPTER . —Caveac , Radley's Ho ., Blackfriars . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF
INSTRUCTION . Sunday , Sept . 12 th . Joppa , Rose and Crown , Fort-st ., Union-st ., Bishopsgate . Monday , Sept . ISllt-Temple , Old George , St . Mary Axe ; Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-rd ., Deptford ; Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Montcombe-
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 18th September, 1869.
st ., Belgrave-sq . ; St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Sincerity , Cheshire Cheese , Crutehed Friars ; Industry , Dick's Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Salisbury , 71 , Deausfc ., Soho ; Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Haverstock Hill ; AVestbmu-ne , Running Horse , Dnke-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; High Cross , AA'hite Hart Ho ., Tottenham ; Tower Hamlet's Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Coinmerchl-rd . East .
Tuesday , Sept . lith . Strong Man , AA'hite Horse , Little Britain ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich ; Faith , Fisher ' s Resiauraut , Mefcrop . Dis . Railway , A'ictoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms Grosvenor-park , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborongh , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick AVilliam , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St .. John's-wood ; British
Oak , Silver Liou Tav ., Pennyficld , Poplar ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , AVhite Hart , Abchurch-lane CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION ;—Metropolitan , George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Wednesday , Sept . loth . Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-st ., Mile-end-rd . ; Confidence , Sugar Loaf , Groat St . Helens ; Merchant Navy , Silver Tav ., Burdett-rd ., Limehouse ; United Strength , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark ' s , Mawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peckham , Edinboro ' , Castle Tav ., Peckham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . CHAFTEB OE INSTRUCTION . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq .
Thursday , Sept . 16 th . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzrov-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd . ; Globe , No . 10 , Old Bond-st . ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile ! End-rd . ; A'itruvian , AA'hite Hart , College-street , Lambeth ; St . John ' s , Hollybush . Tav ., Hampstead ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-sq . ; Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Great St . Helen's , St . Mary Axe ; Wbittington , Crown Ho ., 41 , Holborn ; Royal Oak Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford . CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —Joppa , Prospect of AA'hitby Tav ., 57 , AVappiugwall ..
Friday , Sept- 17 th Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke's , Pier Ho ., Choyne-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tav ., A'ictoria-rd ., Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Greshamst . ; Union's ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tavern , Kennington ; AA ' ellingtonLord Duncan Tav . BroadwayDeptford
, , , ; Belgrave , Duke of AA ' ellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James's , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Doric , Throe Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , AVhite Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; Metropolitan Lo . of Instruction , George Ho ., Aldermanbury .
Saturday , Sept . 18 th . Mount Sinai , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . [ This information is extracted from the " Universal Masonic Calendar , " published at 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies are respectfully requested to communicate the same to tbe Editor . ]
To Correspondents.
* * * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury- * street , Strand , AV . C , SEA-ERAI , letters written respecting the matter connected with the Union AA ' aterloo Lodge , stand over until next issue . CAPT . G . ( Malta ) . —Shall he very glad to receive your continued support , and also to have a glance at the work you mention .
AA ' . R . ( Woolwich ) . —AA ' e did not give insertion to the letter you mention—it found its place in the waste paper basket—and we have no cause to regret its having gone there . AVe ourselves , were aware of the respected P . M . ' s movements , and knew he was about to perform the ceremony in the manner laid down by some of our best expounders . R . S . ( Stow ) . —Copy arrived too late for insertion in present issue . A . J- AV . —Your letter was unfortunately crowded out—will appear next week .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Literature, Science, Music, Drama, And The Fine Arts.
The examinations of the Society of Arts this year have been much modified , and the Journal ( p . 797 ) contains a valuable memorandum from the Treasurer , Bro . Hyde Clarke , laying down a new system for examination in the speaking modern languages . This paper , by one of our most distinguished philologists and orientalists , embraces much practical and interesting matter on the
learning of languages . Miss Braddon , the authoress , is seriously ill . Auber ' s new opera " Reve d'Amour" is to be produced in October . Miss Cushman , the tragedienne , is lying dangerously ill in Edinburgh . Mr . William Howittis busy on a work treating on the
history of the Society of Friends . Le Figaro announces the marriage at Wiesbaden of Mdlle . Stella Colas to a M . Proukovskoi . The Eisteddfod of 1869 , at Holywell , was lately opened , under the presidency of the Mayor of Chester . The Princess de Solms ( Countess Ratazzi ) is writing both words and music of a new opera , entitled " Byron . ''
Dr . Newman , it is reported , is busy on a new work upon Rationalism , and the first part may he expected shortly . The Musical Standard states that the French normal diapason has been adopted at the important opera house of Prague . The next burlesque to be produced at the Gaiety
Theatre will be on the subject of Donizetti ' s " Linda of Chamouni . " Mr . W . W . Hunter , the author of the Annals of Rural Bengal , " has been appointed to compile a Gazetteer of Lower Bengal . A Mr . Ossian Dodge has invented an " acoustic register , " by means of which he tunes concert halls to tho size
of the audience . A new opera , entitled " Mootlo , " by the city editor and musical critie of the New York Tribune , is about to be brought out in that city .
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 18th September, 1869.
( Abbreviations . —F . M . H , Freemasons' Hall ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; It ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sq ., Square ) . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS . Monday , Sept . 13 th-LODGES . —Peckhnm , Edinbro' Castle , Peekbam-rye . TuesdaySept . lith .
, LODGES . —AVellington , AA'hite Swan Tav ., Deptford ; Doric , Anderton ' s Ho ., Fleet-st . Wednesday , Sept . 15 th . LODGES . —Nelson , Ma . Ha ., AA'illiam-st ., AVoolwich ; Buckingham and Chandos , Freemasons' Hall . CHAPTERS . —AVestminster and Keystone , Freemasons' Hall ; Beadon , Greyhound Ho ., Dulwich .
