Article MELROSE ABBEY AND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Melrose Abbey And Lodge.
adhesion to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . It has records so far back as 1674 . The brethren have a very fine hall of their own , and also a benefit fund ; a fear that theyjwould somehoAV lose these , tends to keep them from joining the Grand Lodge . The following is a copy of their lodge seal : —
which as it contains the mell and the rose ( which however is merel y a pun upon the name ) seems to be their definition of " Melrose . " Authorities , hoAvever , give the ori g in from the words Mull and Rhoss , signifying a bare promontory , which is said to have been the characteristic feature of the site
of old Melrose . The Melrose brethren have been wont to turn out in great force upon the eve o f St . John , 27 th December , when , with lighted torches , they march through the town , and arriving at the abb ey , all gather round the spot where the heart of Bruce was deposited , there the band strike up " Scots wha hae . "
I have a copy of their income and expenditure from September , 1866 , to September , 1867 , in which I observe £ 3 13 s . 3 d . for " Torches and carriage of do . ; " £ 5 for Music from Jedburgh ; Tyler ' s salary for one year , £ 1 6 s . ; Treasurer ' s
do ., £ 1 ; and Secretary ' s do ., £ 3 . Their funeral money , £ 7 10 s . ; Sick and superannuation money , £ 60 3 s . ; altogether the expenditure is £ 90 14 s ., while the income is £ 106 6 s . 8 d ., of which £ 50 lid . 3 d . is quarter dues and fines ; £ G for
ei ght entries ; and £ 3 6 s . for six passings . Their total funds , as at September , 1867 , £ 364 lis . lOd . Signed b y " James Fairbairn , Secretary , and Wm . Scott , Treasurer . " The above is very creditable to the Melrose Masons , and from what I have
seen—althoug h I have not examined their documents—I should say they will probabl y deserve «¦ hi gh place upon the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ,. Avhenever they see fit to offer to come
under her banner . I enclose the "New Regulations of the Brotherly Societ y of Masons of Melrose Lodge , Roxburghshire , upon the 28 th day of December , 1796 , " reprinted 1861 . I hoped to have been able to give some further data , but I see I must wait till another time .
The following is the copy of Regvtlations referred to : — At a general meeting , held in Melrose , of the Ancient Brotherly Society of Masons , of Melrose Lodge , the folloAving new regulations were agreed upon for the right government of said society , for securing the funds ,
admitting of members , and for relieving such , as in course of providence , may be visited with want , either by affliction or other lawful causes . Art . 1 . —That none shall be admitted into this society , but those who are of unblameable characters , free of bodily distempers , and approved of by the managers ;
and not above thirty-five years of age . 2 . —Every person proposing to join this society , must bring with him to the managers , a satisfactory certificate of his character , age , and health , attested by two of the members , before he be admitted . 3 . —The name , age , and date of admission of every
member shall be entered in the register , but if it after-Avards be found that any person , or persons , shall have imposed upon the society , by not agreeing with Article first , such person shall be expelled : but no member once admitted shall be expelled but by the majority of the annual general meeting , and everymemberjustly excluded
shall have no return of money . 4—That each member shall first enter as Apprentice and pay as entry money 15 s .
5 . —That each Apprentice shall , withm three years , pass and be raised to Fellow CrafD , upon paying 10 s ., and Is . to the Clerk . ( Members not complying with Article fifth , are not to be entitled to aliment until two years after they are passed and raised to Fellow Craft . ) 6 . —That each member shall pay to the Treasurer Is .
6 d . per quarter of a year , making those quarterly payments at four meetings ; the first three to be held on the last Saturdays of March , June , and September , and the fourth upon the tAventy-seventh day of December yearly , which is to be the annual general meeting of the society to celebrate the anniversary of St . John ; electing
managers for the ensuing year , and examining the state of the funds , and Clerk ' s account . 7 . —Any member failing in these quarterly payments , shall for the first quarter be fined 3 d . ; the second , 6 d . ; the third , 9 d . ; the fourth , Is . ; and for the fifth , be exeluded .
