Article LANCASHIRE (WEST). Page 1 of 1 Article LANCASHIRE (WEST). Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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Lancashire (West).
PBOVIXOIAL GBAXD LODGE . This Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in the Masonic Temple , Hope St . Liverpool , on Tuesday , October 7 th , by W . Bro . Gamble , Prov . G . J . W ., iu the absence of the R . W . D . Prov . Grand Master , Sir Thomas Hesketh , Bart ., M . A ., Prov . J . G . W . of England , assisted by W . Bros . Thomas Wylie , as D . Prov . G . M . Maudsleyas Prov . GS . W . ; W . Haddock , as Prov .
; , . G . J . W . ; and tlie rest of the Prov . Grand Officers . The minutes of last Provincial Grand Lodge meeting , and the two lodges of emergency , were read and confirmed . Notices of motiomwere made that £ 50 be given to the relief fund for the unemployed weavers , also £ 50 towards the building fund , for the new Masonic Hall , and several sums for charitable
purposes . Bro . C . J . BANISTER , Prov . G . D . C ., reminded the brethren that Stewards were wanted for the London Charities , and promised to help any brother who would act as Steward , but , most of the active members of this Prov . G . Lodge , being nowworking hard for the distressed operatives of this and neigh - homing provinces , postponed accepting the office this year . Letters were received by the Prov . G . Secretary from the R . W .
Prov . G . Master , Bro . L . J . N . Starkie , R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., and a telegraphed dispatch from the V . M . Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . G . S . W ., explaining the cause of absence . Bro . JAMES HAJIER , Prov . G . Treas ., was again unanimously elected to that office , and showed a good balance in his hands , and at the bank . J A court of Governors of the West Lancashire Educational Institution was then openedand the minutes of last meetings
, read and confirmed . Nearly £ 2000 was voted for the education and advancement in life of the children on this excellent institution , which now numbers uearly thirty upon its fund . Votes of thanks were recorded to the honorary officers , and the court closed . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed and the Prov . Grand Officers retired , marshalled by the Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs .
GAESTOIT . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —Monday , October the 6 th , being the regular meeting , the lodge was opened at the Wellington Hotel , by P . M . Bro . James Hamer as W . M ., in ¦ consequence of the death of the W . M . Bro . J . E . Thompson , assissted by the officers of the lodge . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Wilnisburst was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . J . D . Casson , W . M ., of the Downshire Lodge , No . 864 . Bro . H . Sewell was
passed to the degree of F . C . by Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . Mr . Solomon Borchardt and Mr . Morris Ammerstine being balloted for , were pa-operly prepared and presented to P . M . Bro . Edward Pierpont , who initiated each into the mysteries of the Order , Bro . John Pepper , Prov . G . A . D . C , acting as Deacon . The working tools were explained by the J . W . It was the unanimous wish of the lodge that the Secretary , Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C ., shall write a letter of condolence to the
widow of the late W . M . Bro . J . E . Thompson , which was done . The circular from the Secretary of the Royal Benevolent Institution was read , and Bro . Banister promised to assist any "brother who would undertake the office of Steward to that Institution . Business of the lodge over , it was closed in solemn form . At refreshment the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , also the " Visitors , " wdio are always welcome at the festive board of this lodge . The last toast given brought a very agreeable evening to a close .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) FitovnsciAL GEAITD LODGE . The quarterly meeting of the brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire was held in the Town Hall , Doncaster , on Wednesday , the 1 st inst . It had been intimated that the Right Hon . the "Earl de Grey and Ripon , the Right Worship ful Grand Master of the Province , would attend on the
occasihn , but a letter was sent by his lordship , from Hickleton Hall , on Monday , expressing his regret that a circumstance had occurred which would prevent Ins attendance . In his lordship's absence , the D . Prov . Gr . HL , Dr . Feai-nley , presided . The lodge was fitted up for the occasion in the large room of the Town Hall , and was decorated with several flags and banners , amongst which was conspicuous that of the St . George's Lodge ( Doncaster ) , No . 298 .
Lancashire (West).
