Article MELROSE ABBEY AND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Melrose Abbey And Lodge.
Clerk , in the same manner as it was in his predecessor , without assignment or transfer whatever , with full power to such Clerk for the time being to prosecute and recover the money so lent in his proper name for the benefit of said society . 10 . —By a majority in the annual general meeting , a
master for the year ensuing shall be chosen to preside in all meetings , and to have full power to keep good order , and who shall make choice of a Depute and two Wardens . At same time , by a majority , shall be chosen a Treasurer , two Deacons , two Stewards , a Standard-bearer , a Clerk , and Officer .
11 . —The members chosen as mentioned in Article 10 ., together with other assistant SteAvards , to be nominated at the general meeting , is to compose a standing committee for the year , who shall meet once a quarter to receive the quarterly payments , and transact all other business belonging to the society , the Clerk to keep an
exact account and Eegister of all the affairs thereof , for which he shall receive a Salary to be paid at the general meeting out of the funds ; the two Stewards to provide the entertainment at the anniversary meeting , collect payments thereof from the members , and , along with assistants , visit the distressed members , carry them the
Box alloAvance , and make due report of their case to the managers , that the sick may not be neglected , nor the society imposed upon . 12- —The Master to have the casting vote , and to sign every sederunt along with the Clerk . 13 . —The Master , or in his absence , his Depute , shall
have power to call a meeting of the committee , when necessary , and any three of the committee , with the Maste 1 ' and Clerk , or their deputies , shall have full power to transact such business , conform to the Kules of the society , as may come before them . Every meeting so called must be intimated to the members of the
committee by the officer . 1-1 . —All the books and accounts to bo kept in tho box ; this to be lodged with the Clerk . 15 . —The capital stock shall never be reduced belotv £ G 0 sterling , but if by much sickness , or death of members , the principal stock should fall below that sum , the managers shall lay on such additional quarter dues as may be necessary to raise tho stock to £ ' 60 sterlin g .
16 . —That every member who does not attend the annual general meeting , on the 27 th of December ( if living within tho distance of ton miles from Melrose ) , at half ? past two o ' clock , Avhen the roll is called , be fined Is . ; and that the roll he called again at dinner , and those absent fined 2 s . ( 3 d ., with this explanation , that members absent at
half-past two and fined Is ., if absent also at dinner , are only to be fined the 2 s . 6 d ., but those present at the at the calling of the last roll , if absent at the previous calling , are only liable for the Is . fine ; and that no business be brought before the lodge after dinner . Members of committee fined 6 d . if not present at quarterly meetings by eight o ' clock , and to stay at least one hour .
17 . —When any member who has duly paid into the fund for the space of five years , after the date of his entry , is prevented by accident , or sickness , from
working as usual , he shall , within one week of his illness , apply to the nearest Steward , or assistant Steward , who shall visit him and report his case to the managers ; after that , if the distressed member be sick , and confined to his bed he shall receive from the funds 5 s . per week for the first thirteen weeks , but if he be not
confined to his bed he shall receive 4 s . per week , if his trouble continue so long , and after the end of the thirteen , he shall receive 3 s . per week during all the time of his remaining illness . 18 . —Every distressed member living without the visitation of the Stewards , must send a line to the Clerk
of the society , sighed by a Surgeon of character , certifying the time and manner of his illness , and the weekly aliment according to Art . 17 will be allowed , but if it be found out , that any member imposes upon the society by continuing to receive the allowance after his recovery he shall pay what he has unjustly received , Avith such fine as the society shall impose upon him : if he refuse he shall be excluded .
19 . —If any member shall by intemperance , lewdness ,, or quarrelling , bring any trouble upon himself , he shall receive no allowance during that distress . 20 . —When any member grows superannuated , and thereby unable to work for his daily bread , he shall receive 3 s . per week . Threepence to be paid by each member for every death that may take place in the
society . 21 . —As much shall be retained by the managers of every distressed member ' s alloAvance , as is necessary to keep their quarter dues , and other public expenses , clear in the Clerk's book . 22 . —When any member dies after he has paid five years into this society , upon due application being made to the managers by his heirs , the sum of £ 3 sterling shall be allowed : also the use of the society ' s
mortcloth . 23 . —When the wife of any member dies , if he has paid five years into tho society , he shall , by applying to the managers , receive the sum of £ 1 , 10 s . sterling , and the use of the society's mortcloth , for any of his family under his charge . Widows entitled to the mortcloth if not
married again . 24 . —That tho officer must go along with the mortcloth , and take charge thereof , for which he shall receive from the person employing him Is ., if within six miles of Melrose , but if above six miles , and not exceeding twenty miles , 2 s .
25 . —That each member shall have a right to a seat in the society's gallery in Melrose Church . 26 . —If any member shall think himself aggrieved by any deed of the committee , he may appeal to the annual meeting of the society , but if sentence be affirmed by a majority at the general meeting , there shall be no further
appeal against it ( as it is expressly agreed , that the affairs of the society shall be decided by the society itself ) , and the same shall be binding to all intents and purposes . 27 . —In every meeting the master shall be addressed by the speaker , and to prevent confusion , only one shall speak at a time : whoever refuses to keep good order ac-
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Melrose Abbey And Lodge.