8 . —That all the money arising from entries , quarter ' s payments and fines , shall be appropriated to the funds . 9 . —That the managers shall have full power to lend out the society ' s money , on bond or other good security , and the security of tho money thus lent shall be vested
in the hands of tho Clerk for the time being ; and from and after tho death , or removal of any Clerk , the said security shall be vested in the hands of the succeeding
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Melrose Abbey And Lodge.
adhesion to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . It has records so far back as 1674 . The brethren have a very fine hall of their own , and also a benefit fund ; a fear that theyjwould somehoAV lose these , tends to keep them from joining the Grand Lodge . The following is a copy of their lodge seal : —
which as it contains the mell and the rose ( which however is merel y a pun upon the name ) seems to be their definition of " Melrose . " Authorities , hoAvever , give the ori g in from the words Mull and Rhoss , signifying a bare promontory , which is said to have been the characteristic feature of the site
of old Melrose . The Melrose brethren have been wont to turn out in great force upon the eve o f St . John , 27 th December , when , with lighted torches , they march through the town , and arriving at the abb ey , all gather round the spot where the heart of Bruce was deposited , there the band strike up " Scots wha hae . "
I have a copy of their income and expenditure from September , 1866 , to September , 1867 , in which I observe £ 3 13 s . 3 d . for " Torches and carriage of do . ; " £ 5 for Music from Jedburgh ; Tyler ' s salary for one year , £ 1 6 s . ; Treasurer ' s
do ., £ 1 ; and Secretary ' s do ., £ 3 . Their funeral money , £ 7 10 s . ; Sick and superannuation money , £ 60 3 s . ; altogether the expenditure is £ 90 14 s ., while the income is £ 106 6 s . 8 d ., of which £ 50 lid . 3 d . is quarter dues and fines ; £ G for
ei ght entries ; and £ 3 6 s . for six passings . Their total funds , as at September , 1867 , £ 364 lis . lOd . Signed b y " James Fairbairn , Secretary , and Wm . Scott , Treasurer . " The above is very creditable to the Melrose Masons , and from what I have
seen—althoug h I have not examined their documents—I should say they will probabl y deserve «¦ hi gh place upon the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ,. Avhenever they see fit to offer to come
under her banner . I enclose the "New Regulations of the Brotherly Societ y of Masons of Melrose Lodge , Roxburghshire , upon the 28 th day of December , 1796 , " reprinted 1861 . I hoped to have been able to give some further data , but I see I must wait till another time .
The following is the copy of Regvtlations referred to : — At a general meeting , held in Melrose , of the Ancient Brotherly Society of Masons , of Melrose Lodge , the folloAving new regulations were agreed upon for the right government of said society , for securing the funds ,
admitting of members , and for relieving such , as in course of providence , may be visited with want , either by affliction or other lawful causes . Art . 1 . —That none shall be admitted into this society , but those who are of unblameable characters , free of bodily distempers , and approved of by the managers ;
and not above thirty-five years of age . 2 . —Every person proposing to join this society , must bring with him to the managers , a satisfactory certificate of his character , age , and health , attested by two of the members , before he be admitted . 3 . —The name , age , and date of admission of every
member shall be entered in the register , but if it after-Avards be found that any person , or persons , shall have imposed upon the society , by not agreeing with Article first , such person shall be expelled : but no member once admitted shall be expelled but by the majority of the annual general meeting , and everymemberjustly excluded
shall have no return of money . 4—That each member shall first enter as Apprentice and pay as entry money 15 s .
5 . —That each Apprentice shall , withm three years , pass and be raised to Fellow CrafD , upon paying 10 s ., and Is . to the Clerk . ( Members not complying with Article fifth , are not to be entitled to aliment until two years after they are passed and raised to Fellow Craft . ) 6 . —That each member shall pay to the Treasurer Is .
6 d . per quarter of a year , making those quarterly payments at four meetings ; the first three to be held on the last Saturdays of March , June , and September , and the fourth upon the tAventy-seventh day of December yearly , which is to be the annual general meeting of the society to celebrate the anniversary of St . John ; electing
managers for the ensuing year , and examining the state of the funds , and Clerk ' s account . 7 . —Any member failing in these quarterly payments , shall for the first quarter be fined 3 d . ; the second , 6 d . ; the third , 9 d . ; the fourth , Is . ; and for the fifth , be exeluded .
8 . —That all the money arising from entries , quarter ' s payments and fines , shall be appropriated to the funds . 9 . —That the managers shall have full power to lend out the society ' s money , on bond or other good security , and the security of tho money thus lent shall be vested
in the hands of tho Clerk for the time being ; and from and after tho death , or removal of any Clerk , the said security shall be vested in the hands of the succeeding