Thursday , Sept . Wilt . LODGES . —Cosmopolitan , City Terminus Ho ., Cannon-st . Friday , Sept . 17 th . House Com . Boys' School . LODGES . —New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton . CHAPTER . —Caveac , Radley's Ho ., Blackfriars . METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF
INSTRUCTION . Sunday , Sept . 12 th . Joppa , Rose and Crown , Fort-st ., Union-st ., Bishopsgate . Monday , Sept . ISllt-Temple , Old George , St . Mary Axe ; Justice , Royal Albert , New Cross-rd ., Deptford ; Old Concord , Turk ' s Head , Montcombe-
List Of Lodge, &C., Meetings For Week Ending 18th September, 1869.
st ., Belgrave-sq . ; St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; Sincerity , Cheshire Cheese , Crutehed Friars ; Industry , Dick's Coffee House , Fleet-st . ; Salisbury , 71 , Deausfc ., Soho ; Camden , Adelaide Tav ., Haverstock Hill ; AVestbmu-ne , Running Horse , Dnke-st ., Grosvenor-sq . ; High Cross , AA'hite Hart Ho ., Tottenham ; Tower Hamlet's Engineers , Duke of Clarence , Coinmerchl-rd . East .
Tuesday , Sept . lith . Strong Man , AA'hite Horse , Little Britain ; Pythagorean , Prince of Orange , Greenwich ; Faith , Fisher ' s Resiauraut , Mefcrop . Dis . Railway , A'ictoria Station ; Domatic , Palmerston Arms Grosvenor-park , Camberwell ; Jordan , Alwyne Castle , Canonbury ; Yarborongh , Green Dragon , Stepney ; Prince Frederick AVilliam , Knights of St . John ' s Tav ., St .. John's-wood ; British
Oak , Silver Liou Tav ., Pennyficld , Poplar ; Dalhousie , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney ; Royal Albert , AVhite Hart , Abchurch-lane CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION ;—Metropolitan , George Hotel , Aldermanbury .
Wednesday , Sept . loth . Eastern Star , Royal Ho ., Burdett-st ., Mile-end-rd . ; Confidence , Sugar Loaf , Groat St . Helens ; Merchant Navy , Silver Tav ., Burdett-rd ., Limehouse ; United Strength , Bull and Gate , Kentish Town ; New Concord , Rosemary Branch Tav ., Hoxton ; St . Mark ' s , Mawby Arms , Mawby-st ., S . Lambeth ; Peckham , Edinboro ' , Castle Tav ., Peckham Rye ; Temperance in the East , George the Fourth , Catherine-street , Poplar . CHAFTEB OE INSTRUCTION . —St . James's Union , Swan Tav ., Mount-st ., Grosvenor-sq .
Thursday , Sept . 16 th . Fidelity , Yorkshire Grey , London-st ., Fitzrov-sq . ; Kent , Duke of York , Borough-rd . ; Globe , No . 10 , Old Bond-st . ; United Mariners , Three Cranes , Mile ! End-rd . ; A'itruvian , AA'hite Hart , College-street , Lambeth ; St . John ' s , Hollybush . Tav ., Hampstead ; Manchester , Berkeley Arms , John-st ., Berkeley-sq . ; Tranquillity , Sugar Loaf Tav ., Great St . Helen's , St . Mary Axe ; Wbittington , Crown Ho ., 41 , Holborn ; Royal Oak Royal Oak Tav ., Deptford . CHAPTER OP INSTRUCTION . —Joppa , Prospect of AA'hitby Tav ., 57 , AVappiugwall ..
Friday , Sept- 17 th Robert Burns , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . ; St . Luke's , Pier Ho ., Choyne-walk , Chelsea ; Temperance , Victoria Tav ., A'ictoria-rd ., Deptford ; Stability , Guildhall Tav ., 33 , Greshamst . ; Union's ( Emulation Lodge of Improvement for M . M . ) , Freemasons' Hall ; United Pilgrims , Horns' Tavern , Kennington ; AA ' ellingtonLord Duncan Tav . BroadwayDeptford
, , , ; Belgrave , Duke of AA ' ellington , Spring-gardens , Charing-cross ; St . James's , Gregorian Arms , Jamaica-row , Bermondsey ; Lily , Greyhound Ho ., Richmond ; Doric , Throe Cranes , Mile End-rd . ; Rose of Denmark , AVhite Hart , Barnes , Surrey ; Metropolitan Lo . of Instruction , George Ho ., Aldermanbury .
Saturday , Sept . 18 th . Mount Sinai , Union Tav ., Air-st ., Regent-st . [ This information is extracted from the " Universal Masonic Calendar , " published at 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , and brethren who may detect any inaccuracies are respectfully requested to communicate the same to tbe Editor . ]
To Correspondents.
* * * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury- * street , Strand , AV . C , SEA-ERAI , letters written respecting the matter connected with the Union AA ' aterloo Lodge , stand over until next issue . CAPT . G . ( Malta ) . —Shall he very glad to receive your continued support , and also to have a glance at the work you mention .
AA ' . R . ( Woolwich ) . —AA ' e did not give insertion to the letter you mention—it found its place in the waste paper basket—and we have no cause to regret its having gone there . AVe ourselves , were aware of the respected P . M . ' s movements , and knew he was about to perform the ceremony in the manner laid down by some of our best expounders . R . S . ( Stow ) . —Copy arrived too late for insertion in present issue . A . J- AV . —Your letter was unfortunately crowded out—will appear next week .