Clerk , in the same manner as it was in his predecessor , without assignment or transfer whatever , with full power to such Clerk for the time being to prosecute and recover the money so lent in his proper name for the benefit of said society . 10 . —By a majority in the annual general meeting , a
master for the year ensuing shall be chosen to preside in all meetings , and to have full power to keep good order , and who shall make choice of a Depute and two Wardens . At same time , by a majority , shall be chosen a Treasurer , two Deacons , two Stewards , a Standard-bearer , a Clerk , and Officer .
11 . —The members chosen as mentioned in Article 10 ., together with other assistant SteAvards , to be nominated at the general meeting , is to compose a standing committee for the year , who shall meet once a quarter to receive the quarterly payments , and transact all other business belonging to the society , the Clerk to keep an
exact account and Eegister of all the affairs thereof , for which he shall receive a Salary to be paid at the general meeting out of the funds ; the two Stewards to provide the entertainment at the anniversary meeting , collect payments thereof from the members , and , along with assistants , visit the distressed members , carry them the
Box alloAvance , and make due report of their case to the managers , that the sick may not be neglected , nor the society imposed upon . 12- —The Master to have the casting vote , and to sign every sederunt along with the Clerk . 13 . —The Master , or in his absence , his Depute , shall
have power to call a meeting of the committee , when necessary , and any three of the committee , with the Maste 1 ' and Clerk , or their deputies , shall have full power to transact such business , conform to the Kules of the society , as may come before them . Every meeting so called must be intimated to the members of the
committee by the officer . 1-1 . —All the books and accounts to bo kept in tho box ; this to be lodged with the Clerk . 15 . —The capital stock shall never be reduced belotv £ G 0 sterling , but if by much sickness , or death of members , the principal stock should fall below that sum , the managers shall lay on such additional quarter dues as may be necessary to raise tho stock to £ ' 60 sterlin g .
16 . —That every member who does not attend the annual general meeting , on the 27 th of December ( if living within tho distance of ton miles from Melrose ) , at half ? past two o ' clock , Avhen the roll is called , be fined Is . ; and that the roll he called again at dinner , and those absent fined 2 s . ( 3 d ., with this explanation , that members absent at
half-past two and fined Is ., if absent also at dinner , are only to be fined the 2 s . 6 d ., but those present at the at the calling of the last roll , if absent at the previous calling , are only liable for the Is . fine ; and that no business be brought before the lodge after dinner . Members of committee fined 6 d . if not present at quarterly meetings by eight o ' clock , and to stay at least one hour .
17 . —When any member who has duly paid into the fund for the space of five years , after the date of his entry , is prevented by accident , or sickness , from
working as usual , he shall , within one week of his illness , apply to the nearest Steward , or assistant Steward , who shall visit him and report his case to the managers ; after that , if the distressed member be sick , and confined to his bed he shall receive from the funds 5 s . per week for the first thirteen weeks , but if he be not
confined to his bed he shall receive 4 s . per week , if his trouble continue so long , and after the end of the thirteen , he shall receive 3 s . per week during all the time of his remaining illness . 18 . —Every distressed member living without the visitation of the Stewards , must send a line to the Clerk
of the society , sighed by a Surgeon of character , certifying the time and manner of his illness , and the weekly aliment according to Art . 17 will be allowed , but if it be found out , that any member imposes upon the society by continuing to receive the allowance after his recovery he shall pay what he has unjustly received , Avith such fine as the society shall impose upon him : if he refuse he shall be excluded .
19 . —If any member shall by intemperance , lewdness ,, or quarrelling , bring any trouble upon himself , he shall receive no allowance during that distress . 20 . —When any member grows superannuated , and thereby unable to work for his daily bread , he shall receive 3 s . per week . Threepence to be paid by each member for every death that may take place in the
society . 21 . —As much shall be retained by the managers of every distressed member ' s alloAvance , as is necessary to keep their quarter dues , and other public expenses , clear in the Clerk's book . 22 . —When any member dies after he has paid five years into this society , upon due application being made to the managers by his heirs , the sum of £ 3 sterling shall be allowed : also the use of the society ' s
mortcloth . 23 . —When the wife of any member dies , if he has paid five years into tho society , he shall , by applying to the managers , receive the sum of £ 1 , 10 s . sterling , and the use of the society's mortcloth , for any of his family under his charge . Widows entitled to the mortcloth if not
married again . 24 . —That tho officer must go along with the mortcloth , and take charge thereof , for which he shall receive from the person employing him Is ., if within six miles of Melrose , but if above six miles , and not exceeding twenty miles , 2 s .
25 . —That each member shall have a right to a seat in the society's gallery in Melrose Church . 26 . —If any member shall think himself aggrieved by any deed of the committee , he may appeal to the annual meeting of the society , but if sentence be affirmed by a majority at the general meeting , there shall be no further
appeal against it ( as it is expressly agreed , that the affairs of the society shall be decided by the society itself ) , and the same shall be binding to all intents and purposes . 27 . —In every meeting the master shall be addressed by the speaker , and to prevent confusion , only one shall speak at a time : whoever refuses to keep good order ac-