Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL . Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mirror.
The quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this school was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday , Bro . Udall , V . P ., in the chair . The minutes of the last Lodge having been read , and the usual formal resolutions passed , The treasurer was directed to sign cheques for £ 625 , being
the expenses of the past quarter . The following- resolutions were carried .- — " To alter Rule 64 , page 11 , line 16 , by omitting the words ' iu the month of June , ' -and substituting for the same ' in the early part of April ; ' and also to omit in the following line the words , ' and approved by the General Committee . '"
" That Rule No . 57 ( relating to the admission of a child who has a sister in the school ) be expunged . That the number of children to be admitted to the school may from time to time he altered , as the Quarterly General Court , by resolution , of which notice has been given at a previous General Court or General Committee may determine , and such resolution shall not require
confirmation at a subsequent Quarterly Court . " " That all deeds and securities shall be deposited for safe custody with the Bankers of the Institution , in the names of the Trustees , and they shall not be removed , except upon the written order of at least two of the Trustees . " The Earl de Grey , D . G . M ., was appointed an auditor in the room of Bro . Beadon , P . G . W ., deceased . The election of nine pupils , out of seventeen candidates , was then proceeded with , and resulted as follows : —
ELECTED . VOTES . 1 . Stophor , Emily Hester 5576 2 . Redgrave , Emily 3162 3 . Armstrong , Hairiefc 3059 4 . Goodcliild , Emily Sophia 2577 5 . Henty , Ellen Blanche 2385 6 . Koe . Emilv 2135 7 . Chase , Mary 1536
S . Measor , Clara Helena 1456 9 . Morris , Julia Caroline 14-22 EOT ELECTED . 10 . Kardcastle , Phoebus , A . R . B 1413 11 . Richardson , Aland Fanny Eva 1397 12 . Li ttlewood , Sarah Anil 1164 13 . AldridgeAnne 1011
, 14 . Triggs , Ada Fanny 657 15 . Browning , Emma 534 16 . BurdittMary 394 17 . Hodgson , Mary Ann 90 "Votes of thanks to the Secretary and Chairman closed the proceedings .
Provincial .
CHESHIRE . CHESTED — Lodge of Independence ( No . 1023 ) . —The members of this lodge hold their first meeting for the Masonic session at their rooms , the Pied Bull Inn , Norgate-street , in this city , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult . There was a full muster of the subscribing brethren and several visiting members of the
Craft present . The lodge was opened at 5 p . m ., with the usual lonns and ceremonies , by the veteran W . M . " "Bro . Brown , with Ws Senior and Junior Wardens . Bro . Watts and Burghall , ¦ P-M . ' s . Two candidates were ballotted for , unanimously accepted , and admitted into the mysteries of the Masonic tie " > ' the installing P . M ., Bro . Lyon , assisted by the "Worshipful
P . M ., Bro . Gerrard , and the very efficient J . D ., Bro . Kainbi id"e , who is most attentive to the duties of his office . Dnrhi <* the evening other candidates were proposed for initiation and as joining members . It will be gratifying to the brethren of the Province to know that it is . the intention of a number of influential brothers , headed by the Right "Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , Field Marshal "Viscount Comberaiere , with the LadPatroness of this
countyViscountessCombery , . mere , to found an educational institution to educate and forward in life the children of deceased or reduced brethren , similar to that of West Lancashire , which has worked so well for so many years . At the above lodge the W . M . read a communication from the promoters of the movement , when it was unanimousl y agreed that the Lodge of lndependance should subscribe the sum of £ 5 5 s ., which will constitute the W . M . for the time
being a life governor , with the privilege of tire votes . The report was so well received that each brother present put his name down as annual subscribers of five shillings each ( agreeable to the scheme ) entitling them to one vote each . This is considered a step in the right direction , and no doubt will meet with the co-operation of all the lodges in the province . The Masonic labours of the evening being endedthe lod
, ge was called to refreshment , when the brethren sat down to an * excellent banquet , presided over by the W . M . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , interspersed with some capjital singing , a most delightful evening being spent . The brethren were called to labour , when the lodge was finally closed in form and adjourned .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . GLOUCESTER . —Hoyal Lebanon Lodge ( No . 72-4 . )—The members of this lodge met in full force on Tuesday , the 7 th inst ., it being the usual period for electing the W . M . for the ensuing year . On a motion by the worthy W . M . ( Bro . W . M . Wilson ) , and seconded by Bro . "W . B . Stocker , S . W ., Bro . E . S . Cossens , the W . M . of No . 1202 was nnanimously elected an honorary member
, of the lodge , and who at the request of the W . M ., proceeded , in his position as P . M ., to examine Bros . Cooke and Daniel Smith , and having found them worthy , duly conferred upon them the S . D . of M . M . in a most impressive and solemn manner , the brethren expressed to Bro . Cossens their gratification of his excellent working . The lodge then proceeded v . 'ith the election of the W . M ., and on a ballot Bro . W . B . Stocker , J . W .