The lodge was opened in the three degrees by the Worshi pful Master , the officers , and brethren of this lodge , viz .: —Smith , W . M . ; Wright , S . W . ; and Brooke , P . M . as J . W . ; after which several brethren of tbe different lodges in the province were admitted , consisting of parties from Leeds , Dewsbury , Heckmondwike , Batley Carr , Huddersfield , Sheffield . Rotherham , Pontefract , & c . The brethren of the Prov . Grand Lodge then
entered in procession , Dr . Spark , the Grand Organist , playing an appropriate air on the harmonium . The business of the Grand Lodge was then proceeded with , the principal of which consisted of a grant ( moved by Bro . the Rev . A . P . A . Woodford , the Secretary of the School , and sup . ported by Bro . Binckes ) , of a hundred guineas from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge to the Royal Masonic Institution for the sons of decayed and deceased Freemasons , at the festival
to be held in March next , to support the Prov . G . M ., who is expected to preside on the occasion . The next important business was a notice given of a motion for the next quarterly meeting for a grant of £ 20 , from the funds of the lodge in support of the Lancashire Relief Fund . The other business being of a routine character , the brethren proceeded to the parish church , where they were gratified by hearing some pieces on the grand organ , played by Mr . Rogers and Dr . Spark . Upwards of seventy brethren were present
during the proceedings . At three o'clock they proceeded to tbe Reindeer Hotel , where a banquet was pvovided , and which was of such a character as to give satisfaction to the guests . The chair was taken by the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Dr . Fearnley , who was supported by the Rev . Dr . Senior , G . Chap , and P . Prov . G . Chap ., and the Provincial Grand Officers . The vice-chair was occupied by Bro . T . Smith , the W . M . of St . George ' s Lodge , who was
supported by the officers and brethren of the lodge . The usual loyal toasts ( for which Freemasons are proverBial ) having been given , the Chairman proposed the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland and the rest of the Grand Officers ; the R . W . D . G . M . the Earl de Grey aud Ripon , & c . The Viee-Chairman proposed the health of the D . Prov . G . M . Dr . Fearnley , to which the latter responded , and proposed the health of the Rev . Dr . Senior , of Wakefield , G . Chap , of England . Other toasts followed ; and the brethren during the afternoon were entertained by several songs and performances on the piano by Bro . Dr . Spark and other brethren .
GLASGOW . —St . Marie ' s Lodge ( No . 102 ) . —On Monday evening , October 6 , the first of tbe winter's coui-se of lectures established in this lodge was delivered by Bro . E . W . Pritchai-d , M . D ., R . W . M ., 102 , of Berkeley-terrace , Glasgow , entitled " Rambles amongst the Ruins of Egypt . " His remarks were prefaced by reading a note from Bro . A . Alison , Kt ., Bart ., Prov . G . M ., & c , intimating regret at being unable to give his
promised address on that evening , in consequence of important official duties , and that he hoped to do so in the coming Christmas recess . ( Applause ) . The worthy Doctor then stated that about this time three years ago he landed at Alexandria , and found himself amongst a rabble who almost tore his effects from him . In the scene of confusion conspicuous were the long canes of the Custom House officers , lashing the persevering donkey boys and porters into orderapparentlwith little effect . "My
, y ; donkey , Snooks , very good ; " "Jim Crow , sare , very good ;" take him . " Backshish , sare "— " Englishman plenty money , " and so on . He sketched rapidly , unassisted by notes , but in succinct extemporaneous eloquence , the securing a boat , taking advantage of a favouring wind , and voyaging on the Nile to the second cataract , " Wady Halfah . " The best time for visiting Egypt is October ; leave it end of March , and visit Syria . Tate
only observations at a distance of Pyramids and ruins ascending , leave close inspection and exploring the return . When dropping down the gentle bosom of the "Nile , " you can command your own time , and work the many wonders of Egyptian temples unparalleled "Aboo SimbaY , " extensive " Edfoo , " gorgeous "Xarnac , " beauteous "Tombs of the Kings ; " great statues of Memnon , Luxor , Dendera , Beni Hasen ; Pyramids ; ancient Thebes , renowned Memphis , Heliopolis , Cairo—all were gracefully described , historically ' reviewed , and the lecturer fairly filled his audience with raptures at the glowing description ot
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lancashire (West).
PBOVIXOIAL GBAXD LODGE . This Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in the Masonic Temple , Hope St . Liverpool , on Tuesday , October 7 th , by W . Bro . Gamble , Prov . G . J . W ., iu the absence of the R . W . D . Prov . Grand Master , Sir Thomas Hesketh , Bart ., M . A ., Prov . J . G . W . of England , assisted by W . Bros . Thomas Wylie , as D . Prov . G . M . Maudsleyas Prov . GS . W . ; W . Haddock , as Prov .
; , . G . J . W . ; and tlie rest of the Prov . Grand Officers . The minutes of last Provincial Grand Lodge meeting , and the two lodges of emergency , were read and confirmed . Notices of motiomwere made that £ 50 be given to the relief fund for the unemployed weavers , also £ 50 towards the building fund , for the new Masonic Hall , and several sums for charitable
purposes . Bro . C . J . BANISTER , Prov . G . D . C ., reminded the brethren that Stewards were wanted for the London Charities , and promised to help any brother who would act as Steward , but , most of the active members of this Prov . G . Lodge , being nowworking hard for the distressed operatives of this and neigh - homing provinces , postponed accepting the office this year . Letters were received by the Prov . G . Secretary from the R . W .
Prov . G . Master , Bro . L . J . N . Starkie , R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., and a telegraphed dispatch from the V . M . Lord Skelmersdale , Prov . G . S . W ., explaining the cause of absence . Bro . JAMES HAJIER , Prov . G . Treas ., was again unanimously elected to that office , and showed a good balance in his hands , and at the bank . J A court of Governors of the West Lancashire Educational Institution was then openedand the minutes of last meetings
, read and confirmed . Nearly £ 2000 was voted for the education and advancement in life of the children on this excellent institution , which now numbers uearly thirty upon its fund . Votes of thanks were recorded to the honorary officers , and the court closed . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed and the Prov . Grand Officers retired , marshalled by the Prov . G . Dir . of Cirs .
GAESTOIT . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —Monday , October the 6 th , being the regular meeting , the lodge was opened at the Wellington Hotel , by P . M . Bro . James Hamer as W . M ., in ¦ consequence of the death of the W . M . Bro . J . E . Thompson , assissted by the officers of the lodge . The minutes of last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Wilnisburst was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . J . D . Casson , W . M ., of the Downshire Lodge , No . 864 . Bro . H . Sewell was
passed to the degree of F . C . by Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas . Mr . Solomon Borchardt and Mr . Morris Ammerstine being balloted for , were pa-operly prepared and presented to P . M . Bro . Edward Pierpont , who initiated each into the mysteries of the Order , Bro . John Pepper , Prov . G . A . D . C , acting as Deacon . The working tools were explained by the J . W . It was the unanimous wish of the lodge that the Secretary , Bro . C . J . Banister , Prov . G . D . C ., shall write a letter of condolence to the
widow of the late W . M . Bro . J . E . Thompson , which was done . The circular from the Secretary of the Royal Benevolent Institution was read , and Bro . Banister promised to assist any "brother who would undertake the office of Steward to that Institution . Business of the lodge over , it was closed in solemn form . At refreshment the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , also the " Visitors , " wdio are always welcome at the festive board of this lodge . The last toast given brought a very agreeable evening to a close .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) FitovnsciAL GEAITD LODGE . The quarterly meeting of the brethren of the Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire was held in the Town Hall , Doncaster , on Wednesday , the 1 st inst . It had been intimated that the Right Hon . the "Earl de Grey and Ripon , the Right Worship ful Grand Master of the Province , would attend on the
occasihn , but a letter was sent by his lordship , from Hickleton Hall , on Monday , expressing his regret that a circumstance had occurred which would prevent Ins attendance . In his lordship's absence , the D . Prov . Gr . HL , Dr . Feai-nley , presided . The lodge was fitted up for the occasion in the large room of the Town Hall , and was decorated with several flags and banners , amongst which was conspicuous that of the St . George's Lodge ( Doncaster ) , No . 298 .
Lancashire (West).