was by a majority duly elected to that high honour . The installation to take place at the regular lodge meeting in November next . Bro . Ladkin was proposed as the future Treasurer , by Bro . W . B . Stocker , W . M . elect , and seconded by Bro . Wilson , the W . M . in esse , and was duly elected , as well also Bro . Doyle was re-elected as tbe Tyler . The brethren partook of a sumptuous banquetprovided by Bro . Daniel Smithin his usual
-, , per fect manner , it gave much satisfaction to the brethren . TEWKESBURY . —St . George ' s Lodge ( So . 1202 ) . —At a Lodge of Emergency , held on the 19 th ult , the W . M ., after duly examining the candidates , confirmed the S . I ) , of M . M . on Bros . W . Powell and John Price in his usual able manner , and at a Lodge of Emergency held on the 6 th instant , Bros . JF . H . HerveyGeorge Blizardand Samuel Wooles passed a
, , very satisfactory examination , and were duly passed by the W . M . to the degree of P . C ., and Bros . W . H . Pearcy and S . P . Brookes having a highly commendable examination , the W . M . conferred upon them the S . D . of M . M . The brethren retired to a well furnished refreshment , provided by Bro . Trotinan , and retired much delighted with the works of the lodge .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BEEEHAirrSTEAD . —Berhlamstead Lodge ( No . 742 ) . —At tho regular meeting of this lodge , held on Wednesday , 1 st October , at the King ' s Arms Hotel . Present Bros . J . Deeston , W . M . j George Lambert , S . W . ; J . B . Newall , J . W . ; and others . A ballot was taken for the election of W . M . and Treasurer , the result being that Bro . Lambert was chosen for the chairand
, Bro . J . Lane for the Treasurership of the lodge . Besides some private and local matters , there was no other business . The W . M . elect , in tendering his thanks for the honour conferred upon him , expressed his intention to advance the interests of the lodge and increase its strength , by every means in his power , and trusted to have more active support from the resident members .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
The quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this school was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday , Bro . Udall , V . P ., in the chair . The minutes of the last Lodge having been read , and the usual formal resolutions passed , The treasurer was directed to sign cheques for £ 625 , being
the expenses of the past quarter . The following- resolutions were carried .- — " To alter Rule 64 , page 11 , line 16 , by omitting the words ' iu the month of June , ' -and substituting for the same ' in the early part of April ; ' and also to omit in the following line the words , ' and approved by the General Committee . '"
" That Rule No . 57 ( relating to the admission of a child who has a sister in the school ) be expunged . That the number of children to be admitted to the school may from time to time he altered , as the Quarterly General Court , by resolution , of which notice has been given at a previous General Court or General Committee may determine , and such resolution shall not require
confirmation at a subsequent Quarterly Court . " " That all deeds and securities shall be deposited for safe custody with the Bankers of the Institution , in the names of the Trustees , and they shall not be removed , except upon the written order of at least two of the Trustees . " The Earl de Grey , D . G . M ., was appointed an auditor in the room of Bro . Beadon , P . G . W ., deceased . The election of nine pupils , out of seventeen candidates , was then proceeded with , and resulted as follows : —
ELECTED . VOTES . 1 . Stophor , Emily Hester 5576 2 . Redgrave , Emily 3162 3 . Armstrong , Hairiefc 3059 4 . Goodcliild , Emily Sophia 2577 5 . Henty , Ellen Blanche 2385 6 . Koe . Emilv 2135 7 . Chase , Mary 1536
S . Measor , Clara Helena 1456 9 . Morris , Julia Caroline 14-22 EOT ELECTED . 10 . Kardcastle , Phoebus , A . R . B 1413 11 . Richardson , Aland Fanny Eva 1397 12 . Li ttlewood , Sarah Anil 1164 13 . AldridgeAnne 1011
, 14 . Triggs , Ada Fanny 657 15 . Browning , Emma 534 16 . BurdittMary 394 17 . Hodgson , Mary Ann 90 "Votes of thanks to the Secretary and Chairman closed the proceedings .
Provincial .
CHESHIRE . CHESTED — Lodge of Independence ( No . 1023 ) . —The members of this lodge hold their first meeting for the Masonic session at their rooms , the Pied Bull Inn , Norgate-street , in this city , on Tuesday , the 30 th ult . There was a full muster of the subscribing brethren and several visiting members of the
Craft present . The lodge was opened at 5 p . m ., with the usual lonns and ceremonies , by the veteran W . M . " "Bro . Brown , with Ws Senior and Junior Wardens . Bro . Watts and Burghall , ¦ P-M . ' s . Two candidates were ballotted for , unanimously accepted , and admitted into the mysteries of the Masonic tie " > ' the installing P . M ., Bro . Lyon , assisted by the "Worshipful
P . M ., Bro . Gerrard , and the very efficient J . D ., Bro . Kainbi id"e , who is most attentive to the duties of his office . Dnrhi <* the evening other candidates were proposed for initiation and as joining members . It will be gratifying to the brethren of the Province to know that it is . the intention of a number of influential brothers , headed by the Right "Worshipful Prov . Grand Master , Field Marshal "Viscount Comberaiere , with the LadPatroness of this
countyViscountessCombery , . mere , to found an educational institution to educate and forward in life the children of deceased or reduced brethren , similar to that of West Lancashire , which has worked so well for so many years . At the above lodge the W . M . read a communication from the promoters of the movement , when it was unanimousl y agreed that the Lodge of lndependance should subscribe the sum of £ 5 5 s ., which will constitute the W . M . for the time
being a life governor , with the privilege of tire votes . The report was so well received that each brother present put his name down as annual subscribers of five shillings each ( agreeable to the scheme ) entitling them to one vote each . This is considered a step in the right direction , and no doubt will meet with the co-operation of all the lodges in the province . The Masonic labours of the evening being endedthe lod
, ge was called to refreshment , when the brethren sat down to an * excellent banquet , presided over by the W . M . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , interspersed with some capjital singing , a most delightful evening being spent . The brethren were called to labour , when the lodge was finally closed in form and adjourned .
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . GLOUCESTER . —Hoyal Lebanon Lodge ( No . 72-4 . )—The members of this lodge met in full force on Tuesday , the 7 th inst ., it being the usual period for electing the W . M . for the ensuing year . On a motion by the worthy W . M . ( Bro . W . M . Wilson ) , and seconded by Bro . "W . B . Stocker , S . W ., Bro . E . S . Cossens , the W . M . of No . 1202 was nnanimously elected an honorary member
, of the lodge , and who at the request of the W . M ., proceeded , in his position as P . M ., to examine Bros . Cooke and Daniel Smith , and having found them worthy , duly conferred upon them the S . D . of M . M . in a most impressive and solemn manner , the brethren expressed to Bro . Cossens their gratification of his excellent working . The lodge then proceeded v . 'ith the election of the W . M ., and on a ballot Bro . W . B . Stocker , J . W .
was by a majority duly elected to that high honour . The installation to take place at the regular lodge meeting in November next . Bro . Ladkin was proposed as the future Treasurer , by Bro . W . B . Stocker , W . M . elect , and seconded by Bro . Wilson , the W . M . in esse , and was duly elected , as well also Bro . Doyle was re-elected as tbe Tyler . The brethren partook of a sumptuous banquetprovided by Bro . Daniel Smithin his usual
-, , per fect manner , it gave much satisfaction to the brethren . TEWKESBURY . —St . George ' s Lodge ( So . 1202 ) . —At a Lodge of Emergency , held on the 19 th ult , the W . M ., after duly examining the candidates , confirmed the S . I ) , of M . M . on Bros . W . Powell and John Price in his usual able manner , and at a Lodge of Emergency held on the 6 th instant , Bros . JF . H . HerveyGeorge Blizardand Samuel Wooles passed a
, , very satisfactory examination , and were duly passed by the W . M . to the degree of P . C ., and Bros . W . H . Pearcy and S . P . Brookes having a highly commendable examination , the W . M . conferred upon them the S . D . of M . M . The brethren retired to a well furnished refreshment , provided by Bro . Trotinan , and retired much delighted with the works of the lodge .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BEEEHAirrSTEAD . —Berhlamstead Lodge ( No . 742 ) . —At tho regular meeting of this lodge , held on Wednesday , 1 st October , at the King ' s Arms Hotel . Present Bros . J . Deeston , W . M . j George Lambert , S . W . ; J . B . Newall , J . W . ; and others . A ballot was taken for the election of W . M . and Treasurer , the result being that Bro . Lambert was chosen for the chairand
, Bro . J . Lane for the Treasurership of the lodge . Besides some private and local matters , there was no other business . The W . M . elect , in tendering his thanks for the honour conferred upon him , expressed his intention to advance the interests of the lodge and increase its strength , by every means in his power , and trusted to have more active support from the resident members .