The lodge was opened in the three degrees by the Worshi pful Master , the officers , and brethren of this lodge , viz .: —Smith , W . M . ; Wright , S . W . ; and Brooke , P . M . as J . W . ; after which several brethren of tbe different lodges in the province were admitted , consisting of parties from Leeds , Dewsbury , Heckmondwike , Batley Carr , Huddersfield , Sheffield . Rotherham , Pontefract , & c . The brethren of the Prov . Grand Lodge then
entered in procession , Dr . Spark , the Grand Organist , playing an appropriate air on the harmonium . The business of the Grand Lodge was then proceeded with , the principal of which consisted of a grant ( moved by Bro . the Rev . A . P . A . Woodford , the Secretary of the School , and sup . ported by Bro . Binckes ) , of a hundred guineas from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge to the Royal Masonic Institution for the sons of decayed and deceased Freemasons , at the festival
to be held in March next , to support the Prov . G . M ., who is expected to preside on the occasion . The next important business was a notice given of a motion for the next quarterly meeting for a grant of £ 20 , from the funds of the lodge in support of the Lancashire Relief Fund . The other business being of a routine character , the brethren proceeded to the parish church , where they were gratified by hearing some pieces on the grand organ , played by Mr . Rogers and Dr . Spark . Upwards of seventy brethren were present
during the proceedings . At three o'clock they proceeded to tbe Reindeer Hotel , where a banquet was pvovided , and which was of such a character as to give satisfaction to the guests . The chair was taken by the R . W . D . Prov . G . M ., Dr . Fearnley , who was supported by the Rev . Dr . Senior , G . Chap , and P . Prov . G . Chap ., and the Provincial Grand Officers . The vice-chair was occupied by Bro . T . Smith , the W . M . of St . George ' s Lodge , who was
supported by the officers and brethren of the lodge . The usual loyal toasts ( for which Freemasons are proverBial ) having been given , the Chairman proposed the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland and the rest of the Grand Officers ; the R . W . D . G . M . the Earl de Grey aud Ripon , & c . The Viee-Chairman proposed the health of the D . Prov . G . M . Dr . Fearnley , to which the latter responded , and proposed the health of the Rev . Dr . Senior , of Wakefield , G . Chap , of England . Other toasts followed ; and the brethren during the afternoon were entertained by several songs and performances on the piano by Bro . Dr . Spark and other brethren .
GLASGOW . —St . Marie ' s Lodge ( No . 102 ) . —On Monday evening , October 6 , the first of tbe winter's coui-se of lectures established in this lodge was delivered by Bro . E . W . Pritchai-d , M . D ., R . W . M ., 102 , of Berkeley-terrace , Glasgow , entitled " Rambles amongst the Ruins of Egypt . " His remarks were prefaced by reading a note from Bro . A . Alison , Kt ., Bart ., Prov . G . M ., & c , intimating regret at being unable to give his
promised address on that evening , in consequence of important official duties , and that he hoped to do so in the coming Christmas recess . ( Applause ) . The worthy Doctor then stated that about this time three years ago he landed at Alexandria , and found himself amongst a rabble who almost tore his effects from him . In the scene of confusion conspicuous were the long canes of the Custom House officers , lashing the persevering donkey boys and porters into orderapparentlwith little effect . "My
, y ; donkey , Snooks , very good ; " "Jim Crow , sare , very good ;" take him . " Backshish , sare "— " Englishman plenty money , " and so on . He sketched rapidly , unassisted by notes , but in succinct extemporaneous eloquence , the securing a boat , taking advantage of a favouring wind , and voyaging on the Nile to the second cataract , " Wady Halfah . " The best time for visiting Egypt is October ; leave it end of March , and visit Syria . Tate
only observations at a distance of Pyramids and ruins ascending , leave close inspection and exploring the return . When dropping down the gentle bosom of the "Nile , " you can command your own time , and work the many wonders of Egyptian temples unparalleled "Aboo SimbaY , " extensive " Edfoo , " gorgeous "Xarnac , " beauteous "Tombs of the Kings ; " great statues of Memnon , Luxor , Dendera , Beni Hasen ; Pyramids ; ancient Thebes , renowned Memphis , Heliopolis , Cairo—all were gracefully described , historically ' reviewed , and the lecturer fairly filled his audience with raptures at the glowing description ot